In the middle of the night, Zhu Zeng was thinking about the war and couldn't sleep.

Clothed out of the camp, I saw that the snow had stopped, the dome was as dark as a bowl of ink, and the camp stretched for dozens of miles, with no end in sight.

Everything was silent, and the sound of rushing bamboo and silk from the direction of the central army tent in the Xingxun camp was especially in ear.

Even after such a long distance, it drifted over intermittently.

In the trumpet company camp where the war is about to break out, such a noise is out of place.

Zhu Zeng listened for a moment, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I am glad that I left the Xingxun camp in time and switched to Lezhenggong, but I am also a little worried in my heart.

The war was coming, Xing Xun was so arrogant and underestimated the enemy, Ye Ye Shengge did not say, Le Zhenggong also seemed to be cautious about retaining his strength for the next war.

Although he did not say it explicitly, Zhu Zeng saw it.

Although the number of coalition forces is claimed to be twice that of Wei Shao's army, it is in a state of crushing strength, but the supreme commander of the coalition forces, one is arrogant, the other is secretly selfish, and waits and sees.

If their opponents are ordinary people, it may not be a big problem. Just the soldiers who are discharged can crush the opponent to death.

But now, the opponent they face is Wei Shao, the hegemon of the north.

Although Zhu Zeng never met Wei Shao, he knew all the rumors about him.

If Wei Shao was an easy opponent to deal with, he decided that it was impossible for him to reach today's status at a mere twenty-four or five years of age.

No one's turf is easy to come by. Even if we rely on the shadow of our ancestors, we have to win battles one by one.

Wei Shao decided to be a formidable opponent.

Xing Xun is just fine. On Le Zhenggong's side, Zhu Zeng decided to find an opportunity to remind him.

Since he participated in the Northern Expedition, he must go all out to seize this opportunity to annihilate Wei Shao's living force in one fell swoop, and avoid giving him any chance to make a comeback.

After Zhu Zeng thought about it, he turned back to the tent, turned off the lights and got on the bed.

When he was worried about the war situation and couldn't sleep, in another tent not far from him, there was another person, who was also sleepless tonight.

As one of Le Zhenggong's advisers, although Zhang Yan is not considered to be wise, but over the years, he has made suggestions for Le Zhenggong. It deserves his reuse.

But now, he feels his position is in jeopardy.

Zhu Zeng is rapidly replacing him, and he has become Le Zhenggong's most important advisor.

From his standpoint, he naturally hoped that Le Zhenggong would win the battle of the Northern Expedition.

But he also knew that if Wei Shao was really defeated, then from now on, Zhu Zeng's importance in front of the lord would never be replaced.

He felt a little anxious.

In the middle of the night, I still held the candle and read a scroll of military books in my hand. Suddenly, there was a screeching sound of footsteps stepping across the snow outside the tent, and he personally followed the tent inside, saying that the guard at the Yuanmen had just come to report, saying that a man who claimed to be Rongyan came here late at night, asking to see him.

Zhang Yan was startled.

Rong Yan was acquainted with an old man who was an official in Luoyang many years ago.

At that time, Rong Yan was the official to Ting Wei, and he was forced to abandon his office and flee because he offended Xing Xun.

Zhang Yan and him are not close friends, but because they are both good at carving gold and stone seals, they have occasional contacts on weekdays.

At that time, he was amazed at his situation.

Later, he also switched to Lezhenggong. After many years of separation, I did not expect that he would come to visit here late at night.

After pondering for a while, he asked someone to take him inside.

Rongyan entered the tent and smiled happily: "Farewell to brother Yiliang Luoyang, after so many years, brother has always been well?"

Zhang Yan looked at the virtual response, and vaguely guessed that Rong Yan should be from Wei Shao's enemy camp.


He hesitated whether he should be called in and tied him up.

"The old friend visited Xukuo, could it be that the brother wanted to tie the younger brother, so that he could be sent to your Lord for credit?" Rong Yan smiled calmly.

Zhang Yan's face became hot, and she hurriedly said, "Brother Chang Lu misunderstood!"

With the friendship between the two in the past, although now they are their masters, they really can't do the act of tying people. He said, "Brother Chang Lu is probably serving Wei Shao. Now that the two armies are at war, I don't know why you came to look for him so late at night."

Rong Yan changed his smile just now, looked solemn, and gave Zhang Yan a deep gift.

Zhang Yan hurriedly straightened him and said, "Why did my brother give such a big gift, it's breaking me!"

Rong Yanfang said in a low voice, "To be honest, I am here to join the Marquis of Hanzhong."

Zhang Yan was stunned.

"Brother, I don't know. I gave up my post to join Wei Shao many years ago. I wanted to meet the Lord of the High World to show my ambitions in life. However, Wei Shaokong has a name, short-sighted and limited knowledge, and he refused to use me. Until now, I am no more than a mere marching soldier. That's all. Now that he is out of his capacity, he wants to use 300,000 troops to fight against the combined army of Xing Xun and the Marquis of Hanzhong. But it is like the sun in the sky, and he will surely sing the phoenix for nine days. I yearn for it. I hate that I have no merit, and there is no way to succeed. Fortunately, I learned that Brother Yiliang is now the left arm of the Marquis of Hanzhong, and it is indispensable. If things were to open, he would have fled from Wei Shao's camp at night, and defected to Brother Yiliang! I hope to see you on my old friend's behalf and recommend it for me."

He took out a piece of parchment and displayed it on the desk, and said: "I am engaged in marching, and I can enter and leave the main tent. This is the strategic map of Wei Shao's battle that I have secretly copied. The above details include Li Yang, Fan Jin, and Huangchi Grain and Grass Storage. The military garrison and deployment route. I would like to offer a map to show my determination to serve!"

Zhang Yan looked at the picture and marked it in detail. Overjoyed: "Brother Chang Lu used to be a bright pearl in the past, but now he is on the right track. My lord is thirsty for talent, so how could he be turned away?" After receiving the picture, he immediately wanted to take him to see Le Zhenggong, but Rong Yan was arrested by Rong Yan. hold. When he reached the door of the tent, he opened it and glanced quietly, turned around and whispered in his ear: "I have another top secret to tell Xiongtai. A few days ago, I eavesdropped on Wei Shao and the military advisor Gongsun Yangzhi outside the tent. During the secret conversation, I heard the name of Zhu Zeng mentioned in the words of the two of them. At that time, there were soldiers on the side, and I was afraid of being discovered, so I left in a hurry. Xun, after escaping from Luoyang, it seems that he ran to Wei Shao first, was retained by him, and then went to the account of the Marquis of Hanzhong. I suspect that he was a fine work sent by Wei Shao!"

Zhang Yan was shocked at first, then ecstatic again, grabbing Rongyan's sleeve: "Is this true?"

Rong Yan said sternly: "I'm not sure, because I didn't listen to the conversation between the two of them at the time. But I do have doubts. I didn't want to say it. But this matter is very important, so I hesitated again and again, or quietly told my brother first. Taiwan is better. Xiongtai can keep it secret first, and keep an eye on Zhu Zeng’s actions in secret, lest I make a mistake in my ears and ruin people’s innocence out of thin air.”

Zhang Yan's mood was even more excited than when he saw the map just now. He walked around the tent for a few laps, seeming to make up his mind, clenched his right fist, slammed his left palm, and said resolutely: "As my brother said, this matter is very important, and there is no reason to hesitate! I have to report to the lord immediately and call Lord, be careful, lest you fall into Wei Shao's trick!"

After that, he led Rongyan to secretly go to the central army tent.

Le Zhenggong was awakened.

Zhang Yan Yinrongyan came to him to explain the purpose of his visit, and he spoke very eloquently.

Rong Yan came forward to meet him.

The war is imminent, and the factions of the two sides are making detailed exchanges and inquiries. Le Zhenggong has also collected some battle reports about Wei Shao's marching layout, but most of them are fragmentary.

Just by lighting the candle, I carefully looked at the map presented by Rong Yan, compared with the information I knew, the overlaps were completely consistent, and I knew it was false.

Rongyan's reason for switching to himself is also reasonable.

Ben believed it on the spot.

I don't want Zhang Yan to tell Zhu Zeng again. Suddenly doubtful. After pondering for a long time, he suddenly changed his face, threw the map in his hand to the ground, and said, "Wei Shao can be deceived when I am a three-year-old child? You are clearly assigned by him, pretending to surrender, and want to use a plan of alienation! How can you do such tricks? Concealed me!"

With a loud shout, he called someone inside, tied Rong Yan, and pushed him out of the gate to beheaded.

Zhang Yan was shocked and hurriedly begged for his mercy.

Yue Zhenggong did not say a word, his expression gloomy.

Rong Yan was bound by Le Zhenggong's personal soldiers and pushed out. He didn't even defend himself. He laughed wildly all the way and pushed him to the gate.

Le Zhenggong asked someone to bring him back, and said coldly: "When death is imminent, you are still salivating! Why do you think our army is powerful? It's just that I always respect tough guys. Although you are meticulous, you can still enter me. Eye. If you come from the truth, I will spare your life!"

Rong Yanfang stopped laughing, raised his head and said coldly: "Since you don't believe me, what else can I say? It's just a pity, I heard that you are a little bit arrogant, and you are a master of the world. When you are alive, you should make achievements and careers the top priority, and only yearn for it. Take the risk of stealing Wei Shao's pictures and come to vote for your name. I don't want you to be suspicious. Kill and kill when I'm afraid?"

"My lord! I can vouch for my life. Brother Chang Lu is definitely not Wei Shao's meticulous work! Just now, he only expressed his doubts in front of me, and tried his best to prevent me from telling the lord, so as not to hurt Zhu Zeng's innocence! I can testify for Chang Lu! "

Zhang Yan was beside her, her excitement was beyond words.

Le Zhenggong stared at Rong Yan for a moment, the haze faded, he laughed suddenly, picked up the map he just threw from the ground, stepped forward, clasped Rong Yan's arm tightly with both hands, and said happily, "It was just me just now. It's just a test! The long road is a real hero, and my arrogance breaks my heart! I will have another good minister in the future, and God will bless me!"

Rong Yeon smiled. Revisit the ceremony. Le Zhenggong sealed him his official position. Zhang Yan was anxious and reminded: "My lord, the matter of Zhu Zeng cannot be postponed. You should immediately arrest him and come to question him!"

Le Zhenggong pondered.

The reason why he abandoned Luoyang and changed to help Xingxun in the Northern Expedition was all because of Zhu Zeng's advice.

The war was imminent, and Wei Shao was at a disadvantage. At this critical moment, a demotion suddenly came, and he opened his mouth to bring the news that Zhu Zeng was a detailed work.

It's really suspicious, so it's just a deliberate test.

At this moment, although Xin Rongyan sincerely came to vote, he was still dubious when he said something to Zhu Zengxi.

Or rather, he didn't want to believe it.

He said, "Chang Lu just said it, but I didn't hear what Wei Shao and Gongsun Yang said. Don't be alarmed. I have my own concerns."

He also instructed Rongyan not to show up for a few days.

Although Zhang Yan was unwilling and wished to immediately catch Zhu Zeng to expose his face, but did not dare to speak out. Then Yu Rongyan withdrew.

The next day, Le Zhenggong summoned Zhu Zeng to come to the tent. He didn't mention what happened last night, but only asked about the battle strategy.

Zhu Zeng never dreamed that he was already being targeted. Listening to Le Zhenggong's inquiries about the battle, he listed Xing Xun's mistakes in governing the army and urged him not to underestimate the enemy, but to concentrate his forces here and prepare for a decisive battle.

Yue Zhenggong promised on the surface, but he was secretly suspicious in his heart.

After a few days, the snowstorm stopped. Le Zhenggong stepped up his preparations. In the morning, I heard a commotion outside the tent.

Le Zhenggong went out, and when he saw Ding Qu carrying a halberd and a team of followers, he seemed to be forcibly entering. He was stopped by his own child, Le Zhengjun.

Swords were drawn on both sides, and the battle was about to break out.

Although Ding Qu has the reputation of being brave and invincible, he is arrogant and arrogant. Now that Xing Xun has proclaimed the emperor, he has been enthroned and added to the throne, which is even more invincible.

The conflict between the two armies a few days ago was caused by the fact that Ding Qu sent people to forcibly take the fuel from his side.

Xing Xun became emperor, and now that he is following him to send troops, he cannot turn against him.

Therefore, upon hearing the news at that time, Le Zhenggong did not need to stop him and let him take it.

There was a thorn in my heart.

At this moment, he held back his anger and ordered Le Zhengjun to back away: "General Ding came here early in the morning, what's your purpose?"

Ding Qu strode in front of Le Zhenggong, and said proudly: "I am under the order of Your Majesty to come and ask for the head!"

Le Zhenggong was slightly startled: "What's the meaning of this?"

Ding Qu sneered: "Your Majesty, the Marquis of Hanzhong, can be deceived and deceived? Zhu Zeng has sinned against His Majesty and fled to you privately. Do you dare to cover up?"

Yuezheng used Zhu Zeng, considering that Xing Xun was nearby, he had never shown his face before whether it was a banquet in the army or a meeting and negotiation.

I don't know how Xing Xun knew.

After thinking for a while, he said, "So that's the case. Zhu Zeng accidentally accused His Majesty in the past, and he was also extremely frightened. When I ask him to write a letter of incrimination in his hand, I will present it to the imperial inspection before His Majesty's case. The general can go back first."

Ding Qu shook the halberd in his hand, and the iron ring on the back of the halberd rattled.

Le Zhenggong is armed with iron-clad soldiers. Now he has sent troops here to attack Wei Shao together. Even Xing Xun didn't look into it. How could he look down on Ding Qu?

It has been tolerated repeatedly before. Seeing that Ding Qu was so advanced, he sneered: "The general is so powerful! That day Hu Laodu and Wei Shao fought for the first time. The name of the general hero is known to everyone in the world. I also admire it very much."

On the day of the first battle at Hulao, Ding Qu was beaten and lost his armor and escaped. Although he thought it was caused by underestimating the enemy for a while, it was a great shame after all. Therefore, it was only later that he managed to save Xingxun from the siege, which was barely saved face.

At this moment, Le Zhenggong's face was ripped off in public. In addition to being ashamed, he was burning with anger.

When he is about to attack, he looks around and sees people who are happy and positive. After thinking for a while, he threw down a cruel word, and walked away in a hurry with laughter behind him.

"Father! Such a shameless and unrighteous villain, what to do with him! I was just about to beat him out!"

Le Zhengjun let out a bad breath and laughed.

Le Zhenggong instructed him to step up the guarding of the barracks, beware of Ding Qu's trouble again, and turned around and entered the barracks.

When Zhu Zeng heard the news that Ding Qu came to want his head, he was terrified.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, he just stared at himself, his eyes were weird, he hesitated, and said, "My lord is worried about protecting me and guilty?"

Le Zhenggong's tone suddenly changed: "I heard that you voted for Wei Shao before you voted for me?"

Zhu Zeng was taken aback: "Master Mingjian. There is absolutely no such thing!"

"But I have to secretly report that you are a fine work sent by Wei Shao to lie beside me!"

Zhu Zeng was taken aback and hurriedly pleaded for grievance.

Yue Zhenggong listened to his self-argument and was dubious, and ordered him to retire first.

Zhu Zeng was helpless and had to retreat first.

As soon as he left, Zhang Yan, Luo Xian and others followed.

At the head of the war, Le Zhenggong urged Le Zhenggong not to fight Xing Xun because of Zhu Zeng.

Le Zhenggong hesitated, but at this moment, a letter from Meteor Express came in from outside the account.

I read it apart and was surprised.

It was actually sent by Le Zhenggong, the eldest son, Le Zhengkai, who was left behind to defend Hanzhong.

It is said that Yang Xin and Guo Quan joined the army and took a shortcut to send the troops to Liangzhou. Now they have passed the Lu family and headed straight for the Qingni Pass of Huashan Mountain.

Zhang Yan was shocked and said: "My lord! You are fooled! Zhu Zeng is indeed a spy sent by Wei Shao! He persuaded the lord to follow Xing Xun and send troops here, under the name of joining forces to kill Wei Shao. Be prepared for emptiness, and the intention is in Liangzhou! Liangzhou is the land of the lord's foundation, and it must not be lost!"

Le Zhenggong remembered that in the past few days, Zhu Zeng had been persuading himself in front of him that if he could not keep his troops secretly, he had to devote all his energy. He suddenly realized that, without any doubts, he scolded: "Wei Shao child! The intention is so sinister! The trick is to make me destroy the eyebrows and the old thief first, don't beware of him coveting the land of my inheritance behind my back!"

For a while, he was distraught, angry and remorseful, and immediately ordered Zhu Zeng to be tied up, pushed outside the Yuanmen and beheaded.

When everyone heard the news, they were incensed. Just as they could not agree, a report came from outside the gate, saying that just now, they were about to kill Zhu Zeng. At first, he thought it was someone from Xingxun Dongying, but he caught up, only to find that he was going to the enemy camp of Wei Shao opposite the old road of the Yellow River.

Afraid of being deceived, I don't dare to chase after him, so I will report back first.

Le Zhenggong almost vomited blood and vomited his lungs, overturned the table in front of him with one palm, and ordered to attack Wei Shao's camp immediately.

He was persuaded by Zhang Yan and others, saying that Wei Shao was so insidious and insidious that he must have taken precautions and should not rashly use troops.

After a long while, the anger in Le Zhenggong's chest gradually calmed down, and he walked back and forth in the tent a few times, saying: "Everyone's words are very true. I will write down this revenge! I will count it later! Pass my order, quickly Quickly pull out the camp and return to Hanzhong!"

Besides, Xing Xun, Zhu Zeng, who had to be reported to have escaped, was actually used by Lezheng, why would he be willing to give up? Early in the morning, Ding Qu was sent to Xiying to be a dignitary. Ding Quren didn't want to come, but was ridiculed instead. How could he bear this breath and come back to add fuel to Xing Xun? Although Dao Le Zhenggong took refuge in His Majesty in name, he was arrogant in fact, relying on a few soldiers, even his son It is also with eyes higher than the top, and does not put His Majesty in his eyes.

Xing Xun was unhappy, and immediately sent someone to pass Le Zhenggong to ask questions in front of him. I don't want to but I have to report it, saying that there seems to be a change in Xiying. Busy sending someone to see what happened.

In return, Le Zhenggong actually bypassed him and ordered the camp to go back to Hanzhong.

Xing Xun was furious and immediately ordered Ding Qu to go and capture Le Zhenggong.

Since Le Zhenggong had decided to return to the army to save himself, he took Xing Xun's words seriously, and sent Le Zhengjun to lead a second general to firmly guard the fence at the junction of the two battalions and step up their retreat.

Ding Qu wanted to break through the barrier, and Le Zhengjun was not a mediocre person, so he would not be allowed to cross the border.

The East and West camps of the coalition army actually killed each other and bloodied the fences.

When Xing Xun heard the news, he became more and more furious.

Being dissuaded by Zang Chang, he said: "Your Majesty has not heard that there is a need for priorities? Your Majesty's Northern Expedition, the first person to take the head was Wei Shao. Now the achievement is unfinished. Reap the benefits of the fisherman! If Le Zhenggong is going to leave, let him go. After Your Majesty destroys Wei Shao, he will attack Hanzhong with his teachers, capture Le Zhenggong alive, and ask him to bear the crime of escaping!"

The rest of the people also persuaded.

Xing Xunfang was persuaded to hold back his hatred and ordered to withdraw his troops and return to the army to step up his vigilance to prevent Wei Shao from taking the opportunity to attack the camp.

That night, Le Zhenggong was in a hurry to leave, so he burned the food and grass that was inconvenient to take away.

Overnight, the tents in the mountains and plains of Xiying disappeared. Fires blazed in the snow.

The sergeant of Wei Shao's camp opposite the old Yellow River can be seen clearly with the naked eye.

In Wei Shao's large tent of the Chinese army, there was thunderous laughter.

Wei Shao sat in the middle, Gongsun Yang, Li Dian, Li Chong, Zhang Jian, Wei Quan and others sat next to each other, talking and laughing about the fire in Xiying opposite.

"Rong Yan Ke'an?"

Wei Shao finished laughing and asked, "It's better to come back sooner. Otherwise, in a few days, when Le Zhenggong finds out that Yang Xin and Guo Quan only sent 5,000 troops and bluffing, I'm afraid it will be against him."

"Don't worry, my lord." Gongsun Yang said hurriedly, "I have already made an agreement with him. He has gained the trust of Le Zhenggong, and now his life is safe for the time being, so he cannot leave. Then all the previous achievements will be lost. When there is a suitable opportunity, you can escape and return to the camp.”

Wei Shao nodded: "This time, it's all about Rongyan's courage. It can be said that he has made a great contribution. The military advisor must remember him for a great contribution, and he will be rewarded after the war."

Gongsun Yangnuo.

At this time, the personal soldiers came to report, saying that Zhu Zeng had arrived.

Wei Shao asked someone to bring him in.

Zhu Zeng was bound by Wuhua, and in the faint laughter from the tent, he entered the Chinese army tent.

I saw that there were about ten people sitting in the tent, and the candles were bright, illuminating the long red sandalwood screen that separated the front and rear.

The screen is painted with green pine clouds and roaring tigers on the cliffs. A colorful tiger roared high on the hill. Although he didn't hear the sound, it seemed as if he was shaking Lin Gang, as if he was about to jump off the next moment.

On the left and right sides of the tiger screen, there is one on each side, which is higher than the top of the person, and is piled with various bamboo slips and documents.

In the middle of the case of a general, there are arrows and tiger talismans on the left and right.

After the case sat a man who was no more than twenty-four or five years old. He was not wearing a pocket, a black gold crown with hair tied, wearing a chain unicorn soft armor, a handsome cloak, and a sword hanging from his waist, showing the body of a dragon and a leopard.

His face was Yingyi, and he was turning slightly sideways, chatting and laughing with a man with three beards beside his seat with a clear face, and his posture was extremely unrestrained.

When someone reported that Zhu Zeng had brought it, the man stopped joking, turned his face, and swept his eyes over.

Zhu Zeng guessed that the young man should be Wei Shao.

Unexpectedly, the rumored northern hegemon, Wei Shao, turned out to be such an outstanding figure in the form of a phoenix and a dragon.

Was stunned for a while.

Until the young man stopped joking, sat up straight, raised two eyes, and swept towards himself.

Immediately, he felt that there was a kind of blood in the battlefield around him, blowing towards his face.

Fang's heart froze, and he didn't dare to look at the man behind the general's case again.

My heart is already hopeless.

Knowing that Wei Shao set up such a series of elaborate sets to frame himself, and finally made Le Zhenggong fall into the trap of retreating, he must have guessed that his strategy of sending troops to help Xingxun came from himself.

Must be hated.

It fell into his hands so confusedly, just waiting to be cut.

Unexpectedly, Wei Shao suddenly got up from behind the case, approached him, untied the ropes that bound him, and said with a smile, "I wronged Ziyi to relieve the soldiers. Do you blame me?"

Zhu Zeng raised his eyes and saw Wei Shao's smiling face, and was stunned for a while.

Looking at the others in the seat, they all looked at themselves with a smile on their faces.

Wei Quan said: "The lord knows that you are a great talent, and you can't bear to see your head cut off under the knife, so he sent troops to rescue him."

Zhu Zeng woke up like a dream, and was convinced, he immediately turned his head and bowed, saying: "Thanks to the high opinion of the Marquis of Yan, who abandoned the flaws and hired him, Zhu Zeng is willing to join his subordinates in return for the kindness of the Marquis Yan!"

Wei Shao laughed loudly, and was so arrogant that he ordered people to take the shocking wine and give him a drink. After some introductions, he sent Zhu Zeng down with his own soldiers.

The remaining people in the big tent also retreated one after another, and finally Gongsun Yang was left to ask about Yanzhou.

Xing Xun's army was blocked here, and when they were at a standstill with Wei Shao, they sent an army of Rencheng and Zhouqun, who had previously attacked Yanzhou, to suppress the border and attack Yanzhou again.

Qiao Ping led the army and fought back, but Zhou Qun was repelled.

Xing Xun was unwilling, and sent more troops to launch the offensive again. Yanzhou was then led by General Green Eye to help.

After the fierce battle, not only did Yanzhou survive, but Zhou Qun was also killed by the chaotic army.

This news was delivered to Wei Shao's case just yesterday.

"Master, don't worry too much." Gongsun Yang said, "From these two battles, it can be seen that Yanzhou has been fiercely fighting for the past two or three years, and it is no longer the weak and weak state of the old days. And with Bishe's help, there will be no loss. Now the coalition forces Falling apart, the weather is getting better day by day, the fighter plane is close at hand, the lord should go all out to deal with Xing Xun."

The two talked about the war again, and it was late at night.

Wei Shao personally sent Gongsun Yang back to the camp.

Returning to the central army tent, he felt his emotions fluctuating, he couldn't help turning around, stepping on the creaking snow under his feet, and walked towards the Yuanmen.

When the soldiers saw him coming out, they hurriedly gave a military salute.

Wei Shao nodded slightly, took off his big cloak, put it on the body of a soldier who was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and had a childish face. He patted him on the shoulder, and then went out of the gate by himself. On the top of a nearby hill covered with snow, facing the plains of the Yellow River, the old route of the Yellow River, I took a deep breath of cold and fresh air.

Immediately, there was a kind of heroic spirit in my heart that the world would give up on me.

He slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and finally, his eyes turned to the distant night sky in the north, and he stood silently for a long time.

She should be giving birth soon.

Maybe he may not be able to catch up with her to welcome the birth of the child.

But he will definitely take the next victory as the best gift for her and their children who are about to come into the world.

The young man who was undressed by the prince, in the envious eyes of his companions, suppressed his excitement, and with adoring eyes, stared for a long time at the back on the top of the hill in the distance, which seemed to be integrated with the night.

Fighting for the lord and lord, even if the blood is stained with yellow sand, he will not hesitate.

The young man said to himself in his heart.

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