Yaoguang didn't know about the changes in Yujing Mountain.

At this time, he was continuing to practice at Yuhuang Villa, using medicine to continuously refine the strength of his divine will, while digesting the growth that the materials obtained from this trip to the Red Star Royal Family had on the branches of [Martial Arts].

The progress has been directly pushed up from the previous 1% to 24%.

Not much has changed.

But it allowed Yaoguang to truly understand the choice and determination of the path of martial arts against the target.

From the information collected from the ancient tree, in addition to refining the body with gods and demons, the practice can also be divided into refining Qi, refining God, and enlightening the Tao.

However, Yaoguang discovered from the classics provided by the Liao Family Library and Jishihui that Qi Zong did not mention the practice system of "enlightenment", but it divided Qi refining and Shen refining in extremely detailed ways.

The world where Qi Zong is located is recorded in books as Cangwu Great World.

The world of raising weapons is one of the stars dotted outside the Cangwu world.

In Cangwu Realm, practitioners are divided into four major categories: physical cultivation, sword cultivation, technical cultivation, and spiritual cultivation.

After countless years of improvement, the four major categories of spiritual path have been refined to an unparalleled level.

Taking physical training as an example, it is divided into major majors such as attack, defense, endurance, perception, interception, anti-aircraft, and attack destruction.

The same is true for swordsmanship, with various differences such as attack, assault, stealth, fighting, fire coverage, long-range bombing, and information reconnaissance.

At the beginning of the ninth level of body refining, cultivators have reached the first big bottleneck, and many people will stay here throughout their lives.

Therefore, among the progress information that has increased to 24%, fighting and cultivation account for half each.

"The characteristics of physical training are stability, long battery life, and low consumption. The advantages of sword training are fast speed, long-range attacks, and strong assault. The advantages of physical training are high damage and large range... Facing different opponents, there are different attacks. Law……"

Fluctlight continued to digest the information and finally discovered...

Whether it is physical cultivation or sword cultivation, with the evolution of the times, magical powers and spells have been pushed to the extreme.

Spells and supernatural powers that were originally powerful enough to destroy cities and ponds have been continuously simplified so that even low-level practitioners can master them.

The characteristic brought about by this change is a serious overflow of lethality.

Some seventh-level practitioners can even master the spells used to build Dao-level monks. With one spell, a large number of ninth-level practitioners will die.

But mastering powerful spells beyond the next level represents an unbearable amount of consumption.

Maybe after this magic cultivator released this spell, his true energy was directly exhausted, and a fourth-level physical cultivator could easily take away their lives.


The path followed by practitioners becomes extreme.

The main reason for this phenomenon is that after countless years of development and improvement, the major practice systems have become extremely large and complex. It is extremely difficult to reach the peak of a certain branch of magic in a certain professional field.

For example, a practitioner of the Seventh Heaven's Destruction Road can master a foundation-level spell. After mastering it, the practitioner must continue to study this spell, how to increase its power, increase its range, and expand its range. In addition, there are Reduce real energy consumption, speed up release, ensure spell hits, etc.

There are various factors that need to be considered.

The influence of the five elements' vitality on spells, the interference of the curvature of the horizon on the precision of spells, aerodynamics, the principle of resistance, balance, etc.

In addition to these, different magic weapons and magic weapons will also increase or weaken the spell.

What impact will the spells used by the opponent have on his spells.

How to maximize the power of spells during combat.

There is so much to learn.

As a result, many practitioners master only one spell throughout their lives.

The same is true for sword cultivators, who have only mastered one flying sword in their entire lives.

There are also physical training routes corresponding to the body refining of Fluttering Gods and Demons, physical techniques to enhance defense, killing moves to enhance bursts, and a true body with no leakage of Hunyuan, which also require continuous study.

The 24% growth rate has aroused Yaoguang’s fear of being dominated by the postgraduate entrance examination.

"It's really complicated... The spiritual power of a warrior is called divine will, which focuses on deterrence in terms of 'power'. The distance is small, and it has good lethality itself. The spiritual power of a monk is called divine consciousness, the distance is moderate, and it focuses on control. For example, manipulating flying swords and manipulating true energy to form spells, while the spiritual power of practitioners of the Lian Shen Dao is divine thoughts, with a wide range, focusing on exploration and perception..."

Fluctlight recalled the newly added information.

"A high-level spiritual cultivator, the detection range of his spiritual thoughts exceeds a hundred miles, and those who build an immortal foundation can reach as far as tens of thousands of miles."

Thousands of miles.

What a concept! ?

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, most of the world was within his perception!

Yaoguang let out a long breath.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have the branch of [Shinto] now, he would have wanted to practice it at the same time.

Fortunately, although the 24% progress of the ninth level does not mention the realm above the ninth level of the Gods and Demons Body Refining, some of the miracles in it are more or less mentioned.


Warriors on the ninth level of heaven can integrate with the star force field, use the power of the stars to bless their bodies, and face nuclear explosions without damaging them.

"It's the initial guarantee of your own safety."

Yaoguang sighed with emotion.

He wished he could reach that level immediately.

But he also knew that there was no need to rush.

This is the first big watershed in the lives of all practitioners.

The span is even greater than from Grandmaster to Martial Saint, and it is by no means easy to break through.

He must lay a solid foundation step by step before he can sprint towards that realm.

Thinking about it, he smelled something.

Then Ellie brought over the prepared medicinal ingredients.

"Master, the medicinal ingredients have been mixed and brewed according to your instructions, but... the taste will be a bit bad."


Yaoguang nodded.

The reason why Ellie changed the combination of medicinal materials was because among the medicinal materials he got from the Griffin Garden, there was one main ingredient of the "Soul Casting Pill". This medicine was a prescription he got when he was at [Sixth Level of Martial Arts]. Spirit, condensing divine will, consciousness, and thoughts are of significant help.

There were no conditions before, but now that conditions permit, I naturally want to give it a try.

As he took this medicinal material brewed according to the recipe of "Soul Casting Pill", he soon entered into visualization.

But this kind of visualization lasted for a while, and his expression changed.

In less than ten minutes, he resolutely manipulated his internal organs and vomited out all the medicinal materials he had taken.


Ellie on the side exclaimed.

His expression was full of panic.

"It's not your fault."

Yaoguang waved his hand and asked Ellie to take away the brewed medicine.

"I thought it was too simple."

He recalled the description of the "Soul Casting Pill" in his mind.

It requires an alchemist to refine it.

He originally thought that by brewing the medicinal materials required for the elixir, even if it could not achieve the effect of the real "soul-casting elixir", it would only have a 10 to 20% effect, which would still save a lot of practice time.


Almost poisoned.


Yaoguang felt a little sorry.

The resources help practice immediately.

The big forces have ensured their absolute dominance in the Cangwu world through their monopoly on resources.

Among these resources, elixirs are the most important.

Especially for the early stage of practice, as long as the elixir resources can keep up, the progress of practice can be rapid.

"The ancient tree has not grown new branches so far. Perhaps it is because the Martial Saint, the Divine Martial Saint, and the Hunyuan Martial Saint all belong to the same realm. Then, when they reach the stage of heaven and human, they should be able to grow new branches. , and the profession represented by the branches is related to my experience during this period..."

Yaoguang originally wanted to name a new profession similar to [Sword Cultivator] and [Skill Cultivator].

If nothing else, the key is that he is handsome.

The sword Qing Ming controls the nine heavens.

Isn't this much more handsome than [Martial Arts] Xiaoyao?

But considering that [Martial Arts] has been pushed to the ninth level by him, naming [Sword Cultivator] again would be suspicious of duplication.

Moreover, once the career point is revealed, the strength may not be improved immediately.

Judging from the current trend...

The right path is to choose the [Alchemy] profession as soon as possible.

Now he has to be stuck in the "divine will" step for several months. If he wants to possess the "body of heaven and man", he will need to temper it in the oven of heaven and earth for at least a year or two.

The bodies of heaven and humans need to be further refined and improved.

If he continues to practice step by step, he may not be able to reach the peak of the ninth level in ten or eight years.

Others may be happy to have reached the peak of the ninth level of God-Demon Body Refining in ten years.

But Fluctlight...

Don't want to stay up for so long.

Now that you know a method that can significantly shorten this process, why not give it a try?

"Alchemy, you have to continue practicing, not for anything else, just to find out the side business of alchemy."

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

Pills are the best tools for practicing shortcuts.

While thinking about it, Yaoguang once again devoted himself to practice, feeling his own evolution and growth bit by bit.

And he is addicted to it and cannot extricate himself.

A few days later.

Kong Fang hurriedly brought a message.

"Something big has happened. The Snow Dragon Empire and the Rebirth Society are at full war."

His expression was full of solemnity: "At the beginning, the Snow Dragon Empire launched a 'catastrophe' missile carrying nine nuclear warheads, razing the Rebirth Society's headquarters to the ground. Almost at the same hour, the Rebirth Society's counterattack came, and they hypnotized Taking control of the top management of the Xuelong Empire, the Xuelong Empire's 'Destruction' system and 'Judger' system were completely disintegrated. During the disintegration process, hundreds of nuclear bombs were detonated in Xuelong's homeland, forcing Xuelong himself to shut down all nuclear warheads in service. …”

"Will Snow Dragon and Rebirth go into full-scale war?"

Yaoguang was a little stunned.

If he said that Red Star and Rebirth would go into full-scale war, he still believed it, but Xue Long...

They had long ago driven out the Rebirth Society, and the Rebirth Society seldom operated in the Western Continent occupied by Snow Dragon.

Why is Xue Long suddenly fighting with the Rebirth Society now?

"We are currently investigating, but as early as three days ago, someone detected a strong energy reaction in Yujing Mountain. However, before that, Xuelong issued an announcement that they would conduct a high-energy weapon test. This kind of news It is released several times almost every year. Except for a few institutions, it does not attract much attention. After careful investigation, those energy reactions are the release of nuclear weapons..."

"Yujing Mountain is the front line of the confrontation between Xuelong and Red Star! Where to release nuclear weapons!? Will Xuelong start a world war with Red Star?"

Yaoguang looked a little strange.

"If we really wanted to fight, we should have fought during the turbulent times, and we wouldn't have waited until now."

Kong Fang shook his head: "I contacted the intelligence channel of the Jishihui, and they concluded that there was a problem inside the Snow Dragon, and even... the original pro-war faction and the pro-peace faction had irreconcilable contradictions, and finally split and fought! This situation is welcomed by Chixing, so in addition to strengthening vigilance, it did not launch nuclear weapons to counterattack."

"It seems that this major change that has not happened in a century has reached the most critical turning point."

Yaoguang's mood was also slightly solemn: "Explore it again."

Kong Fang nodded and quickly retreated.

After Kong Fang left, Yaoguang let himself immerse himself in the power of mountains and rivers, and tempered his body with the power of mountains and rivers, feeling his body growing day by day...

"The body of a god."

He said.

"Very slow!"

Even if he is tempered by the power of mountains and rivers, it will take at least a year to truly forge a body of a god.


He breaks through again at the realm level.

Push the body refining of gods and demons from the current ninth stage 24% to a new realm comparable to "building the foundation of Taoism".

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