The release of nuclear weapons by the Snow Dragon Empire brought great panic to the countries in the entire Middle East and made people involuntarily think of the terror brought about by the turbulent era.

Prompted by this fear, all countries closely seek to unite for warmth to fight against the fear caused by the behavior of the Snow Dragon Empire.

Many countries naturally found the original world hegemon, Red Star, immediately.


Snow Dragon Empire's sudden "crazy" behavior left everyone in Scarlet Star confused.

In addition, the Snow Dragon Xie family's strength in the world of raising weapons was obviously superior to that of the Red Star Jiang family. They did not dare to act rashly until they understood why the Snow Dragon Empire suddenly went berserk.

Apart from strengthening their vigilance, they don't bother to care about the lives and deaths of other countries.

Grandpa doesn’t love grandma.

With no other choice, these countries had to turn their attention to the Jishihui, which had caused great harm to Red Star not long ago, but left Red Star helpless.

Although they were still skeptical about Jishihui's ability to fight against Red Star, the Red Star Empire couldn't help but dismiss them at all.

With no other choice, they naturally chose to rejoin the Jishi Society.

Jishihui also understands this.

The original Jishi Association needed funding from various countries to function properly.

To some extent, the countries in the Middle East have taken the initiative.

But now...

There are countries in the Middle East that have betrayed the Society, and the Jishihui has proven its strength by confronting the Red Star Empire head-on, and its offensive and defensive capabilities have changed. If these countries want to rejoin the Jishihui, the price they need to pay is no longer the same as before, giving them some money, material and manpower support.

Under Yaoguang's instruction, magical weapons and elixirs from various countries were sent to Jishihui one after another, and were handed over to Yaoguang by Jishihui.

Although the value of the magical weapons provided by each country is not much, at best it can only advance the progress of the [ninth level of martial arts] by 1% to 2%, but there are many countries that cannot bear the investment.

The number of countries that have made it onto the stage has increased from the original thirty-odd to forty-three. Including those small countries, the New World Society will eventually include more than eighty countries.

The world seems to be polarizing at an extremely fast speed.

While the Red Star Empire was watching the fierce fight between the Snow Dragon Empire and the Rebirth Society, Ji Pingtian, Hong Chuan, and Ye Longxing returned to the Yuhuang Villa where Yaoguang Qianxiu was building.

Coming here with him was a team.

The leader of this team is a tall woman with long blond hair, a delicate face, and looks to be in her early thirties.

"The eldest princess Sheil?"

Yaoguang looked a little surprised when he heard Ye Longxing's introduction to this woman.

The blond woman looked at Yaoguang's young face and was also quite moved: "Although we have seen photos and images of Lord Yaoguang from the information, when I saw you in person, we still couldn't help but It’s unbelievable. It’s hard to imagine that such a young person can single-handedly defeat the Red Star Palace. After killing the Red Star Emperor Jiang Shengtian, the true dragon of the Jiang family Jiang Xantian, and the elder Jiang Ruolong of the Jiang family, you can still do it. Leave calmly under the interception of Thunder."


Yaoguang nodded slightly.

He glanced at Hong Chuan beside him, and then turned to her again: "So... your purpose here is to seek cooperation?"


The eldest princess of the Snow Dragon Empire nodded slightly: "We hope to cooperate with Lord Yaoguang to deal with the Rebirth Society together."

"Rebirth meeting?"

Yaoguang was a little surprised: "I thought you needed to use our power to fight against the Red Star Empire."

"Red Star? That group of people...if they weren't afraid of their power in the Qi Sect, they would be nothing more than withered bones in the grave."

Sheil made no secret of his disdain for the Red Star Jiang family: "The Rebirth Society and the Moon Demon Empire behind them are our real scourge."

After destroying the Rebirth Society and learning the true information about Qi Zong from the Rebirth Society...

If Qi Zong is really destroyed by the Moon Demon Empire, the Jiang family will lose the backstage of Qi Zong, the Red Star Empire, which can be destroyed with a flip of the palm.

Yaoguang was not surprised that the Snow Dragon Empire knew the true details of the Rebirth Society.


"I don't understand. In the ten years since the Rebirth Society first emerged, the Snow Dragon Empire has always stayed out of the matter. Why now... has it suddenly become so aggressive in its actions against the Rebirth Society?"

Yaoguang said.

When Sheil arrived, the clan's think tank had already rehearsed various questions that Yaoguang might ask, and the higher-ups also told them what to say and what not to say.

So when faced with the issue of Fluctlight, she did not hesitate and said bluntly: "The Rebirth Society made the mistake they should least have made, forcing us to take risks."

She looked at Yaoguang and said directly: "Has Sir Yaoguang ever understood the nature of the Moon Demon Empire?"

"I'm doing research. During this period of time, I have been asking the Jishi Society to search for the whereabouts of people in the Rebirth Society, especially their president, Mo Zhu."

Yaoguang said: "But I still want to hear the progress of World Overlord Xuelong's understanding of the Rebirth Society."

Scheir didn't care about the cleverness in Fluctlight's sentence, and said bluntly: "Although Xue Long has not directly targeted the Rebirth Society for more than ten years, various studies and investigations have never stopped. According to more than ten years of research, We have discovered that the Moon Demon Empire follows a pure Shinto system."

Then, she paused and said, "Have you learned about the path of Shinto in detail, Yaoguang?"


Yaoguang nodded slightly: "Refining Qi to transform into God, majoring in visualization and spirit, and then condensing the spirit into the soul, evolving the spirit, and reaching the pinnacle of perception and exploration..."

Having said this, he paused: "To reach the highest level of cultivation is to seize souls, possess people, and control all living beings."


Sheil nodded: "The Moon Demon Empire is obviously a master of the divine way. Through the research of special methods, and with the help of some external forces like instruments and formations, they can make people... or demon souls, directly Coming to this world and replacing them, because they have a deep understanding of the practice and have a complete strengthening system, once they enter this world and have a body, they will quickly become stronger..."

"Demon soul..."

Yaoguang had already made some guesses about the creatures in the Moon Demon Empire.

These creatures…

It was very similar to the "extraterrestrial devil" he had seen in some biographies before.

However, the "extraterritorial demons" in the Moon Demon Empire were undoubtedly much stronger than the extraterritorial demons he knew.

This should be due to the specialization in the art.

Compared with other extraterrestrial demons, the demon souls in the Moon Demon Empire are almost systematic in how they corrode a world.

Open channels, descend, possess, lurk, penetrate, demonize, etc.

There seems to be a complete process.

At this time, Yaoguang seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "The Moon Demon Empire behind the Rebirth Society... took away important figures from the Snow Dragon Empire!?"


Sheil nodded solemnly: "Take away the body of the most powerful person in my Snow Dragon Empire - Sherborne!"

These words immediately made Yaoguang startled.

Ji Pingtian, Hong Chuan, and Ye Longxing were also shocked.

His eyes were even more filled with incredulity.


Hong Chuan couldn't help but take a deep breath and said: "There are rumors from the outside world that Marshal Xie is the only high-level cultivator in the world today..."


Sheir responded directly and accurately.

For a moment, several Shenyi Martial Saints looked at each other and felt their scalps go numb.

Advanced cultivator!


The Dinghai Shenzhen-level celestial being from the Snow Dragon Empire was actually captured by the strong man from the Moon Demon Empire behind the Rebirth Society! ?


How is this possible! ?

in addition……

Can they hear this kind of information that involves the most secret core? ?

"What happened? It is said that nuclear bombs were detonated in Yujing Mountain at that time..."

Ji Pingtian couldn't help but ask.

"That was the order Second Grandpa gave when he felt that he could no longer stop the terrifying and powerful figure from the Moon Demon Empire from seizing and corroding him! He and that monster perished together!"

The Celestials are so strong that 99% of conventional weapons are ineffective against them.

The other one percent of weapons…

Either you can't hit them, or there are other restrictions.

The only thing that can truly threaten heaven and man in today's world is nuclear weapons with large range and powerful power.

However, considering that each celestial being can often build a powerful empire, before the nuclear weapons are launched and transported, the country and intelligence agencies where the celestial being is located will definitely be able to get the information in advance and evade it. Therefore, nuclear weapons have no impact on the celestial beings. threats...

That's about it.

But if a deity takes the initiative to launch a nuclear bomb at him...

"Then the final situation..."


A trace of pain flashed in Xie Yier's eyes: "But at the last moment, the second grandfather failed. The instinctive fear of life gave the Moon Demon of the Rebirth Society an opportunity to control him at the last moment. In the end... he hid After passing the core point of nuclear bombing... you may be seriously injured, but you will definitely not die. "

"Not dead..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem.

There is a more powerful practice system behind the Rebirth Society.

And since that strong man from the Moon Demon Empire can forcibly seize the body of Sherburn, who is a high-level heavenly being, how powerful must he be! ?

Even the ninth level of Shinto is not enough!

Nine times out of ten...

It is the existence that sets the foundation for the road.

The realm is astonishing, and he has a body at the level of a heavenly being...

When this monster recovers, who else in the world can resist him! ?

No wonder, for more than a month, the Snow Dragon Empire went crazy, attacking the forces of the Rebirth Society everywhere and constantly dropping nuclear bombs on the territory of the Rebirth Society.

"During this period, we have been tracking the whereabouts of that monster, not giving him any room to breathe... But not long ago, he disappeared."

Sheil said with a heavy tone: "We lost him."

"Since the monster from the Rebirth Society will bring such great harm, the first person you should unite with is Red Star, not the Jishi Society..."

Yaoguang asked the doubts in his heart.

"It's different. The Chixing Jiang family... only want to return to Qi Sect. If they know the news, they won't fight with the rebirth at all. They will even take advantage of the chaos and make a crazy profit before leaving. But you are different... "

Sheil looked at Fluctlight: "You are the number one target of the bounty within the Rebirth Society."

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