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For a while, the four of them stared stupidly at the colored lanterns on the west wall in silence.

Completely different from the tranquility of Mushroom House, there was an explosion in the live broadcast room

"Damn it! I am Cao! Hold the grass! I'm so excited! real or fake?"

"Damn it, do you really have super powers? The superpower to predict the future?"

"Damn it, the flight path of the lanterns, and even the final landing point, are exactly the same as what little brother Lin Wu said!"

"Damn it, is it possible that there really are super powers in this world?"

"Are you all idiots? Where did you get your superpowers? Can't you just edit it in post-production?"

"You guys from the front are such idiots, now it’s a live broadcast! Do you know what live streaming is? In other words, what we are seeing now is what happened in the mushroom house, and the live broadcast can be edited. What kind of black technology is this!"

"Hahahahahaha, take a closer look, little brother Lin Wu himself is also confused, hahahaha, his eyes are wide open and his mouth is open!"

"Brother Lin Wu: Damn it! I just said it casually, Lantern, do you want to give me face like this?"

"Lantern: Xiao Linzi, since you are new here, can this lantern give you face?"

"Brother Lin Wu is confused!"


In the live broadcast room, barrages came out one after another, madly.

For a while.

Even the entire live broadcast room was stuck for several seconds because of these barrages.

"Director director! A staff member yelled in a low voice with a red face:"The real-time number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded three million!""

"OK, OK, OK!!!"The director looked at Lin Wu with as much affection as he wanted, not the kind of love for beautiful women, but the kind of love for treasures.


Lin Wu has a headache now!

It's a real headache.

Lin Wu's 'prediction' just now was just made up casually.

But who would have imagined that the lanterns would actually give face like this, and actually fly exactly the same as Lin Wu said?

"Brother Lin Wu! Brother Lin Wu! Brother Lin Wu! Peng

Yuchang shouted excitedly:"I wasn't very willing to believe that you had superpowers and could predict the future just now, but now, I believe it, I really believe it!" It turns out that Brother Lin Wu, you can really predict the future!"

Lin Wu:"……"

His face was covered with black lines, and he was suddenly speechless.

Lin Wu didn't know how to explain it all of a sudden.

After all, the lantern thing is such a damn coincidence.

The coincidence is suspicious.

If it is not being broadcast live now, when this program is produced and put online, the audience will definitely think that the lanterns are flying in front and Lin Wu predicts behind. It is just the effect after editing by the program team..

But now, it’s live broadcast!!!

"Peng Peng, calm down first! Lin

Wu took a deep breath and asked with a hopeful look on his face:"If I said it was just a coincidence, Peng Peng, would you believe it?""

"no!"Peng Yuchang shook his head without hesitation.

"But I was really lying! Where did I get my superpowers?"

Lin Wu was about to cry but had no tears.

He stretched out his hand and touched his right breast. Lin Wu said seriously, word by word:"Peng Peng, I dare to touch my conscience and swear that I was really lying just now. Yes, I really don’t have any so-called superpowers!"

"Brother Lin Wu, isn’t the heart located on the left side of the chest? Peng Yuchang raised his hand and asked.

Lin Wu:"……"

Lin Wu hurriedly moved his hand to his left chest.

Peng Yuchang seemed to be convinced that Lin Wu had super powers, and stared at Lin Wu with bright eyes.

Lin Wu really had no choice but to turn to He Jiong and Huang Lei for help.

He Jiong and Huang Lei spread their hands, showing expressions of helplessness and solving the problems you caused by yourself.

"Peng Peng, listen to me, how could I have super powers! If I can really predict the future, why should I come to the show? Wouldn't it be better for me to buy lottery tickets? I win first prize every time, and I will become a billionaire before long!"

"That's right, too……"Peng Yuchang nodded.

"It was really just a coincidence!

Lin Wu emphasized,"Didn't you ask me why I knew that Teacher Huang wanted you to slip on that slipper?" Actually, it’s like this. I’ve watched the first two seasons, and I know that Teacher Huang and the director have a plastic shoe-throwing friendship, and when the director was about to explain the rules just now, I noticed the eye contact between Teacher Huang and Teacher He.……"

"So this is ah!"Peng Yuchang suddenly realized

"How can something like superpowers exist, don't you think so, Peng Peng?"Lin Wu strikes while the iron is hot

"This is true……"Peng Yuchang nodded.

"What happened with the lanterns just now was really a coincidence, I was shocked too! Lin Wu said

"But this is too much of a coincidence, right?……"

Peng Yuchang was still a little skeptical and said:"Brother Lin Wu, why don't you try to talk nonsense about the movements of the lanterns?"

"Okay, okay, I’m really convinced by you! Lin

Wu waved his hand in an amused manner and said casually:"The lantern will return to the original route later and fly back to the wall on the east side of the yard!""

The words fell.

Lin Wu, Huang Lei, He Jiong and Peng Yuchang, as well as the director and his team as well as the live broadcast camera, all stared at the colored lanterns on the west wall.

The lanterns were motionless, like a statue, and did not continue at all. flying meaning


Lin Wuda breathed a sigh of relief:"Peng Peng, you see, I really don't have the super power to predict the future.……"

"EhI thought Brother Lin Wu really had super powers!"Peng Yuchang sighed in frustration.

The next second!

The originally motionless lantern spread its wings again and flew down the wall.

It drew a bright arc above the vegetable field, and finally flew back to the east wall.

Lin Wu:"……"

Huang Lei:"……"

He Jiong:"……"

Peng Yu advocated:"……"

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