In fact, Jenkins planned to directly project to Luen during the train ride to ask Miss Miller to help with basic etiquette training. He still remembered Miss Stuart. Since she was the princess, this kind of thing should not be a problem.

Even though he had already made such a plan, Hathaway's proactive help still moved him very much. It was not easy to copy so much text even once. She probably stayed up late to write it.

"deeply appreciated."

He thanked him again in his heart and felt a strange sense of warmth.

"It's okay. Good luck on your journey, Jenkins."

As the woman spoke, she turned her blushing face to one side and pretended to be interested in the decoration of the carriage.

He said goodbye to Hathaway, carried the box and hugged the cat and continued walking to the station. This time there was finally no one blocking the way. After he showed his ticket, he was immediately led from the special passage to the front of the carriage, without having to mix with the other passengers.

Dad, Robert, and Mary have been waiting for him here for a long time.

"It's a little late. The next time you go out by train, you have to go at least an hour in advance. Only God can predict exactly when the train will leave."

Dad warned.

This is actually a joke about steam trains, used to mock trains that are never on time.

"It's...oh, exactly eight o'clock, I know."

He took his pocket watch out of his upper coat pocket and looked at it.

Mary recognized it at a glance as a lady's pocket watch and pulled Robert's sleeve with her hand. But Robert Willamt's attention was now on trains, and he had always been interested in such large steam machines.

Four people stood in front of the car to check Jenkins' next itinerary. During this period, another middle-aged gentleman, two ladies and an elderly nobleman with gray hair got on the car.

Dad happened to know the last man. His name was Giles Marlowe, and he was a baron. But unlike the unlucky ones who were drowned in the trend of the times, his two sons both ran large and highly profitable factories. Therefore, this is a real rich and powerful old nobleman who once bought antiques from Dad, so he can be recognized.

Departure time was quickly approaching, Jenkins' luggage and cat were put into his own compartment, and Mary cried at the last moment.

Standing at the window, Jenkins heard Robert comforting him, while his father waved a book at him, which must have been a reminder not to forget to study this week.

With a huge roar, white steam was spurted into the sky. The metal wheels moved slowly but firmly, and the linked transmission rods and potential energy drove the carriage to move slowly.


The train finally left the platform, Mary hugged Robert and cried loudly. Dad looked at them at a loss, then turned around and waved his arms to Jenkins who stuck his head out of the window.

It wasn't until the three people were completely out of sight that Jenkins retracted his head into the car. He snorted. The wind blowing in this temperature for so long was indeed bad for his health.

Turning around, the old gentleman he saw just now was standing on the other side of the carriage, looking at him and slowly shaking the pipe in his hand.

"I thought about my first trip away from home when I was young, and my mother was like that too."

He smiled at Jenkins, moved his right hand skillfully on the carriage, and then put the pipe close to him.

"Want to play cards? I guess there's always some fun in a train journey."

Train travel in this era was an extremely boring thing, especially since Jenkins' only entertainment method was half a box of books. The train is expected to arrive at its destination early Wednesday morning, with two stops in between, so he will have to endure boredom for a long time.

As for the card game, he wasn't in that mood.

Chapter 420 Chapter 414 Fanatic Fans

The VIP carriage where Jenkins was located had five private rooms, and Jenkins was number one. This carriage is equipped with special restaurants, lounges and smoking rooms at the front and rear. Jenkins also met other passengers during lunch, and their destinations were all Beldiran.

Since he knew in advance that there would be bodyguards with hidden identities around him, he secretly looked at everyone while eating lunch and guessed which of the two men and two women was.

The furniture in the box is quite complete, including a table, a low bed and a small wardrobe. Except for lunch and dinner, Jenkins spent the entire day reading in his box. Chocolate was very interested in the steam train, but Jenkins was worried that it would get lost, so he didn't let it out.

In the afternoon, the cat, who had given up completely, could only lie on the window sill and stare boredly at the wilderness passing by, or occasionally turn his head and pick at the manuscript of "Frozen" scattered on the low bed. In fact, he was peeking. .

In a blink of an eye, it was time for dinner. Jenkins once again declined the two gentlemen's invitation to play cards and walked back to his box with a teacup in hand.

He put the chocolate he had just eaten that he was very satisfied with on his knees, half-leaned on the bedside in a comfortable way, and then projected himself on Nolan.

It was still the big and scary living room, and it was still in the same location, but it was completely dark in Loen.

Seeing Jenkins appear, Miss Miller smiled slightly, but immediately put her finger in front of her mouth to signal Jenkins not to speak. Jenkins and Chocolate's ears twitched at the same time, hearing footsteps outside the door.

"Miss Miller...Oh, Mr. Poirot is here too. Why didn't I see you just now?"

Miss Stuart came in with Julia, the maid. Both were wearing heavy winter clothes, and the maids had moved closer to help them change.

Julia is still wearing the familiar maid clothes, while Miss Stuart is wearing a very fashionable high-waisted skirt with lace and ruffles, a bow on the waist, and a skirt that is very fashionable from today's perspective. There is a layer of tulle.

Jenkins couldn't understand wearing it this season.

But he still remembers the simple training Hathaway gave him. When meeting a lady, if you are not familiar with her and you want to strike up a conversation to avoid the atmosphere becoming awkward, then the best thing to do is:

"Your dress is really beautiful. I think it must have been sewn by a master, right?"

"Is that so? This dress was indeed made by Mrs. Stephanie from Overlay Clothing Store, but the petticoat here was added to me by Julia."

She sat on another chair with a smile on her face, and Julia naturally held the back of the chair and stood behind her.

"Sure enough, as long as you compliment the clothes, the ladies will be happy."

Jenkins thought to himself and looked at Miss Miller again, waiting for her to start the topic.

The last time she hurriedly came to Loen to report that she was safe, Miss Miller also briefly talked about what happened here. She has now initially gained Miss Stuart's trust and has been invited to attend a local gathering of benefactors.

As for Mr. Poirot's investigation, there should be no progress. Miss Miller could feel that someone was investigating the situation around her, so she cooperated with them and acted out.

"Since Mr. Poirot is Miss Miller's friend, do you also know Mr. Willemt?"

The conversation was started by Miss Stuart.

"Yes, I know him well, a very talented man."

This statement is not a lie.

"Then can you tell me what kind of person Mr. William is? I am his pen pal, but I don't know anything about this extremely talented gentleman."

E Mei frowned, appropriately showing a troubled expression.

"Oh, of course that's no problem."

Seeing that Miss Miller was still watching the conversation between the two with a smile on her face, Jenkins coughed and introduced briefly:

"I, I mean my friend Jenkins Willamette, he's an extremely boring guy, he's probably the most unromantic guy that ladies hate. He works in an antique store, yeah, Become an apprentice. Although his status as a writer makes him a lot of money, the man still likes those old things.

In my impression, I met him at the end of summer this year, and I started writing his story collection at that time. Ha~ I also provided him with quite a lot of opinions and suggestions. Unfortunately, that person always thought that my opinions were one-sided and had to find others to help revise the manuscript.

This is an extremely rigid and old-fashioned person who hates any changes in his life. He also has a cat like me..."

Chocolate glanced up at Jenkins.

"But he is a person, ladies, to be honest, I have never seen anyone raising pets like this. It's not cruelty, but he always thinks that his cats eat too much. Before I left Nolan and went to Loen, he Seems ready to make a diet plan for his cat.”

If Jenkins hadn't held down the chocolate so hard, it would have jumped up by now. Even so, there was a threatening purring sound in the cat's throat.

"Is Mr. Williamt married? I think that a gentleman with such talent and pursuits should be pursued by many girls, right?"

Miss Stuart looked curious and leaned forward involuntarily.

The corners of Julia's mouth trembled, and the hand holding the back of the chair stretched forward and tapped her back.

"Ha~ How could that guy get married? He is the kind of person who doesn't care about anything except work and study."

Even the expression on Miss Miller's face was wrong now. She really wanted to say the words "You actually know it too?", but she had to hold it in her heart. This feeling was quite uncomfortable.

Jenkins said while waving his right hand in the air:

"Please don't get me wrong, he doesn't have any health or mental problems, he just hasn't met the right person yet. He is working and studying hard now just to make his life better in the future..."

"A very responsible family man."

Miss Stuart commented.

"So be it."

The man blinked, blushing slightly at such a comment.

Even Jenkins could see that the young girl had a fanatical attitude toward her foreign pen pal. If I were to use an analogy, it would be very similar to worshiping the actors in an opera company.

He didn't know why the royal princess showed such an attitude through just a few letters, so he could only sigh that the world is really wonderful.

Chapter 421 Chapter 415 Women and Men

Taking advantage of the conversation, Jenkins also expressed his request. Just like Hathaway, Miss Stuart also believed that it would be difficult to find professional etiquette teachers in a short time, so she decided to teach Jenkins herself.

The price is that Jenkins and Miss Miller have to assist her in training Julia. This maid has just stepped into the realm of the Giver. Although Miss Stuart will be her guide, she thinks that the path she is taking is not suitable for other people.

"There's something magical about the Kingsley bloodline..."

She just gave such a vague explanation.

Although she was confused that Jenkins' request was "the etiquette of communicating with nobles and even the royal family," she did not ask anything else. It wasn't until almost midnight that the princess left with her maid.

Miss Miller had said little tonight and had been sitting there for hours, much like Julia who stood opposite her.

The maid lady was very dissatisfied with Jenkins because his communication with his princess was too close.

"You should be on the train now, right? Can you project while moving at high speed?"

Unexpectedly, she was most concerned about this issue.

"Oh, I haven't thought about this, but it should be okay, right?"

Jenkins rubbed his waist and sat back on the chair. When he was practicing bowing just now, he heard the bones in his waist snap.

"How is your communication with Her Royal Highness the Princess now?"

"Having gained initial trust, my short-term goal is to become her personal tutor. This shouldn't be difficult. I can see that this young lady is also eager to communicate with different benefactors."

"What are you going to teach?"

It was originally a casual question, but Miss Miller actually started to think about it seriously: "I have considered dancing. I studied with a teacher for many years when I was a child. Painting and literature should be no problem, although I can't write like you." It is a well-known storybook in mainland China, but the appreciation level should be sufficient.”

"Have you never considered becoming a math teacher?"

Upon hearing this question, Miss Miller subconsciously stroked her hair:

"I have considered it, but I have always been resistant to this profession. I, a math teacher..."

It's not that I dislike it, but more like it reminds me of something from the past. Everyone seemed to have their own story, and Jenkins didn't ask any questions.

The charcoal burning in the fireplace made a slight crackling sound, and Chocolate curled up in the softest spot on the carpet, quietly closing his eyes.

Turning to look at the clock in the corner, it was almost early morning.

"Do you have any plans for dating this princess? To be honest, I don't really appreciate your 'deceptive' way of making friends. Of course, I don't object to it either."

Miss Miller smiled at Jenkins and tilted her head to look at him:

"I admire that about you, Jenkins, I really do. Life would be too simple if you were the only person in the world."

"Is this sarcasm?"

"No, it's a compliment."

She stood up and faced the fire, its long shadow almost reaching the other side of the living room.

"I like to calculate everything, but it doesn't mean that I like to complicate life. If everyone is like you, as simple as 1+1=2, then my life will be more comfortable. Yes, Jenkins, I I like people like you..."

Before Jenkins could formulate a reply, she turned around with a chuckle and walked forward to the man's chair. She lowered her head and hugged his head, then kissed him...


The fried chocolate stood up immediately, and then jumped up suddenly, but was caught by Jenkins' hands waving in the air.

After a long time, the two separated.

Jenkins gasped and tried to shrink back into the chair and blocked the chocolate in front of him. Miss Miller touched her lips with her finger:

"Mr. Willamt, if you are not married by the time you are 30, then I will definitely propose to you."

He no longer cared about Miss Miller's next plan, nodded awkwardly, and then disappeared on the chair with the cat.

Miss Miller kept her smile on her face and turned towards the fire.

Turning the time back to about eleven o'clock, the steam train is still driving in the wilderness. But no matter how loud the noise of the train is, it will not affect this silent world.

Under the double moon, a small black spot approached the last carriage of the train from behind. It was a middle-aged man wearing a black trench coat riding a skeleton horse. The horse was very similar to the mount of the Undead Knights that Jenkins had encountered before, but without the burning flames.

He gradually approached the train and eventually reached the penultimate quarter. This is the wagon compartment, and inside is some fresh straw.

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