The clattering of horse hooves was completely drowned out by the clanging of the train. The man drove his horse close to the side of the carriage, then leaped and grabbed the iron bar at the door of the carriage with both hands.

But unfortunately he didn't catch it, and he fell down.

This must be a very powerful gifter, because in less than two minutes, he rode his horse again on the side of the carriage, but his clothes became gray and had several worn holes.

This time he successfully grabbed the iron bar and smoothly flipped to the top of the carriage. He took out a bone whistle from his chest and blew it gently. The still running skeleton horse turned into a black dot and flew into the whistle. The bone whistle turned from pure white to black.

He lay on the roof for a long time to recover his strength, and then carefully approached the carriage in front until he came to the VIP carriage of the fifth to last carriage.

"Damn, we're finally here."

He cursed in a low voice, and then he was filled with wind as expected.

Thinking about where to enter, he took out a pair of glasses from his pocket. Before he set out from Nolan to start this mission, he got this item from a stranger named Mr. White Cat, and it was briefly endowed with the ability of perspective.

"That damn profiteer."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help cursing that guy in his heart. If it weren't for the fact that this assassination mission gave more cash, he would never agree to this price.

Grabbing the legs of the glasses and putting the glass in front of his eyes, he first went to Box No. 1, where he could vaguely see a man sitting on the bed holding a kitten. He kept this action, and the cat was lying in his arms.

"Where did this pervert come from? Are all rich people like this?"

Thinking in his heart, he looked at Box No. 2 again. The cat in Box No. 1 suddenly opened his eyes and looked up with amber eyes.

Chapter 422 Chapter 416 Train Travel

In Box No. 2, the old gentleman sat in front of the desk, and on the table was a suitcase of guns. He carefully wiped the gun body with a white silk cloth. There was a bottle of expensive oil next to his elbow, and the parts scattered on the table had been cleaned and could reflect light.

"Gun dealer?"

The man on the roof climbed back while thinking, looking at the third box. The old gentleman who was wiping the gun pointed the muzzle of the gun at the roof and put it down with a smile.

Box No. 3 belonged to a middle-aged gentleman, who was lying naked on the bed at this time, holding a book with exquisite painting in one hand and one hand on...

Jenkins also had this book, just under his bed.

"Damn it, since I received this mission, I haven't encountered anything that goes well."

He cursed in his heart again, not noticing that the man reading in the box was actually looking at him through the book.

Box No. 4 belonged to a fat lady, and this time there was no picture that hurt her eyes and spirit. But the lady was sitting cross-legged on the bed with her eyes closed in a strange posture, and three silver spheres were suspended in front of her.


He hurriedly looked away to prevent the gifter from discovering him... but he had already discovered it.

After a long time, nothing happened, and then he looked carefully at the last compartment.

The young woman had already fallen asleep, and the accompanying maid happened to open the door and walked out carefully at this time. The curtains were drawn, and there was no light in the compartment, but the man was sure that this was the mission target.

"Very good."

He thought in his heart, planning how to enter the compartment.

The service in the VIP compartment was very thoughtful. In order to better entertain these guests who paid gold pounds, there was a special conductor sitting in the front of the compartment, ready to solve problems for the guests at any time. Although he couldn't be here all the time, it was still a bit too risky to enter directly from the window on the side of the corridor of the compartment.

"The best way is to enter from a certain compartment, and then quietly wait for the conductor to leave for something."

He knew very well that although the mission target was an ordinary person, she was carrying a special item that she herself didn't know. This item allowed the woman to have a foresight of danger, and her window was too close to the window of the gifter, so it was absolutely impossible to enter directly from her window.

Looking at the other four compartments again, the old gentleman in No. 2 has a gun and is not an easy opponent to mess with. No. 4 is a gifter and can be directly excluded. In this way, only No. 1 and No. 3 are left.

After thinking for a while, he felt that the man in compartment No. 1 looked weaker and had a student-like face, so it should be easier to attack.

He crawled on the roof carefully again, and even held his breath to avoid being discovered by No. 4.

When he arrived just above compartment No. 1, it was already past midnight.

He leaned out of the roof and bent down. Sure enough, through the gap in the window, the man and the cat were still in the original posture, and they should be asleep.

The huge noise caused by the train completely covered the spell he was chanting. His fingers approached the wooden window and penetrated the wooden structure to enter the room. With a light hook to the side, the lock was opened.

His fingers played a lullaby melody in the air, making the action safer, and then he grabbed the bulge on the roof and flipped into the compartment.

Just as I stood up on the bed, I saw a pistol in front of me.


Just at this moment, the train whistle sounded again. Except for the old gentleman next door who smiled and shook his head, no one noticed the murder happening here.

Jenkins touched Chocolate's head, and then looked at the body lying on the bed. His sheets and quilt were completely contaminated, and the expression of surprise still remained on the man's dead face.

"My luck is really not that good today..."

He had just escaped from Loen in embarrassment, and before he had time to think about what happened just now, he saw Chocolate fidgeting in the air with his paws. Looking up along its paws, I could clearly see the man directly above the box.

"Who wants to kill me?"

He couldn't find any clues about this problem. "Has the conflict between the church and the royal family become so serious?"

He took another look at the corpse beside him, searched for his wallet, and took off the bone whistle with a rich yellow aura from his neck. The other things were not moved.

"Sure enough, after arriving at Beldiran, I still don't want to leave the church. God, this is really too dangerous."

He pressed his hands on the corpse's face, and the flames burned the face beyond recognition. Then he took off the corpse's coat and cut it in half with scissors. He tied his hands and feet together and pushed them out of the car window.

It was very unlucky to be rolled under the wheels. When the last carriage left, only some broken limbs were left lying quietly under the twin moons.

I made an excuse and asked the conductor for a new sheet and quilt, and the night passed easily. The killer-like man had no idea of ​​his origin and seemed to have no companions, but his appearance was destined to make Jenkins spend a scary trip.

The rest of the journey was uneventful. Although Jenkins went to Loon twice more to complete the etiquette course training, Miss Miller did not show any abnormality, but every time he and the short lady looked at each other, even his ears would turn red. .

Miss Stuart still liked to inquire about things related to Mr. Willamette, and Miss Miller also hinted that Jenkins could talk more. The plan of the two is to let the princess discover their identities by herself, so they don't care about it being exposed.

Since the new book was mentioned in the last correspondence, Miss Stuart is also very interested in "Frozen".

It happened that Jenkins was also going to ask Miss Miller to help proofread the manuscript, so he wrote another one using reading and writing combined with memory.

He could tell that the maid Julia was already doubting the authenticity of the identity of "Mr. Poirot". It was only a matter of time before her identity was revealed, but she didn't know what Miss Stuart's expression would be like when she knew her pen pal was right in front of her.

In addition to reading, Jenkins occasionally played card games with two gentlemen in the same carriage. None of the three people are good at gambling, so the base bet is only 1 shilling. After a few days of playing, they almost all have losses and wins.

The books he brought with him became the best form of entertainment. Both Dad and Miss Audrey assigned study tasks. Hathaway also had to read his notebook. Otherwise, if he talked about this matter one day in the future, he would be found to know the etiquette. But if you are not very familiar with the contents of the notebook, then this friendship may be over.

Chapter 423 Chapter 417 Street Lamps in the Royal Capital

The two gentlemen in the same carriage knew very well about Belduran. One of them had his own property there, and the other's son lived there all year round. After they learned about the purpose of Jenkins' trip and that he was very likely to become a real noble, they enthusiastically introduced the city to him.

This was useful because even though Jenkins wasn't planning on wandering around the city, he could at least "travel" around the city this way.

The train ended up arriving at the Royal Capital two hours late, which was considered very punctual. Carrying the suitcase, he said goodbye to the friends he had just met and walked out along the passage dedicated to the VIP carriage. The carriage marked with the Holy Emblem of the Sage was already parked there.

When the Church of the Sages set the location of the Holy See here, it was just an empty plain. At least before the disintegration of the ancient Hikali Empire, the significance of the small town of Beldiran was only as a holy place in the hearts of the sage's followers.

The ancient Hikali Empire was finally divided among its three grand dukes. The Fedicli Empire, which occupied the central area of ​​the continent, had a superior location, but had to withstand attacks from the northern and southern kingdoms at the same time.

In that era of war, the royal family had to seek help from the church to stabilize the situation. I don’t know what kind of agreement was reached in the end. In short, the royal capital was finally settled next to the small town of Beldiran.

The town ceased to exist, and the capital of the emerging kingdom rose on this plain.

The Belduran train station is in the north of the city, while the location of the Holy See is in the south of the city. It was still midnight when the carriage took Jenkins through the city.

Compared with Nolan City, the air condition in Beldiland was not bad, and gas stove lamps had been installed on the main roads. The dim light illuminated the quiet roads. This scene made Jenkins feel sad for some reason.

Even if Jenkins’ identity is not freely revealed, the priest responsible for welcoming him is still of high status. This should be an old man who is older than the old bishop of Nolan Diocese. Although he is wearing the most ordinary priest's robe, he looks very noble.

"First of all, this is not the Pope. I have seen his oil paintings."

He thought silently in his heart, because after getting on the carriage and introducing each other, the old man kept looking at him with a smile and said nothing, which made the carriage with only two people awkward.

"The city of Belduran seems to be a little warmer than the city of Nolan."

It's still the same as before, the conversation with a man starts with the weather, and the conversation with a woman starts with the other person's clothes.

"Really? This may be because Nolan is closer to the seaside."

There is no so-called Mandarin in the Kingdom of Fidictry, and the old priest's accent is heavier than Nolan's accent, but he can still hear it clearly.

"The municipal construction of Belduran is really good. I mean, compared to Nolan, installing street lights on the main road is really the right choice."

"You are right, but this money is to be obtained from taxes, and the distribution of taxes has been a point of contention among MPs for many years."

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the lampposts standing on the dark and empty streets: "You see, even many citizens think that since there is no need to travel at night, why spend this gold pound."

He was right. Although the steam industry spurred development in all aspects of society, the nightlife of ordinary citizens was still limited to their homes. Only those who occasionally travel at night and encounter accidents know how valuable the light at night is.

“It doesn’t have to be the kingdom paying for it.”

Jenkins hugged the cat and looked at the prosperous city with wide eyes along with Chocolate. The steam industry left heavier traces here. Thanks to the worship of steam machinery, the decorative style of the houses also looks extremely metallic.

Only the familiar burning smell and light mist in the air made Jenkins feel like Nolan was here.

He and Chocolate, one a "country boy" and the other a "country cat", had never seen such a big scene.

"If the kingdom doesn't provide money, why should we raise donations? This is indeed a good idea. After all, no one needs lights at night..."

The old man asked thoughtfully.

"No, no, no, please don't treat municipal construction as a pure investment. You see, these street light poles are standing here and can be seen by anyone passing by. If the kingdom allows merchants to post their product information here, how can it be done? Not every pedestrian can see it? Sooner or later, businessmen will think of this, maybe they have already done so, so before the street lights are put up, laws should be passed to protect the interests of legitimate posters.”

The old man raised his eyebrows.

"If you really want to use this method to raise funds, then it is best to clearly explain the useful life of the street lamp pole advertising space, so that it can continue to play a role. Of course, regarding the management of illegal postings and restrictions on the content of advertising, The specific contract management and other details are very complicated. But as long as you want to do it, public construction has never been a game of just using gold pounds. Times have changed. If you want to make money, there will always be a way."

"Did you think of all this?"

The old priest was stunned for a long time before asking in surprise.


He blushed and nodded, which was considered a sign of humility.

“And it goes much further than that, and churches can invest in this as well.”

He looked at the small patch of ground under the gas street lamp. Even though it was early winter, there were still moths flying there.

"We don't need to engrave holy emblems or scriptures on it. We only need to engrave some holy scriptures that are familiar to the people in the most conspicuous places. This will give us another excuse to 'enhance the cultural construction of the royal capital'. Once Read it twice, for a year, and you will always be able to remember the total content on the street lamp, which is much less troublesome and cost-effective than public preaching. "

The old priest was now looking at him with awe. For a long time, he actually closed his eyes, lowered his head, and drew the holy symbol on his chest towards Jenkins.

"I have known for a long time that the choice of a sage is never wrong. Saint William, you are the incarnation of a sage in the human world, and you are the saint who came to the world."

He said in a trembling voice.

"Please don't say that. Everything in this world has its own value. All I can do is see it in advance."

Jenkins explained in a panic, regretting what he had just said so proudly. His biggest fear is that someone will take him too seriously and then have to participate in something troublesome.

“If you go into business, no one in the world can compete with you.”

"No, no, no, I will never do business. I have a greater pursuit."

He said piously, and then laughed himself.

The old priest also laughed with satisfaction.

Chapter 424 Chapter 418 The Holy See

The Church of Knowledge and Books has a streamlined, but in Jenkins’ view, very complex management system. Among them, the highest leader in secular management is naturally Pope Ponteff IV, but Jenkins below cannot tell clearly.

Instead, he was knowledgeable about the two stewardship sequences of the Giver.

The person responsible for meeting Jenkins at the train station was actually a cardinal. He did not tell Jenkins his full name, but asked him to call him Bishop Strick.

The conversation between the two on the carriage was so harmonious that after arriving at the destination, the old man wanted to hold him and chat for a while longer.

The location of the Holy See is a whole complex of temple buildings. Of course, carriages are not allowed to enter. Even the cardinal and the Son must enter on foot.

This was his first time here. Although he thought he was just staying temporarily, the entire church became busy because of this. This is a very important thing, at least in Bishop Strick's view, Jenkins' "borrowing" is second only to the "borrowing" after the sage came to the world.

The excuse was that they were rehearsing for the New Year's activities in advance. The entire complex was dotted with lights. Jenkins, who was carrying a box and a cat, holding a cane and wearing a hat, was wearing an old black coat and standing at the starting point of the red carpet. When he turned around, Bishop Strick did not follow him, but smiled and waved to him.

Bang bang bang~

Jenkins subconsciously wanted to crawl down, but found that it was just fireworks. Both sides of the red carpet were filled with gifted people wearing neat robes. Many of them were still trying to use the light and shadow effects attached to their abilities to make the scene look more grand.

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