The old pope, dressed in formal attire, stood at the other end of the red carpet, with the cardinals and the elders in priestly robes behind him.

"Oh my God, it's already two o'clock in the morning~"

He groaned in his heart, keeping his father's "business smile" and stepped onto the red carpet.

After all, considering Jenkins' fatigue from the trip, the welcome ceremony only lasted half an hour and ended.

He was arranged to live in an independent palace closest to the Great Temple (referring to the church in the central position). This is really a palace. The bedroom alone has the area of ​​five Jenkins' living rooms.

He couldn't understand why such a large bedroom area was for. After all, when lying in bed, there would be an illusion of lying in an indoor football field.

When he woke up, it was already eight o'clock on Wednesday morning. The award ceremony will be held on Thursday afternoon, and Jenkins will have dinner with the King family after the award ceremony.

When he woke up, he stared at the unfamiliar ceiling for a long time, recalling today's plan. He touched the side of the pillow, but he didn't touch his cat.

He hurriedly got up and found a small bed next to the bed that was about the same size as Chocolate's body. The kitten was curled up and lying there, like a black and white ball of fur.

"It seems that they knew I brought a cat with them, so they prepared in advance..."

The bedroom decoration looked very simple at first glance, but when you take a closer look, the angel-like gas lamp on the wall is probably worth a house of Jenkins.

He changed his clothes slowly, thinking about who he should meet first and where he would go today. When he was adjusting the collar of his shirt in front of the floor-length mirror, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

He turned around and shouted, and the right leaf of the golden door was slowly pushed open. A little nun with pigtails, who looked only in her teens, stuck her head in and happened to look at Jenkins, and her face immediately turned red.

"Saint...Mr. William, would you like to have breakfast now?"


Jenkins nodded politely, "What time will His Excellency Pontef IV see me?"

In terms of religious status, Jenkins is higher than the mortal pope, so he does not need to use honorifics. Dad emphasized this point many times in his ear.

"Saint Pontef IV said that you can meet him at any time in the morning."

The little nun reminded in a low voice: "Today's breakfast has dessert. If you are not quick, it will be divided by those greedy children..."

She spoke more and more quietly, and finally put her head back behind the door, followed by the sound of footsteps going away.

"It turns out that sugar in the capital is also expensive..."

He always fails to pay attention to the key points of things.

At least Chocolate is still very satisfied with this breakfast. Its demanding degree of food is even stronger than Jenkins from a more developed world.

Probably because he had eaten too much, he needed to turn around to promote digestion. When Jenkins was about to enter the central temple, the cat suddenly shook its body, then jumped off his shoulder and refused to accompany him to move forward.

"Come here quickly, it's too late!"

He squatted down and waved to his cat, while Chocolate hid behind the white marble pillars, only showing his small head to look at him, and then turned and ran to their residence.

Considering Chocolate's high intelligence, Jenkins was not worried that his cat would get lost. He just asked the nun who was responsible for leading the way to help take care of it for a while, otherwise it was possible that Chocolate would eat anything. Although he has some gold pounds now and will inherit a large inheritance from Augustus in the future, everything here may be worth 5,000 pounds for Chocolate.

He stood up and watched Chocolate running farther and farther, so he tidied his clothes and asked the nun next to him to help tidy up his collar, and then he walked into the door of the church with a solemn expression.

Many years later, Jenkins still remembered that sunny morning. Pope Pontef IV received him in an inconspicuous office. He was a skinny old man. Because it was not a formal occasion, there were no extra decorations on his body.

The two did not even talk about any religious topics, but under the guidance of Pontef IV, they discussed many topics about art and the times.

The old man had a very deep study of steam equipment and even conceived the word "Industrial Revolution" himself. This is definitely a qualified leader, at least he saw things that many people could not see.

The two visited the central temple together, prayed under the huge holy emblem filled with rich spiritual light, talked about literary topics in the temple library, and visited a mass for blessing newborns together.

Until leaving the temple, Jenkins was still thinking about the Pope's attitude towards him, whether it was because of their identities or his nature.

But then he felt that this question was extremely boring, so he turned to think about whether it was necessary to eat lunch.

PS: Happy New Year, I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve! I just came back from my hometown to worship my ancestors, and I am considering whether I should watch the Spring Festival Gala, or bilibili New Year's Festival, or code words in the evening... This is impossible.

There will be 12 updates tomorrow, 11 in the morning as usual, and one in the evening as usual.

Chapter 425 Chapter 419 Awards

After he had some free time, he remembered to inform the church about the assassination during the train trip. The results of the investigation came out in just one morning, but the current results showed that Jenkins was just innocently implicated, and the man's real target was the noble lady living in compartment No. 5 in the same carriage.

Her husband was a very wealthy factory owner, and this factory owner, like the woman's previous three husbands, unfortunately died on the third day after the wedding. The factory owner's brother then hired a killer to avenge his brother. As for the truth, whether the woman had committed the murder, and whether the young man who hired the killer was for the rich family property, Jenkins did not know.

He had enough things to care about, and there was no need to pay attention to trivial matters that had little to do with him.

The bone whistle was naturally kept by him. This highly indicative item was very easy to find information. B-01-04-4565, Skeleton Warhorse.

This item can be found in the Church with a clear origin and history. Its first owner was a military priest of the [All Things and Nature] Church in the 10th era. At that time, the church troops were the main force of mankind against alien creatures. When the priest was dealing with the battlefield, he found this bone whistle and kept it.

For a long time, this item was kept and used by the Church of All Things and Nature until it disappeared due to an accident in the recent 16th era.

And the reason why its safety level is rated as 4, instead of the safest 5, is that the creatures that die near the warhorse are very likely to be transformed into undead creatures. Although those undead creatures are weak, it would be bad if they caused a riot.

The skeleton warhorse has extremely high speed and jumping ability, and can even walk on the water for a short time. Its wisdom is the same as that of ordinary horses, and its habits are similar, but it does not need any feed and water.

"This is a good means of transportation."

He thought while stringing the bone whistle back together with a rope. The original fantasy was that one day Chocolate would have the ability to become a giant body, so it would be fun to ride a cat to travel. Now that there is a horse, the cat only needs to perform its original duties.

"What is Chocolate's duty at home..."

He thought of this again, so he stopped scratching its chin, and the cat's claws fell immediately.

Because he lived in the church, the messenger sent by the royal family to inform Jenkins of the time and place had to deliver the letter here.

The church politely rejected the temporary etiquette teacher they sent, and instead selected a strict old nun to conduct intensive training for Jenkins.

Jenkins's advance "preview" was indeed correct. Most of the content described by the old nun overlapped with Hathaway's handwriting and Miss Stuart's small class. In fact, Miss Stuart's explanation of etiquette between the royal family was even more detailed.

During the train trip, Jenkins guessed that Her Royal Highness was so enthusiastic about this matter because she could "share" the pressure of the course she was under with another person. But he did not tell anyone about this idea. Reason told him that doing so would most likely offend a lady.

The old nun who was in charge of teaching Jenkins was very satisfied with his performance, and even thought that compared with him, the young gentlemen and ladies who had been taught before were fools who could even make mistakes with buttons.

The original plan was to spend the whole afternoon and night training, but since it ended early, Jenkins had time to take chocolate around.

Most of the areas here are open to Jenkins, and his external identity is a great writer who came to Beldiran to receive an award and stayed here temporarily.

In fact, this is not wrong, because in Jenkins's view, he came here for this.

He got up very early on Thursday morning. The tailors had made new clothes for him yesterday, and there were more than one set. Yesterday, the old nun was responsible for helping Jenkins choose the most suitable one from the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror, which was not an easy task.

"Oh, young man, don't always have this expression. Come on, look over here and smile, yo~ the sage really favors you!"

Jenkins asked the nun if he could bring his cat to the award ceremony in the afternoon, and then got an absolute no answer.

He was very reluctant to let strangers take care of his cat in a strange city. Finally, I had to ask the kitchen for a lot of food and locked them up with chocolate, hoping that the cats could endure until they came back at night.

Interestingly, the Cold Spring Palace where the royal family lived was not in the city of Beldiran, but in the suburbs at the other end of the city, farthest from the Church of Knowledge and Books.

Everything went on in an orderly manner, just like the historical moments recorded in the oil paintings. Jenkins was personally awarded the medal of the Wright Award and the title of lifelong baron (non-hereditary) by the elderly Queen, surrounded by gentlemen in formal suits and wigs.

The long-awaited reporters pressed the shutter, and Jenkins' smiling face was forever frozen at this moment.

After the award ceremony, there was dinner with the royal family, and in theory, the Fidicteli royal family had no descendants except the queen. Finally, sitting at the table were the queen, Jenkins and Jessica Windsor.

This girl had appeared at a party hosted by Marquis Michael of Norland. She was a distant relative of Her Majesty's mother, and her father was a grand duke with lands.

I don't know why, but during dinner, only two young people were talking, and the Queen just looked at them.

She smiled kindly, but after all, she was too old to sit for long, so she had no choice but to leave early.

"Mr. William?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He stood up to say goodbye, bowing slightly to show respect. This kind of bowing posture was trained by Miss Stuart hundreds of times to be so standard, so the action was also smooth.

"Oh, nothing..."

She smiled and shook her head again, looking at Jenkins' face, her eyes were a little dazed. Then, she left with the help of the servants.

Miss Windsor was a girl of few words. She could skillfully manipulate the knife and fork to deal with the veal on the plate, while talking to Jenkins about literature and music in a cold tone.

The great writer knew nothing about music, so most of the time he kept nodding and smiling to show his agreement with her opinion. Only when he occasionally talked about something that Hathaway had mentioned, would he say a word or two.

As expected, Miss Windsor invited Jenkins to the ball tomorrow night. It is said that there are quite a few of his admirers at the ball, and as a newly promoted noble, he also needs to meet some friends worth making.

Yes, honorary barons are not considered nobles.

PS: I originally wanted to spend a whole chapter describing the award ceremony and the Queen's attitude towards Jenkins. But then I thought about it and this paragraph was meaningless, so I simply skipped it. But this matter has a very important impact, and this book will mention it quite frequently.

In addition: Happy New Year, Xianyu wishes everyone a happy new year, family happiness and all the best!

In addition: Give me the money.

Chapter 426 Chapter 420 Teagle Museum (1/10)

"Excuse me..."

This is the first time Jenkins has asked a question since sitting down, and in fact it is also the first time he has tried to take the initiative in the conversation:

"Did you make this invitation to me, or did someone else make it to me?"

Jenkins thought she should understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Real nobles will never ask such questions in public."

The woman replied.

"Oh, I see."

He nodded. If it was just a private invitation, there would be no need to say something that could be misunderstood. Therefore, this was the so-called "unavoidable communication".

"I admire your wisdom, but to be a qualified noble, you need more than just wisdom."

"Yes, you also need to be tactful. I heard a saying from my teacher that the tree most likely to be broken by the wind in the forest is the one that grows the tallest."

"Your teacher is also a wise elder."

Jenkins smiled, lowered his head and cut the meat slices from the steak with a knife:

"What I think of as a qualified noble is to have enough wisdom to deal with interpersonal relationships, to be tactful enough to handle various things, to be humble enough to treat their own status, and to regard honor as more important than life. In addition, they must have virtues such as integrity, hope, generosity, justice, tenacity, temperance, and tolerance.

Honor is important to nobles, but nobles do not retain honor because they are nobles; on the contrary, because I have honor, I can become a noble."


She looked up at the man across the table in surprise. The white tablecloth was woven with fine and delicate patterns, but none of these were as delicate as Jenkins' words just now.

"Just now, I almost thought you were the descendant of a noble bloodline. Only these people..."

"No, no, no."

Jenkins shook his head, put the fork on the left side of the plate, and the knife on the right side of the plate, which meant that the meal was over.

He unfolded the napkin with a standard action and wiped the corner of his mouth that was not stuck with anything:

"I have never thought about becoming a noble. I have always had my own goals."

Although some heavy words were said, the two still talked happily for a while before leaving.

"As long as I fix my image as a devout believer, there should be no ignorant people to disturb me at the dance tomorrow night."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh triumphantly in the car.

The night view of Beldiran was as boring as Nolan, and Jenkins, who was worried about his cat all night, had no mood to appreciate it.

Chocolate was still angry, and he didn't even eat the food prepared for it. In the past, at this time, as long as you give it the metal block containing divinity, you can turn its mood from cloudy to sunny. But the metal block was already damaged, so the life orb could only be used to temporarily appease it.

The cat's love for this thing was not as great as the metal block, but at least it could make it give up whipping Jenkins' arm with its tail.

"I remember throwing a ball of yarn to it last time, and it was thrown back. Shouldn't cats like this?"

He looked suspiciously at the chocolate licking the life orb with his tongue, and patted his head again.

"I'm so suspicious. Didn't every time I doubted it prove to be over-concerned?"

The plan was to spend the weekend in Beldiran before leaving, so after the award ceremony, there would be plenty of time to waste.

The other two saints of the church were not in Beldiran at this time, so for safety, Jenkins didn't need to meet anyone else.

After waking up on Thursday morning, I chatted with the little nun for a while and then decided to go out and do my own things.

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