At the moment when he was pulled back from near death, he knew that his soul was a god without divinity, and his body at this moment was only slightly worse than that of the saints who came to the world. Not only did he lack the fatal parts, but his resistance to abnormal conditions was greatly improved. More importantly, as long as he was still a gifter and the spirit of the world flowed in his body, his age and appearance would be permanently stagnant at this moment.

This was the real immortal. Through the ritual communication, the world recognized his immortality, and the world made up for the shortcomings of his mortal body.

The white [Undead] still emitted a faint light in front of his eyes, until he endured the pain and took the bullet out of his body, and then healed the wound with healing breath, and it returned to its normal state.

Raising his hand, a flame flew out, and both the charred corpse and the meat mud under the boulder burned. Relying on the characteristic of not extinguishing itself, the corpse was quickly burned to ashes, and the bloodstains on the ground were patiently dug out of the soil and disposed of.

He took a last look at the alley and hurried away with the package.

Pretending that nothing had happened, he then took a carriage back to the Vatican to put down the package, still wearing the mask.

He greeted everyone he met enthusiastically, and had lunch with the children of a choir. They had all read Jenkins' fairy tales, so even though the nuns kept warning everyone to be quiet, the children could not suppress their excitement.

He spent nearly two hours reading storybooks with the children in the afternoon, and even invited a photographer to take a group photo for them. In addition, everyone asked Jenkins to hang up the medal of the Wright Award and the medal symbolizing the status of a baron.

There is a reason why medal studies can become a specialized subject. In the title system of the Kingdom of Fidictli, there are special requirements for each level of noble medals.

Chapter 429 Chapter 423 Revenge (4/10)

For a baron like Jenkins, the medal of the title is in the shape of a top and a bottom circle, and the outermost circle must be silver, which means that he is a lifelong noble and the title cannot be inherited. The hereditary nobles also distinguished between those with or without territory, and divided the colors into pure gold and red gold.

Outside the main body of the medal, there are two wings-like decorations extending outward on the left and right sides. The Viscount has four wings, and so on, when it comes to the Duke, there are ten wings on the left and right.

The Baron can be called a real noble, so he is allowed to design the main content of his own medal. This will become the family emblem of Jenkins William's descendants until he obtains a higher level of title.

He was absolutely too lazy to design such a thing, so he asked his father who was proficient in heraldry to design it. The final plan he gave was a golden book pattern wrapped with green branches, but he did not explain the specific meaning to Jenkins.

Because he had to attend a dance in the evening, he set off early at around 3 pm.

After entering the city, he strolled around casually and bought a red scarf for his father in an interesting shop.

After confirming that no one was following him, he walked into the alley. When he walked out from the other side, he had become a different person.

The Black Rose Bar is a small bar in the slums of the south city. In addition to legal and illegal drinks, it also sells arms, smuggles contraband, and engages in activities such as sex trade.

He deliberately chose a burly and rough-looking image, and Chocolate magically changed his fur color to a mottled color, looking like the most common wild cat.

He kicked over the two boys who deliberately approached, glared at the two thieves, spat on the ground, and walked into the bar with a swagger.

"A glass of beer!"

He said in a disguised heavy accent, leaning casually on the bar, and pushed three copper coins to the bartender.

"Sir, these are not enough, the price in winter is more expensive."

He shrugged and fumbled through his loose clothes again.

Chalahan Higgins sat in a separate compartment inside the Black Rose Bar, holding his cards in his hand, looking fiercely at the lucky guy opposite him.

A large group of rude men who were joining in the fun were gathered around the table, and they all watched the last deal of cards excitedly.

The one-eyed old man looked at the two gamblers and distributed the cards to them with a wooden ruler.


Higgins lowered his head, flipped the cards with his thumb, and raised his eyebrows. He licked the finger at the corner of his mouth, then grabbed a handful of banknotes from his wrist and threw them rudely into the center of the table.

The man opposite nodded and made the same move.

"Ha~ I won!"

Higgins laughed, threw his hole cards on the table with his right hand, and the one in his left hand slid silently into the boot of his black leather boots.

"Oh, damn, I got a one percent chance!"

His opponent shouted in frustration, and was pushed aside by another impatient gambler a few seconds later.

"It's my turn!"

The new opponent also looked confident.

"You guys play, I'm going to take a break."

Higgins stood up, made an obscene move, and pushed the door open amid the laughter of the people in the room.

He first walked to the bar and gestured to the bartender, who took a dark beer bottle from under the bar and placed it in front of him.

"Isn't there enough beer this time? Did you drink it secretly?"

"The delivery guy said that's all."

The bartender shrugged and stopped talking.

Higgins picked up the bottle, roughly drank the glass of the guest next to him, and then walked out of the bar.

"Ahem~ Damn air."

He was also choked by the mist and felt his abdomen was a little bloated, so he turned into another alley. The hand holding the bottle held the wall to prevent it from being splashed, but he happened to press it on a group of dirty graffiti, and then He unbuckled his belt with one hand.


It was the sound of a pistol safety being flipped, a sound Higgins was familiar with.

He sighed, buckled his belt again, and turned around. The man who had just been robbed of a glass of wine was pointing a gun at him.

"Although a real gangster values ​​his own dignity, he values ​​his own life even more. I will never fight with others for trivial matters. It's not worth it. You don't even understand this~ Who are you hanging out with? Boss Lewis? Or Kick. Sister Qiu Sha?”

"I want this!"

The man raised his chin towards the bottle of wine in his hand.

"This? Oh~ It turned out to be a robbery, and my impression of you has been lowered a lot. You have the courage to point a gun at me. I thought you were at least a brave hound. Now it seems that even the pubic lice in a woman's body are not considered Not on."

There was a real look of disappointment on his face.

"Do as I say and don't make any unnecessary moves."

"Superfluous action?"

Higgins showed a contemptuous expression, and then suddenly raised his finger to point at the man holding the gun, drawing a complex pattern in the air.

But nothing happened, the man still pointed the gun at him steadily.


"You are just a level 1 benefactor. It is normal for illusion to not work on me."

Now it was the gunman's turn to look contemptuous: "Now, hand over the bottle."


The tough man softened immediately and put on a flattering smile on his face: "Sir, if I knew your identity a long time ago, how could I do such a stupid thing?"

He raised his right hand and squatted down, placed the wine bottle on the ground with his left hand, then raised both hands together and rubbed it back bit by bit.

"Just take it. If it's not enough, I can let you know when the next batch of goods arrives."

"You won't resist?"

the man asked.

"Oh, what are you talking about? There is nothing more precious in this world than life. Besides, I am obviously no match for you."

"Oh, it turns out there really is no other trump card."

The man said and rushed over.

When Higgins woke up again, the location had changed to a narrow house. The house was filled with a choking musty smell. There were not many houses like this in slums. After all, not every single man who went out to work had the chance to come back again.

He struggled for a while and found that half of his body was covered in frost, and his hands and feet were tied up. The man just now was sitting on a chair two meters away, watching here quietly.

The windows of the house were boarded up, and only a few rays of sunlight came in through the cracks and insect-eaten holes. Scattered dust could be seen in the sunlight. It was impossible to see the man's expression clearly, but Higgins knew that he might really encounter something big today.

Chapter 430 Chapter 424 Provocation (5/10)

"You're not here for that bottle of spice!"

Higgins said firmly.

"Of course not, this is what I do..."

A black object was thrown to the ground from the man's hand. Higgins squinted for a while and realized that it was a rather ugly mask.

Cold sweat broke down immediately. He finally understood what happened to him today and what kind of mistake he had made.

"What's this?"


"I don't have much time, you better hurry up."

Higgins swallowed, "Kill me, I won't tell."


The bullet entered through his forehead, and Higgins fell to the ground before he could even show a surprised expression.

Jenkins sighed and hid the body under the bed. After briefly handling the scene, he walked outside the door. After closing the door, he sandwiched the hair pulled from the body between the door lock and the door frame, and then left immediately. .

The dance at night was as boring as expected. Although thanks to Miss Stuart's emergency training, there was no trouble during the dance, there was nothing interesting for Jenkins.

People dressed in bright clothes danced to the band in the banquet hall, which looked like daylight. The gas lamps and candles in the chandeliers worked together to make the ladies' jewelry sparkle.

As a new aristocrat without any blood background, he was also welcomed by some noble ladies, especially in this era when people generally believed that writers were romantic by nature.

This fully shows that the public's understanding is not necessarily correct. Anyway, Jenkins has no intention of making friends with those women. After all, after returning to Nolan City, he may not come to the Royal Capital again for a long time.

But he would not refuse the ladies' invitation to dance. After all, it would be extremely awkward to sit down all the time.

Miss Windsor was Jenkins' nominal companion, and she probably hated this kind of social activity, because she even refused every gentleman who invited her to dance. Even Jenkins just walked into the banquet hall with her, and then sat on the sofa in the lounge area, holding a goblet and taking care of the chocolate for Jenkins.

He declined some invitations to private conversations, and had no interest in talking to the young people who came over on their own initiative. When the ladies finally realized that his attention was always on Miss Windsor, Jenkins finally had a chance to rest.

"Have you made up your mind not to get involved in any noble affairs?"


He frowned without glancing at the table: "Don't you provide juice here?"


Miss Windsor looked at him with incredible eyes: "Are you allergic to alcohol?"

"No, I just don't like drinking. It will paralyze my spirit, which is not good for work and writing."

"I didn't expect that in this crazy era, there would be someone like you..."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers, and the waiter who passed by immediately stopped and bent down to listen to her request.

"A glass of juice..."

Looked at Jenkins.

"It's all right."

He shrugged.

"Okay, sir."

After the waiter left, Jenkins leaned back on the sofa, and Chocolate slid on his knees again.

"Snapping fingers is not what a lady should do."

"But I don't want to be a lady. I want to be the Duke of Windsor."

According to the gossip Jenkins learned, the current Duke of Windsor only intends to pass on the title to his daughter, but in fact Miss Windsor has two-digit brothers.

He smiled a little, but quickly covered it up:

"I don't want to be a qualified noble either. My pursuit is higher, higher than you think."

"The Archbishop of the Nolan area?"

She looked at Jenkins through the purple-red liquid. For a moment, the man turned into an extremely scary appearance in her sight.

She put her hand down in panic, but concealed her mood well.

"I won't answer this question."

Jenkins stroked his cat with one hand, took the grape juice from the waiter and took a sip, and still felt a little alcohol.

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