"But even if you are unwilling to establish a relationship with any noble, trouble will not let you go. Things are always like this in this world, and some troubling things often happen for the most unexpected reasons."

"I understand that very well...I mean, when trouble comes, deal with it. And I have a church background, which keeps most of the flies away."

But on this point Miss Windsor is more correct. Just as the conversation between the two young men and women shifted from literature to Jenkins' new book, and then to the current political news of parliamentary reform, a group of young people came over.

The leader was a young man who had taken off his formal clothes and only wore a shirt and a black vest. He is only eighteen years old at most, which is the youngest and most energetic age.

"Baron Williamt!"

Standing five meters away from the sofa, he shouted loudly. His voice suppressed the music, causing most people in the banquet hall to notice the commotion here.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

Out of politeness, he put down the wine-like juice, then patted Chocolate's little head to let it go, and then stood up.

Miss Windsor's brows were already frowning.

"I am Dubai O'Neill Galvin, the only son of Duke Galvin, the recipient of the Order of the Bauhinia, the heir to the Land of Silenda, the descendant of the ever-noble Moon family, blessed by the Lady of the Hidden Moon. Son."

He puffed up his chest and looked at Jenkins, who stopped Miss Windsor from speaking with his eyes, because he really wanted to know what the fool in front of him was doing.

Proms are so boring, you always need to have some fun.

"I am Jenkins Redemptor William, life-long Baron of the Kingdom of Fidictry, winner of the Rhett Award in 1865, friend of the Great Church of the Hidden Moon, helper of the Stormers, and herald of eternal sleep. , Mortals blessed by the stars, may the wise be with me! Young man, please don’t waste my time, what on earth are you going to do?”

He responded in a louder voice. He deliberately lowered his voice to make his voice deeper and richer.

The latter few titles are not lies, but honors given to him by the Orthodox Church in gratitude for Jenkins' contribution to the Silver Vertigo incident. The most orthodox statement is that he has received the First Quarter Moon Medal of the [Sunless Moon] Church, the Mermaid Medal of the [Storm Lord] Church, the Black Robe Medal of the [End of Death] Church, and the Seven Pole of the [All-Seeing Starry Sky] Church. Star Medal.

What he said is just better.

Chapter 431 Chapter 425 Duel of Nobles (6/10)

The above medals are usually only awarded to pagans who have made great contributions to the Orthodox Church or are favored. Although there are higher-level medals, given Jenkins' age, this is already very rare. Since these medals were sometimes awarded without any regularity and even given to strangers who had no connection with the church, he did not have to worry about causing others to question how he obtained them. Moreover, Jenkins remembered that Bishop Parrod had been given these when he was young, and the original owner had memories of the old man recounting these things.

As expected, there was an embarrassed expression on Dubai Galvin's face, and exclamations came from the crowd. The faith of the Zhengshen Church was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The awarding of medals by the church does not appear in the newspapers, and lying on such an occasion is obviously impossible. Before young Galvin came over, he had no idea that his first aggressive move would fail.

"young people?"

He narrowed his eyes, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, I will be 21 years old at the end of April next year. How old are you now?"

Embarrassment appeared on Galvin's face again. The noble man never read newspapers, so it was impossible to learn about the grand prize winner from newspapers. He thought that Baron Williamt was only 18 years old at most.

"Let me ask you, are you Miss Windsor's best man?"

Having come this far, he had no choice but to retreat, and in his heart he cursed his friend who gave him the idea.


As he spoke, he gradually understood that this was an ordinary incident of jealousy.

"Then why didn't you dance with Miss Windsor? Is it the gentlemanly thing to do to leave a beautiful lady alone in the rest area of ​​the ball?"

"Isn't it the gentlemanly thing to interrupt everyone's party?"

Miss Windsor couldn't help but stand up, but Jenkins shook his head gently at her. This time he has to solve the matter by himself, otherwise others will think he is a soft persimmon.

"you you......"

Mr. Galvin was not a man of words, at least not as good as William the Dramatist. The impulsiveness of youth, coupled with the pressure of being watched by hundreds of people, made him make a decision that he regretted a second later.

"I...I want to duel with you!"

He impulsively took off his white gloves and threw them at Jenkins' feet. He couldn't believe how brave he was.

"That's enough, Galvin, you are embarrassing your family."

Miss Windsor couldn't bear it anymore. She wanted to stop this ridiculous farce, and she was worried that the weak writer would be hurt, but Jenkins moved faster.

"It is disgraceful to litter such a beautiful hall."

He bent down and picked up the gloves, "But I accept the duel."

After a second of silence, it was like a bomb exploded from the banquet hall, the sound almost shattering the glass. Since 1857, there has never been such a formal invitation or acceptance of a duel in the Kingdom of Fidictri.

The host finally appeared in the chaotic scene, and the inviter to the dance had to appear to make the scene quiet for a while. He obviously had a great relationship with Miss Windsor, so he repeatedly asked Jenkins and Galvin whether their duel was serious.

Although there were boos from the crowd, the middle-aged man still asked three times before announcing to everyone that the duel was established.

At this time, Galvin no longer knew what to say. He was just thinking that if he refused, he would be called "Cowardly Galvin" in the future. But he regretted it after agreeing, because the noble Galvin did not bother to learn fighting skills.

He glanced at his opponent and thanked the gods in his heart. He was just a poor man who grew up eating cabbage and radish, and he was also a writer by profession.

As if someone had deliberately arranged it, a notary public appeared on the scene to notarize the duel. The two men were surrounded by each other, signing their names on the documents and pressing their fingerprints, and then someone quickly took a carriage to look for the armor and sword.

At this time, the anger in Miss Windsor's eyes could no longer be suppressed. She wanted to persuade Jenkins again, but Jenkins' back was turned to her so firmly. Thinking of what he said at dinner yesterday, Miss Windsor was sure that this man would not easily forgive this person who insulted her reputation.

"But you can't beat him..."

She sighed helplessly, keeping all the people who were cheering in her mind, and then whispered something in the ear of the female attendant on the side. The attendant nodded, picked up the skirt and ran out of the banquet hall quickly.

The nobles of Beldiran have not encountered such a thing for many years. While going out to look for dueling equipment, people who heard about this kept coming from all over the city.

When the final duel began, the number of bystanders had nearly doubled.

Although it is called armor, the protective gear only covers the fatal parts and does not even affect the movement of the limbs. The weapons of both of them are stabbing swords, the kind that can really kill people.

"Do you need me to tell you the rules?"

Someone asked softly to Jenkins, who was Miss Windsor's friend.

"No need, I have studied some."

Hathaway's course would certainly not include dueling, and she would never have imagined what Jenkins would be doing in Belduran. But because the journey on the train was too boring, when Jenkins stayed in Loen, he learned a lot of seemingly useless knowledge from the princess.

"Gentlemen, it's time to begin!"

shouted the notary, while Jenkins and Galvin held their rapiers before their faces and bowed to each other.

Mr. Galvin took a deep breath, still unable to suppress the violent beating of his heart. He just felt how incredible this scene was. He shouldn't be standing here at this moment. The ball and the salon were his home.

What's even more incredible is that the opponent standing opposite actually rushed forward first. His movements were so standard that even the swordsmanship teacher who was driven away by the great Mr. Galvin had absolutely no such ability.

There were exclamations from the crowd again, and the surprised Mr. Galvin finally remembered to block. The swords of the two men touched each other, and the skilled writer easily pushed his sword away, and then stabbed the armor in the heart.

He was definitely not wrong. Before that second, the man opposite had simply wanted to stab the unprotected flesh.

"Baron Williamt wins!"

The notary shouted again, and the crowd immediately erupted in surprisingly uniform boos.

Jenkins danced an unskilled sword flower in the air, then withdrew his stabbing sword and watched Galvin slowly collapse to the ground.

"Sorry, you fought well."

Chapter 432 Chapter 426 The Dagger is born (7/10)

Jenkins also considered inflicting a few wounds on the ignorant young man before winning, but he also considered that he was bullying people in the first place, and that doing so would damage the image of a great writer and may affect the sales of his next book, so He won simply and neatly.

It's not that his swordsmanship is superb, he just learned the most basic moves from Miss Stuart. The increase in the level of the benefactor makes the body's flexibility and reaction speed extremely strong... Moreover, the opponent is really too weak.

The banquet has reached this level, so there is no need to continue it. Most of the onlookers felt that they were still unsatisfied. They originally thought it would be the kind of evenly matched duel that was rumored to come and go.

But most ladies think this is good enough. A gentlemanly and elegant duel requires this to be handsome enough. Not to mention the losers who felt that their lives had become extremely gloomy, the ladies screamed loudly as Jenkins tried to pass through the crowd, and kept pushing their handkerchiefs, silk gloves, lipstick and even earrings into his hands.

When Jenkins finally reunited with his cat and walked out of the banquet hall, he had more money in his hands than he had earned from selling illegal potions.

"Do I need to return these to them?"

he asked troubledly.

Instead of dealing with the mess, Miss Windsor put Jenkins into the carriage herself. She shook her head slightly, thought for a moment, then took off the ruby ​​earring on her right hand and handed it to him.

"What on earth does this mean?"

With such doubts, the carriage took the writer on a long journey. Miss Windsor stood there with her lips pursed, and soon another carriage came from the corner and stopped in front of her.

Duke Douglas Gerold had already walked down the carriage with a worried look on his face.

"You are late."


"He is fine and won."

"That's good, otherwise I would not have the face to see the queen. This matter must not end like this, wait!"

The old man slammed his cane to the ground.

Jenkins didn't care much about defeating an ordinary person in a duel, he just hoped that such a thing would not happen to him again in the future.

No matter how you think about it, it is clear that someone must have instigated the young man who didn't know the height of the world. But no matter what the reason behind the man is, he will not have a good end.

The church is naturally well-informed. When Jenkins returned to the palace where he lived with the yawning cat, Bishop Strick was already waiting for him.

"I'm sorry, Saint William, for letting you encounter such a dirty thing in Beldilan."

When there are no outsiders, this gentleman always calls Jenkins like this.

"It's not your fault. The sage taught us to be humble, but this does not mean that we should put the faults of others on ourselves."

As he spoke, he drew the holy emblem on his chest:

"But I think that my weekend in Beldilan should not be disturbed by others."

"Of course, you will be able to spend a pleasant weekend locally. I wish you a good dream!"

"I wish you a good dream too."

He smiled and nodded, then walked back to his bedroom.

There are many advantages to living here. The most important one is that it is almost impossible for outsiders to invade, but if the people living in it want to sneak out quietly, as long as they master the patrol schedule, route map, and have a certain amount of good skills, then there will be no problem.

Jenkins took a nap and came to the city with Chocolate and the Ouija board. There was no sign of invasion in the room where the body of Boss Higgins was stored, and the hair was still in its original place.

Since the time of death was very close, and there was both a corpse and a place of death here, the Ouija board could not wait to play its role almost as soon as the name was written.

The eyes of the four small statues glowed, and then they turned neatly to the location where the ghost appeared. Jenkins recently discovered that their function was to detect the location of the soul being channeled, but for him who had the real eye, this was not of much use.

"I want to know, why are you looking for this mask?"

He raised the question again.

"Mr. Sid asked me to find it."

The transparent spirit answered in a dull voice.

"Who is Mr. Sid?"

"My guide, he brought me into the world of the Gifter."

Jenkins nodded, so the dead man in front of him was just a chess piece of the Gifter, no wonder he was only at the first level at this age.

"Tell me everything you know about Mr. Sid."

"I met Mr. Sid in the autumn seven years ago..."

I don't know if it's because he is a gifter or because his soul is strong. His soul's ability to resist the black fog is stronger than all the spirits in the past, so he can tell more information.

At least before Jenkins crushed his soul, he knew that the so-called "Mr. Sid" was not a gifter who often moved in Beldiran. He usually contacted Higgins once every few months and assigned him tasks and paid him - mystical knowledge.

This person never revealed his true face, and his voice was also a false voice. This meeting with Higgins was a week ago, and asked to go directly to the old place to meet him after obtaining the mask.

Higgins didn't know the specific strength of the mysterious Mr. Sid, but he knew some of his common code names. One of them was "Dagger Master" because his soul emblem looked like a dagger.

"Oh, I seem to have heard of this person from somewhere."

It wasn't like, Jenkins took a long time to remember that when he and Barnard passed the first strange realm together, he accidentally broke into Mr. Hood's party. The person who escaped from the party was the Dagger Master whose soul emblem was in the shape of a dagger.

"I didn't expect that we would meet by chance."

He waved his hand and burned the body with fire. After patiently dealing with the traces at the scene, he pretended to be tired and returned to the church.

The news of the public duel between the two noble youths was not known to the public. Although there were some messages in the city, they were all specious information. Although people are keen on gossip between nobles, the plague that broke out in the city of Norlan in the kingdom is the most important news now.

Someone is deliberately suppressing the spread of the duel that night, and those who know the reason have no time to worry about who is doing it. The newly promoted Baron William is definitely not without any background. An inexplicable storm is taking shape, and anyone with a little sensitivity can feel it.

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