Chapter 433 Chapter 427 Club Negotiations (8/10)

Duke Galvin is in big trouble when someone reports that he has hidden illegal arms on his estate. Whatever the truth, the family is doomed for a long time after the royal family announced the launch of a formal investigation.

Most people's guess is that the Church of Knowledge and Books is taking revenge. Only a few people understand that it is not just one force that is responsible for killing someone.

No one dared to mess with Jenkins anymore, only some aristocratic ladies were willing to post their letters to Jenkins' residence. And Jenkins had no time to think about the hospitable girls because his father sent a letter.

To be more precise, Dad forwarded a letter. This is Mr. Bro, the bookseller I haven’t seen for a long time. He heard the news that Jenkins won the award and learned that he would definitely go to Beldiran, so he wanted to meet him in the royal capital. But unfortunately, Jenkins had already left when the letter was sent to St. George Street. It was his father who took care of the house for him, who found the letter in the mailbox in front of the door and sent it in time.

The time Mr. Blow wanted to meet with Jenkins was at 10 a.m. on Saturday at the Quill Writers Club, or "Fiddickley Writers' Guild," downtown. He happened to have to go to the city to handle matters entrusted by Miss Audrey, so he stopped by.

Different from the low-key Mr. Ink Club, the Quill Writers Club is located on Silver Cross Road, the main road in the royal capital. Opposite is a bookstore called Owl. Standing across the road, Jenkins can even see his fairy tale books placed in the glass display window. Inside. Several children gathered in front of the bookstore, lying on the glass, looking at Snow White on the cover bending down to pick up the poisonous green apple.

"I'm looking for Mr. Bro."

After walking into the club door, he took off his hat and knocked on the reception desk with his fingers. The young girl raised her head and saw Jenkins' face, and almost screamed:

"You are, Mr. Willamette!"

"Yes, can you tell me where Mr. Blow is?"

"Oh, yes, of course. I'm the biggest reader of Tales from a Stranger, it's such a great book..."

Some over-enthusiastic girls personally walked Jenkins to the door of the room, and he could only say goodbye to her while smiling.

"Long time no see, Baron Williamt."

"Long time no see, Mr. Bro."

The wealthy businessman stood up to greet him with a smile on his face: "Although it is a little late now, I still want to congratulate you on winning the Rhett Award. I think you don't mind if we print this news on the book cover. superior."

"Of course I don't mind."

He waved his hand and sat down, and the merchant immediately called the servant standing aside to pour the wine.

"I'm glad to see you in Belduran. It's a quite beautiful city. Oh, it's not that Nolan is bad, it's just the air..."

He waved his hand in the air, and Jenkins smiled and nodded:

"I hope the new plan implemented next year will have some effect, but I still maintain a pessimistic attitude."

"Me too."

He winked at Jenkins, and then the two clinked their glasses.

Mr. Blow was originally a bookseller who cooperated with the Church of the Sages. After unexpectedly obtaining the publishing rights of Jenkins' books, his business received implicit support from the Church. His career has expanded to an astonishing scale compared to when the two first met.

Of course, a keen businessman knows the reason for this. He will not be troubled by those golden coins and beautiful banknotes, so he knows what he should do most.

This time the amount of money for the book was 793 pounds, far exceeding Jenkins' expectations. Even if the profits in foreign countries have to be shared with local booksellers, the cumulative effect is still very considerable.

The two chatted for a while about political news and then talked about the club. Mr. Blow strongly recommended Jenkins to become a member here, because all the famous writers in the kingdom are members here.

"How many gold pounds are needed?"

he asked bluntly.

"If it were someone else, it would be about 23 pounds a year, but you don't need to spend any money."

He shook his cup: "General writers hope to make more powerful colleagues here, and also want to use this place to promote their books. But you don't need this. I know that the Sage Church also owns shares in this club. They How crazy do you have to be to charge you a membership fee?”

Become a member of the club and you will receive an exquisite feather-shaped badge. Most cities in the country have branches of this club, including Nolan, of course. After becoming a member, Jenkins can get a lounge in the club at any time without spending a single copper, enjoy the activities in the club, and get free meals, afternoon tea and midnight snacks.

He had no reason to refuse.

At the same time, Mr. Blow also wanted to know how Jenkins' next book was being prepared and whether it could be published at the end of next year. He got a very surprising answer.

"We still need to revise some details. By the end of this month or the beginning of next month, we will probably have a first draft."

"Have you finished writing?"

"It can be said like this."

"Oh, dear Baron, please accept my bow. I have never seen a well-known writer as diligent as you. May the wise bless every writer to have your spirit."

Saying goodbye to the enthusiastic businessman, the man and the cat set out again. Miss Audrey's dance class teacher when she was a child was named Hill Caroline. This poor old man lived alone in an alley in a slum.

Just after paying the fare to the driver, Jenkins saw two carriages with police badges parked at the entrance of the alley, and there were also some whispering pedestrians nearby.

"Oh, sage~"

He sighed softly, picked up the cat following behind him, and walked over. The entrance to the alley has been blocked by the police, but some bodies with obvious signs of gunshot wounds can be seen lying inside.

"Excuse me, what happened here?"

He asked the middle-aged police officer who was stopping the crowd from approaching. The police officer looked at his clothes carefully, raised his hand and twisted his hat to the right position so that the police badge faced the front, and then said in a polite tone:

"Dear Sir, a group of gangsters fought here last night, and unfortunately the residents nearby were involved. We are dealing with the corpses of these poor guys. Although there will be no plague in winter, we must find a place for the corpses to be buried. place."

"Excuse me......"

As he spoke, he uneasily took out a note from his pocket: "Well, yes, how is Mrs. Caroline who lives in Room 201 of Apartment 3?"

Chapter 434 Chapter 428 Circus (9/10)

When he took the note with the address from his pocket, one side of his coat inadvertently flicked outward, revealing the baronial medal hanging on his chest.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Baron, I will ask you."

The middle-aged police officer bowed in panic, then quickly turned around and ran inside.

Five minutes later, a detective wearing a yellow windbreaker and a black hat walked over with the police officer. He nodded politely to Jenkins, and then said:

"Sir, if the person you are looking for is 53-year-old Ms. Hill Caroline, the residents said that she has not been home for many days. It is said that she went to Weishinka Village on the outskirts of the city to visit her friends. From the records It seems that this lady was defrauded a few days ago, and the recent economic situation is very bad..."

Jenkins had been prepared for the death of his mother-in-law Caroline, but when he learned that she was still alive, Jenkins was filled with emotion. Before he heard the news, he was really worried that the old lady would be implicated in his bad luck.

"I'm really not a 'walking god of death'. Death events are more suitable for detectives, not writers..."

He probably had this idea because he had encountered too many deaths recently. In short, after asking for the specific location, he took a carriage out of the city.

Vesinka Village is a small village attached to the city of Beldiran. Apart from the fact that villagers can easily enter the city, it has no characteristics like other villages in the kingdom.

The dirt road leading to the small village was so bumpy that I even had the urge to vomit due to the violent shaking when I got off the bus. But the air in the suburbs was indeed fresher, and he felt much better after taking a few deep breaths.

The villagers are very puzzled by the arrival of strangers, but they only need to spend a few pennies to get enthusiastic guidance services. A friend of Caroline's mother-in-law lived in the village, and when Jenkins shouted at the door from outside the crude fence, the owner was also at home.

"Excuse me, is Ms. Hill Caroline here now? I have a letter here for her!"


The old woman who came out of the house covered her ears and responded with a louder voice:

"Well, young man, she just left me a few hours ago and is back in town, I think. If you can't find anyone at her house, Caroline must be in Spencer Square. She's with I told you, there is a circus performing in the city today! She is the one with the brown beads, she always thinks they are beautiful!"

Jenkins failed again and had no choice but to go back to the city. But when he reached the village entrance, he remembered that he had just forgotten to pay the driver to wait for half an hour. Now he had no way to go back.


Chocolate patted his neck with his front paws, and Jenkins suddenly realized and took out the bone whistle.

The path back to the city is mostly surrounded by farmland on both sides, so the possibility of being seen is very slim. But Jenkins still maintained his usual cautious style and changed his image before blowing the whistle.

As a sharp sound cut through the air, thick black air floated out from the bone whistle and hovered in front of Jenkins. When the black air dissipated, a skeletal horse impatiently stepped on the ground with its front hooves, waiting for one person and one cat to set off.

We returned to the city very smoothly. Since it was Saturday, the citizens had time to travel. Spencer Square is the second largest public square in the Beldiran area. Different performances or activities are held here every month of the year.

At this time, a huge tent had been set up in the square, and a clown dressed in funny clothes was collecting tickets at the entrance.

Jenkins was surrounded by the crowd and had no choice but to follow them, and then was pushed to the front without realizing it. Now I definitely couldn't find a way out, and I thought that I was going to travel this time, so I readily paid my 10 pence.

There was a lot of noise both inside and outside the tent. In order to take good care of his cute cat and prevent children from jumping up and touching it, Jenkins could only find a seat in the corner. Beside him were a young man writing with a notebook and a woman with a melancholy face.

What was being performed in the venue was acrobatics. First, a clown with a face full of oil paint came out from behind the scenes on a unicycle, and then threw five oranges with both hands.

He spoke to the audience in a high-pitched voice, but unfortunately Jenkins was in a bad position and could only hear a humming sound.

"Did you enjoy your stay?"

He raised his right hand and rubbed the cat's chin with his fingertips.


Chocolate narrowed his eyes and shouted, rubbing the side of Jenkins' face with his beard.

The morning circus will last until about twelve o'clock. If you want to continue watching, you must buy new tickets in the afternoon. Jenkins came here at ten past eleven, so he was in time for the finale of the morning session.

They were three clowns dressed the same, with red, green and blue hair to distinguish them. The three of them each held a thin sword and dueled in a circular arena filled with various miscellaneous objects.

Because the performance effect has to be taken into consideration, the so-called "duel" is more like adding the sound effect of the collision of long swords during the performance of various acrobatics. But this is enough to make the audience even more excited, especially since they always think that someone will die in the next second.

Jenkins thought his money was well spent, but he didn't forget the purpose of this trip. There are at least several thousand people in the circus tent, and it is not easy to find an old lady with brown beads among them.

Until the end of the circus, when the clown, magician, animal trainer and his animal companions thank the audience, Jenkins still has not found his purpose.

He stood there waiting for the crowd in front to clear away. With a casual glance, he actually saw an old lady with brown beads sneaking into the backstage.

"Is it this person? What is she going to do?"

Jenkins raised some eyebrows, blinked his eyes, and some special lights appeared in his field of vision.

"What kind of circus is this, 1 or 2 benefactors?"

I felt bad in my heart, as if I had accidentally gotten into trouble again. He covered his face and shrank back. The flowing light and shadow changed on his body. His figure, clothes and face shape changed subtly with the light and shadow.

Chocolate also shook his hair and began to change color, and then looked in that direction curiously.

Jenkins' premonition was indeed right. When there were less than fifty spectators left blocking the door, a muffled sound came from the backstage, and then a lion with singed fur flew out through the wooden wall. , rolled a few times and stopped in the center of the stage.

Chapter 435 Chapter 429 The Second Mask (10/10)

The audience who stayed at the end were stunned, thinking that the performance was not over yet.

The soft sound of a flute sounded from further back, and a young man dressed as a magician ran out in a panic while playing a wooden flute with one hand. This was a lullaby that Jenkins was familiar with, so he "coincidentally" fell on the stomach of the person in front of him.

Since the circus had not had time to clean up after the performance, there were still some ropes left on the circular venue. Several rays of light flew out from the hole penetrated by the lion, and the hemp rope shook a few times and transformed into a cobra spitting out letters, separating the lion and the magician.

"God bless me!"

The young man shouted, throwing his black hat away. It swirled and floated in the air, and the cobra automatically flew into the hat tube.

The clown who was maintaining order at the entrance had already blocked the door, and the audience did not notice that there were still a few people who had not come out. He obviously didn't understand what was going on, but he also knew he wanted to help his companions.

A fist-sized green ball of light was thrown from his hand and hit the lion directly. It roared low and regained some strength, then stood up unsteadily.

"Except for the magician, who is level 2, all other circus members are level 6. There is also a level 7, who seems to be the old man just now..."

Jenkins concluded in his mind, and seeing that no one was paying attention, he quietly moved towards the exit.

There is no need for him to fight these strangers in a place like this. As long as the Holy See gets the news, even if these people are demigods, they will be finished.

"What happened inside?"

Joker shouted.

"A madman broke in and is inside now..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he hurriedly dodged to the side, because the wooden box in the field suddenly grew stubby legs and sharp teeth protruding forward. Two of them were stopped by the lions, and the clown joined the fight, wielding a whip at his waist.

But he did not stay here to deal with the continuously activated items. Instead, he took advantage of a gap and got in through the lion-shaped hole in the wall.

The magician gradually couldn't hold on any longer. His black hat could only hold a limited number of items, so he could only move closer to the lion. He raised his head inadvertently, and felt that the positions of the innocent people collapsed at the door seemed to be a little different, but the flames spurted from the fire ring forced him to bring his thoughts back.

"Don't pay attention to me, don't pay attention to me..."

Jenkins prayed quietly in his heart as he passed five people from the last position. When he turned around, he saw that the chocolate lying on the ground was still in its original place, so when no one was paying attention, he reached out and pulled it over.

The above things only happen within three minutes, and the fights between the Gifters usually don't last long.

Before Jenkins' strategic transfer was successful, the old man with the beaded flower emerged from the hole.

She jumped to the side swiftly, and a spark exploded on the spot. Jenkins didn't dare to look at them directly, so he couldn't know what it was.

"Don't go!"

The red-haired clown ran out with the long sword he had just performed. With a flick of his wrist, the blade turned into ten meters long.

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