He asked curiously. Before, girls were always called "Sir".

"My cousin from Liverpool just told me that when addressing a noble gentleman with a title, you should no longer use sir, but a higher-level lord or directly add the title..."

The girl answered honestly and had no intention of hiding anything.

"There is no need for this. The title is meaningless to me. I am a devout believer."

Chapter 499 Chapter 492 Girls and men and times (please vote for more!)

When it came to piety, Jenkins skillfully drew the Holy Emblem on his chest, "From now on, I'll just use 'Mr.', I like this title."

"Okay, sir."

The girl raised her head and answered.

Seeing that something was wrong with her mood, Jenkins took the initiative to move away from the topic. He took the girl up the uphill road to the bridge and watched the carriage whizzing past. Inside the curtains blown by the wind was an old gentleman with his eyes closed, and Jenkins thought he had seen him at Marquis Michael's banquet.

"Speaking of which, the Strais family was really lucky to be away from home that day."

There should be nothing fishy about this matter, because both the police station and the church will conduct a detailed investigation on this matter.

"My aunt's family always has good luck."

The girl whispered, then looked up at Jenkins, holding her empty basket tightly. The food she brought from the church was originally there as a gift.

"My uncle recently lost his job, but a businessman happened to spend a lot of money to buy their vase. It was a really big sum of money, about 13 pounds. It really relieved them. economic status.”


Jenkins remembered that his father said the selling price of the thing was at least 30 pounds, so this time he did not lower the price very low, probably because he took the family's situation into consideration.

"In fact, the businessman you are talking about should be Mr. Oliver, and I am his apprentice. I just happened to meet him at the corner..."

There was no need to hide it anymore. He had a feeling that the more lies like this, the more trouble he would get.

The girl nodded without showing anything strange on her face. Instead, she asked curiously:

"Sir, aren't you a writer?"

"Yes, but being a writer is just a side job. My main business is an antique store."

He paused and added: "The main business is for fun, and the side business is to support the main business to continue. This is the meaning of the side business."

The girl's eyes showed reverence.

There was contempt in Chocolate's eyes.

The daylight hours in winter are shorter, so even before 5 p.m., red clouds appear in the western sky. In the afternoon, the fog dissipated a lot, and the gorgeous sunset was reflected on the river, and was disrupted by the ripples caused by passing merchant ships, giving it a different flavor.

There were very few pedestrians on the bridge, and the carriage coming from the opposite direction passed by in a hurry. The wind from the wheels caused half of the newspaper on the ground to fly up, and then slowly fall towards the water reflecting the bridge.

The wind on the bridge was a bit strong, and even though the girl was wearing a scarf that she had picked up from the trash heap, she still felt the wind pouring inward from her collar. She took a step to the side, letting Jenkins' body block some of the wind for her. When she looked up again, the man was looking at the merchant ships under the bridge with interest.

"do you know?"

Jenkins' voice was a little excited, and the sound of the ship's whistle excited him: "I heard from the newspaper that steam-powered ships have begun to be put into use. This time next year, the boats passing under the bridge will definitely not be such small boats. But a giant ship spewing waste and steam! It was an interesting time..."

"Yeah, interesting times~"

The girl didn't know what to say. She couldn't fully understand what Jenkins said, so she could only follow him.

"Only those who can follow this era can truly appreciate the opportunities now. I..."

He realized that he had said too much, and he never expected that he would become like this when facing a strange girl.

"When I was in Belduran, I met an inventor."

He seizes the time to change the topic, and the connection this time is very natural, "He is probably the kind of person who wants to seize the opportunities of the development of the times, but unfortunately the things he invented are very ridiculous. I don't think anyone is willing to invest gold pounds in he."

"Speaking of investing..."

This was the first time that girl Faithful took the initiative to raise a topic. She didn't want the gentleman to think that she was simply agreeing without going into the topic. Probably because he thought of something exciting, his voice was a little loud:

"Sir, do you know that there is a very profitable investment method now? That's what I heard from my uncle and aunt last week!"

"Oh, is that right?"

The two finally walked off the bridge. Jenkins motioned for her to stop and took coins from his pocket to buy an evening newspaper from the newspaper boy.


After setting off again, the girl continued the topic: "There is a well-known big businessman in the local area. His daughter has contracted a very large mine, but she just lacks capital investment. Now just go to Mr. Traveler's bank to apply for an account. , and then transfer money to an account, you will definitely receive considerable returns!

You gave me... I invested a small part of the money you gave me, and I really had enough money to remit it yesterday! "

Jenkins raised his eyebrows. He felt that the description sounded familiar, but the details were wrong.

"Sir, now people near the city of Elderon in the Kingdom of Cheslan know about this matter. My uncle also learned about it by chance from a letter sent by a relative. They are always so lucky!"

Now Jenkins finally understood that what the girl just said was his plan.

"Has this matter spread to Nolan now? Well, the plate has become bigger, and it is more convenient for me to rob Peter to pay Paul! This is a just cause!"

Jenkins didn't know how widely the matter about "Miss Fabry" had spread. But the news that has spread to Nolan City now has a large deviation from the poor female students who conducted the social survey at the beginning.

Although the core is still remittance-making money, Miss Fabry's identity has changed greatly in the mouths of investors. This is also a good thing, because even if the matter is exposed, it can confuse investigators.

When I returned to the church, the sun had almost fallen to the end of the horizon, and the bells of the bell tower could be faintly heard in the distance. When he said goodbye to the girl, Jenkins gave her the "Stories of Strangers" he had just bought, because he had many copies at home.

The bishop still hadn't returned from the countryside, and nothing interesting happened in the church. Jenkins wanted to talk to his father before dinner, but the keeper of the Gate of All Things said that he had just left half an hour ago.

So Jenkins let the cat go out to play alone, and he applied for the use of the Secret Library.

Needless to say, where the cat went, it must have gone to take care of those seedlings that might never grow up.

PS: Celebrate the 1 million words of this book! Thank you for your support for so long!

Chapter 500 Chapter 493 Trivia

The book that the father mentioned and the "Blood and Evil: The Mystery of Ancient Aliens" mentioned by Professor Burns are both quietly placed on the bookshelf. The latter is a somewhat old book. According to the preface and thanks on the title page, the author should have lived in the early days of this era. But such a book only needs to be re-copied, so the book looks very new.

"Table of Contents..."

He turned the pages back, mumbling to himself, but felt something wrong in his hands. So he closed the book again and flipped through it again, only to find that the last few pages of the book were torn off.

"Confidential content? If I can now say that I have reached level 3, maybe I can see them on the third floor of the library."

The author of this book recorded most of the vampires he knew and most of their subspecies. Among them, a large section was written about the humanoid vampires, or vampires, which are often mentioned by modern novelists.

Ignoring most of the knowledge that Jenkins was already familiar with, he turned directly to the chapter about "infection", and then pressed his finger on the page to read word by word:

[...Most vampires who become benefactors can infect other races through their own blood and call the infected servants. High-level vampires can control their servants to a certain extent and share some of their power with them, and the first and second generation infected can also do this. Of course, doing so will not only weaken oneself, but also cause permanent physical and spiritual damage to the infected person...】

"It's almost the same as I thought. In other words, are the two people we met that night humans infected by vampires? If the one who escaped is also, then how powerful is the one who gave them power?"

After dinner, it was Miss Befanna's class. She hurriedly got off the carriage at the church door at around eight o'clock, accompanied by many scribes.

"Was there a big operation just now?"

He asked in confusion.

"The hospital blood bank was stolen, and we only caught a few minions when we arrived..."

In the background of this sentence, a tied man was carried down by the scribes.


"Yes, the church found some information after the incident that night. We wanted to catch them all tonight, but we failed."

Seeing that everyone around had gone away, Miss Befanna called Jenkins to the training ground:

"This is not right. I'm afraid there is something wrong with the police department that cooperated with the operation."

"You mean, someone in the police department was infected?"

"It should be."

The evening class was still learning new postures on the cushion. According to Miss Befanna, this set of postures might take them a whole month to learn. After that, it will depend on Jenkins to practice repeatedly. After a month, he will start the practical exercises such as fighting and weapon use that he imagined.

The class ended at eleven o'clock. Jenkins said goodbye to Miss Befanna, took the chocolate and set off on the way home.

He was really exhausted, but fortunately nothing strange happened along the way. But when he just turned into St. George Street, a carriage suddenly rushed out from another intersection and drove into the block quickly.

The carriage finally stopped at the door of Jenkins' neighbor's house, and the widow, Mrs. Margaret, stepped out of the carriage.

She was wearing a red scarf and a somewhat outdated woolen hat, and it was obvious that she was pregnant.

Following Mrs. Margaret out of the carriage, there were two middle-aged men who looked like bodyguards. The two men helped the woman carefully open the fence and walk towards the house.

After the carriage left St. George Street, Jenkins walked out of the huge shadow of the house on the corner. He didn't want his neighbors to think he was spying on her.

"Why is Mrs. Margaret back? Want to prepare for pregnancy at home?"

He guessed, and saw the gas lamp of the house light up, so he shrank his head and continued to move forward, groping for the key to the gate in his pocket with his right hand.

Chocolate didn't have the patience to walk with Jenkins. When he stood in the shadow waiting for his neighbor to go home, he got into the house early through the gap under the fence. When Jenkins was still walking on St. George Street, he had already reached the guest room on the second floor of the house, where the window could clearly see the neighbor's house.


Chocolate swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shook his tail, and squinted his eyes.

The next morning, Jenkins received a letter from the Silver Jasmine Opera Company. Mr. Nellie invited him to meet this afternoon to discuss the creation of a new opera in detail.

He told his father about this in the antique shop. His father was very supportive, so Jenkins got another half-day vacation.

His main method of accumulating spirits is to copy the incomplete stone tablet in the black and white photo, and this method can only be used for the gifters below level 4. Jenkins has recently planned to find a good opportunity to declare that he has reached level 3, in order to prevent one day reaching level 4 and not being able to get a way to continue to improve for a long time.

Regarding the matter of the vampires, since his father did not let him intervene, he did not ask his father about the latest status.

But according to the conversation with Miss Befanna last night, there is reason to believe that a powerful vampire creature has indeed sneaked into the city. This is not a recent thing, because according to the existing clues, it is easy to find several infected people, which shows that the vampires have appeared in Nolan for a long time, but they suddenly went on a killing spree for some reason a few days ago and were exposed.

The place where he met Mr. Nellie was the local Quill Pen Writers Club in Nolan. He looked much thinner after not seeing him for a few days.

"Are you still adapting to life in Nolan City? I heard that you spend most of your time in Cheslan Kingdom handling business and rarely travel here."

"Compared to the south, it is indeed a bit cold here. But that's nothing. Nolan City has a high rate of steam pipeline laying. I did business in Hampavo Kingdom in the early years..."

Due to his accent, Jenkins didn't hear clearly what he said in the second half of the sentence, but it was probably a complaint about there.

According to the verbal agreement on the train last time, Mr. Nellie was willing to exchange shares of the opera company for Jenkins to write a new script for it. This matter itself was questionable. Jenkins was considering it at the time. Who would have thought that Mr. Nellie would bring the contract directly this time.

It was a highly completed contract. Even though Jenkins was an outsider, he could see that the details were very comprehensive. It was as if Mr. Nellie was begging Jenkins to sign it.

Chapter 501 Chapter 494 The Thief and the Knife

"You are really sincere..."

Jenkins held the contract in his right hand, stroked the cat lying on the sofa with his left hand and sighed softly, then put the papers on the coffee table between the two of them:

"Excuse me, but you look a little anxious."

"Oh, is that so?"

The owner of the theater, who just said that Nolan City was a little cold, hurriedly wiped his face with a handkerchief. The businessman adjusted his glasses, which he had just put on when checking the contract:

"The recent business downturn, coupled with the unfortunate incident some time ago, my theater was forced to stay in the local area. I must find a way to attract audiences, yes, I must... Do you know that a large circus also came to Nolan yesterday? I heard that they plan to stay until next spring, and leave by ship after the sea ice disappears. This is also a competitor of the opera company..."

It is obvious that it is a lie. Opera and circus are aimed at different income groups.

Jenkins did not expose this point and decided to postpone the signing of the contract until the results of the church's investigation came out:

"How about this, I will take this contract back and find a professional lawyer to take a look before making a decision. What do you think?"

"Of course, okay, this is a great idea."

Mr. Nellie also knew that Jenkins noticed something was wrong, so he could only say this with a wry smile.

After the contract was discussed, the atmosphere of the conversation immediately improved a lot. Jenkins first pretended to chat with him about current affairs for a while, and then gradually guided the topic in the direction he hoped:

"......That's right, the security in Nolan City seems to be very good. I think the midnight serial murder case that happened in Rodburg County is unlikely to happen here. Speaking of which, Mr. Nellie, has the cause of Mr. Opler's death been investigated? That's really a sad thing."

Oppler is the pseudonym of the great thief Shelley Howell, who died on the crazy 31st of October.

"Not yet."

Speaking of this, Mr. Nellie also covered his face with a sad expression. Whether it was from the friendship of more than ten years between the two or his personal property, the businessman had reason to be sad:

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