"The gentlemen of the police at Carfax Field have not made any effective progress. We know nothing except that Opler has been ransacked. I think that poor man must have encountered robbers when he went out at night."

Jenkins nodded, "I think Mr. Opler is not that imprudent, and Nolan's security has always been very good. Speaking of which, does he have that kind of decoration that he always wears on his body? Maybe that kind of thing makes him The robber was murderous."

"No, he has always been very frugal and never buys expensive accessories. Moreover, this person is quite insecure and likes to carry a knife with him."

As he spoke, he pointed to the table knife next to the plate with the cake:

"But his knife is not as big as this thing. Even if it is in danger, what use will it have?"

Knowing this, after leaving the club, Jenkins went directly back to the antique store to find his father. He could have gone home directly, but his intuition told him that what he just said was very valuable.

"Dad, that big thief Shelley Howell, did you have a small knife among the treasures you stole?"

"Oh, you also went to the opera troupe to look for clues?"

Dad asked rhetorically.

"How do you know?"

"Because the night watchers have already asked, how could they not find such an important clue?"

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, then disappointed.

"So that's it~"

Now that I'm here, I can't just turn around and leave, so I plan to chat a few more words:

"So have you found the next clue?"

"Shelley Howell committed numerous crimes in that era, but if special items and knives are used as key words, there are actually only three cases that can be considered related. The first..."

He held out a finger: "B-02-2-9032, the Decomposer's Scalpel, a magical item. The great god associated with this is the False God - the God of Corpses and Sacrifice, also commonly known as The black-robed priest is a being who has a close relationship with the great righteous god [The End of Death], and that item has the effect of causing parts to break when the blade touches the body of a creature. It is a very powerful weapon. It was stolen in the autumn of 34 years ago, related to a border unrest. "

He stretched out his second finger:

"Second, B-12-2-9277, the Living Corpse Maker. A completely black blade, but it can be artificially installed with a wooden handle. All creatures that die under this item will definitely be resurrected into living corpses. But This item was not necessarily stolen by Howell, but he is the most likely suspect."

"Dad, why hasn't such a dangerous thing been sealed by the church?"

"Before the church found it, the original owner had been killed, and the existing information was extracted from that person's notes. Also, don't interrupt Dad!"

Jenkins nodded quickly and vigorously.

"The third one is the oldest, and it was this incident that made Howell famous. In the Church of All Things and Nature, there is a complete set of elemental weapons. According to legend, there are nine weapons in the set, and these nine can be pieced together. A gifted weapon, somewhat like C-09-3-0099, [Armor of Courage], but this is no longer possible. The only one that exists in the Church of All Things and Nature is B-01-2-7401, Light Absorbing Blade, 30. It was the one that defeated that skeleton sword years ago..."

Dad coughed: "Okay, this has nothing to do with our topic. The one Howell stole represents the natural element - fire. B-01-2-7404, the fire dagger. As long as it has contact with the air Any contact will cause all combustibles within three feet of the air to be ignited, so it can only be stored in a metal box with a very high ignition point, and the gaps must be filled. "

"So which one does Howell carry with him at all times?"

Jenkins asked curiously.

"I don't know. His knife was stuck in his holster all day long. The members of the opera troupe couldn't give a detailed description."

"So, there is still no progress on this matter."

"Yes, that's it."

Dad nodded at him.

It is extremely difficult to channel the souls of such high-level benefactors, so the clues were interrupted again. The current direction of the church's investigation is the trajectory of his activities when he was the director of the Silver Jasmine Opera Troupe. It was also for this reason that the opera troupe was forced to stay in Nolan City.

But no matter what, at least so far, the murderous robber has not had anything to do with Jenkins.

Chapter 502 Chapter 495 Lun’s Snowy Night

It was still this Tuesday, in the distant Royal Palace of Loen City, Her Royal Highness the Third Princess was in her bedroom, humming a song and holding her skirt while standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror with an exaggerated size. She seemed to be in a happy mood.

The lights in the room are very bright, and the gas lamps and candles together create a warm yellow light. The window reflected the scene in the room, as well as the maid Julia, who pursed her lips and looked worried.

It's snowing outside, but Dolores Stuart still looks like she has plans to go out.

"Your Highness, the weather seems to be very bad tonight."

"It doesn't matter. Let's just slip out of the sewer and take the carriage as we did before. We won't get caught in the snow."

Her good mood was not affected by the maid.

"Your Highness, are you really going to see Miss Miller? Last week you said you would ignore her for a while...Don't wear this one, it will make your waist look thicker."

"Ah! Is that so? Then I'll change another one! Julia, I think a week is long enough. If we keep ignoring them, it will affect our relationship. Remember the plan I mentioned? Mr. William and Miss Miller are both very powerful high-level gifters. It's hard for us to meet and make friends like them next time!"


Julia's voice showed helplessness. She really didn't understand. Even if the hateful William was really good-looking, her Highness shouldn't be obsessed with him to this extent.

"Also, Julia, do you think I should call Mr. William Baron William next time I meet him? The titles of the three kingdoms are recognized throughout the continent. A few days ago, he really took a photo with Her Majesty the Queen of Fidictelli in the newspaper!"

"You can decide for yourself. I don't think that gentleman will mind."

Julia knew that she could no longer stop Dolores from going out tonight. The first step was to ease the relationship with Miss Miller, and the next step must be William.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh. But she would not stop it, because Dolores is always right, and her princess is always the most shining.

"You will mention to Miss Miller tonight about hiring her as a royal tutor, right?"

"Yes, Teacher Warren happened to resign from his position as a mathematics teacher because he was going to work at the Royal Academy of Sciences. I do need a new teacher, don't I?"

At this point, Dolores smiled again.

She took off her clothes and turned in front of the floor-length mirror. Her long hair fluttered with the rotation of her body.

Julia was startled and quickly ran to the window with her skirt lifted up, closing all the curtains that were only half drawn.

"What are you doing? It's so cold, you will catch a cold!"

The little maid complained.

"I know, my Julia~"

The exaggerated and intimate name used at the end made Julia blush a little, but she still stepped forward to help Dolores put on the newly chosen dress. While making the waist part more comfortable, she whispered to her to pay attention to her health.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Dolores went to her mother's place in a mysterious way, talked some private things, and then went back early on the pretext of feeling unwell.

Therefore, she had a good reason not to appear outside her bedroom all night.

The palace guards and maids had been arranged. As usual, she took her maid out of the side window and met the knight captain who was responsible for patrolling this area tonight. The latter bowed and left with a group of people as if he had seen nothing.

Even the sewers under the royal family palace were filled with unbearable stench. Dolores had to bring a large bottle of perfume every time she went out, otherwise she would not dare to talk to others at close range.

Coming out of an alley far away from the palace, she could see the brightly lit buildings from a distance. The women who were ready to meet them quickly put on white fluffy cloaks for the two. These people were private thugs and bodyguards that Dolores secretly raised with her own pocket money. They were as trustworthy as the knights in the palace who were willing to be loyal to her.

Thinking of this, Dolores inevitably recalled the auction scam she encountered when she went out with Miss Miller and Jenkins that day. She never managed to pry open the mouths of the captives, but the current evidence has already pointed to one of her brothers.

She suddenly shook her head and made up her mind not to let these bad things affect her good mood.

There is a lot of snow in Loen in winter, so the citizens are also used to going out as little as possible on winter nights. After a week of continuous snow, the bar's business has become much colder. In addition to the sound of the carriage passing by and the sound of the wooden carriage itself, only the sound of the steam pipe leaking from somewhere echoed in the street.

Before visiting Miss Miller, they also had to go to the alley where they usually traded with strange benefactors. This is an irregular trading place. The person selling the items will leave a mark, and the interested buyer will leave his information corresponding to the mark. Before the final transaction is completed, no one knows who the other party is.

The alley was dyed white like the street outside, with only a black protrusion of unknown origin exposed above the snow.

Seeing that there were no footprints in the alley, Dolores whispered three strange syllables, and her body slowly rose to the surface of the snow.

"It's OK."

Nodding to her maid, the two walked into the alley one after the other. Dolores squatted down by the wall in the middle of the alley, took out a knife from her pocket, scraped the frost and dust off the wall, and then unexpectedly found that what was written there was not the default symbol of the transaction, but a string of words with very light handwriting.

She had to squat lower to identify the letters:

"I... want... what is this word? Oh, it's 'kill', I want to kill you!"

Before she finished speaking, a big bulge suddenly appeared in the snow between Dolores and Julia, and then a thin figure broke through the snow, and in the blink of an eye, the knife in his hand was handed to Dolores's neck.

It pierced into the beautiful flesh silently, but did not bring out any blood. With a crash, Dolores' snow sculpture scattered all over the ground.

The figure plunged into the snow again without hesitation, and was then forced out by the ice piercing the snow.

A dazzling light came from the alley. The short woman covered her eyes and looked there. Dolores and Julia were still in the carriage. Dozens of gunmen were aiming their guns under the light from the carriage. Got her.

Chapter 503 Chapter 496 Unicorn in the Snow

"Who sent..."

"I will never betray you, sir!"

The woman interrupted Dolores. Her voice was strange, as if her throat had suffered great trauma. The bullet was fired after she stated her position. The woman waved her hand forward, and a thick ice wall appeared out of thin air, separating the bullet from herself.


She suddenly shouted, and the gunmen who were preparing for the second round of shooting immediately covered their ears and fell down. And just when the woman broke through the ice wall she created and wanted to attack again, a delicate ice arrow cut through the air and shot into her heart with a whooshing sound.


She pointed at the ice archer who appeared behind Dolores Stuart in shock, never having the chance to finish what she had not finished.

"What a bummer."

With a worried look on her face, Julia lowered the curtains in the carriage and motioned to the coachman to move on.

"I didn't expect this place to be unsafe."

Her Royal Highness the Princess complained softly: "My brothers are so narrow-minded. Why do they have to fight against my sister, who is the least competitive?"

"That's because you're so good."

Julia catered from the side, and outside the carriage that was leaving, people in cloaks had begun to skillfully handle the body.

Along the way, Dolores gradually shifted the topic from losing another trading location to maintaining her friendship with Miss Miller and Mr. Williams. Julia could only nod in agreement with her words, but what she was actually thinking about was which prince was taking action against her master.

It was already late at night when they arrived at Miss Miller's residence. There was only the sound of falling snow and wind in the nearby blocks, and there were no lights in the mansion, but both of them knew that Miss Miller must be waiting for them in front of the fireplace at this time.

"Julia, do you think Mr. Williams will show up here tonight? Just like last time, he suddenly showed up!"

Dolores walked in front wearing a cloak and guessing excitedly. She put her right hand on her shoulder to prevent it from blowing away. Julia, who was holding an umbrella, walked quickly to keep up with her.

"I think it's possible. That Mr. Williamt has always been mysterious. There was only less than three days between his appearance in Loon and his appearance in Belduran to take a photo with the Queen. Only God knows what he did. Arrived.”

Julia said as she and Dolores walked to the entrance of the mansion courtyard. High walls obscure everything in the courtyard, where Dolores often practiced her abilities before being leased to Miss Miller.

"Every time Mr. Williams appears, he surprises me!"

Dolores said.

"Yes Yes."

Julia's answer was a bit perfunctory, but she also noticed her improper attitude, so she added: "Maybe that gentleman is in the mansion right now, waiting for you to be frightened by him again."

Julia opened the door with the key, and the two walked in side by side, and then stopped stiffly at the door together.

In the silver-white courtyard, only the small trees beside the wall are still standing stubbornly. The pond in the courtyard has long been frozen, letting the snow fall on it.

And right in the middle of the Luoxue courtyard, a group of snow-white beasts were lying there comfortably. Their azure eyes were charming and charming, and their golden horns seemed to be blooming in the night sky.

The man was also lying in the snow, leaning on the belly of the little beast. He closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep. His left hand was unconsciously placed on the back of the cat lying on the unicorn.

It's very quiet here. It seems that even the world can't bear to disturb this beautiful scene. The unicorn, the man, the cat, and the snow, these four make up a perfect picture. Even the most superb painter in the world will definitely not be able to do it. I can't imagine such a perfect scene.

Julia swallowed subconsciously, and then looked to the side. Sure enough, Dolores had begun to tremble with excitement. Her face flushed, she made a strange sound in her throat, and then suddenly reached out and grabbed Julia's wrist.



Both of them were startled by the slight explosion. Only then did he notice that Miss Miller was standing bent over in the direction facing Jenkins. She emerged from the velvet curtain behind the camera, threw aside the flash she held in her left hand, and then waved her hand to disperse the smoke produced by burning magnesium.

"Jenkins, that's it. Oh, help me get the camera in, I'm going to process the negatives tonight!"

She finally noticed the master and servant standing at the door, rolled up her sleeves and waved to them with a smile.

Julia could tell from Dolores's expression that she would not be able to keep her princess away from that hateful man, at least in the near future.

The thing is, Jenkins, who has nothing to do tonight, has completed the final proofreading of "Frozen". He had been thinking so much about vampires recently that he felt a little bored, so he decided to go out to Loen City to relax.

When talking to Miss Miller about the vampires, he also mentioned that he had gained the ability to summon unicorns in the strange world. So, the excited woman suggested taking a photo of the unicorn.

"You know, Jenkins. The female benefactors in ancient times were fascinated by this beautiful creature to the point of madness. I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to see this creature in my life. Come on, let's take a photo in the yard. I will disperse those waiters who are in the way!"

So there was the scene just now. In fact, Jenkins and Miss Miller had already discovered that the master and servant had come to the outside of the yard. Jenkins thought that concealing his identity might make the women angry, so he planned to use the unicorn as an opportunity to ease the relationship, so he did not stop taking pictures.

As for what Miss Miller was planning, he really didn't know.

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