The maids in the house all know Miss Michael, but they all said that the mistress of the house has not returned this week. So far, the last person to see Hathaway is still Jenkins.

The two's final destination was the Earl's mansion, but when they arrived at the door, they encountered a problem on the carriage.

PS: I originally wanted to try to evolve into a salty fish, but the evolution failed... I sent you a 4K chapter, asking for rewards with various tickets and blades.

Chapter 573 Chapter 562 Clothing Store

The carriage had already stopped, and after getting off the carriage, a few steps forward was Count Hesha's mansion, but both Jenkins and Miss Michael were looking at each other.

"Mr. Willamette, I think it's best for you to ask. The Earl and Countess don't like me very much."

Miss Michael suggested sitting across from Jenkins.

"No, no, no, Miss Michael, I think it's up to you to go. I can only be regarded as an ordinary friend of Miss Hesha. Even if I'm visiting, I have to put on formal clothes. Look, I'm definitely not wearing the clothes I am wearing now to visit the count. It’s disgraceful.”

The earl proposed that Hathaway marry Jenkins, but Jenkins refused. He was afraid of embarrassment, so he was reluctant to set foot there again.

"Maybe you could use 'opera writing' as an excuse so you can just ask Hathaway out instead of going in for a visit."

While saying this, Miss Mihail doubted in her heart whether this was what she said.

"No, no, no, this is also very rude. Maybe you can use it as an excuse to discuss raising funds for pets with Miss Hesha. This is a great excuse!"

Due to various relationships, neither of them wanted to be discovered by the count's family that they had been here. But they were also worried about Hathaway Hesha's safety, so after passing each other off several times, they decided to visit together as friends.

When they got off the carriage, looking at the count's mansion looming across the street in the mist, both the man and the woman felt that the current situation was very strange.

It’s not that the building is weird, it’s that the situation they face is weird. From Miss Michael's perspective, Mr. Williamte is a very attractive love rival; while from Jenkins' perspective, Miss Michael is constantly worried about being involved in her feelings.

But these two people were preparing to visit Hathaway's home together.

The bell rang outside the high iron gate, and the guard quickly spotted the two visiting guests. I originally thought that a servant would come to lead the two of them in, but unexpectedly it was the old housekeeper of the Hesha family who came.

It is now a weekday afternoon, and the countess happens to be out with her eldest daughter to pick out jewelry for next week's ball, so only Hathaway's younger brother can greet the guests at home.

Young Ben Hesha hurriedly opened the door and saw the two people sitting in the living room, the expression on his face was very wonderful.

He knew some of his sisters' emotional problems, so he couldn't imagine why these two people got together.

Jenkins looked at Miss Michael. The blond girl would look at him and signal him to speak first.

"Well, I'm the Baron. It's better for me to do the talking in this kind of visit."

He thought in his mind, subconsciously reached out to touch the cat on his shoulder, then stood up and spoke:

"I'm very sorry to come here to disturb you. Is Hathaway Hesha at home? Miss Michael and I are..."

The two of them had forgotten to discuss the reason for their visit just now. He lowered his head and glanced at the blonde girl with his peripheral vision, who pointed secretly at the cat on his shoulder.

"We wanted to talk to her about raising funds for pets. We originally agreed to set off together in the morning, but she never came to the club."

This is indeed a good excuse.

"I'm so sorry, Baron Williamt."

Young Ben was very polite: "I think my sister probably forgot about this. She also mentioned at the dinner table at noon that she wanted to go to Mrs. Baxter's clothing store to pick up a customized dress by herself. It's really Sorry, but I think she'll be back soon."

Jenkins was no stranger to Mrs. Baxter's clothing store, having been there twice. The first time was on the 31st when it was folded up, and the second time was after Miss Miller left Nolan City to help her deal with some unfinished things due to her hurried departure.

The so-called ready-made clothing store is just a cover. It is actually an illegal organization similar to a mercenary union. Those in need paid gold pounds to leave the tasks, and those with the ability took the tasks and received rewards.

Jenkins didn't know what Hathaway was going there for, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried when he thought about the deadly threat the red-haired girl encountered the night she returned from Belduran.

Even though he now knew that Hathaway was still at home this morning and that the matter between him and Miss Mihail was just the latter's wishful thinking of a "cold war", he still wanted to confirm the safety of his friend.

Miss Michael and Jenkins had surprisingly the same idea, and she was unwilling to stay here and wait for Hathaway to return. The two then bid farewell to Hathaway's younger brother politely and set off on their journey in the carriage again.

"Sorry, I was very rude at noon. I apologize to you, Mr. Willamt."

The atmosphere in the car was awkward for a while, and Jenkins couldn't find a good topic to talk about. It was Miss Michael who took the initiative to speak. She was apologizing for rushing into her father's antique store at noon.

"I think there should be more trust between friends. Miss Michael, this is very important. Oh, I won't take it to heart, but I hope you won't do it again in the future."

"Okay, I'm really sorry."

Jenkins' "friends" refers to the relationship between him and Miss Michael, and also between Miss Michael and Hathaway. To be honest, his relationship with Hathaway is better than his relationship with the beautiful lady in front of him. He doesn't like his friend to be suspected of moral issues without reason, especially he knows very well that Hathaway is definitely not that kind of person.

More importantly, this matter involves Jenkins himself, and Jenkins knows even better that he is not that kind of person.

Perhaps seeing that Jenkins still has a grudge, Miss Michael kept trying to find some topics that would interest both parties along the way.

She was almost successful, at least the two had a lot to talk about when it came to raising cats. But unfortunately, Chocolate is not an ordinary cat. Some of the habits and habits of cats mentioned by Miss Michael, especially in terms of diet, are completely different from Chocolate's performance.

The cat, who was originally dozing on Jenkins' knees, had to listen carefully to every word of the two people and carefully identify those sentences that might make the sensitive Jenkins suspicious.

Mrs. Baxter's clothing store is located on an inconspicuous street in the suburbs. The inconspicuous sign hangs in front of the inconspicuous store, which makes it difficult for people to enter the store for a look.

It is a weekday afternoon, and it is a cold winter day with poor air quality. There is no one on the whole street. The horse walked into this narrow street with a relaxed pace, and Jenkins jumped off the car first. Seeing that the ground was a little uneven, Miss Michael might have some difficulties getting off the car, so he took the initiative to stretch his hand upwards.

The girl who just poked her head out of the car was startled, but immediately showed a shy smile on her face and put her hand on Jenkins' palm.

Jenkins was not worried that the secret of Mrs. Baxter's clothing store would be discovered by Miss Michael. The disguise of a professional illegal intermediary organization was not so bad.

Therefore, when he and Miss Michael pushed open the door of the clothing store and walked in, they did not worry about what would happen here.

"Welcome, is there anything I can do for you two?"

Mrs. Baxter, who was wearing a frighteningly thin waist and a frighteningly large skirt, took the initiative to greet them. She had a lot of makeup on her face, but she did not recognize Jenkins's face now.

Only Jenkins had the memory of the 31st, and when he helped Miss Miller deal with things, he put on a black robe. For this store, Jenkins William was still the first customer to enter.

"Hello, we want to find a friend. Is Miss Hathaway Hessa in the store now?"

Jenkins was still speaking, and Miss Michael stood quietly beside him.

"Are you... Baron William? Yes, I saw your photo in the newspaper. God, I didn't expect you to visit my store. Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm a little emotional."

The middle-aged woman's acting skills are very good. Jenkins knows that although she is not a gifter, she is one of the biggest intelligence leaders in the entire Nolan City.

"Yes, Miss Hesha came here earlier in the afternoon and took away the beautiful nightgown she had customized."

At this point, the smile was a little ambiguous.

"That was a really beautiful dress, but she has left..."

Turning his head to look at the wall clock hanging on the wall, the shape of the little angel blowing the trumpet was particularly unique.

"About an hour ago."

"Sorry, does she look okay now?"

Miss Michael finally said the first sentence after entering here. She looked a little nervous, still worried about Hathaway not showing up for the weekend date.

"She looks good and in a good mood. The generous lady gave me three more shillings when she paid."

She raised three fingers. Although she didn't know the relationship between the three young people, she still answered the questions of the two.

"Well, it seems that we have come up empty-handed again."

Jenkins turned his head and shrugged at Miss Michael, and the cat on his shoulder also bounced up and down a few times with this action. This made it a little dissatisfied, so it gently patted the back of Jenkins' head with its tail.

"Yeah, where should we go now?"

She had already tacitly agreed that Jenkins would follow her. Neither of them mentioned this topic, but they had an inexplicable understanding.

"Then let's go back to Miss Hesha's house. We don't need to go in. We can just wait for her at the corner of the street."

Jenkins suggested.

"Sorry, if you want to know where Miss Hathaway Hesha went..."

Mrs. Baxter looked back and forth between Jenkins and Miss Michael's faces, and seemed to be curious about whether there was a lingering romantic story.

PS: This chapter is 3K. The previous chapter was blocked by the system, and it should be out tonight.

Chapter 574 Chapter 563 Random Thoughts

A shilling note brought Mrs. Baxter's message:

"Miss Hesha mentioned to me during a chat that she was going to Martel Racecourse to relax. I don't quite understand what the point of relaxing in that kind of place is. After all, there is no activity in the racecourse in winter, and now there are only some rude people watching the circus performance from afar."

Due to the suitable climate and terrain of Nolan City, as well as the extremely prosperous economy, even in the current steam industry era, noble gentlemen are keen to own their own private horse farms.

But not everyone can afford the maintenance costs of the horse farm, so during the winter, some horse farm owners will rent the vacant space to those who need it. The circus from afar temporarily rented a small area of ​​the Martel Racecourse as a performance venue. It was close enough to the city and the rent was very reasonable.

Just like Mrs. Baxter said, because of the circus performances, there were many more rude and loud people around the racecourse.

When I saw the top of the circus tent from a distance, the noisy sound in my ears was already annoying.

Even in the afternoon when there are relatively few people, the place is very lively. Vendors selling food were shouting loudly, and clowns holding balloons deliberately let out harsh laughter. Jenkins can hardly imagine what kind of grand occasion there will be at the end of the year. Those responsible for maintaining order will definitely feel that this is a disaster.

Fortunately, Hathaway came here to relax, and she doesn't look like the kind of girl who crowds into crowds to watch circus performances. Based on the information provided by Mrs. Baxter, Jenkins consulted the old caretaker of the racecourse about the situation in the vicinity - which cost him another twopence. Then he and Miss Michael bypassed the crowd and came to the east of the racecourse.

There is a somewhat low hill, and it is the only area nearby that is open to the public.

Jenkins still doesn’t know why Hathaway came here, but he knows very well that he cannot let Miss Michael discover the world she has been looking for, so he has been opening his eyes of reality to look for the familiar light since he got off the carriage. point.

The path in the racecourse is very difficult to walk, and Miss Michael, who comes from a noble family, is obviously not good at walking such a path. Jenkins didn't pay attention to this at first, his attention was elsewhere, but when he accidentally turned his head and saw Miss Michael's frown, he finally thought of it.

"We might as well go back. I think it would be difficult to find Miss Hesha in such a big place. Maybe she has returned home in a carriage now, and there is no need for us to waste time here."

He persuaded that there was no light spot belonging to Hathaway nearby, which made him doubt whether he made the right decision when leaving Mrs. Baxter's clothing store.

"No, it's okay."

Miss Mihail said stubbornly.

However, in order to prevent the occurrence of shoe-off treatment incidents caused by sprained feet, or backing incidents caused by fatigue, Jenkins still firmly asked Miss Michael to return to the carriage temporarily.

He was worried that Hathaway had been attacked again, but the only spots of light found nearby were those from the circus, which showed that it was useless to at least stay here.


He noticed something was wrong, because in the direction of the tent, the light spot representing the young magician was clearly visible. After not seeing each other for a few days, he finally had all his level 3 abilities completed, and it was also a blue one.

"He really escaped from the mirror? I really didn't expect it."

Until he found a suitable excuse, Jenkins had no reason to report the presence of illegal gifters in the church. Although he was surprised by the magician's successful escape, he could not yet learn what methods the magician used by reporting these people.

Jenkins and Michael were already preparing to leave the racecourse and return to the city. When they passed the entrance again and saw the old guard, Jenkins suddenly thought of a question.

"Miss Mihail, I think if Miss Hesha also came by carriage, then the guards here should have some impression of her."

His idea was correct. Since Hathaway rode in a private carriage with the family crest, and Jenkins gave him another shilling, the old guard had a very deep memory of the red-haired girl.

He provided an important piece of information. The coachman did not follow Hathaway into the racecourse, but stayed at the door chatting with the old guard. He heard from the coachman that the two of them had to cross half of the city to reach the south of the city, and Miss Hesha was going to a store to purchase some goods.

Now that they have obtained another key clue, the two naturally have no reason to give up tracking. It was now close to four o'clock in the afternoon, and when they boarded the carriage again, they were sure that Hathaway Hersha was not in trouble.

Except for that somewhat unpleasant psychic game, this was the rare time that Jenkins had alone with Miss Michael. In order to avoid embarrassment, he tried to find some interesting topics to talk about during the long journey. His clumsy look made the blond girl sitting opposite him suspect that he had gone crazy for the past two days to suspect what the man in front of him would do. Shameless things happen.

Although the way to start the topic was clumsy, at least Jenkins was knowledgeable in conversational skills. He does not consider himself to be very knowledgeable, but compared to most ordinary people of this era, he can be regarded as "well-informed and broad-minded."

Young women who have had in-depth conversations with him, including Miss Miller, Miss Audrey and others, will more or less develop a favorable impression of this man because of this, and Miss Mihail is definitely not an exception.

On the way back from the last psychic game, she had seriously thought about the attraction that Jenkins Willamette might have for Hathaway Hertha. The conclusion drawn at that time was that it was very big, and after just a few hours of getting along, the adjective "very" expanded to another level.

Even though she was reluctant to admit it, Miss Michael knew deep down that even if her lover really fell in love with the writer in front of her, she would not be surprised at all.

Girls who like to fantasize often run like wild horses on the road of fantasy, and then turn into surprising paths. On the surface, she was still chatting with Jenkins about the publication rumors of the ninth volume of "Detective Knight Biography", but a trembling thought emerged in her mind:

"Even if we love each other, unless we give up everything and abandon everything, my relationship with Hathaway will not have any result... There will definitely be a day in the future when Count Hesha forces Hathaway to choose a suitable marriage partner, so what is the best result I can imagine?"

Chapter 575 Chapter 564 Chance Encounter and Chance Encounter

Miss Michael knew the answer, the best result is the man in front of her.

Thinking of this, he tightly grasped the cushion beside him, feeling a little panic and fear, but also a little fortunate-

Thank God, even if she can't be with her lover, she will eventually have the opportunity to be happy...

The old guard didn't know which store Hathaway was going to, but he provided the name of "Uzwil Boulevard" in full. This street is just an extremely ordinary street in the southern part of Nolan City, with various buildings such as apartment buildings, shops, and clubs on both sides. The street starts from the bank of the Rhone River and ends under a marble building at a prosperous five-way intersection, so it is not a very long street.

At this time, the sunset has appeared in the western sky, and the number of pedestrians on the street who are leaving work has gradually increased. It is not convenient for the carriage to turn into Uzwil Boulevard, so Jenkins and Miss Michael can only get off at the intersection.

The two did not have a specific destination, so they walked from one end of Uzwil Boulevard to the other.

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