There are many pedestrians, but it is not very difficult to walk through them. As he walked, Jenkins turned to look at the shops on both sides, hoping to spot the familiar fiery red hair as soon as possible.

"Speaking of which, this is my first time on this street."

This is a lie. After the last battle against the Giver of the Witch's House on the banks of the Rhone River, I passed by this place when I slipped away.

"This is also my first time here. After all, Nolan City is one of the largest cities on the west coast of the mainland. Even if we grew up in this city, we wouldn't be able to walk through every street."

She said, looking at the red-roofed two-story building to the side. The law firm's signboard hangs on the top floor of the small building, but due to its age, the letters on the signboard are incomplete, and the remaining letters spell out a very dirty word.

"I don't know what Miss Hesha wants here..."

Chocolate stood quietly on Jenkins' shoulder. Even by the standards of a cat, its sense of balance was amazing. When passing by the glass display window of the bookstore, the cat's figure was reflected on the glass. It waved its paws at the cat in the glass, and the cat in the reflection also waved its paws.

Miss Michael was amused by this scene.

Neither of them realized that they were more like a couple shopping together than looking for someone. Therefore, it is a good thing for the two of them that Hathaway has not been discovered for the time being.

Continuing to move forward, Jenkins looked away from the graffiti on the wall beside him, and then he immediately saw a flower seller in front of him. It's already late winter, and fresh flowers are extremely expensive, so flower girls on the streets are no longer as common as they were in summer.

In fact, this was the first flower girl Jenkins saw after Feeney Faithful gave up her career as a flower girl.

He stopped subconsciously, and when he saw Miss Mihail on the side casting an inquiring look, he kept telling himself:

"There's nothing to be afraid of, I'm just a mortal, move forward!"

But what he actually did was to look around in a panic, and then, as if he had found a life-saving straw, he suddenly pointed to the cloak shop on the left and said:

"Sorry, Miss Michael, I suddenly thought of buying a new hat. Look, there is a shop here. Can I take you some time?"

If another man made such a request on this occasion, Miss Mihail would definitely think that he had ulterior motives. But she knew what kind of man Jenkins Willamette was, so she smiled and nodded in agreement.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the flower girl walking this way again. Jenkins hurriedly took two steps forward, then opened the door of the cloakroom in front of Miss Mihail and invited her in.

He didn't want to spend money on another hat at all, but it would be too suspicious to walk in and look around before walking out. I pretended to be serious about shopping in the store, thinking that the flower girl would have gone away, so I bought the cheapest black top hat.

This is a relatively high-end clothing store. Part of the surface of the top hat is made of silk material. The price of one hat is enough to make Jenkins feel like he has suffered a big loss.

He apologized to Miss Michael again for wasting time, asked for change from the store clerk, and took out two coppers from his pocket and placed them on the counter as a tip.

Just as he was about to open the door and walk out, the door of the store was pushed open from the outside.

The young girl who came in had beautiful big (harmony) wavy hair, whom Jenkins had seen last Sunday at the Royal Opera House, this was Miss Jennifer Lawrence.


"Oh, Britney, what a coincidence that I meet you here."

Miss Lawrence did not know Jenkins and the two had never formally met. But after Miss Michael's introduction, she immediately understood that this was the new aristocrat who was in the limelight recently. In young people's salons and gatherings, topics about Williamte were very popular.

She was a little surprised that Miss Michael would appear here with such a man at this time, but her good upbringing made her know that she could not ask this question now no matter what.

What's even more coincidental is that Miss Lawrence met Hathaway at the other end of Utzville Avenue ten minutes ago. The latter was looking for the latest sheet music in the bookstore. The two chatted a little about today's weather.

"So Hathaway is still there?"

Miss Michael asked impatiently.

"Sorry, Britney. But I think she must have gone back in the carriage. When I saw her, she was paying for her new book."

"Oh, that's so unlucky."

At this point, Jenkins and Miss Michael have decided to return directly to Earl Hesha's mansion. After they said goodbye to Miss Lawrence politely, they opened the door and left the cloakroom.

"Looks like we have bad luck, let's go back now."

As the two of them talked, they walked in the direction they came from. Miss Mihail's face showed some loss of interest. She wanted to complain to Jenkins about her troublesome afternoon, but she felt there were things she didn't feel comfortable saying to him. I was struggling with new things in my mind until I was suddenly attracted by Jenkins’ words:

"Is that Mr. George Liverpool?"

Jenkins once again saw the young Liverpool, this is really a persistent person. Sometimes Jenkins wondered if there was nothing else to do in his life, and when they met him recently the young man had been engaged in matters involving Miss Lawrence.

Although the law does not define tailgating as illegal, doing so is definitely not the behavior of an upright gentleman.

Chapter 576 Chapter 565 Knife and Gun

Liverpool performed a very lame disguise, pretending to be an idler who had just gotten off work, holding a newspaper and standing opposite the cloak shop just now. Although it was a bit far away, Jenkins found that the newspaper was from yesterday, because there was no picture of Congressman Bekov in any of today's news.

"It's him. Is he stalking Jennifer? This is so rude!"

Miss Michael scolded softly, and then tugged on Jenkins' sleeve.

"Sorry, can you drive him away? I didn't see Jennifer's maid just now. She probably came out on her own. I'm worried..."

From here we can see the difference between Miss Michael and Hathaway. If the red-haired girl was next to Jenkins at this time, she would never intervene in such a thing casually. All she could do was to deal with herself afterwards. friends issued a warning.

Jenkins had no intention of judging whether these two approaches were right or wrong. In fact, he thought they were both right. The important thing now was to drive away the young man who was following and peeping.

In order to appear more serious, Jenkins first took the cat off his shoulder and stayed there with Miss Michael, then put his hands in his coat pockets and walked towards the other side of the street.

Unfortunately, when he reached the middle of the street, a very fast carriage rushed over from the other side. You must know that there are many pedestrians on the street now, and even the slightly polite coachman will not drive the carriage over.

He ducked backwards in a hurry, but the sound of carriages passing by and people's complaints attracted Liverpool's thoughts. When the carriage drove away, he immediately saw Jenkins standing in the street.

He was stunned for a moment, then his face immediately turned red, he held down his hat and lowered his head and ran away.

Subconsciously, Jenkins also chased after him. But unexpectedly, Liverpool immediately changed from walking quickly to running, and soon got into the alley on the street. Jenkins slipped into the alley before he could say hello to Miss Mihail. It took a few minutes for him to realize that there was no need to catch up.

Seeing that Liverpool had disappeared into the complicated alley ahead, Jenkins slowed down, grabbed his hair, kicked off the stones under his feet and started walking back.

Chengnan District has the largest slum in Nolan City, so the alleys in the city are connected with each other. There are countless secrets and sins hidden in these complicated alleys like a maze. Citizens will never easily walk into this place without special reasons. Plant a place.

Jenkins was not disoriented, but when he got close to the alley entrance, he saw a boy wearing a patched cotton coat and extremely greasy hair facing away from him.

He was facing Miss Michael. The chocolate was at her feet. The woman looked a little panicked.

Hearing footsteps, the boy turned around, and Jenkins noticed that he was holding a long dagger with a cold light in his hand. The blade of the dagger is slender and longer than an ordinary knife. It is definitely a murder weapon suitable for killing people.

"Do not move."

He waved the weapon in his hand at Jenkins, opened his mouth wide and showed his yellowed teeth: "Threw the wallet to the ground, then walked to the woman with his hands raised."

"Okay, sir, if all you need is money, take it."

He put his hand into his pocket, then threw the wallet on the ground, staring at the boy, and walked up to Miss Michael with his hands raised. Subconsciously, he took a step forward and blocked the woman behind him.

"And you."

The boy continued to point at Miss Mihail: "In addition to wallets and jewelry, I don't believe that a rich lady like you doesn't bring anything valuable when you go out."

Miss Mihail pursed her lips, reached out and took off the hairpins from her hair, then bent down and placed them on the ground.

"What happened to the person who tried to rob me last time?"

Jenkins thought to himself, feeling that he had bad luck today.

"Very well, I just want some money. I think for people like you, these losses are nothing. Now! Stand facing the wall!"

The boy suddenly ordered loudly.

"If you just want money, there's no need to keep us."

Jenkins refused the order, sensing something else in the boy's mind.

"Greed and lust are both original sins, the sages teach us..."

"Shut up!"

This is a really manic person, maybe teenage boys have this shortcoming.

"If you want to know what color blood is, I don't mind telling you. Now! Men, get out of here! Women, get on the wall."

"Now, put down your weapons!"

Jenkins took a step forward as he spoke, and the boy subconsciously stepped back, then realized that this behavior represented his fear. For the boy, the damage to his self-esteem was more terrible than the financial loss, and he immediately became angrier.

But he will never admit that the reason for his anger is that he hates his own cowardice. It must be the thin-skinned and tender man in front of him.

"Ah, you are really looking for death!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Jenkins with the knife raised, while Miss Mihail also screamed.

Jenkins did not retreat but moved forward. He quickly raised his hand to hold the boy's knife-holding arm, then clasped his joints and removed the knife in his hand. He raised his leg and slammed his knee into his stomach. The boy uttered There was a painful moan/moan.


She hit him in the abdomen with her knee again in a very concealed way, and then threw the boy to the ground like a rag. She bent down to pick up her wallet and Miss Michael's wallet and jewelry, then turned around and shrugged at the girl behind her:

"You should remember that I won a duel in Beldiran. This is a very common fighting skill and is not surprising."

In fact, Miss Michael chased into the alley because Chocolate suddenly ran over when she saw Jenkins was gone. Miss Michael was worried about it, so she followed it here, and unfortunately encountered a robbery. Therefore, from the facts, Chocolate should also bear some responsibility for this matter.


After consulting Miss Michael, the two did not call the police, but Jenkins took the boy's knife, and then kicked him hard again, and then prepared to leave.

There were only two steps left to the entrance of the alley, and a voice came from behind again. Subconsciously turning his head, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face was squatting beside the boy who was checking by the wall, his face full of anger.

The cat gave a warning, and the pocket watch chain suddenly vibrated. The man raised his pistol to the two people at the alley with a look of shock and anger on his face.

"Be careful."

Jenkins once again protected Miss Michael behind him.


PS: If I stop here, you will probably hate me to death, so I will add one more chapter today. During this period when you can see me but I can't see you, please continue to support me.

Chapter 577 Chapter 566 Scratches and Commissions

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when I met Hathaway and Dad at Carfax Field.

Using firearms in the city is a very serious problem, especially when the location of the gunshot is extremely close to a crowded road, and a noble was injured in this incident.

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

Dad looked at the scratches on Jenkins' face and sighed with a smack of his lips.

That man's shooting skills are definitely worse than Jenkins's. The bullets he fired hit the brick wall at the alley directly. Miss Michael was protected and of course not injured, but Jenkins' left cheek was scratched by the flying bricks.

The boy's dagger escaped from the angry writer's hand and hit the middle-aged man's throat accurately, which surprised Jenkins himself.

So when the police gentlemen who were patrolling nearby arrived, they saw the baron who was comforting the noble lady, as well as a corpse and a seriously injured boy.

With the help of Marquis Michael and the church, Jenkins and Miss Michael were allowed to leave the police station after telling what happened at that time.

The night had completely fallen, and Dad and Hathaway greeted them in front of the iron gate of Carfax Field. A police officer with a star on his shoulder personally sent the two here. There were also Michael's carriage and old butler at the farther corner of the street. He did not come over without knowing the tact, but waited with an impeccable smile.

"Are you all right?"

Hathaway hugged Miss Michael without hesitation. Jenkins looked at his father, who shrugged, probably asking him if he should hug Jenkins too.

"I heard about you just after I got home, and I was really scared."

Hathaway sobbed and let go of Miss Michael, then turned to Jenkins and reached out to touch his side face. There was a piece of white gauze taped there, which was handled by the police doctor at Carfax Field. In fact, it was completely unnecessary. It was just a small scratch. Even if Jenkins didn't treat it, it wouldn't last long on his face.

"Way, Jenkins, your face... won't leave permanent scars, right?"

Hathaway didn't ask this question, she knew Jenkins's treatment ability. It was Miss Michael who asked the question. She walked to the man and woman, and the old man was very tactful and retreated to the side of the carriage.

"It shouldn't be, it's just a scratch."

Jenkins shook his head, "And haven't you heard of this saying, scars are the best military medals for men, this is not a problem at all."

Hathaway seemed to be amused by Jenkins, but she had to maintain her image in front of Miss Michael, so she shook her head gently, retreated to Miss Michael and stopped talking.

Seeing Jenkins looking up at her, she also winked at him.

The frightened Miss Michael soon went back with Hathaway in a carriage, while Jenkins and Dad stood on the street watching their carriage go away, and then got on the carriage of the church next to them.

"Well done."

This was the first sentence Dad said after getting on the car.


Jenkins didn't quite understand what this sentence was commenting on, but he quickly thought of maintaining the peace and tranquility of Nolan City again today, so he smiled and nodded to Dad.

Dad knew very well that Jenkins definitely didn't fully understand what he meant.

Although Jenkins was injured that evening, for him, it was just a small thing that happened in life. The church will handle the follow-up of this incident, and the boy who was seriously injured by him is likely to die.

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