Alexia's understanding is what Jenkins appreciates most, and the innocent Miss Stuart is also an excellent friend. Sometimes he wished that Luen's nights could be longer, so that the feeling of peace of mind could last longer.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jenkins faced the window in the study room, and his overly young face was reflected in the glass. Alexia's appearance was also reflected in the reflection, and she was standing behind Jenkins.

"As for the son of the evil god, I'm wondering whether I should be in contact with a righteous god."

Miss Stuart, who was writing with her head down, almost broke the pen in her hand out of fright.

"No need to worry, no matter from which point of view, you are the most loyal believer of the sage, and your contribution to the church is unparalleled...Jenkins, I think you have ignored this."


He asked softly, lowering his eyelids and feeling a little better.

Chapter 610 Chapter 599 The Peace Before the Storm

Miss Stuart got some expensive cat food from somewhere and hid it in a small compartment in the study, which was easily sniffed out by Chocolate. But unfortunately, Chocolate’s appetite has become different due to the owner’s feeding. Although it occasionally eats some cat food, it is actually more interested in Jenkins’ food.

Even though Julia put a lot of food in a porcelain cat food bowl, the cat only tried a few bites.

It is also not interested in big fish or meat, but is very interested in fresh fruits or milk. Jenkins's fruit bowl had long ago been dedicated to chocolate.

There are no pets in the palace of the Stuart royal family. However, Miss Stuart recently mentioned that she would try to raise a cat when she becomes an adult, but Jenkins did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Before Miss Stuart finished her math homework, Jenkins and Alexia had been standing at the window discussing recent events around them and giving each other advice.

Accidents occur frequently in Nolan City, and the city of Loen is not peaceful either. In addition to the killing marks and the Yeti Legion mentioned last week, another entrance to the strange realm appeared in the city this week, but it was quickly entered and eliminated by the Orthodox Church.

Miss Stuart's information showed that people who entered the strange world obtained some fragments of information from ancient times, which played an important role in the excavation of ancient ruins in the far north.

"Please accept this."

Originally, she wanted to discuss some uses of frost abilities with Miss Stuart, but instead she took out an iron box from the desk and handed it to Jenkins.

"What's this?"

As he asked, he slid open the lid of the box and found a small wooden cross inside. The surface was very rough, and even wooden thorns could be seen, and the end of the cross was cut into an extremely sharp point. shape.

"This is B-05-4-3911, the vampire nemesis. As long as you use this weapon to hit the head or heart of a vampire, even a demigod will die. I found it in the royal family's treasury a few days ago. "

Protoss Rakul talked about weapons specifically targeting specific races. The [Demon Slayer] that Jenkins witnessed the birth and this [Vampire Nemesis] both fall into this category.

"Isn't this a little expensive?"

He did not refuse, this item was very important to him.

"No, Mr. Willamette, you and Miss Miller have both helped me a lot and were willing to share your knowledge with me, as well as last week's dance..."

Seeing that the expression on Jenkins' face was normal, she whispered:

"Actually, I also want to ask you to help me. In mid-January, my father will organize a winter hunting activity according to family tradition. Can you join us?"

"Of course, I will be the best guard."

He promised, then turned around and said:

"Alexia, please come too. I think it will be safer this way."

The three women in the study were all surprised by this statement, but they couldn't say anything to refute it.

The light from the gas lamp illuminated Jenkins' face, half dark and half bright. Sometimes even Alexia would wonder whether this man really didn't understand or was pretending not to understand.

If time were forever frozen in the last month of 1865 in the Universal Calendar, Jenkins would never agree. He has experienced too much trouble this month, and he will still face greater troubles next.

Early Wednesday morning, Jenkins received a letter from Professor Burns. The end-of-year exams for most schools in Nolan will end this week, so Jenkins’ open class is scheduled for this Sunday afternoon. He will have a full four hours to share his writing process with young students. and experience.

Dad asked Jenkins to take this matter seriously because it was an honor.

"And your new book is about to be printed. Maybe you can use this opportunity to promote it."

Dad suggested.

As the end of the year comes, good news comes from lawyer Mr. Raul Onis. With the help of the Church of the Sages, Mr. Augustus' estate was processed very quickly. He informed Jenkins not to leave the city of Nolan in the near future because the formal inheritance procedures of the estate may be processed at any time, which can only be done at the city's city hall.

When he met with Miss Hathaway and Miss Michael in the afternoon, he shared his good news with the two ladies, and planned to use the next large sum of money to prepare enough luggage for the winter trip.

Miss Michael suggested that Jenkins use the money effectively and she could introduce many investment businesses.

"Oh, thank you very much. But my father has proposed that I invest in the mining business. He works at United Mining Company and has some channels..."

I don’t know which topic was discussed, but Jenkins also informed the two of them about meeting Mr. Liverpool again last night. Miss Lawrence happened to be in the club at this time, and the two told her the incident directly.

Miss Lawrence was actually very troubled. She admitted that she had rejected Mr. Liverpool's advances many times, but the man still refused.

When Jenkins came here today, he didn't see Liverpool at the door again. He was not sure whether this was because his warning last night had an effect, or because the young man wanted to avoid the limelight.

Miss Mihail is also prepared to intervene in this matter, and if Liverpool appears again, she will warn with more severe means.

The written libretto for the detective opera was mostly completed, and Jenkins wrote very quickly because he was "standing on the shoulders of giants." This bothered Hathaway a little, because it was impossible for her to compose the corresponding track at such a speed.

I planned to finish everything this afternoon and submit this version of the script to Mr. Nellie over the weekend. Unexpectedly, the maid of the Hathaway family suddenly appeared. It seemed that something was wrong with her eldest sister and she needed to go home immediately.

Miss Michael tried to avoid being alone with Jenkins, and soon found a reason to leave. So somehow Jenkins was alone again.

He was embarrassed to stay in this club specially set up for aristocratic girls, so he left through the gate with the cat who had just woken up from his nap.

After a casual glance, I still didn't see Liverpool.

"It's not even three o'clock yet..."

He looked up at the setting sun and took another deep breath of cold air, only to feel a sting in his throat.

"It's too early to return to the church now. Why don't you find something to do and let me think about it..."

Chapter 611 Chapter 600 Acquaintances in the Cemetery

When he received a letter from his lawyer in the morning, Jenkins remembered that he also knew the whereabouts of a gift. As he happened to have time, he took a carriage to the outskirts of the city, and then walked to the abandoned cemetery.

This cemetery and another cemetery of the Augustus family blocked by mudslides are the only fixed assets left to Jenkins by the viscount. These lands were regarded as privately owned by Jenkins, but they were obtained through gifts rather than royal enfeoffments. No matter what activities he engaged in, he had to pay taxes, so he was still a nobleman without an actual fief.

The intention of Viscount Augustus was probably to let Jenkins take care of the land where his ancestors were buried. Therefore, it is impossible for Jenkins to bulldoze the family cemetery for his own use, but the abandoned cemetery he is currently visiting has no such obstacles. After all, most of the bones have been moved. As long as the remaining tombstones and buildings are removed, it can be directly used as farmland.

"The area is a bit small, but the scenery right next to the cliff is good, and you can see far away. Maybe I can pay to build a private villa...a villa in the cemetery?"

He was amused by his own thoughts.

It can be seen that no one has set foot here for a long time, and there are only some tracks of wild animals on the snow. The boots made a squeaking sound as they stepped on the fluffy snow and compacted it, and he soon arrived at the tombkeeper's hut.

The heavy snowfall of the past few days completely crushed the roof, and broken beams lay across the door, making it impossible to even enter. Jenkins checked the traces left last time, and after confirming that no one came, he opened the entrance to the sealed underground chamber.

The last hasty blockade was obviously not perfect, and the entry of a large amount of air caused great damage to the items stored underground, especially books.

Moving the skeleton to the wall, Jenkins stood at the bottom of the stone steps and opened his eyes of truth again to scan everything around him, but still did not see the white aura that represented the gift.

"Chocolate, it's up to you!"

he said to his cat, who has a great sense of smell and inspiration.


The cat on his shoulder pawed at his outstretched hand and was unwilling to move because the ground was too dirty.

The area of ​​the underground secret room is about one-third of the living room of the Jenkins family. Most of the area is taken up by the test bench, bookshelf, table and the first-generation steam engine in the corner. There are not many corners where items can be hidden.

"Okay, just search for an hour. If you can't find it, go back."

With this thought in mind, he took off his coat and put it on the iron chair, and then began to rummage around.

The bookshelf had already been searched last time, so this time the target was the table and test bench. After finding nothing, he started tapping against the wall again, and then he really made a hollow sound on the wall facing the stairs.

There were some metal tools placed next to the steam engine, and Jenkins leaned on them to dig out a hole in the wall. Inside was not the [Shrouded Sister's Clothes], but some letters.

"How much did he hide?"

Because of the heavy digging in the wall, a layer of dust fell on the top letter. After stroking it clean, the opened red wax seal immediately attracted Jenkins' attention. The pattern on it was a small house built on a branch.

"Treehouse... hmm, treehouse? The followers of the Immortal Lord who died here fifty years ago are actually related to the treehouse?"

This is indeed the crazy organization that Jenkins knows. The content of the letter does not involve any confidentiality, but only sincerely invites the recipient to join their organization.

It is impossible to know whether the dead cultists responded to the letter. After the Ouija board shattered, Jenkins lost the channel to communicate with the undead. He looked through the next few letters, which were all records of communication between this cultist and the benefactors outside his own sect. This was probably the reason why the letters were hidden.

From this point of view, the tombkeeper fifty years ago must have been unwilling to be just a lower-level member of the church.

"It's interesting. Treehouse is such a secretive organization."

These letters were of no use to Jenkins, so they were stuffed into the bookshelf. Further inspection of the walls found no suspicious noises. Seeing that the time was almost up, he planned to return to the city.

He raised his feet and stepped onto the stone steps before turning around and walking towards the skeleton. He roughly tore off the tattered clothes he was wearing, and then summoned the flames to burn them. After a while, it was burned to ashes.

"I'm too worried."

Only then did he really leave.

As soon as his head emerged from the underground stairs, he felt his pocket watch chain vibrating desperately. Subconsciously, he retreated underground, only to see fireballs as big as three basins flying overhead.

He held his breath and listened, then opened his eyes again. On the other side of the tombkeeper's hut, two benefactors were fighting. One of them is Miss Magic, easily identifiable by her dots of light and pentagram pendant.

Miss Howard's opponent is a level five benefactor. She is obviously no match for a woman who is level six (the last time she mentioned it was level five, by default she has been promoted to a level in the past six months).

When Jenkins walked around from the other side of the gravekeeper's hut, the man happened to be tied up by the glowing rope in Miss Magic's hand.

"You don't seem surprised that I'm here."

Jenkins asked.

"I have long noticed that there is someone nearby, and it is not surprising for you and your companions to appear anywhere."

As Miss Magic spoke, she tightened the rope in her hands to make it tighter. This is not a special item, but an effect caused by abilities.

"I'll leave immediately and won't disturb you."

As she spoke, she bent down to pick up the gray-haired man with rosacea. Jenkins has never seen hair color like this. The color does not look like it is naturally formed, but rather seems to be a side effect of being exposed to the spirit of death for a long time.

"I also want to leave immediately, but before that, I want to know why you two are here."

He asked calmly. Miss Magic turned her head and looked at him helplessly. She was afraid of the abilities of the believers of the New God, so she had to answer this question.

"Mr. Candle, you should also know this person. This was the summer night when we first met. The dagger escaped from the party. I needed an item in his hand, so I heard from Mr. Hood that he was returning. Since Nolan, I have been tracking you. I think you are not a so-called messenger of justice, and there is no need to fight with me for a wanted criminal."

"Of course, what you do with him has absolutely nothing to do with me, but I need to ask him a few questions, okay?"

Jenkins shrugged.


The woman said, snapping her fingers, and the man who was struggling silently immediately cursed, which made the two people standing frown at the same time.

Chapter 612 Chapter 601 Dilemma

The cold wind mixed with those dirty words floated into Jenkins' ears, and he snorted.

"Shut up!"

Suddenly, he stepped forward and held down his right arm. The raging flames instantly engulfed the area, but despite the screams, the flames did not spread beyond his shoulders.

The smell of burnt human flesh made Miss Magic and Chocolate both dissatisfied, and Jenkins also choked a little.

"I'll ask you the answer, otherwise you won't even want your left hand!"

The right arm was not burned cleanly and looked like a black stick. Some green aura overflowed from Jenkins' palm, at least it couldn't make him faint now.

Even so, the man's face was already covered with sweat, and his face was as white as paper.

"Listen carefully, what exactly do you and Mr. Alexander want to get? Are you idiots? Why do you want the Orthodox Church to be involved in Clement's treasure?"

He wants to pretend to be a third party force that did not show up in Beldiran, and blame them here for getting the Orthodox Church involved.

"Mr. Alexander..."

The tied man repeated the name weakly, raised his forehead in cold sweat, and looked at Jenkins in disbelief:

"Why do you know?"

"If you don't want the other arm anymore, just ask."

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