Jenkins snorted again and bent down to bring his face to the man's. Flames overflowed from every pore on his face, making him as terrifying as the legendary fire spirit, but these flames did not harm anyone.

The magic lady on the side clicked her tongue and said nothing.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Alexander is looking for something, a shadowless lamp! Yes, he is looking for that shadowless lamp! He promised me that as long as I can help him, he will introduce me to his organization."

"What organization?"

"No, I can't say!"

He screamed like a castrated rooster.

Without any hesitation, Jenkins' palm fell immediately, but was stopped by Miss Magic.

"Don't be like this. It's obvious that you rarely do such won't be good for us if he dies."

Even though Mr. Candle's brutality was shocking, the woman's rich experience allowed her to see that the person in front of her was just forcing her to behave like this, and that the real murderer was not just someone who could pretend to be ruthless.

"I have a special ability to induce people to tell the truth, but in this case, you owe me a favor."

"Okay, but I will never help you do anything illegal."

Jenkins points this out.

The woman showed a mocking expression, but only for a moment.

She stretched out her palm and touched the tied man's face. Mr. Dagger felt strange at first, but soon extreme fatigue came over him. He didn't even have time to say those nasty and dirty words again before he lowered his head and fell asleep.

"My ability is useful to grantors whose level is lower than mine. Those who are equal to or higher than me may fail."

She first declared this to Jenkins, then took out two smooth-surfaced goose-yellow boards from her pocket, clamped the boards between the fingers of her right hand, and uttered a complex incantation in a low voice while pulling the keys gently. .

If judged according to the standard of "the more syllables the spell has, the more complex the spell is", the ability she used is definitely the strongest spell Jenkins has ever seen so far.

Without any special effects of light and shadow, the sleeping Mr. Dagger raised his head, opened his dull eyes and looked straight ahead, even though there was only the crooked wooden fence of the abandoned cemetery.

"You can ask now."

The woman's tone was inexplicably weaker, and Jenkins nodded slightly:

"What organization does Mr. Alexander want to introduce you to?"

"tree house."

The voice was no different from before, but the answer made Jenkins couldn't believe it. He actually heard the news twice in a row within half an hour.

"It can't be a coincidence. Did Dagger come here because of that letter?"

Did he frown and asked again.

"What does he want with that light?"

"have no idea."

"Why do you want to return to Nolan City?"

"Mr. Alexander is missing, but I know he has companions in Nolan City."


"I don't know the name."

"Why are you here?"

"The gentleman asked me to recycle a letter. This was his test for me."

The guess is correct.

"Where is that gentleman?"

"it's here."

This sentence came from behind. Jenkins and Miss Magic turned their heads together, and an elegant middle-aged man wearing a black formal suit and a neat beard on his upper lip appeared outside the broken fence of the cemetery.

He wore a pair of elegant glasses and a silver watch on his lowered right wrist.

"Level 8...demigod."

Jenkins' heart sank immediately, "There's no rush..."

Winter clothes are enough to hide a piece of metal as big as the palm of his hand. The recent chaotic events in the city have once again made him develop the habit of taking all his belongings out with him.

He turned around and glanced at Miss Magic:

"You leave first, things here have nothing to do with you."

If he is really forced to use his divinity, all witnesses will be destroyed for safety reasons. Jenkins is not yet willing to attack this woman who is barely a friend.

"No one should leave. I really didn't expect that Alexander would make such a big mistake before his death. Let me guess who you are... a believer in the New God?"

He said this answer with an annoying smile:

"You are weaker than I thought. I thought that the believers of the New God were at least strong men who had embarked on the path of demigods."

Jenkins breathed slowly to suppress his inner emotions, and he reminded:

"This is a level 8 demigod... Don't get too close to him. He has 8 combat abilities. We are no match for him in close combat."

Miss Magic nodded slightly, and Mr. Clark's eyes sharpened.

"Divination? Prophecy? Magic Eye? It's getting more and more interesting..."

The body disappeared into the air like a bubble, and then a huge force came from the left side of Jenkins, and the fist penetrated his abdomen. The arm stretched back and disappeared again before Jenkins fell to the ground and appeared next to Miss Magic. His fist hit the transparent rune barrier beside her, making a tooth-breaking sound.

"God bless me!"

While shouting loudly, the energy pillar blasted out from the pendant on his chest. The man who was forced to disappear again exploded together with the black shadow that emerged behind him.

The energy pillar plowed a black ravine on the ground. A somewhat embarrassed Mr. Clark stamped on the ground. The spell caused the ground under Miss Magic's feet to bulge out of its stone pillar, and the woman was knocked directly into the air.


He suddenly jumped up and kicked the floating woman, but the foot in the air collided with another man who came over and kicked.

Jenkins, whose right leg was broken, fell to the ground and rolled several times. His forehead hit the corner of the hard tombstone before he stopped. Miss Magic took two steps forward to support him. Jenkins gritted his teeth and covered the wound with his hand that was emitting green smoke.

"Where is your companion?"

Although his flying kick was interrupted, Mr. Clark was not injured. He misunderstood the black shadow that suddenly appeared behind him just now, thinking that the "twin demons" were also nearby.

"Are you okay? Hold my hand tightly."

Miss Magic held Jenkins' hand with her sweaty hand. The two figures flashed and turned into strange colored blocks in the explosion. The blocks rotated rapidly and shrank toward the "inside", driving the two to move in space.

Seeing this, Mr. Clark bent down slightly, and the black lion tattoo covered his face.


With afterimages and air waves, he rushed over, knocking the bodies of the man and woman out of the floating color blocks.

Jenkins stood in front again, quickly found balance, and jumped to the side with the woman in his arms. He was like a clever cat, rubbing his toes against the fragile trunk of the dead tree and rushing up. At the highest point, he did a somersault, kicked the branch with his right leg and jumped 70 feet (about 21.3m) away.

The magic lady whose spell was interrupted in his arms spit out a large mouthful of black blood, and barely supported Jenkins' arm to stand firm.

"I didn't expect that in this era, I can still see people who love fighting skills like me."

Mr. Clark took off his glasses, took out a handkerchief from the chest pocket of his shirt and wrapped it up, and then put it back in his pocket.

He seemed to appreciate the ability of [Cat's Grace].

"I don't think the twin demons are here... It was a one-time item that stored a small amount of power? No, you don't need to answer me, I'm not interested at all."

"Are you okay?"

Jenkins asked in a low voice, urging the healing breath to pass the spirit of life over. The woman said "um~" softly, but Jenkins still felt her body trembling.

"When I was 21 years old, I watched the Salud giant eagle hunting on the highest peak of the L'Obida Mountains, and I was touched and gained the ability of [Eagle Claw]. This ability is not rare, but so far, 32 gifters have died in my hands."

The fingers bent twice in the air. In addition to the exaggerated sound of the joints, Jenkins also saw a blue light passing through the fingers.

The current situation is very bad. Jenkins and Miss Magic are actually no match for Mr. Clark. The two of them have almost exhausted all their means, and Mr. Clark is just defending, and has not really used strength to attack, nor has he shown the real horror of the demigod-level gifter.

This man can crush the two even if he only relies on physical fitness. So far, the biggest damage he has suffered should be the explosion from the "Twin Demons". No matter how strong the body is, it is inevitable to be affected by the demonic flames.

Clark showed an extremely fast speed, and Jenkins' two lethal abilities were not instantaneous, which means that even if he counterattacked, it would probably be interrupted in the casting stage like Miss Magic.

Glancing at Chocolate, it squatted obediently beside the still tied gray-haired man, without understanding Jenkins's eyes that asked it to find someone to help.

PS: There are at least 40 chapters to the end of this volume... Don't be so anxious, you won't get the ability abruptly.

Chapter 613 Chapter 602 Destiny and Cats

"Do you have any other solutions?"

Seeing the critical situation, Jenkins asked his companion again in a low voice.

"Yes, but it takes some preparation time."

The woman also answered in a weak voice.

"Okay, then please be quick before I get killed..."

Then he let go of Miss Magic, took a step forward alone, and his right foot sank deeply into the snow. In fact, there is another way now, that is, just like the day when he fought against the blood-sucking species, he went to Loen City to find Alexia to help. But Jenkins was not sure whether the spiritual magnet was with her, and it was obviously not a good idea to let the consciousness leave the body in this situation.

"I think you should know..."

Before he could finish his words, Mr. Clark disappeared into the air again. He had no intention of talking nonsense with Jenkins. Jenkins twisted his body subconsciously, and the claw that tried to grab his heart only took off a small piece of flesh on his arm.

The combination of immortality and healing ability allowed Jenkins to hold on for a little longer. He would also use [Knowledge Granting] and [Profane Production] intermittently to force Mr. Clark to retreat and prevent him from approaching the magic lady who was kneeling on one knee and raising her hands in the back.

This was the first hard battle that Jenkins faced in the true sense. Although he was not worried about losing in the end with divinity in his hand, the pain in his body would not disappear because of this.

It can be seen that Clark did not use his full strength, otherwise Jenkins would lose. He should have suddenly become interested in the enemy in front of him, especially the unimaginable regeneration ability.

Although he avoided the sign of defeat of "listening to the enemy's nonsense", he fell into another trap of "I can win so I have to catch him alive".

But Mr. Clark had a normal IQ after all. Seeing that the situation was stalemate for a while, he hesitated, took a step back for the first time, and then stretched out his right thumb to face Jenkins.

An illusion of being stared at by a prehistoric beast came to my mind, and at this moment, I felt an amazing heat on my back.

"Get out of the way!"

The woman warned.

Jenkins kicked his feet and jumped to the side. In the almost instant before landing, he saw Mr. Clark's thumb nail fall off and fly out. A human skeleton with a silver body and a giant axe came out from behind the nail, roaring and growing bigger, rushing towards this side; in the other direction, a beam of light fell from the sky in front of Miss Magic, and a vague shadow in a red cloak slid towards Mr. Clark like a ghost.

The lasing energy and the aftermath of the explosion almost collapsed the gravekeeper's hut next to it, and the heat evaporated all the snow in the cemetery. Smelling some burnt hair, Jenkins didn't bother to check if he was injured. He immediately pressed his hand on the gravel on the ground and climbed up. Wearing a monocle, he found Miss Magic lying on the ground in the billowing black smoke.

She didn't even have the strength to stand up. Her body was as soft as if she had no bones. She could only lean on Jenkins to avoid falling.

In the other direction, Mr. Clark walked out of the big pit at the center of the explosion with heavy steps. Except for the messy clothes with black scorch marks and holes, the straight hair and neat beard seemed to be mocking the two people opposite.

"B-11-5-0482, a substitute doll."

The woman groaned.

"Yes... I understand, believers of the God of Ritual, this is really rare. I didn't expect that there are believers of this goddess in Nolan City."

Clark said easily, and didn't get close to Jenkins and Miss Magic. With his right hand clenched, a black spear extended from the palm to both ends little by little, and finally appeared in his hand completely.

"This is... a gift!"

Jenkins swallowed his saliva.

"If you have a way to leave, then please don't worry about me."

The woman's lips were trembling, and her strength was not enough to support her to say this sentence completely.

"No, there is no need to leave."

Although she was a little unwilling, she could only use divinity now. As for Miss Magic, I just hope that the almighty divinity can also give Jenkins the ability to erase his memory.

"No, there are other possibilities!"

I have fallen into a dilemma more than once, but fate can give guidance every time. Calling out the ability light spot, activating [Unknown Road Ahead].

But it didn't work. This time, fate did not give Jenkins any hints. At least so far, he has not clearly grasped those important destiny nodes.

The cat, who didn't want to move and just wanted to return to the warm embrace as soon as possible, had to trot into the deep pit that was still emitting thick smoke. The explosion just now did not completely have any impact on Mr. Clark. The damage to his clothes caused something in his pocket to fall out accidentally.

No one noticed that the cat quickly dug a small pit in the warm and soft soil with its claws, and then dug out a test tube containing rusty liquid from the soil.

It looked at the thing under its claws with some disdain, lowered its head and bit it, then jumped out of the deep pit and ran towards Jenkins.

No one noticed this small animal on the edge of the battlefield. It easily made a big circle and appeared from behind Jenkins.

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