
The cat put the things it brought at Jenkins' feet, and the three people present lowered their heads at the same time...

"Gear pathogen original liquid!"

Jenkins had seen this thing before. When he read the origin of the terrible weird thing, he clearly saw the manufacturing process of the liquid in these test tubes. Even the test tube seemed to be the one in his memory.

He quickly bent down to pick it up, just a little curious about how his cat suddenly became so smart.

He pushed the oak cork open with his thumb and tilted it slightly so that the liquid seemed to drip out.

"This should be yours, right? Do you still have cooperation with the Gear Craftsmen? You'd better be careful, otherwise I don't mind everyone becoming gear people together."

Miss Magic grabbed Jenkins' hand tightly, and it seemed that she minded.

"You know this thing? This is interesting. Do you also know the underground... No, this is impossible. The god you believe in will never allow you to do this."

He muttered to himself in words that no one could understand, and the black spear in his hand danced twice, and then the tip of the gun was pointed at Jenkins again.

"Your level should not exceed level 5. You are really worthy of admiration for being able to fight me like this. But it is impossible to threaten me with this thing. You don't know all the secrets about this pathogen."

Squinting his eyes, he activated [Unknown Road Ahead] again, and the purple light clearly guided the direction of fate. His right hand still held the test tube, and his left hand reached into his pocket to take out Old Jack's bone container. He popped open the lid with a bang, and the Song of the Giver inside lay quietly at the bottom of the container.

"Although the next action is crazy, I am not crazy."

He turned his head and said to his companion, then suddenly raised his head and poured the two liquids into his mouth at the same time.

PS: Without divinity or calling for help, Jenkins has many trump cards, but he just doesn't know how to combine them...

Chapter 614 Chapter 603 Mechanical Light

The liquid entered the mouth, and the cold and burning pain extended from the stomach to all parts of the body at the same time. At the same time, some bizarre illusions appeared in front of his eyes.

It was as if he saw thousands of gears hidden in the void, they quietly meshed with each other, forming a huge body in an orderly and chaotic way.

But when Jenkins tried to see more details hidden deeper, the world in front of him suddenly shook, and the terrifying gears disappeared, leaving only a simple silver-white gear in the pure white void.

This is not something that can appear in this era. The unique color and unusually regular size of the high-strength alloy only exist in Jenkins' memory.

It rotated slowly and firmly, and a layer of misty white fog gradually covered everything in front of him. After the white fog disappeared, countless metal levers, gears, bearings, and nuts of the same color appeared.

They were pieced together, and as more and more structures appeared, a huge and dazzling metal city took shape. This is the steel and power city that Jenkins knew about. It is a miracle created by mortals with their own hands when civilization has developed to a higher stage.

The towering skyscrapers pierce the sky, the four-wheeled cars are speeding, the high degree of automation drives the city to run faster, and above the city, Jenkins's shadow overlooks all of this.

But like an earthquake, this great metal structure collapsed inch by inch in the shaking, and the rules do not allow such things to appear in this era. In the end, the surviving metal parts gathered densely in front of Jenkins' eyes, and only became a miner's lamp made up of brass gears, bearings, nuts, etc.

Just like the equivalent exchange machine that Jenkins had seen, this miner's lamp also has a disordered chaotic structure and a complex mechanical order. It is difficult for humans to imagine how such conflicting styles can be so perfectly integrated.

Some brilliant silver-white lights appeared, and then gathered into a ball of light and entered the miner's lamp. Shining letter runes and pictographic symbols appeared on the surface of the miner's lamp at the same time. Jenkins subconsciously reached out and held the handle of the lamp.

[Lakul's Starlight Illumination (Yellow Spell)] Evolution - [Mechanical Light (Yellow Spell)]

This is the product of the combination of the light of the stars and the knowledge that Jenkins has recognized, and it is the product of the directional induction of the song of the gifter.

At this time, the starry sky has not yet fully appeared in the material world, but the knowledgeable stargazers and sensitive fortune-tellers in the material world all raised their heads at the same time. They felt that something that could affect the fate of the world was happening, but no one knew what exactly happened.

Although Jenkins saw so many illusions, in fact, the real time did not even pass a second. In the eyes of Miss Magic and Mr. Clark, this man just drank two portions of liquid, and then it seemed that he took out a mining lamp made of metal parts from the void.

Miss Magic stared at the mining lamp in Jenkins' hand in a trance. She didn't care about the structure, but the hieroglyphs on the surface of the mining lamp seemed to guide her to find the road she had longed for.

"The light ball has become a mining lamp..."

Jenkins thought that he would directly induce a powerful ability that could change the status quo.

"But what's the use of this?"

Looking at Mr. Clark not far away, he didn't dare to attack immediately because he had no idea what this madman who drank the original liquid of the pathogen was doing.

"Do something quickly."

The woman behind him urged, she was eager to know the truth behind the miner's lamp.

"I don't know what to do. The spell ability has changed. I don't know what the spell is."

The mantra of the Starlight Ball is "Rakul", but it is obviously not the case now.

"The spell has appeared. This is an extremely rare phenomenon. Read it quickly!"

she urged.

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, then looked at the miner's lamp in his hand. The silver-white surfaces bite together and seem to be forced together by glue. The ancient runes of this world and the ancient hieroglyphics known to Jenkin are all there.

“The light of wisdom shines in the wilderness (ancient runic text),

The primitive fire burns and desolates (ancient Chinese text);

Mechanical power sweeps away ignorance (ancient runic writing),"

The lamp of civilization guides the future (ancient Chinese text). "

Jenkins' ancient rune literature and ancient Chinese script were obviously not up to standard, so he stumbled and recited all the words in a clockwise direction.

The silver-white light trapped in the miner's lamp radiated a dazzling fan directly ahead. Mr. Clark leaned back to avoid it, but did not see Miss Magic slap the ground, which delayed his movements for a moment.

The light completely enveloped him, and the miner's lamp itself also emitted an amazing amount of heat. When the light disappeared, the lamp in Jenkins' hand also turned into silvery-white light spots and disappeared.

Mr. Clark still stood facing the two men.

Dang rang~

The black gun fell to the ground, rolled twice and hit a tombstone on the side and stopped moving.

Dang rang~

The ear fell to the ground, and when you looked closer, you saw that it was actually thousands of gears meshing together.

The strong wind blew, and a series of metallic sounds came from the man in front of him. He was made of metal parts and disintegrated. In the end, only a pile of disordered parts were left on the ground.


This conjuration ability is by far the most spiritually consuming ability of Jenkins. It doesn't take much energy to maintain the existence of that lamp, but if the light is allowed to spread out and the covered object is purely mechanized like just now, then it will be drained of him in a second.

After Mr. Clark broke up, under the guidance of the cat, Miss Magic carried the limp Jenkins back to the underground secret room to rest temporarily. She also brought the gifted spear and the dagger that had been on the edge of the battlefield with her.

After seeing the cat trotting down the stairs, he waved lightly at the entrance, and the air formed a mimetic film that completely covered the top of the stone steps.

Although she was surprised here, she still asked Jenkins to sit on the chair first, and then took out a delicate wooden box no thicker than a finger from the small bag close to her waist. Pulling open the shutter, he took out a green blade of grass.

"Don't swallow it, keep chewing it."

The woman warned softly.

Jenkins had never seen this plant before, but the bitter taste was unforgettable. With constant chewing, the juice in the grass leaves fell into the stomach through the throat, and then the dry spirit quickly recovered. After a few minutes, he was able to stand up normally and simply treated the wounds on the two people.

PS: Jenkins is definitely not the culprit that caused the catastrophe, and there will be no vulgar plot where he becomes the final boss.

Chapter 615 Chapter 604 Gear Test

After Jenkins recovered, the next thing was much simpler. He revealed some things about Mr. Clark's origins and the [Tree House], and Miss Magic promised to keep everything in her heart.

The two people who had fought together had established a preliminary friendship. Although some conflicts arose during the division of the spoils, they were resolved peacefully in the end.

Jenkins wanted to take away the black spear. As compensation, he gave the woman his return dagger and most of the books in the underground chamber.

"But these things don't belong to you! You have no right to decide who owns these things."

She pointed to the bookshelf and said:

"I have investigated this place. The current owner here is the most likely candidate for the bishop of Nolan Diocese of the Church of the Sage, Jenkins Willamt. And you are obviously not him."

"But he doesn't know that there is such a secret room here, and the Orthodox Church never allows secular bishops to be the bestowers to keep him away from these secrets. He should be more grateful to me!"

Maybe she thought what he said made sense, or maybe she wanted to maintain their friendship. In short, the two finally reached such a deal, and Jenkins even took the gun back into his spirit in front of her.

Although this place is far away from the nearest village and there is no need to worry about the fight just now being discovered, the two decided to resolve the matter here as soon as possible. They did not plan to take Mr. Dagger away, but to kill him directly after asking all the questions.

After Miss Magic asked about the stamp album she was looking for, she asked Jenkins to continue the question he had just left. He thought for a while:

"What do you know about treehouses?"

"very powerful."

"Do you know about the Mistborn program?"

"I know something. The original version of the plan was leaked in advance due to the unexpected appearance of demons. The current version is based on the cooperation between the organization and the great Son of God, and it will absorb the power of the Son of Mist."

Jenkins turned to look at Miss Magic. The woman turned her back to him and looked through the ancient books and experimental records on the bookshelf, not wanting to make any comments about it. To be more precise, she didn't want to have anything to do with a son of God.

"What is the content of your cooperation with the Gear Craftsmen Guild?"

"have no idea."

"Have you had any contact with the vampires?"

"I have seen that gentleman meet with the aliens."

"Contents of the cooperation."

"I don't know."

"Where are the vampires now?"

"I don't know."

"What do you know about the vampires?"

"One of them has been infected with a very serious flu. Now the flu is spreading in Nolan City. The source is probably here."

The magic lady behind her snorted. Thinking back, her voice was indeed a little hoarse. Glancing at the shadow, it was normal.

"Tell me all the rituals, abilities, and knowledge you have mastered, starting with the important ones."

The magic lady finally left the bookshelf and walked to Jenkins with a smile.

He had to return to the church before sunset, otherwise he would definitely be noticed by people, and the afternoon time would be wasted wandering around again.

After recording the secrets of Dagger's birth, the two buried him in a corner of the cemetery outside, and next to him was the pile of parts left by Mr. Clark.

Even though the hundreds of thousands of tiny parts were difficult to piece together, Jenkins still took some of them to the city and threw them away for safety. He didn't know whether Mr. Clark would be resurrected after the pieces were put together. This would only be known after testing.

But at least the vigilance of the tree house could be relaxed. Mr. Dagger didn't know about the [Real Phantom], but he could be sure that there was only this one member of the local [Tree House] for the time being.

Before parting with Miss Magic, Jenkins had agreed with her to meet again this Saturday. There were many things that were not made clear today, and he was in a hurry to get back to the church, so he had to talk about it in detail again.

"Oh, Mr. Candle, look. This steam engine seems to be an antique of the first generation. Why don't we sell it for gold pounds? I will give you the money on Saturday. I think that Williamette would not care about the money."

This was Miss Magic's last suggestion before leaving the cemetery, and it might be the saddest thing in the evening.

Today's events once again made Jenkins realize the impermanence of fate and the wisdom of chocolate. In order to reward this cat for its great contribution, after flying back over the city, he also bought it a strawberry cake while he had some time.

Although part of the cake was given to the girl Finnie by Jenkins, who was very sad about the accidental death of her cousin, the cat was satisfied as long as she got the plump and tempting strawberry.

"Sometimes I feel that you are too smart to be a cat."

Lying on the windowsill of the room and looking at the rare clear starry sky outside, there is still some time before the night class, and he can enjoy the night scenery.


Not knowing whether this was a joke from Jenkins or another test, Chocolate lowered his head and rubbed his hand.

"But it doesn't matter, just don't leave me. If you disappear, I will really be alone."

The man chuckled and teased its chin. The cat looked at him confusedly, but couldn't comfort him.

He knocked on the windowsill with his fingers, and the mining lamp made of metal parts appeared in front of him again. The silver-white light spots rotated around the surface of the light ball in the lampshade, and the words on the surface of the mining lamp were also flashing slightly.

This is the light of the star spirit, Jenkins' knowledge, and the special ability of the essence of the germs. Its appearance is not replicable. Jenkins has many abilities, but they are also very diverse. He has always lacked effective defense and attack abilities that can change the outcome of a battle with one strike, but now he has one of them.

He raised his hand and grasped the iron handle of the mining lamp, which was made of a string of screws and wires. A very fine beam of light shot out from the silver-white light ball, shining on the teacup placed aside, and the tea inside was scattered into parts.

Because he found a way to control the thickness of the beam, although a lot of spirit was consumed this time, at least Jenkins was not drained.

"Let me try."

He summoned the Book of Memories and spread it aside. On it were some detailed pictures of the disintegration of the water cup captured by Jenkins' dynamic vision.

"I hope I can put it together before the night class starts."

It is not as easy as imagined. Those parts that are not even the size of a 50th of a fingernail will definitely add up to more than four digits. Even if he can piece together the pictures at the moment of disintegration, Jenkins cannot restore even a cup bottom.

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