"I can't possibly have a ritual that can harm a divine creature."

"No need to harm, just imprison it, even if it's only for three seconds."

Three seconds is enough for the ability of [Profane Production] to work, and it's enough for [Mechanical Light] to cover it. I just don't know if this ability can work on the Son of God.

"Sorry, I don't know what you are planning, but I really don't have any ritual that can work on a divine creature. I don't know if you understand, but that kind of thing is not something we humans can touch at all. Even just looking at it will cause permanent damage to the soul and body. Since you think we are friends, then I want to remind you that even if you are a believer in the new god, don't easily become hostile to that kind of thing... unless your god is willing to help."

Jenkins is not stingy with the use of divinity, but after the female hunter has news next week, the blood-sucking species will also need extremely high force to suppress it, and he only has one drop of divinity.

"If I can get new divinity from the evil god son..."

This is the best case, using divinity to get divinity. And if the plan doesn't go so smoothly, it means that he must confront the vampire demigod head-on.

Although there is [Mechanical Light] as a backup trick, the vampires will not be fixed by Miss Magic like Mr. Clark. Once they turn into a group of bats and scatter, the mechanical light will not be able to cover them all.

Watching Mr. Candle jump to another nearby building like a cat, and then quickly disappear into the alley, Agnes Howard felt a little melancholy.

"If I have too much contact with such people, I will definitely not end well."

"Don't think so absolutely."

The woman's voice appeared directly in her mind, and Miss Howard turned around immediately, but her salute was stopped by the woman who appeared at some point.

She was about 40 years old, and her temperament was like a lady from the upper class. She wore a blue gem earring on her left ear and a red gem earring on her right ear, and held a compass-like thing in her hand.

At this time, the pointer was rotating rapidly clockwise.

"Agnes, I said, you don't need to salute me, at least not yet."

"Why are you here? I think that moment should be very close."

"Yes, on the night of the New Year's Eve,"

The strange woman looked at the direction where Jenkins was going away and murmured to herself: "Is it a test? No, it should be just a coincidence. It seems that someone also had a premonition of what would happen two days later."

Jenkins was not sure whether the lucky candy he ate would work, but early on Sunday morning, a long-awaited news finally appeared.

"Yes, the followers of the Prince of Lies in Elderon City have been caught in one fell swoop."

Sitting in Miss Befanna's office, she seemed to be in a good mood.

"From the information found in the Green Avenue search, there is reason to believe that we have arrested the main members of the evil god sect. This should be the greatest victory of the struggle between the Orthodox Church and the evil god sect in the past hundred years."

Jenkins smiled happily while stroking his cat. He has been waiting for this day for a long time. The procedures at the city hall have been almost completed, but because of the New Year's Eve holiday, the real inheritance will have to wait until after the New Year. At that time, as long as the 10,000 pounds owed are paid back, and then everyone's money is returned according to the remittance record, this troublesome matter caused by "justice" will be completely over.

Of course, it is impossible to accurately prevent everyone from losing money, but at least most people will not suffer a great loss of interests because of this matter.

PS: More updates tomorrow.

Section 624 Chapter 612 Prelude to the Open Class

"This is really the blessing of the sage!"

Thinking of being able to get rid of that troublesome thing forever, he couldn't help but admire it softly.

"Yes, it's really the blessing of the sage. Elderon originally planned to start in March, and all preparations were not sufficient. A series of accidents forced the plan to start early, but it was quite smooth, and the Orthodox Church didn't even lose any manpower! There was not even any organized resistance!"

Miss Befanna seemed to be in a really good mood, and even the scars on her right arm that had not yet faded could not change this.

"Is it a scam? I know that the followers of the Prince of Lies are good at weaving lies."

"No, everything was over when the Nolan Parish received the news. There was no scam. This time it was really our victory."

Miss Befanna said, indicating that Jenkins could check the documents she placed on the table at will. It was the action report of the city of Elderon sent from the Holy See.

"Not only that, the church also found a lot of information about the city of Nolan in the house on Green Avenue. Although it has been encrypted, the information has been cracked, and we have learned a lot of information about the incident of the son of the evil god. Jenkins, it really is like the sage and other righteous gods are blessing. The parish has not even done anything, but it has already grasped the whole story of this matter. This is really incredible. The only regret is that those believers should have a lot of wealth in their hands, which are all sinful. But we did not find them from Green Avenue..."

The report in Jenkins's hand lists the whole process of the Evil God Son incident. Everything started from a strange object three hundred years ago. At that time, the extremely active evil cult sects on the continent learned the news of the end of the era in advance through that strange object. Although they were wiped out by the Orthodox Church before they had time to do anything, the news spread.

After years of preparation and fermentation, several evil god sects united together and planned to compete for the Savior Emblem by letting the Son of God appear in the world. Once successful, the divine creature with a human body will be the most favorable contender for the final victory.

"...... What is the Savior Emblem?"

Jenkins asked doubtfully, and he still remembered that "he" had never heard of this word.

"You can think of it as a unique identity."

Miss Befanna answered vaguely.

"Oh, so that's it."

He nodded and pretended not to care. In the information obtained by the church, except for the way for the Son of God to obtain the Savior Emblem after the plan was successful, almost all the plans for the Son of God's flesh were recorded.

The sacrifice in New Truman was already in the middle and late stages of the plan, and the house next to Jenkins was chosen as the location for the birth of the Son of God, which was planned a hundred years ago.

Looking deeper, the current length and streetscape of St. George Street are closely related to this group of people. Although their plan was somewhat unexpected, it was generally smooth until Jenkins used the Ouija board by mistake out of curiosity. Otherwise, no one would even know about the terrible events that would happen on St. George Street a few months later.

"We will arrest all those involved based on this information. The sage will personally deal with the Son of God who is absorbing the mist, and then everything will be over."

Miss Befanna said easily, but she has been under a lot of pressure recently.

"Is it definitely the sage's arrival? I heard that other churches in Nolan City are also planning the descent of God."

He still holds a fluke mentality.

"No, that's just a cover-up, everything has been decided. Jenkins, you don't need to worry."

"No, that's why I'm so worried."

He thought sadly.

But even if he couldn't sleep because of worry, he couldn't find a suitable reason to stay away from Nolan in the near future. In fact, there are indeed some numbered items or alien species that can cause people to accidentally transfer space, such as A-07-2-3222 [Twisted Alley] or Lost Butterfly, but Jenkins's recent bad luck seems to have really run out.

The afternoon open class was arranged at Nolan First Higher School where the professor worked. Because this course allows students from other schools and ordinary citizens to attend, the organizer specially chose the largest lecture hall in the school. But even so, there are still many people who can only lie outside the window to listen.

After Jenkins met up with the professor an hour in advance, he found that the college was particularly lively today. And when he was chatting with Mr. Stephen Gris, the president of the University Union, there was a riot at the entrance of the school because of a large number of carriages blocking the way.

When he arrived at the door of the classroom, the people waiting in the corridor cheered, and people spontaneously made way for Jenkins who was holding a notebook, and people in the crowd kept shouting his name.

The entire lecture hall was full, even the aisles between the tables and the activity area at the back of the classroom were full of people. Everyone waved and shouted at Jenkins, hoping to be noticed by the young nobleman and writer, but the dense crowd made Jenkins feel uncomfortable.

Not only young students, but also children, women, middle-aged people and even old people wearing wigs can be found under the podium.

Although it was announced that this class would only talk about some topics related to literature, it did not affect people's enthusiasm to meet Jenkins Williamette.

Amid cheers, Jenkins walked up to the podium with a lesson plan in his arms, a little stiffly.

He put the papers in order and put them on one side, and took out a cat from his arms and put it on the other side. No matter what he did, the crowd would burst into cheers one after another.

Looking up and looking forward, the dense audience looked at him, and people were eager to listen to what the young handsome writer had to say.

"Good afternoon. I didn't expect so many people to come. I think maybe we should change to a classroom as big as the Civic Square."

There was some laughter from under the podium. Miss Stuart said that in public speeches, the opening remarks can deliberately create some jokes. Of course, this is absolutely not allowed in some serious occasions.

"Good afternoon, Mr. William!"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. William!"

Such voices can be heard in the noisy voices, and even someone outside the window waved his hat to Jenkins.

"Please be quiet."

He smiled at the people, then raised his hands and pressed his palms down. Although there were still sporadic voices, most people really kept quiet.

Chapter 625 Chapter 613 Hearing Barnard Again (1/10)

After a few minutes, Jenkins was sure that even the people outside the window could hear his voice, so he began to get to the point of today.

"I am now a night class teacher at the Sage Church, but I have never given a lecture to so many people at once. I hope you can gain some useful knowledge from this afternoon, or at least enjoy what I say, and don't waste your time."

The cat lay unceremoniously on Jenkins' left hand side. The audience in the front row could see it clearly, and the young people were particularly interested in it. But Chocolate doesn't care whether it is a person or a mouse looking at it, it makes no difference to it.

"I also thank the University Union for giving me this opportunity, thank the City Hall for the financial support for this open class, thank the Nolan Daily and the Kingdom Times for the publicity, and thank the Nolan First College for providing the venue..."

This is what must be said, even if it is very boring.

"When it comes to literature, there are only vulgar literature and highbrow literature. But there are not only differences between the two, but also more similarities. These similarities are vividly reflected in fairy tales. I hope everyone has read my book. To give a simple example, in Chapter 9 of "The Stranger's Tales", Aladdin..."

All this went more smoothly than Jenkins imagined. Even if the theoretical part was a bit boring, people were happy to listen to Jenkins' explanation. After all, only a small number of listeners really wanted to learn something.

He occasionally wrote something on the blackboard, and he was very pleased to find that some young people carefully copied it.

At the beginning of the open class, the flower bed outside could be seen through the window, but half an hour later, the people who came one after another had completely blocked the window. Maybe it was a mistake to choose here. If there is another such event, Jenkins vowed to borrow a larger classroom.

He did not find his friends in the audience, nor did he see John, even though he said he would come.

"Wouldn't he come here as an excuse to go on a date with Miss Hoover?"

He guessed, but he thought John was not that kind of person.

"......So, by reading this story, I hope people realize that there is no such thing as getting something for nothing in this world. This is the meaning of fairy tales, to teach children the truth through stories. But whether to put the story first or the truth first, this is where the writer is tested..."

The class had been going on for about an hour, but the organizer did not arrange a break. This was a one-time three-hour class, so Jenkins was very careful not to drink a lot of fish soup at noon, even though it was really delicious.

"It is interesting that if we extend the same principle, we can find that in the folk tales of the past, there are also stories similar to not waiting for wealth from heaven, or those who promise to get something for nothing are all liars. Although..."

"Please wait a moment, sir!"

An unexpected voice came from the back of the classroom, interrupting Jenkins' thoughts and the good mood of most people.

Everyone looked there, a young man with messy hair/standing in the corner, his face flushed.

"No, I don't mean to offend you, but I hope you can change your words - those who promise to get something for nothing are not necessarily liars!"


Jenkins was not angry, but he admired his courage. Not everyone can interrupt a public figure's speech in such an occasion. He was a little curious about what gave him such power.

"Can you explain it? No, gentlemen, please let him finish. Oh, please be quiet, I can't hear anything, please be quiet!"

He stopped people from wanting to kick him out, and suddenly raised his voice. In a normal state, people would only think that Jenkins was a kind person, but once his expression became serious, the terrible temperament that oppressed people's hearts was particularly prominent.

Silence fell in the classroom again.

"Respected Miss Fabry saved my mother. It was the money she gave that saved my family. Otherwise, I couldn't afford the medical expenses. Mr. William, I respect you very much, but I also respect Miss Fabry, whom I have never met before. Yes, she saved my family!"

Even though his voice was shaking, the man still said this sentence in full. Jenkins really admires such people. Their beliefs give them great courage, even if this courage can sometimes be called reckless.

If you "invest" in Miss Fabry's mining business in the early stage, it is indeed possible to achieve a total profit greater than the principal invested. This is also the reason why Jenkins believes that the interests of "most people" will not be harmed. Although the gains are not worth it, on average, each person should not lose much.

"Is he from Elderon?"

Jenkins guessed that only the first two batches of "investors" were the real beneficiaries.

"Miss Fabry..."

He repeated the name, and the good-hearted students under the podium immediately explained the cause and effect to him. Although everyone's words were slightly different, they all described the mining business.

This is not a big deal, and Jenkins does not want to attract public attention before he has finished it. He originally planned to confuse the matter vaguely, but when his eyes scanned the first row of seats, he was stunned.

"Sir, yes, it is you, thank you for your explanation, I think I understand. Oh, sorry, can you tell me your name?"

He suddenly pointed to the young man who had just explained the situation to him. This should be a student of this school, otherwise he would not have occupied such a front position.

"Oh, hello, Mr. William, it's my honor. My name is Lopros Barnard, and I am the nephew of Wayne Sleipn Barnard, the winner of the Full Moon Medal!"

There were whispers in the quiet classroom again. The Full Moon Medal is the highest honor that believers of the [Lightless Moon] can get in the eyes of ordinary people.

The young man's face is 70% similar to the dead Mr. Barnard, especially when he turned his head and looked back just now, his profile was exactly the same as Mr. Barnard.

Jenkins can confirm that this is indeed Mr. Barnard's relative.

"You have an amazing uncle."

He praised, which is a reasonable compliment to the winner of the Full Moon Medal, and there is no need to worry that someone will associate the two with each other.

PS: Mr. Barnard, if you forget this name, please read the first chapter.

Chapter 626 Chapter 614 Beliefs, Bottom Lines, and Contradictions (2/10)

Although it is surprising to hear Mr. Barnard's name here, it is enough to know this. It is still class time, and Jenkins wants to end this little episode.

But little Barnard was probably encouraged by Jenkins' praise, and he did not sit down but continued:

"In fact, Miss Fabry's mining business is indeed real. I even plan to introduce it to my aunt recently..."

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