What he said next was completely irrelevant. The aunt naturally refers to Mr. Barnard's widow, and after losing the breadwinner of the family, even with the care of the church, the life of a woman and her children is not easy.

Joining Jenkins' scam now almost means a loss, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to such a family.

Not to mention, Jenkins would not allow himself to hurt them. He always remembers who saved his life on summer nights and helped him integrate here. Even if he takes away one of their copper coins, Jenkins will not forgive himself.

"Yes, Mrs. Barnard must not be involved!"

He had to stop this from happening, and the best way was undoubtedly to let her understand that this was a scam.

But it suddenly occurred to me that during a certain night class, despite desperate hints, people were still confused by the benefits in front of them. Jenkins couldn't guarantee that the woman he had never met would believe him, even though he was now famous as a writer. But using the church's background to warn her is still very risky.

"During the New Year holidays, Travelers Bank does not accept large currency transactions. Therefore, if you want to return all investments, you have to wait until at least the second week of January. During this period, Mrs. Barnard may invest money at any time. By then, she will lose more than just the fees for opening an account and transferring money, and if I replenish her lost money alone, Traveler Bank’s records will cause even greater trouble.”

Licking his lips, he had a lot of thoughts in his heart. The standing and sitting audience, people inside and outside the classroom, all began to wonder about Jenkins' silence.

"I don't have the confidence to persuade privately, and I can't make up for it afterwards. The only way now is..."

But he borrowed 10,000 pounds from the account, and that was the only money he took out.

"My reputation is more important, or Mr. Barnard's kindness?"

He asked himself in his mind, and looked at the dense audience under the podium again. Everyone was watching him, eager to hear what he had to say. The conflict between love and reputation clashed in his heart, just like water and fire that did not merge, stimulating Jenkins' soul.

"But this matter seems to have nothing to do with my reputation. After all, no one knows the truth. But I know, I know what I did..."

He looked at the people watching him, everyone wondering what he was thinking.

"I know I have done something wrong, so let this guilt torture me. I will bear it all, but I must not hurt Mr. Barnard's family. I am guilty, but I know that I am still a good person... ...Yes, that's it."

He raised his hand and tapped his right temple. He also knew that there was no difference between returning the money by himself and the police returning the money. Therefore, instead of waiting for the opportunity, it was time to make a decision.

A stone in my heart seemed to fall to the ground. I reached out and picked up half of the chalk on the desk again:

"Both gentlemen, please sit down. I have heard about Miss Fabry a long time ago."

Taking a deep breath, the night Mr. Barnard faced the octopus with him seemed to appear before his eyes.

"I, Jenkins Redemption Willamette..."

The scene of Mr. Barnard and him supporting each other in a strange situation seemed to appear before his eyes, "I swear on my honor..."

The dream of Mr. Barnard's soul, who refused to leave the world for the sake of his family, also appeared before his eyes.

There was a determined expression on his face:

"Miss Fabry is a liar!"

He almost yelled this sentence.

"Listen, that's a scam, don't put money in it, yes, absolutely don't! Swear to God, that woman is a liar, she might not even be a woman! It's a simple scam and I've pretty much sorted it all out Since you brought up the idea here, I will tell everyone everything here!”

The noise of boom~ sounded, and the quiet classroom seemed to turn into the busiest shopping street in the blink of an eye. Whether they knew Miss Fabry or not, Jenkins' speech on this occasion was shocking enough.


There were such voices, especially the speaker just now. Jenkins even suspected that he would burn "Stories from a Stranger" when he went back, but Jenkins knew what he should do.

"This is a very simple spire-style scam, amassing wealth from the bottom up. My father is an employee of Nolan Mining. There is no such thing as Miss Fabry or the Fabry family! I will use this method Called Heist because it costs next to nothing and all it takes is a few letters!

Please be quiet and watch here, I will reveal the full truth of this simple scam to you! "

Travelers Bank is only open until six in the evening, but it didn't close until eight tonight. Citizens rushed into banks and begged to have their transfers reversed, but this was impossible.

A large number of investors gathered in front of the bank and cried and cursed. Even though some people had made profits, they also believed that they were deceived. The idle people who heard the news spread the news everywhere, attracting more investors.

Just like they irrationally invested money, they now irrationally demanded to regain their capital. People are used to blindly following the crowd. Even if most people did not hear Jenkins' "speech" and even if Jenkins's inference was based on the premise that "there is no mining business", the blind people believed that they were victims of a large-scale fraud.

This crazy behavior soon attracted the attention of the city hall, and then Carfax intervened. The Traveler Church did not have a church locally, so it thoroughly investigated the matter and sealed all the accounts under the name of "Miss Fabry" at midnight.

The police also discovered in the process that there was indeed no "Miss Fabry" because different people came to handle these accounts each time. Therefore, Jenkins Williamette was right; and Miss Fabry was a liar.

Chapter 627 Chapter 615 Illusion and Reality (3/10)

The letters sent from Nolan soon reached all parts of the continent, and more and more investors knew the truth revealed by the writer. The mass incident in Elderon was even more extreme than that in Nolan, where almost one-tenth of the residents participated in the investment game.

Angry and worried people almost robbed the local Traveler Bank. But fortunately, they still remembered that the majesty of the righteous gods should not be violated. After all, the church's "gentle" attitude towards ordinary people has only a history of a few hundred years.

After confirming the existence of a large-scale criminal organization, Miss Fabry's investment business was almost unanimously formally defined as a "scam" in the three kingdoms.

Because of Mr. William's righteous approach, most of the defrauded funds were intercepted, but this also meant that all investors needed to pay for the losses.

The next morning's newspaper was on the front page with "Spire Scam" and "Fabry Scam", and Jenkins' words appeared on the board without missing a word. More and more people began to discuss this "sophisticated" fraud method, which was already a very complicated method for people of this era.

Even more unexpectedly, the church discovered through the remittance records that the scammers of Green Avenue had transferred a huge amount of money to the account. After the interrogation, it was learned that they had long been prepared to use the bank, a new financial tool, to hide the stolen money. The reason why they chose Miss Fabry's account was because:

"Someone received a letter from Miss Fabry and learned about the scam. He and a small number of companions deceived most people, and finally made the sect decide to choose such an account without telling the income. In this way, they can directly put a large amount of investment returns into their own pockets."

It is equivalent to taking the "company" money out to "speculate in stocks", which is how Jenkins understood it.

"In order to hide the money they cheated, the scammers were deceived by their accomplices and deposited the money in another scammer's account?"

He concluded.

Miss Befanna took a few seconds to sort out the logic, and then nodded:

"That's right. Although Miss Fabry is also a deceiver, I have to say that she is really a genius!"

No one was surprised that Jenkins could crack the scam. Many people could prove that he had been interested in this matter a long time ago. The church believed that the Son of God could easily infer the results from complex clues.

Jenkins became a hero, a hero who exposed the biggest scam of the century; Miss Fabry became a swindler, a swindler who committed the biggest scam of the century. People who cursed Miss Fabry were generous in praising Jenkins, and people who were looking for Miss Fabry were also preparing to award Jenkins medals.

Even though the next day was the end of the year, the genius and crazy scam centered on Nolan City became the biggest news of the year. Numerous victims, huge funds, mysterious women and miraculous methods, this is destined to go down in history.

People seemed to be discussing this miraculous and crazy thing everywhere like a carnival, talking about the details disclosed in the newspaper, laughing at the greedy victims, and admiring the identity of the phantom woman.

Yes, some people believe that Miss Fabry really exists, after all, the details of those letters are so real; others think that it is a fictional woman, because women cannot have such insights and means.

But no matter what, the title of "Miss Fabry" will always be remembered by people. And she or he, in people's hearts, is as illusory as a shadow, but as real as standing in front of them.

The believers of the New God also received such comments, which made the church, which thought it was an ordinary person's incident, suspicious.

Of course, we can't forget Jenkins Williamette, the writer who seemed to be blessed by the sage. He saw through everything with his wisdom, and he was qualified to be called a true genius-

This was an exaggeration in the newspaper. Dad laughed at Jenkins for a whole day with the newspaper.

For a few seconds, Jenkins also thought he was a genius. Because no one would doubt that Jenkins Williamette was Miss Fabry. If someone said so, he would definitely be sent to a hospital related to mental illness.

The righteous male writer and the illusory female liar, this is definitely not the same person.

"Jenkins, I'm proud of you."

The Williamette family walked on the stone road in the cemetery, and Robert was a little emotional.

Today is the end of the year, that is, the last day of the year. The family came to visit Mary's parents who were buried here as usual. As for the relatives of the Williamite family, they were all buried in their distant hometown. Even if they went back, they couldn't find their graves.

The four men were all wearing black suits and leather shoes. Mary was wearing a black gauze skirt and a white flower on her hat. On the way here, they kept talking about the "Fabry scam". Robert was more sensitive to this matter because he was a mining industry practitioner.

He learned from the children that John had consulted Jenkins on this matter. He loudly praised the two young people's actions. Whether it was John's caution or Jenkins' warning, it was an extremely correct approach.

"It seems that the children of the Williamite family are all smart people, and their family education is very successful."

He was praising himself.

None of the three children had seen their grandparents, but coming here every year has become a routine. After Williamite became rich, Mary considered moving the tomb to a safer and more expensive cemetery. After all, most of the people buried here are poor people, and there are rumors of body snatchers every year, but she has never made up her mind.

"It's nothing, please don't praise me."

It's not modesty, reporting himself will not bring any satisfaction to Jenkins. On the contrary, the fact that he took 10,000 pounds made Jenkins feel a little guilty, although as time passed, this guilt was also disappearing rapidly.

"I heard that you plan to donate 9,999 pounds to the victims of this incident? This is a considerable amount."

Robert William asked again.

The reason why it does not exceed five figures is that donations above five figures require more complicated procedures, while amounts below ten thousand pounds can be donated directly through the church.

"I have already thought about it, and it just so happens that the gift from Viscount Augustus will be received soon. For me, once the gold pound exceeds five digits, it is just a string of simple numbers. I don't need so much money."

Jenkins spoke in a low voice, fearing that a lightning bolt would strike from the sky.

Chapter 628 Chapter 616 Gifts for the End of the Year (Part 1) (4/10)

John, who was listening to the conversation between his father and brother, was somewhat envious. He knew that even after he became an adult, he would not be able to have so much money immediately, let alone donate it.

Thinking of the fact that he had consulted Jenkins about Miss Fabry, he felt extremely fortunate again.

"Jenkins, I'm proud of you."

Robert repeated again.

In the traditional sense, there is no custom of visiting deceased relatives at the end of the year. The family just developed such a habit. So the cemetery was a little deserted. On the gray flat stone paved walkway, apart from the Williamite family, there were only scattered pedestrians in the distance.

Perhaps the son of God in the city could not affect the suburbs. The cemetery was shrouded in a thin layer of white mist in the early morning. The five people walked towards the depths of the cemetery while talking, and soon found their target.

Because it was free, the so-called tomb was just a flat ground and a stone tablet embedded in the soil. Mary spent almost all the money in the family to get this good position, otherwise the family would not have had any year-end activities.

John, the youngest son in the family, held two bouquets of flowers, while the others bent down to tidy up the fallen leaves and garbage nearby. After putting down the flowers, they stood for a while and then turned to leave.

Because they were going to move the tomb, Robert took Mary and John to the gravekeeper to ask for details, and Newman happened to meet an acquaintance, so Jenkins found himself alone again.

Not knowing how long it would take for everyone to come back, he didn't wait there, but he didn't go far. He just took chocolate to look at the surrounding scenery. He got up a little early today, so the cat kept kicking his legs and stretching.

"I heard that the church's year-end dinner tonight is very rich, with food such as roast goose, pudding and fried chicken."

He said to himself, putting his hands in his pockets to keep warm. In my memory, there will be snowfall at the end of the year, but today is very sunny, so I don't think there will be snow.

If you walk to the side, you can see some strangers. Nodding to each other is a greeting, and there is no need to talk. But there are some enthusiastic people who will take the initiative to talk, and Jenkins does have some time.

"Are you Mr. Jenkins Williamson?"

The middle-aged man wore a brown fur collar suit, a black hat, and held a bunch of white carnations in his hand. The years left traces on his face, but his appearance can still be called handsome.

He has a unique temperament that makes people can't help but get close to him. Even if he interrupted Jenkins's walk, he didn't feel bad in his heart.

"Yes, hello, have you seen me?"

He suspected that this was the audience of yesterday's open class.

"I saw your photo in the newspaper, and now people call you a hero."

"No, no, I'm not a hero."

"Miss Fabry's scam was originally a genius idea. You must have a more outstanding mind to be able to expose her."

Jenkins didn't know whether this man was an ordinary citizen who heard about this, or a victim who had invested in Miss Fabry. But from his words, it can be heard that he really admires Miss Fabry and thinks that the "spire-style" scam that brings all the wealth upward is the most amazing idea of ​​this era.

The two are just a small microcosm of the impact of this incident.

The carriage first sent Jenkins back to the church, and then took Robert and the other four back to Privet Drive. This would be the first time that Jenkins would not be at home for the New Year's Eve, so Mary was very reluctant to let him go.

Before parting, she hugged Jenkins tightly and asked him to come home to visit on the first day of the New Year. Jenkins was embarrassed, and he also saw John making faces at him.

It was only ten o'clock in the morning when he returned to the church. The antique shop was closed today, and Jenkins did not need to work. He could not find anything to do for a while, and the people in the church did not let him participate in the decoration, so he could only go back to the street and stroll around, while also recalling whether he had forgotten any friend's gift.

After lunch, the festival decorations in the church were completely ready. The tassels hanging from the door frame symbolized the harvest of the coming year, and pots of bright flowers were placed on the steps in front of the church. This was made by Jenkins last night.

He and Chocolate looked up in the courtyard, looking at the golden star on the spire of the side tower, and then hurriedly dodged the children in new clothes. They had to run quickly to the main hall in front, and the collective prayer in the afternoon was about to begin.

The joy and excitement in the air made Jenkins very excited. He even sang a song with the choir. Although it was a little out of tune, the audience still applauded politely.

"Happy holidays, Alexia!"

At four o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived in Rune. She was the only one in the room. Miss Stuart could not find a chance to sneak out of the palace on such an important day.

"Happy holidays, Jenkins."

The woman smiled and took the gift from Jenkins. Nolan and Rune were too far apart. If it was mailed, it was not certain whether it could arrive accurately.

"I heard that you made big news in Nolan City again."

It seems that she is well-informed. This should be Miss Stuart's information channel. After all, the distance between Rune and Nolan spans half a continent.

Jenkins smiled and didn't want to talk about this topic at this time. He opened his hand, and the Star Spirit immediately transferred the gift stored in Nolan.

"This is for Miss Stuart and Miss Minnewick. I hope they like the pins I chose."

"So what is my gift?"

Alexia asked.

"I can't say. You have to check it yourself tomorrow morning."

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