Jenkins answered seriously.

The woman smiled gently again. In fact, the moment she got the box, she judged what it was from the weight. But she would not say it, because she hoped that Jenkins could always keep such a good mood.

The Stuart royal family has the tradition of holding a year-end banquet every year, and Alexia, the princess's tutor, was also invited. Seeing that she was going to prepare the costumes for the banquet so that she could meet up with Miss Stuart as soon as possible, Jenkins was about to get up and say goodbye, but the woman stopped him.

"Please wait a moment, your gift has not been taken away."

"Isn't it here?"

The gifts of the three women were all gift boxes wrapped in colored paper, and Jenkins took them away when he came last time.

"That's only part of it. There is another part of the gift that cannot be seen by Dolores. Please lower your head, okay?"

The woman asked on tiptoe with her hands behind her back. This action is really charming.

Chapter 629 Chapter 617 Gifts at the End of the Year (Part 2) (5/10)

"What are you going to do?"

Jenkins asked sensitively.

He still remembered what happened last time, so he subconsciously shrank back. Fortunately, he didn't bring chocolate this time, otherwise it would be difficult to keep balance on his shoulder.

"If you don't need this gift, then treat it as a gift for me, okay?"

Alexia did not take the initiative to attack, but asked with a smile.

"Today is a holiday..."

Jenkins wanted to refuse, but hesitated for a long time. Finally, he reached out and pressed the woman's shoulders, then lowered his head and kissed her forehead lightly:

"Okay. Happy holidays, Alexia."

"Happy holidays, Jenkins."

With the help of Miss Stuart, Alexia has found the information of the gifted black gun. There is no specific name and number. It only appeared once in the long river of history, and its function is to hurt the body and the soul at the same time.

"Although this effect is not uncommon, it is a gift anyway."

Jenkins said to himself.

After returning to Nolan, he happened to meet Hathaway and Miss Michael who came to visit. They all wore new dresses that they had never seen before, with various accessories on their bodies and light makeup on their faces.

"Really beautiful, this is not a polite remark."

He pointed this out.

The two ladies came together, and they also wanted to personally deliver the gifts to Jenkins. They rarely walked into the Sage Church, and coincidentally, they all had to go to the bathroom to touch up their makeup, so Jenkins got the opportunity to talk to the two ladies separately.

"Happy holidays, Jenkins."

Hathaway and Jenkins stood in front of the window together, and Chocolate lay alone in front of the stove, looking at the metal block, not knowing what to think.

"I saw your speech yesterday in the newspaper, it was really wonderful."

She subconsciously wanted to reach out and help Jenkins to tidy up his crooked tie, but immediately realized that this action should never be done by herself.

"Thank you."

The man still didn't want to talk about it.

"Then we'll see you next year, I hope everything is fine."

"I hope everything is fine."

Jenkins repeated her words, but saw the red-haired girl pulling her skirt and hesitating about something.

"What's wrong?"

Suspecting that she wanted to go to the bathroom, he was embarrassed to ask.

"I want to give you a special gift, but it's inappropriate."

As Hathaway spoke, she told herself that this was just the proper etiquette between friends. She just felt sorry for Jenkins not being able to go home at the end of the year, so she wanted to comfort him.

"I understand."

The meeting with Alexia just now inspired him. Although the man thought it was a bit impolite to do so, since Alexia could do it, he should be able to do it here.

"Happy holidays."

He pressed the woman's shoulders and kissed her forehead. At the same time, his heart seemed to be hit hard by something, and even his heart rate was irregular.

"Am I doing something stupid... This feeling is..."

He finally realized something. In fact, Hathaway's red cheeks were enough to explain many problems.

"No, you can't interfere with other people's feelings."

With this thought in mind, he kissed Miss Michael's forehead again a few minutes later. But she took the initiative to ask for it and claimed that it was proper etiquette.

"Did I really misunderstand? I was just being sentimental?"

He was confused again.

Both ladies had heard about the "Fabry scam". Although they had nothing to do with it, they were also very concerned about Jenkins involved in it.

"We also heard about what happened yesterday in the newspaper. Will Miss Fabry retaliate against you?"

Miss Michael was still a little worried when she left.

"Maybe the name Miss Fabry itself is false. The police gentlemen think it is an organized large-scale criminal gang. No, don't show a worried expression. I won't be retaliated. The church will protect my safety."

When he answered this question, Hathaway thought she had never seen such a complicated expression on this man's face.

The arrival of night brought darkness, but did not take away the joy on people's faces. No matter who you are, you can get your own little happiness on such a festival.

There seemed to be a lot more people in the church. Jenkins had never noticed that there were so many clergy living in the complex.

Everyone put on new clothes and greeted each other with happy holidays. No one would criticize the children even if they laughed and made noise in the corridor. This was their little privilege on this day. People met and greeted each other with happy holidays. People brought their gifts to their familiar friends.

Seeing that the time for the dinner was almost up, Jenkins stood in front of the floor-length mirror and checked his clothes and hair for the last time, then smiled at himself in the mirror.

The cat had been waiting impatiently for a long time. It knew that Jenkins would not restrict its appetite today.

The man had planned to tie a beautiful bow with colorful ribbons on the cat's neck to respond to the festive atmosphere, but unfortunately Chocolate refused again. While the two were playing, Jenkins drove his cat to the bathroom and successfully gave it the last bath before the end of the year.

"Let's go to eat."

He picked up the still angry cat and put it on his shoulder. The kitten carefully adjusted its position to find its center of gravity. The tail swung back and forth and rubbed the back of Jenkins' neck. It was not angry at all, because in a few minutes, Jenkins would encounter a very bad thing.

And that thing was planned by it.

It opened its eyes and looked deeper into time. After confirming that its plan was correct, the man and the cat walked out of the door.

There was no one in the corridor. Everyone probably went to the dinner. Thinking of this, Jenkins quickened his pace. He didn't want to be the last one to arrive.


Chocolate suddenly called out, then jumped off Jenkins' shoulder and ran up the stairs quickly. Jenkins followed without thinking:

"Chocolate, stop!"

He ordered.

The cat standing higher up the stairs really stopped, squatted there and looked at Jenkins, and waited for him to get close before rushing up at a faster speed. The man and the cat, one running and one chasing, arrived at the top floor of the building in less than half a minute.

The room near the stairs is the utility room, and the cat kept scratching the wooden door with its claws.

"What are you going to do?"

He knew his cat rarely showed such movements, so he tried to hold the handle, but he didn't expect the door to be unlocked.

Chapter 630 Chapter 618 Holiday Elf (6/10)

The room was less than three feet wide and was filled with mops, buckets and cleaning utensils. As soon as the door was opened, Chocolate rushed in. When Jenkins could see the room clearly, it had already proudly held down a beautiful little man with wings. This was the first time Jenkins realized that it could actually catch mice, but it was not interested.

"What is this? Elf?"

The creature held down by the cat was not even the size of Jenkins' little finger. It probably couldn't speak and kept babbling under the cat's claws. But it had to be admitted that this creature had an absolutely beautiful face, even the most beautiful woman Jenkins knew couldn't compare to it.

Seeing Jenkins, she immediately turned her head and looked at him pitifully.

He stared at the festive clothes on the small creature and the faint runes on its face for a while:

"I seem to have heard of this thing... Are you a [Festival Elf]?"


It made such a sound and nodded continuously.

B-01-5-2200, [Festival Elf], belongs to an extremely rare subspecies branch of the elf population, and is even rare enough to be classified as a numbered race. At the same time, this is also a rare elf population that does not harbor malice towards intelligent creatures. In the stories passed down by ordinary people, the prototypes of those small things that give people luck and gifts during festivals are them. And festival elves will only appear during important festivals, and usually only appear in places where large numbers of benefactors gather.

They are not rare. The last time they appeared with official records was the carnival in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Cheslan this summer.

"I remember that I can make a wish."

Jenkins used the Orb of Life to replace the elf from under the cat's claws. She immediately hugged the man's index finger and kissed it, and kept nodding at him.

"Why are you hiding here?"

He held the tiny creature in his palm. Although he asked the question, he did not expect to get a conclusion.

He first patiently patted the cat squatting at his feet as a reward, then took them back to his room and found Mr. Hunter's fruit plate from under the bed.

The only condition for making a wish to the Holiday Elf is to give them some fruit as a reward. Jenkins was very glad that he had not used the fruit plate tonight in order to fully enjoy his dinner, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome.

Putting the tempting cherry and plump apple next to the elf who was looking at the table, she immediately came forward and made a babbling sound to Jenkins again.

"Can you fulfill my wish?"

He asked with his head down.

"I want to add a blank bubble. Do you understand this statement?"

One should not be too greedy when making a wish, and what he wants now is just a blank bubble that can accommodate the defensive magic.

The elf raised his face and looked at Jenkins. After a few seconds of hesitation, he nodded slowly and firmly——

Then, Jenkins fell into the door with endless white light that appeared under his feet.

"Yiyi~ Yaya~"

The elf looked at the cat beside him fearfully, and obediently pushed the plump cherry to it, and then smiled foolishly while holding the apple.


Chocolate nodded with satisfaction, and at this moment, the door was pushed open.

"Jenkins, hurry up, everyone is waiting for you."

Miss Bevanna shouted at the door, and when she saw that there was no response, she stuck her head in. It happened to see the handsome elf holding the apple, turning into a golden light and disappearing on the table.

"Is that... the holiday elf?"

She was very surprised, and then scanned the room again:

"Where is Jenkins? Is it Chocolate who made the wish?"


The cat holding the cherry answered like this, it is just a cat, how can it answer human questions.

(Chocolate is in the cat...)

Jenkins felt that he was deceived by the information.

The festival elves he knew could not fulfill any wishes, but at least they would never use malicious means to achieve the wishes of the wisher.

According to the records, the methods chosen by the festival elves are mostly the simplest and safest. But he just asked to add a bubble, and he really couldn't understand why he was sent to the strange land.

"Is it possible that the safest and simplest way for me to increase the ability bubble is to go through the strange land?"

He absolutely did not believe such an inference.

After the disgusting rotation and the bizarre illusion disappeared, Jenkins' feet finally stepped on solid land again.

He lowered his head and pressed his hands on the sand for a long time. When he raised his head again, there was no one around him.

"This seems to be the first trip to the strange land without a companion."

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