In fact, it is not that there have been no incidents of gods descending to earth as saints in this era, but most of them were kept secret. On the last day of December, six gods appeared at the same time, which was an unexpected accident that no one could have expected.

The Twelve Orthodox Churches received the oracle at almost the same time, and the content was surprisingly consistent. In addition to announcing the transfer of the priesthood of [Lies] and the old [Prince of Lies] jumping out of the evil god camp, the most critical information was that the six false gods appeared in Nolan City and did not break the contract between the gods, which was all reasonable.

This greatly increased the panic and awe of the mortals, and a few false god sects also received revelations from the gods. The brave packed their bags and prepared to go to the chosen city, the cowards crawled in the dark waiting for changes, the wise looked up at the stars and longed for the revelation of the end of the era, and the foolish brandished swords and coveted seats that did not belong to them.

Even if the Orthodox Church wanted to cover up what happened that night, the amazing meteor shower at night and the rumor of "the transfer of the God of Lies" had already explained many things.

The name "New God" has been abandoned, and now people only call him "God of Lies."

This inspired the Orthodox Church in the Nolan Parish, who linked "Miss Fabry's Scam" with the new [God of Lies] and conducted targeted divination on this matter. Originally thought to be a crime between ordinary people, the divination result was familiar and extremely chaotic.

"Sure enough, the new god has long been planning to obtain the priesthood of lies, all of this is premeditated! Those shadow-like guys really planned all of this, we should have thought of this long ago."

"No, it's definitely not the case. All of this is the conspiracy of the old God of Lies!"

Jenkins opposed Miss Befanna's inference in his heart, but on the surface he lowered his head with a weak expression on his face.

He slept until six o'clock this morning before waking up, which was understood by others as suffering extremely serious mental damage in the strange world. Now he is reporting what he experienced yesterday. Although Miss Befanna is also very tired, she still forces herself to listen to him talk about his experience in the strange world.

The first morning of the new year began with such a conversation.

PS: Regarding whether Jenkins will be judged as an evil god: No.

Possessing the priesthood of [Lie] is not a sufficient condition for being an "evil god".

Section 639 Chapter 627 Those Knowledge

The scar on Miss Befanna's arm caused by divine power has not disappeared. Even though the son of the evil god is dead, the terrifying power is still affecting her health. Jenkins is very worried about this, but fortunately the Church seems to have a way.

But in any case, he doesn't have to worry about facing the sage in the material world.

"That is to say, you not only promoted to level 3 through this strange realm, but also obtained a new gift."


He nodded gently.

There was a grain of sand floating on the table in front of the two. If it were not for its own luminous properties, it would be difficult to observe it. The function of this thing has been discovered by Jenkins. It has only one function, which is to absorb and release liquids. The absorption limit has not yet been found.

This is the space equipment that Jenkins has been hoping to get for a long time, but it is a pity that it cannot store anything other than liquids.

"Very good, I think Dad will be happy for you too."

Miss Befanna smiled reluctantly.

For some reason, Dad suddenly left for Beldiran on New Year's Eve without even leaving any message for Jenkins. This means that he will enjoy a complete holiday time, and Dad did not say when he would be able to come back.

This is very unusual. If Jenkins had the energy, he would definitely find out the truth about Dad's trip to Beldiran, but now he just wants to have a good sleep.

He also learned the whole story of last night. On the night of December 31, the evil god Shenzi, who was supposed to fall into a deep sleep to better utilize the Mist Son plan and absorb power from the fog covering the entire city, unexpectedly woke up early.

In a hurry, there was no time to prepare for the arrival of the righteous gods, and the mortals could only bite the bullet and carry it up. Of course, they paid a lot of casualties, and even the demigod-level gifters almost died. But the premature birth of Shenzi left it with hidden dangers, and this awakening was obviously not at the right time, so it was stopped by the gifters who fought desperately.

It's not that it can't kill everyone, it just doesn't want to waste its precious power on mortals. Destroying the entire city would definitely lead to revenge from the righteous gods, and this was also different from its original intention of seeking the position of savior. Therefore, it decided to move outside Nolan to avoid the limelight for a while, and wait until the right time to appear, and then let mortals feel its power.

So, it met six false gods in the forest farm outside the suburbs.

These things were all said by Miss Befanna, and there must be some secrets that were not revealed, but Jenkins' curiosity was not that strong. The only thing he was confused about was which position the son of the evil god wanted.

Because of this incident, no one in the church could enjoy the annual year-end festival. People outside the church could watch the lively parade, enjoy the circus performances and new technology demonstrations in the square full of colorful flags, and the church separated by a wall was simply a mess.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, Jenkins used his ability to treat a large number of wounded people, even the wounded of pagans. After his ability evolved, he became the best healer in the parish. During the holidays when there was a shortage of manpower and he had to keep an eye on the blood-sucking species, the most important thing was to quickly restore his combat effectiveness.

In addition, he also used the morning time to sort out the new knowledge he gained from absorbing two drops of divinity yesterday, as well as the new information he gained after obtaining the priesthood.

Just as the [God of Flowers and Celebrations] said, he now only "possessed" the priesthood instead of "controlled" it, and if he wanted to completely integrate the priesthood into himself and become a true god, he would need a lot of divine power to help. This would be an extremely long process, and Jenkins just didn't have enough divinity.

"It takes divinity to merge the priesthood, and only after merging the priesthood can you get divinity."

This seems to be a dead loop, but at least Jenkins can now simply use the power of [Lies]: anyone who lies to him can make him feel something; and he himself has two opportunities a week to make anyone believe the lies he tells.

"Chocolate, you sneaked out of the bedroom this morning without telling me. Did you go to the church kitchen to eat?"


Jenkins didn't feel anything about this sentence, which means it was true. But unfortunately, he didn't know what the cat said.

As Jenkins' level of the gifter increased, he was able to master more related powers through the priesthood in his body, but if he wanted to completely integrate the priesthood of [Lies], he still needed the help of divinity.

"Unless I can create a priesthood on my own, or truly understand the true meaning of [Lies]. Otherwise, if I want to become a true god, the best way is still the way of the savior."

In addition, the two drops of divinity provided a huge amount of information, and the incomplete information of the god last time was also completed:

[Things that can become gods, bear the sins of the world. ]

It was completely unexpected, but this sentence had no practical meaning.

Since the burning divinity all came from the son of the evil god, the content of the information overlapped in part. The most valuable information was a method of artificially creating a magic eye.

That required starting with a girl under the age of 12, and constantly changing her physique through food, materials and cruel rituals during her growth. After she reaches adulthood, she summons a terrifying monster from the void to mate with it. After 23 months of gestation, the fetus she gives birth to has a high probability of having two different magic eyes.

After Jenkins read what he had recorded, he threw it into the furnace. He still had some bottom line.

And the most complete information was actually the relevant information of the disaster beast [Scarlet Mayfly].

Jenkins had come into contact with the term [Disaster Beast] more than once, but this was the first time he understood their horror. [Scarlet Mayfly] is a huge blood-red winged creature that is ten thousand feet long. It has a brutal and irrational personality. It is actually a terrifying monster made of a substance called [First Blood].

And [First Blood] is the first drop of blood produced in this world in legend. It is the common source of all animals, including humans. And the [Scarlet Mayfly] born there has the ability to change the genetic information of all animal populations at will.

Even if the smallest individual in the population looks at it, it will cause the genetic information library of the entire population to be polluted. As a result, a large number of unpredictable mutant individuals will be produced in the offspring, causing the population to completely disappear after just two or three generations, leaving only a bunch of difficult-to-deal-with monsters for the world to remember.

Chapter 640 Chapter 628 The Aftermath of the Storm

The terrifying [Scarlet Mayfly] was active at the end of the 13th Era, and was eventually completely sealed by a more powerful existence. The place where it was sealed was the blood moon in the material world that people could see.


Realizing this, Jenkins immediately turned his head to look at the sky outside the window. Although he couldn't see the moon during the day, he still felt a little chill on his back.

"But... why does the son of the evil god have such knowledge?"

Mortals are concerned about the Fabry scam, and the gifters are concerned about the six gods descending on Nolan. Jenkins, who is related to both of these things, visited Privet Drive on Tuesday afternoon as planned after having nothing to do, as if nothing had happened.

Even if the manpower was tight, the church still arranged a special carriage to escort Jenkins out.

Today is a statutory holiday in the kingdom. There are many pedestrians on the street, and most of the shops along the street are full of decorations like the old man's antique shop, which makes the festive atmosphere even stronger.

But with the disappearance of the Son of God, the smoke gathered by it also enveloped the city again in a short time. It was not obvious when I went out at noon, but it was very different from the sunny weather a few days ago. Jenkins missed the sunny days.

Because they encountered a parade, the driver, after obtaining Jenkins' consent, drove him to an alley to avoid it. Jenkins turned his eyes away from the Queen's New Year's speech in the newspaper, lifted the curtain of the carriage, and saw people wearing new clothes and full of joy following the parade. The children were playing wantonly, and the adults were waving their arms and greeting familiar people loudly.

"I think some people may sacrifice for this."

The driver heard Jenkins' sigh, tilted his head to one side, took out a cigarette from his pocket and held it between his cracked lips, lit a match and lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

The Williamites gathered again on Privet Drive, which made Mary very happy. She even rarely objected to Jenkins bringing his cat over.

He was very happy this afternoon. He temporarily put aside the annoying things and locked all the troubles outside the house. The feeling of no pressure made him smile sincerely for the first time in a long time.

The speed of the Six Gods incident on Monday night spread faster than Jenkins imagined. When he appeared in Miss Stuart's study, the three ladies actually knew about it and could clearly say the names of the six false gods.

Alexia and Chocolate knew almost all of Jenkins' secrets, but they didn't know where he came from, and the former didn't know that he was actually the new god.

"Unbelievers" also avoided talking about gods, so she spent most of her time listening to Jenkins' speculation as a bystander.

He knew the connection between [God of Corpses and Sacrifice], [God of Shadows and Stealth], [God of Lies], [God of Music] and the Son of God incident, which became the reason for their intervention, but he didn't know what identities [God of Mystery and Ritual] and [God of Flowers and Celebrations] used in this matter.

Moreover, the latter seemed to be related to the master [Lord of Flowers], otherwise it would be impossible to explain that He came to the world through the little girl selling flowers.

"It is not a good habit to judge gods arbitrarily. Are these things important to you?"

Alexia asked.

Jenkins was stunned, and then thought about what the God of Flowers did, which really had no effect on him. He suddenly felt relieved, and couldn't help but stand up and sighed.

"You are worried every day because you care about too many things."

The short lady comforted:

"Maybe you can go out for a walk or make some new friends when you have time, like Dolores."

Dolores has been keeping her head down and not speaking since the topic of God started. When she heard the two people mention her name, she raised her head and smiled beautifully at Jenkins. Although she is not yet an adult, her appearance can be regarded as stunning.

The people of Loen City can also see the brilliant colorful meteor shower yesterday. According to Miss Stuart, the court astrologer of the kingdom is almost crazy. The old gentleman with a beard almost reaching his knees has fallen into a state of complete hysteria and has been shouting incredible during the day.

"The Sage Church has received the oracle that the Prince of Lies has officially abandoned his priesthood and transferred from the evil god camp. The one who took over the God of Lies is the famous new god."

Jenkins told them.

"I never imagined that such a thing could happen in my short life."

The third princess sighed again.

"Most people think that the Fabry scam that was exposed two days ago is inseparable from the new god. But I think that all this is the plan of the Prince of Lies. After all, the new god is weak, and it is unlikely that he can calculate the old god." Miss Stuart was reluctant to talk to Jenkins about the topic of God, but she was very interested in the Fabry scam: "I know about the Fabry scam! The kingdom's spy in Nolan City also went to listen to your open class, and he sent this matter directly to my father in an expedited manner!" She seemed to have revealed very important information. "Father and the Minister of Finance both praised that [Miss Fabry] as the most talented person of this era, and also thought that you are a genius who can be compared with her. Father even wanted to find that group of liars and let them serve as financial officials of the kingdom, but unfortunately we have too few people in Nolan." Hearing her say this, Alexia suddenly chuckled and looked at Jenkins. She had heard Jenkins complain more than once in private about the troubles caused by "justice", so she roughly understood what happened. "Well, actually Miss Fabry is me." At this point, he couldn't help laughing himself. It was definitely not because of complacency, but because I felt that this matter was extremely funny from beginning to end. As for telling the truth of this matter to Stuart and his servant, it was completely fine. After all, Her Royal Highness the Princess was a friend, and even if she wanted to expose the writer thousands of miles away, she could not find any evidence.

"Yes, yes."

Jenkins added before Miss Stuart expressed her opinion:

"The Fabry scam was hosted and controlled by me, and then exposed by me. If you investigate carefully, you will find that in fact, a large amount of funds were defrauded, excluding the loss paid to the Traveler Bank, only 10,000 pounds were lost..."

"So you want to donate 9,999 pounds?"

Julia rarely takes the initiative to participate in conversations, but the things just now are really beyond her imagination.

Chapter 641 Chapter 629 A Belated Gift

"9,999 pounds? Oh, yes, I'm not a bad person."

Jenkins leaned against the back of the sofa, crossed his legs, the upper half of his face hidden in the shadow, and his right hand stroked the cat on his leg.

"This was all an accident. Even I didn't expect it to turn out like this, but I can consider myself not a bad person."

"But you easily swindled a large amount of money from half a continent in just six months, not only making a name for yourself, but also getting praise from most people. What's even more amazing is that you didn't get any benefits."

Alexia pointed out with a smile.

"No, half a continent's funds are a bit exaggerated. Whether the money can exceed 5 million pounds is a question. But other aspects... maybe it's like this."

This smile is really because of pride. Even Jenkins occasionally feels complacent because of others' praise. At least so far he still has a human part.

The party on Tuesday is one of Dolores Stuart's happiest times of the week, but Mr. William is right. The sense of time often changes with mood. It seems that in the blink of an eye, the two friends who were just sitting on the sofa talking about gods have left.

Mr. William is going to fertilize a flower, and Dolores originally wanted to find a good opportunity to show herself through that flower.

She stood alone in front of the window of the study, looking at the snow outside, savoring the scam that Jenkins had just mentioned, and how it would develop further. Imagine if this happened to her, how would she feel when she revealed the "scam" in front of the citizens.

"That's really like the plot in a novel. No, even a novelist can't write such a wonderful story."

She had developed a feeling similar to "worship" for the man's wisdom.

There were footsteps behind her, and then Julia's flustered salute. The third princess immediately adjusted her expression, and then turned around with a big smile:


The man who came was the current ruler of the North Country, King Bryer Salsi Stuart, who was blessed by ice and snow and blessed by the god of nature, and was better known as Salsi II. He is now over 40 years old, but his appearance is still tough.

Wearing a red robe, and a white cloak decorated with rubies behind him. Dolores inherited her smooth hair from the man in front of her, but her face shape is more like her mother.

"Are you still awake?"

"Yes, Father, I want to finish the math homework Miss Miller left for me."

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