"That's good, but get some rest. This is your end-of-year gift."

The gift was supposed to be delivered last night and opened this morning, but His Majesty is so busy with affairs that it is understandable that he occasionally forgets his unloved children.

"thank you."

She took the gift box with a ribbon from the guard on the side and returned the gift elegantly.

Brier Stuart was very satisfied with this short conversation. He took one look at the study and planned to leave. He was really tired. But her eyes stopped on the desk nearby, and Julia, who was standing by, shrank her pupils.

"This is your great-grandfather?"

He picked up the piece of paper that Jenkins had left half a month ago. They had been talking about it tonight, and Julia thought she had put it away.


Dolores reacted very quickly.

"I found an old photo in the library, but unfortunately it faded quickly as soon as it came into contact with the air. I could only have someone transfer the content in the photo to paper. I heard that this is a new technology."

Fortunately for her, the middle-aged man didn't care about the so-called new technology. He was attracted by the people in the photos.

"Indeed, this is indeed my grandfather. I didn't expect you to find his photo. Maybe it was mistakenly included in a book and appeared in the library."

This has happened before, so it makes sense.

"Can you give it to me? I think it might be possible to frame it and hang it next to the clock in the side hall. We have been missing a portrait of your great-grandfather."


Dolores said sweetly, and then walked carefully to her father, "So, who is this gentleman? I think the person who can take a photo with my great-grandfather should also be a famous noble in the kingdom."

He was in a good mood today. The tired king actually smiled and patted his daughter on the shoulder:

"No, you guessed it wrong. This gentleman has taken more than one photo with your great-grandfather. I have heard of him. He was a very wise man who lived under the great Encido Stuart. When he was the crown prince, he directed his political and history courses.”

"Is this my great-grandfather's teacher?"

She was thinking about her seniority with Mr. Willamette.

"No, this gentleman never allowed your great-grandfather to call him teacher. He just taught him some knowledge temporarily. Oh, Dolores, if you are interested in this gentleman, maybe you can read your great-grandfather's Diary, I can allow you to read part of it, there may be some more detailed content in it.”

(Chocolate Run...)

Unfortunately, the flower girl's fertilizer did not cause the fantasy flower to bloom directly as Jenkins expected. When the flower fertilizer was poured into the pot at Alexia's residence, the flower simply skipped the troublesome third stage of growth. For it to bloom, a huge number of souls are needed, which makes Jenkins feel very disappointed.

With this bad mood, he said goodbye to Alexia and returned to Nolan's church. He originally planned to sleep, but when he caught a glimpse of the gift in the corner, he planned to open it and take a look.

According to custom, gifts for the New Year should be opened in the early morning of the first day of the new year, but Jenkin was already very busy on this day, and fortunately no one asked him about the gifts.

He moved the boxes neatly wrapped with ribbons to the bed, then crossed his legs to see what his friends had given him.

"Don't move!"

Seeing that the chocolate was eager to try, Jenkins immediately warned the cat. The cat made a "meow~" sound, turned around and slapped his wrist with its tail.

Each gift box has the name of the giver. Jenkins opened the gifts from his father, Professor Burns and Bishop Parrod first, because the gifts they gave were probably decent things. Sure enough, inside were a brand new personal dagger, a beautiful glass photo frame and a yellowed letter.

Chapter 642 Chapter 630 Nosy

"What's this?"

Jenkins said as he opened the yellowed letter. After glancing at it twice, I realized that this was the bishop's admission notice when he was young. The literacy rate and number of universities in that era were far from what they are now. Being admitted to university almost meant opening the way to the upper class.

Of course, the bishop's family background also helped a lot.

"Does this encourage me to continue studying?"

He didn't quite understand what the purpose was, so he put the letter back into the envelope and put it back deep in the desk.

The pocket knife given by his father was more decorative than practical, while the photo frame given by the professor was very practical. Unfortunately, after Jenkins became Jenkins, he never took photos specifically-for newspapers and Alexia's Unicorn photos don’t count.

"How about taking a photo with me? You have time anyway?"

He asked his cat, while Chocolat lowered his head to sniff the other boxes.

Unfortunately, people don't usually give food as gifts, so the cat's desire is in vain. But many of these gifts surprised Jenkins. For example, Alexia gave him a palm-sized dark blue glass ball with dots of light inside.

This is an ornament made with extraordinary abilities. In complete darkness, holding this ball is like holding a galaxy.

Matching the ball is a solid gold ornament like the crown given by Miss Stuart. It can just fit the ball on the top of the crown, and the two look perfect together.

"really not bad."

He closed the curtains, extinguished the gas light and praised, then turned his head and was startled by the cat with glowing eyes.

The family members all gave some daily necessities. Miss Audrey gave a book, and Miss Bevanna’s gift was also a book. However, the former is a banned book "The Abyss of Sin: Exploring the Ancient Divination Technique" that has been marked as not being freely disseminated, while the latter is a collection of poems that Jenkins never likes to read.

Miss Bevanna probably thought that Jenkins didn't need anything, so she would give such a thing.

Hathaway's gift was wrapped in dark colored paper and felt heavy to hold. Opening the outer package, there was actually a brass cat statue inside.


Chocolate stretched out his claws to pry the statue out of Jenkins' hand, but Jenkins easily dodged it.

"Does she think I like cats that much?"

Jenkins couldn't help laughing. Seeing that the chocolate was still eager to try, he stuffed the thing back into the box and dealt with it when he had time.

Miss Michael gave Jenkins a long brown scarf. This scarf must have been made of animal hair rather than artificial wool, otherwise it would not be so soft. He put the scarf on Chocolate, and then wrapped it tightly in the scarf when it wasn't paying attention.

The cat made a pitiful cry, which frightened Jenkins to let go of it immediately. But it immediately returned to normal and jumped onto the bedside table, reaching out its claws to scratch at Jenkins.

Friends I know from the church and many readers I don’t know also sent gifts. The latter had been delivered by a carriage sent by the bookseller this morning, and they were piled up in the corner of Jenkins' room.

"Only days like this can be considered a peaceful life."

Lying on the bed and sighing, the cat finally found a chance for revenge and immediately pounced on him.

The peaceful days did not last long, in fact, they did not last even one night. Jenkins had just fallen asleep on Wednesday night when he was woken up by a violent earthquake.

"Run Chocolate!"

He felt like he had said this before, but this time it was a real earthquake. He picked up his cat, pulled his coat off the hanger as he passed the door, and then rushed out of the room.

The strength of the church building is trustworthy. Even after the aftershocks continued, no building collapsed. The "monster emerging from the ground" that Jenkins was worried about did not appear. This seemed to be just an ordinary geological movement.

The next morning at dinner, I heard priests and priests talking about the earthquake at night. Although this is not common in this city, the occasional earthquake does not seem to be a big problem.

After breakfast, Mr. Blow, the bookseller, met Jenkins in the church.

He promised to Jenkins in December that the first printed copies of "Frozen" would appear in bookstores by the end of the year. It's a pity that this was not done, but this was entirely due to accident, not due to lack of care about the matter.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that the factory area would be completely blocked due to rectification. You also know that the Kingdom's Air Protection Act..."

He explained while wiping his sweat.

The factories chosen by Mr. Burrow happened to be the ones occupied by the sons of the evil god. He really could not be blamed for this incident, and the sons of gods who could be blamed had also disappeared.

"I promise that after the factory resumes operations, we will urge them to rush to work as soon as possible. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

His attitude was very low, perhaps because Bishop Parrod happened to be listening when the two were talking.

After that, Jenkins, who was about to go to the club for an appointment, met the worried Captain Binsi. The two met at the corner of the corridor and almost bumped into each other.

"Feel sorry."

The paper fell from Captain Binsi's hand, and Jenkins immediately bent down to pick it up for him. In the process, I inevitably saw the words on the paper, which was a discovery report of a child's body.

"It's not a big deal. This winter, the number of pedestrians falling into the water caused by the collapse of the river ice has been three times higher than before. The body of one of the children who fell into the water was actually found offshore, and there were obvious signs of being chewed by human teeth. We are worried that something strange has swam into the urban river, and we are trying to find ways to investigate."

He explained hurriedly, then took the papers and walked away. Jenkins frowned for a moment, then continued walking out with his cat.

Dad sent a letter from Belduran this morning. He has successfully reached his destination and told Jenkins not to worry. He thought that he could handle the things there and return to Nolan within a week, so he asked Jenkins not to forget to go to the antique store to clean it every two days and hang the wooden sign indicating suspension of business at the door of the store.

So before heading to the club, Jenkins took a detour to Fifth Queens Boulevard. He had a spare key to the antique shop in his hand. He stood under the rain eaves and opened the lock. As soon as he opened the door, the chocolate slipped in through the crack in the door. When Jenkins was looking for the wooden sign behind the door, it had already jumped on the counter. And lay down.

Chapter 643 Chapter 631 The Woman Visiting Dad

Jenkins had complete faith that his cat understood that he wouldn't be stopping at the antique store for long today. The reason why it lay down on the counter was just because it didn't want to move, so before Jenkins let it do things, he had to find a good place to lie down.

Because the fireplace in the store was not lit, the interior seemed even colder than the bustling outside. Considering that he would be leaving soon, Jenkins did not waste charcoal. He rolled up his sleeves and got a basin of water, then wet the rag and planned to clean the window first. Unexpectedly, the door of the store was pushed open.

The person who entered was a tall woman wearing a black veil and a white round hat. Her upper body was a mud-yellow uniform similar to men's formal wear, and her lower body was a skirt that almost touched the floor. There is no decoration on the skirt and the style is very simple.

"Sorry, ma'am, we're closed today."

He put down what he was holding and said sheepishly. The closed sign had been hung on the door handle just now, but this guest probably didn't see it.

"No, I'm not here to buy anything. I'm looking for Mr. Oliver."

Only people who are familiar with him will use the title "Oliver Dad", otherwise they usually just say "Mr. Oliver".

"Oh, hello. Dad has gone to Belduran for business, and it will take about a week to come back. If you have anything urgent, you can tell me. I am his apprentice Jenkins Willamt. I can send him a letter."

As he spoke, he blinked. The person in front of me is an ordinary person...

"My eyes only miss the gods, but the person in front of me is definitely not a god. I have no strange feelings about her at all."

After what happened that night, he summed up his past negligence, but he did not think that his eyes were limited, but that it was because his level was too low, so he could not see the true inner self.


She must have heard Jenkins' name, but Jenkins couldn't observe her expression because she was wearing a veil.

"If it's convenient, please inform dad when he comes back that I will take back the thing we agreed on ten years ago. Please prepare it in advance. I will come again next week."


Jenkins nodded hesitantly, but the woman turned and left without saying another word.


He muttered as he wrote it down and hung it on the nail behind the counter.

"Isn't it dad's love debt?"

He slandered as if jokingly, and you can fully imagine how furious his father would be when he heard this.

The text script of "Murder on a Steam Train" was created a few years ago. In fact, the amount of text is very small, but it was a bit troublesome to coordinate with the composition. Those manuscripts have been sent to the opera company by Jenkins, and the only thing left is for Hathaway to score the music. After the opera company has been working on it for a period of time, it will be able to put it on the stage.

Hathaway was very excited about this. Although she loved music, she had never had the opportunity to perform in public or put her works on stage. It was a great workout for her, and even Jenkins could see the excitement.

Jenkins knew little about music, and Miss Michael was of little help either. So most of the day was spent chatting between the two of them, with Hathaway humming and composing far away from them.

"My father works in a mining company, and he is very familiar with the mining business near Nolan, so I immediately determined that there was a big problem with Miss Fabry's investment."

The hottest topic now is that shocking scam. Regardless of whether they know the details, people are willing to express their opinions to show that they are not behind the trend.

"Ms. Mihail, I think you should understand that I am a very cautious person. During a certain period of time, I frequently learned about this matter from different channels, and I understood that there must be something wrong with it. Although the matter is The source is in distant Eldron, but after a little investigation, you can understand that the background of 'Miss Fabry' is very confusing, which is the biggest doubt."

"So you decided it was a scam?"

Miss Michael asked.

"This is not a very difficult thing. You can figure it out as long as you control your greed. I think there are also smart people among those investors, and even a small number of them have already understood the truth of this matter. They just believe that they They can earn enough profits to offset the principal before Miss Fabry's face is revealed, and the lives of the remaining people are not their concern. "

"But not everyone can stay sober like you."

This is a small compliment from a woman.

"You flatter me."

Jenkins shook his head. He knew that the above was all nonsense. Except for the final accident, this matter was not out of his control from beginning to end.

The influence of the Fabry scam continues to grow, and most knowledgeable people can see a terrifying and efficient virtual weapon in this incident. It is said that the Kingdom's Ministry of Finance has held an emergency meeting, and Travelers Bank is also discussing carrying out reform activities in the near future.

The only party that gained from this incident was Travelers Bank. In the past six months, they had gained a large number of real-name customers because of Miss Fabry's incident. After the scam was exposed, more civilians became aware of this financial institution. Although there are certain custody fees, many people are considering whether they should have their own account in a bank.

"Now is the best opportunity for banks to reform, and the means of reform is to cancel the account custody fee and pay a certain amount of interest to those who deposit."


Miss Michael didn't understand the logic of Jenkins' words at all. In her opinion, this was a crazy behavior, just like the guards who had to pay their masters money.

The only person who understood this sentence was Alexia. Jenkins just gave her a little hint last night, and she saw the huge potential of the banking industry.

After the open class on December 31, Jenkins also received other lecture invitations. There were both literary and financial ones, and they were not limited to Nolan City. But he declined all of them, not only because of the money, but also because he didn't want to be so high-profile.

The winter trip invited by Miss Michael was moved forward to Wednesday next week, which was the ninth day of January. Dad should be back before then, and Jenkins had to arrange his own affairs. The death of the evil god's son meant that the blockade of St. George Street would be lifted soon. He not only had to find someone to clean up his house, but also had to move many things stored in the antique shop and the church back home, which would be a very troublesome thing.

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