He thought in his mind, took a step forward to the edge of the roof, raised his head and looked directly at the demigod's face. That face is fair and handsome, enough to be called a first-class beauty. But Jenkins knew that this face was fake. The true appearance of a vampire was, to human eyes, no different than a layer of yellow mud applied after severe burns.

"Hand over the [Omniscient Mirror]."

Even though I know it’s useless to say this, I still have to give it a try.

"Believers of the New God, do you really want to go against us?"

The two people faced each other in the cold wind. The woman flying in the air was like an elf under the moonlight, while the man standing on the top of the building was like a monster in the shadows.

"Don't use plural pronouns to refer to yourself. You are the only one left among the aliens who came to the material world. I don't think you will consider those infected as your companions... It's really interesting, you guys When you came to the material world from the Bloody Fortress, did you get the consent of the master? I think it is most likely not, just like the group of demons a few months ago -

Do you know what happened to the demons? "

Chapter 657 Chapter 645 The End of Liverpool


The woman under the moon snorted coldly, waving her raised arms like a conductor of an orchestra. A dense swarm of bats flew out from behind her, flying towards Jenkins like attacking locusts.

The man raised his hand, and the flames spurted out in the form of a fan. The red flames connected with the bats in the mid-air between the two men. The smell of burnt proteins filled the air, and the silver light sheets also looked like sharp blades. Shooting from the depths of the flames.

The woman in the sky became as illusory as a shadow. When the light passed through her body, it caused ripples like water waves, but did not cause any harm.

"You are weaker than I thought."

She took a deep breath, then froze for a moment, looking at her chest in disbelief.

Alexia also stood in the void, holding a wooden cross in her hand, and stabbed her chest with the sharp end.

At this moment, both Jenkins and the demigod felt incredible. The former is for the success of this operation, and the latter is because of what he saw——

"Vampire nemesis? This thing is still in the hands of humans...is this...destiny?"

The information provided by Miss Stuart is indeed correct. This special weapon is indeed fatal to alien species. Even a demigod could only close his eyes forever after lamenting the injustice of fate.

"Isn't this going too well?"

When Alexia pulled the body and landed on the roof, she happened to hear Jenkins' sigh in the wind.

"We have made careful plans, and we also have weapons such as hemolytic toxins and vampire nemesis. From a probability perspective, the possibility of something going wrong is very small. Where is the mirror you are looking for?"

Only then did Jenkins remember his purpose. Seeing that the demigod didn't have that thing on him, he looked at the collapsed ruins. Unexpectedly, he happened to see the level 2 benefactor disappearing around the corner with a mirror.

"over there."

He pointed in that direction, Alexia nodded, reached out and took Jenkins' hand, and then pulled him to fly together.

Jenkins really didn't expect this action at all, and hurriedly caught his cat. He tilted his head and looked at the woman, who showed a gentle smile to Jenkins in the night sky.

Moving on the ground was definitely not as good as flying in the sky, and after leaving Hammerhead Street where riots were gradually starting due to the collapse of houses, Jenkins and Alexia blocked the person who had taken the mirror in an alley without any light.

Unsurprisingly, that man was George Liverpool.

We haven't seen each other for about a week, and he looks a lot stronger and taller. Other than that, there are no changes...except for that cold and killer temperament.

There was no need for Jenkins to show that he knew him, and he didn't want to have to convince himself to get the mirror. At this time, he and Alexia were blocked at both ends of the alley, and the second-level benefactor would definitely not have the ability to fly.

Seeing that the visitor was unkind, the ground under the young man's feet made a crunching sound, and then the soil quickly transformed into a mirror. Alexia coughed violently, and with that crisp sound, all the mirrors in the street exploded into pieces.

"Sorry, I didn't control it well."

She smiled apologetically at Jenkins and signaled him to seize the time to solve the problem here.

"what do I do?"

Liverpool asked, leaning his back against the wall and holding the mirror to his mouth.

Neither Jenkins nor Alexia heard the sound, but Liverpool showed an expression of realization and looked at Jenkins in shock.

"Mr. Willamt?"

Jenkins' progress paused. It was not surprising that the power of the mirror was greater than the black robe on his body, but he thought that his twisted destiny was enough to resist this "omniscience."

"Is it because you're too close?"

He speculated, but did not deny his identity.

He gestured to Alexia not to speak:

"If you can hand over that mirror, I can guarantee that you will die a dignified death. I think you should be able to understand that you have no way to escape from the current situation."

"You are actually the giver..."

He didn't seem to care at all what Jenkins was saying.

"In fact, I am surprised that you can reach level 2 in such a short time. Maybe those vampires have unique ways. But you, who have just entered the extraordinary, can't imagine the gap between different levels of gifters. Now throw the mirror to me!"

As he spoke, he slowly approached.

"You are also a gifter... Why, you obviously have so much, and we are obviously the same age, why..."

"If you want to complain about the unfairness of this world, then please complain, because we all know this. I think as an adult, you have to learn to accept the facts. Don't let me say it again, give me the mirror!"

He has read all the information about George Liverpool and knows exactly what this peer is thinking. In fact, if Jenkins were in his position, he might also feel that fate is unfair.

But fate is originally unfair, otherwise he would not come to this world.

"Why do you have a complete family? Why do you have the opportunity to succeed? Why are you favored by the church? Why can you get the favor of those noble ladies? Why can you not work hard for three meals a day? Why do you have such a powerful force? Why can you get all this so easily?"

This series of questions did not affect Jenkins at all. He could not answer these questions, nor did he have the responsibility to answer his doubts.

"Don't get close!"

Alexia suddenly reminded, and Jenkins also noticed that Liverpool's body was emitting an abnormal blood-red light.

"Why? Why?"

He seemed to have lost his mind, repeating the same words in his mouth, and his body rose into the night sky little by little. If Jenkins could peek into fate again at this moment, he would definitely be able to see that the line representing extreme doom has been entangled with Liverpool. The curse that brought doom to the entire family finally spread to him, at this critical point, and this would have a more terrible consequence.

Jenkins wanted to call on the twin demons to blow him down, but Alexia held his shoulders.

"It's too late."

The blue moon suddenly had a gap, and then it turned into darkness bit by bit.

The world was once again shrouded by the red blood moon, and at the same time, Jenkins heard some fine and seductive whispers. In the center of the blood moon, something seemed to be wriggling.

Chapter 658 Chapter 646 Peeping into the Past

The blood moon was in the sky, and the moment he saw the small black dot in the middle of the moon, cold sweat slid down his forehead. Jenkins knew what was sealed in the blood moon. Although it was absolutely impossible for that thing to get rid of the seal so easily, even if a trace of power leaked out, it would bring disaster to the material world.

Liverpool's body was still rising, and the blood-red sharp light radiated from his body in all directions. All the objects covered by the light melted into a semi-liquid substance like blood.

In the piles of red viscous matter, a white hand stretched out. Those liquids shaped the body for the owner of the hand. Under the red moon, hundreds of blood-sucking species appeared in the material world in this form.

Instead of summoning these terrible alien species from that distant world, Jenkins thought that this should be similar to shaping a body for the soul, because the three blood-sucking species he killed also appeared in the group of monsters embracing the blood moon.

Even if he didn't want to make too much noise, the abnormality at this time was irreversible. Liverpool, who rose to the sky, closed his eyes tightly, and the blood moon behind him was getting bigger and bigger, as if the moon was about to hit the ground.

In fact, all this was an illusion. The excessive power of the blood moon caused the illusion that the moon was close to the ground.

The sound of the house collapse just now has attracted the attention of nearby residents, and the blood moon in the sky and the flying man under the moon have caused people to exclaim. Fortunately, the nearby blocks are not residential areas, and most of the buildings here are commercial, so there will probably not be many casualties.

Liverpool's level of the gifter increased rapidly in Jenkins' eyes, and he jumped from level 2 to level 7 in a few breaths. This is simply a miracle, and Jenkins can't imagine how this happened.

According to the current position and the response speed of the church, the law enforcement officers from the church will appear in about five minutes, so there is not much time left for Jenkins.

He frowned and hesitated for a while, then said to the woman beside him:

"You go back to Loen first. If everything is fine in thirty minutes, I will find you; if I don't show up, don't come over either. I have enough confidence to resolve the current situation."

Alexia is not the kind of woman who hesitates at a critical moment. She nodded at Jenkins:

"Be safe. I will be back no matter what in forty minutes."

After saying that, she disappeared into the air without even giving Jenkins any chance to refute.

The man sighed deeply and looked around. All the newly born vampires were embracing the blood moon, as if calling for something, and no enemy paid any attention to him. It was almost impossible for a mortal to seize the mirror within five minutes, and if it continued, the summoned vampires would most likely call out the thing in the blood moon. So--

He held the silver-white metal block in his hand, and the luster it reflected against the blood-red moonlight looked extremely magical.

In the past, when he moved in the holy posture of God, he was always far away from the sight of ordinary people. This time should be regarded as the first time that the new God, or the God of Lies, showed his figure in front of ordinary people in the material world.

He speculated for a few seconds about the possible consequences of doing so, and then injected his spirit into the object in his hand. The silver-white shell radiated a faint light, and then turned into star-like flashes and drifted into the air.

The dazzling golden light penetrated into the body from the palm of the hand, and the consciousness was infinitely elevated at that moment, soaring to a distant latitude.

A huge dark cloud floated in the night sky of Nolan City at some point, but before the dark cloud had time to cover the moon, it was pierced by a pure white beam of light that penetrated from a higher place.


The beam of light that cut through the sky enveloped Jenkins, and the feet of the god left the ground and slowly rose to the night sky, while the human body lay quietly in the shadow of the alley. Loud and grand hymns sounded from all directions. And the sound of this hymn finally covered the whispers that had attracted more and more attention since the appearance of the lunar eclipse.

Liverpool's figure completely merged with the blood moon. In Jenkins' short action, he had surpassed the realm of demigods, completely escaped the shackles of mortals, and reached a biological level that people on this land could not imagine.

A trace of dangerous power permeated from the inexplicable space and merged with Liverpool. He was transforming into a terrible form. But no matter what means the vampires used, no matter what direction this transformation would lead to, such an improvement speed was abnormal.

Although even the God of Lies could not know what price to pay for doing so, at least before the price came, mortals could not use any means to compete with him.

Jenkins felt very strange now. With each incarnation of God, he became more and more experienced in the use of divinity. This time, he even mastered the ability to fly with just "a thought", and the speed of burning divinity did not become faster.

This is the instinct of divine creatures, but Jenkins in the past did not discover this.

He looked up at the black spot in the moon, peeking into the past at the cost of divinity.

The illusion this time was very simple, just a humanoid creature filled with blood mist raised his hands in the desolate wilderness and lifted a mountain to the sky. The mountain eventually merged with the blood moon, and the great one who had accomplished his mission looked back and met the eyes of the God of Lies of the 18th Epoch.

"This is the scene at the end of the 13th Epoch, when the protector of the blood-sucking species, the great thirteenth master [Blood-robed Demon Emperor] used the power of the red moon to seal the disaster beast [Scarlet Mayfly]!"

Jenkins read this information in a brief eye contact, and then ended his prying into the past. From beginning to end, the great one at the end of the 13th Epoch did not speak, but Jenkins knew very well that he did see the God from the future across time and space.

Jenkins just saw two moons in the sky of the 13th Epoch at the same time, and the keeper mentioned that at least before the 11th Epoch, there was only one red moon in the sky. This means that the appearance of the blue moon is in the 11th, 12th, and 13th eras, and it is highly likely that it has nothing to do with the 13th era. The mystery of the blue moon that cannot be known to mortals has almost been locked by Jenkins.

He believes that the origin of the two moons is likely to help him understand the deepest secrets of the world. He originally thought that the formation of the red moon would be related to the Lord of the blood-sucking species, but he did not expect that he only borrowed power.

Then the current situation is very strange. The Lord of the blood-sucking species sealed the bloody mayflies, and now these blood-sucking species actually want to borrow the power of the bloody mayflies.

"Is it another greedy person who betrayed the Lord and escaped to the material world?"

Chapter 659 Chapter 647 Frozen Blood River

No matter what happened in the past, the important thing now is to solve the problem at hand. Jenkins moved his eyes away from the black spot in the moon, and Liverpool opened his eyes and saw the god standing in front of him and the black cat on his shoulder.

"God, why do you want to intervene in this matter?"

Because of the changes in his body, his voice no longer sounded like a human.

"Hand over the mirror."

Jenkins did not open his mouth, and this information was directly transmitted to Liverpool's mind.


He looked down at the thing in his hand, and then threw it to God without hesitation.

"Please leave."

"But I didn't make any promises... and I am the God of Lies."

Before he finished speaking, the black spot in the red moon burst into a more dazzling brilliance, like a substantial energy venting its power towards Jenkins.

But such an attack, in addition to destroying the buildings on the ground, did not hurt Jenkins at all. He did not even dodge, the body of the god was not afraid of this level of impact.

"I'm really curious, what exactly is it about giving you the courage to fight against God?"

"If fate is unfair, then I can only resist God."

For a moment, Jenkins felt that he was the villain, but the next moment this feeling disappeared.

Liverpool raised his hands high, and the terrible aliens on the ground turned into red light and merged into his body. At the same time, the last ray of light seeping out from the black spot quickly merged with him. His body was undergoing severe deformation at a speed visible to the naked eye, transforming from a human form to an indescribable alien form.

"This means you are dead too... Never mind, it's too late."

The soft-bodied creature that existed in the most ancient times appeared in the sky. Its swimming tentacles and huge red asymmetrical body seriously challenged the order of creation.

It expanded little by little, and before the spiritual pollution spread like a tide, Jenkins raised his hand and turned the power of divinity into a barrier to completely isolate this space.

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