This is done by simply burning divinity, not combining one's own abilities, so it consumes a lot of divinity.

"What is this?"

Jenkins looked at the monster Liverpool had transformed into and asked in his heart, and then the answer automatically emerged:

"The descendant of the disaster beast [Scarlet Mayfly] - [Primary Blood Softworm], is the product of infecting humans with its own power."

Sure enough, the three blood-sucking species were actually related to the monster sealed by the master for the savior quota, which was really surprising.

While Jenkins was thinking, the gifters from the Orthodox Church had already arrived at the scene from a distance. In the eyes of mortals, the huge golden cube in the sky wrapped an invisible monster and an indescribable god. The surging blood tide surged in the closed space, and the blood-red moonlight made the blood in everyone's body faintly agitated.

The terrible soft-bodied creature rose to a higher position than the god in the night sky, and the blood tide appeared from the void like a waterfall, rushing towards the material world below. Even the golden barrier could not stop it, and no one could know the consequences of the blood tide flooding the city.

"Why did it become like this?"

Jenkins thought to himself, raising his right fist. If no god appeared tonight, these blood-sucking species could at least completely destroy the city below. But fate always arranges the right person with the right item to appear in the right place at the right time. Nolan will not be eternal, but at least the fate of destruction is not at this time.

Under the night sky, the lone god was covered with pure white light, facing the unstoppable scarlet tide, and could faintly see his clothes fluttering in the night wind.

No one knew what happened, time seemed to stop at that moment, and the insignificant fist was swung to the extreme height, as if the light of opening up the world was splitting the blood tide.

The cold light that froze everything connected with the tide, and in the trembling crackling sound, in the hymn that made people kneel down and kowtow, the tide that rushed down stopped abruptly. The tide was frozen in the night sky, and the frost spread upward along the blood, and the wave was aimed at the mortals below like a sharp blade.

But it will never come down again, after all, the kind gods protect this city.

The god retracted his fist, stood in the air with his hands behind his back, and the blood tide above his head could no longer move forward. That scene was like the hero who slayed the dragon alone in the ancient murals, but the hero at least had a sword.

[Frost Fist] exerted a power that Jenkins could not imagine with the help of divine power, and he was very satisfied with it. He stretched out his right hand again, and the star-like light gathered into a strange-shaped mining lamp.

With a sigh, the silver-white light erupted in a fan-shaped shape, covering the frozen blood tide and soft monster from bottom to top. Both were frozen and unable to move, and could only turn into small and dense parts and fall from the air. Before the dense metal like raindrops fell on the ground, the sourceless fire rose from the void and burned those terrible things into ashes.

After all this was over, the blue moon returned to the night sky, and the black dots in the blood moon disappeared without a trace. The only thing still moving in the night sky was the large pieces of flying ashes dancing in the wind.

The whispers disappeared completely, and only the hymns resounded loudly above the earth. The gods stood in the night sky, overlooking the people on the ground.

"I have to think of a way to end it."

What happened tonight was witnessed by so many ordinary people, which will definitely have a great impact on Jenkins' peaceful life in the future. He hates his life being disrupted.


Chocolate hates it too.

Although he had prepared to use his divinity in advance, it was far beyond Jenkins' expectations that such a big commotion would occur this time. Now the headache is how to end it. He hopes that in Nolan tomorrow morning, ordinary people will still live their normal lives as before.

The mortals bowed their heads on the ground, not daring to look directly at the gods in the sky. It was late at night, and the short-lived noise did not attract the attention of the entire city. There should be only three digits of mortals who knew about what happened just now.

"The Son of God is dead, all alien species are dead, let this all end."

He thought in his heart, chuckled and tapped the cat's forehead, then opened his arms and announced to the people below in a loud voice:

"Nothing will happen tonight, a meteorite will fall on Nolan."

He burned all the unused parts of the drop of divinity. Fortunately, he is the God of Lies.

This matter still needs the church to end, so the power of lies blessed by divinity is only for ordinary people without souls. Jenkins is actually very curious about what will happen next, but now he just wants to go home and have a good sleep. It's all over.

The night is still deep.

PS: I accidentally forgot that Jenkins needs to leave his soul to become a god. The relevant chapters and the previous chapter of Nolan under the Six Gods have been changed. Sorry.

Chapter 660 Chapter 648 The Temptation of the Mirror

After picking up his body in the alley, he returned to St. George Street with chocolate. At this time, half of the city was lit up. People were awakened by the sudden meteor shower and were eager to know what happened in the block in the east of the city where the flames were blazing.

Jenkins, who fell back into mortal form, remembered when he opened the door of his house that he forgot to destroy the mirror with divine power, but this also made it easier for him to ask a few fatal questions.

There was a noise outside, but Jenkins pretended not to hear it. Seeing that there was still half an hour left before the appointment with Alexia, he lit his fireplace, got into the quilt in front of the sofa, and let Chocolate lie in front of him.

When I took out the mirror, there seemed to be a real temptation to seduce the soul, coming from the mirror.

"anyone there?"

He asked in a low voice, but immediately felt that this way of asking was stupid, so he asked his question directly:

"How to obtain the emblem of the savior [real phantom]."

The mirror flashed, and then a middle-aged man wearing a hairband appeared in the mirror. The cat narrowed his eyes, tilted his head and pointed his eyes at the back of the mirror.

Generally speaking, Jenkins could only see his own handsome face in the mirror, so when the man with wrinkles all over his face and very poor dressing sense appeared, he couldn't help but feel disgusted. This man's dressing style is very ancient and primitive, and even the oldest oil paintings may not have such an image, which makes Jenkins believe that he probably has not changed his clothes for several epochs.

"Oh~ The owner actually changed."

The man in the mirror stood up and held the back of the chair and laughed. The background was a dark space, which made the scene a bit scary and weird.

"Stop talking nonsense and answer my questions."

Jenkins said viciously.

"Those vampires are indeed unreliable. Humph! They also want to get their hands on that noble qualification. Oh, my new master, please don't be so upset. I will answer all your questions."

"What are the requirements for [real phantom]?"

he asked again.

"It's easy, don't worry, I'll tell you all the information."

"Then say it quickly!"

The tone in which the mirror spoke made people feel irritated, and Jenkins had already begun to imagine what would happen if he handed it over to the protoss for a while.

"[True Phantom] is actually the magical ability to control one's own phantom, so it must be assisted by the power of gods. [Illusion], [Shadow], [Lie] and other related priesthoods are all available. My previous master tried to rely on [ Shadow] priesthood, this priesthood is currently controlled by a terrible disaster beast. "

This is mutually corroborated with what happened tonight, but they probably didn't want to lead the beast of disaster into the material world, they just wanted to use some of their power, otherwise it would not be the "emblem of the savior" but the "emblem of the destroyer". The vampires and Liverpool just didn't expect that the power of disaster was definitely beyond the reach of weak mortal beings like them.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this mirror guided Liverpool to cause everything tonight, and it is the culprit.

"What role did George Liverpool play in this matter?"

He had to temporarily turn his attention away from the emblem of the Savior because he considered it more important.

"If you are referring to the last person who held me, then he is one of the few human beings who is suitable to serve as the sacrifice of the [Scarlet Mayfly]. That group of vampires sneaked out from the dominant world, and through me, they learned about [Real Phantom], and hooked up with another group of people to get a way to contact the beast of disaster, but you didn't expect that you failed in the end. I have to say that you were really lucky. Very good, because now I know all the information about that qualification through them. Now, ask me again, and I will tell you all the information!”

The man in the mirror touched his black goatee and said. The dark background behind him gradually became clear. It seemed to be a study room, but the workmanship of the bookshelf in the study room and the skull of a horned goat hanging on the wall all showed a primitive and evil feeling.

It didn't seem to know what happened outside just now, otherwise it would never talk to Jenkins in this tone.

"Can't you know the outside world when it's not in use?"

Jenkins guessed, but also didn't believe that it would answer all the questions so cooperatively.

"This is probably how Liverpool was tricked to death just now. Of course, that should also be related to the fact that the blood of the Strais family is cursed."

He suddenly became alert and thought that he should no longer be greedy for that knowledge and that it was right to directly deliver the mirror to the Star Spirits.

Chocolate nodded in agreement, but unfortunately it was hidden in the shadow of the fire, so no one noticed this action.

It gradually became noisy outside, and even if the fight between gods and monsters under the blood moon was twisted into a "meteor attack" by lies, this was still quite shocking to mortals.

Jenkins even heard the Goodman family next door, presumably running out of the house in their pajamas, thinking it was another earthquake.

But the noisy things outside had nothing to do with Jenkins. He didn't care about the citizens' reactions in the dark night.

"But I am a real god, what can this mirror do to me?"

He couldn't help but think so.

"Yes, the emblem of the savior is equally important to me. Now it is almost at my fingertips, and the price is just asking a question."

He was shaken, the expression on his face was uncertain. The man in the mirror was playing with his beard proudly, twirling his fingers around the ends of his beard.

"You can rest assured that I will answer every question you have truthfully."

Chocolate lying on the side couldn't stand it anymore. It didn't want to waste time in such a place. After all, it was time to sleep. It was determined to help Jenkins. This stupid guy seemed to be caught.

Before the cat could do anything, Jenkins suddenly turned the mirror upside down on the table.

The creature in the mirror couldn't tell lies due to the defects of its own soul, so Jenkins couldn't see through his intentions with the power of the [Lie] priesthood.

Incomplete truth is sometimes more terrible than lies. Jenkins knows this better than anyone else. He is an expert in this. Thinking about it carefully, Jenkins seriously suspected that the bad luck of those vampires was inseparable from this mirror.

Although they were tempted for a moment just now, as the Star Spirit Lakul once said, the soul of a god, even an incomplete soul of a god, is immune to the temptation of the mirror.

Chocolate lay down again and stretched his two paws. It was a boring night.

Chapter 661 Chapter 649 Another Fool

Jenkins certainly coveted the ability of [True Illusion], but he was an absolutely cautious person. For his own safety, no matter what the mirror was planning, he did not intend to ask about the Savior's Emblem again. This was obviously a trap.

But before sending the mirror to the astral world, Jenkins had another question that needed to be answered. Although this question was not important, it had troubled him for a long time.

"On the night when your holder met the New God believers, yes, on the bridge that is now severely damaged, what were you planning to do? That time was really unusual. It was just an ordinary human infected person who appeared with you. Could it be that the blood-sucking species was so relieved?"

In the few encounters with this mirror, Jenkins only did not know the purpose of its appearance that time. Because of its incomplete [omniscience], its outings must have special meanings.

"That time you went out?"

The middle-aged man in the mirror looked at his current owner suspiciously:

"Why do you know this?"

"You just need to answer my questions."

"No, no, no, before that time, I had clearly learned from the future that everything would go well, but I was attacked. This is one of the few times that my [omniscience] has failed in all these years. It was not until recently that I figured out that the new god probably shared some of his divinity with his believers."

The answer is close, but still incorrect.

The mirror still showed no sign of answering Jenkins' question, or rather, he was answering:

"I went out secretly that time to meet an old friend I hadn't seen for a long time. Although I was attacked unexpectedly, when the mirror moved, I unexpectedly glimpsed B-08-02-8214 in Nolan's underground pipeline, the vending machine of equivalent exchange, in the gap between reality and illusion."

"What did you do with B-08-02-8214?"

Jenkins asked again.

He thought the mirror would deliberately mislead him, or tell some plausible truth, but he didn't expect it to tell him everything right away.

The middle-aged man looked up at the mirror, his bright eyes sizing up Jenkins' body.

"To be honest, I've long been tired of living in a mirror, but the damn seal can't be broken anyway. After so many years, I came up with some very risky methods, one of which is to use B-08-02-8214 to combine myself with some materials at risk, and maybe I can replace the seal."

"It turns out that it is this that consumes most of the energy of the machine! I knew that the divination course has nothing to do with that matter!"

Jenkins understood immediately.

"Then, use the corpse of the resurrected corpse to synthesize..."

"Yes, I used the excuse that [doing so will help the plan go smoothly] to deceive those blood-sucking species, making them mistakenly believe that synthesizing corpses is an important step in the [real illusion]. But in fact, that was just another effort for me to break free from the seal. If I can find the right materials and reuse the machine for twelve replacements, I have half the confidence to completely get rid of the damn seal."

"So how many times have you used it now?"

This is the key question.

"Nine times, the damn new god believers destroyed the materials for the tenth time first. Humph, I suspect that the new god and the ancient god who participated in sealing me have reached an agreement. The nine replacements wasted a lot of time and my own energy. I must ensure that I will not be crushed in the machine."

"In other words, you can't completely break free from the seal now?"

"Yes, you can't 'completely' break free from the seal."

The two looked at each other across the mirror. This action actually has no meaning, but no one can be sure whether the other party has a trick.

Finally, Jenkins spoke first:

"Can you break free from the seal now?"


The man in the mirror nodded, and then suddenly jumped out of the mirror. In the sudden strong wind that blew open the window, the soul with a faint black light directly entered Jenkins' body from his arm. After a few seconds, only Jenkins and Chocolate could hear the scream:

"No, this is impossible, you are..."

The room returned to silence, and the window that had just been blown open by the strong wind was still. It seemed that the wind and the scene were just illusions.


He sighed, pursed his lips and watched the mirror in his hand decay bit by bit, the rust on the metal peeled off, and the gems turned into dust. The last trouble this mirror brought to Jenkins was to pollute his hands and his sofa.

"This should be the second soul that wants to take over this body~"

He sat there and sighed softly, bending forward slightly, close to the flames in the fireplace, the firelight rippled in his eyes.

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