The first one naturally refers to the evil spirit in the hospital, and what the two have in common is that they both collapsed directly in the face of God's soul.

"Don't worry, I'm still me, the bad guy just now is dead."

He did not forget to explain to his cat that Chocolate's response was to say "meow~", stand up and let Jenkins pat his head, and even wanted to pat Jenkins' head. The cat is not surprised by this result. It has seen such a future for a long time.

After quietly thinking about his fate for a few seconds, Jenkins stretched his right hand forward, and the dots of silvery white light gathered into a miner's lamp with a different shape:


He muttered in a low voice, and his soul was brought to the star realm by the power of the star spirit.

"thanks for your help."

Above the sea of ​​​​stars, the star spirits had obviously learned about the fact that the [Omniscient Mirror] had been destroyed, and took the initiative to thank Jenkins before he spoke.

"No, you're welcome. After all, it would be good for me to destroy it."

That mirror should be classified as a magic object, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the huge spirit obtained after destroying it. In short, Jenkins has been promoted to level 4 benefactor at that moment, which also means that he is completely unable to make progress by copying those tadpole essays.

But now that he has five blank bubbles, he is once again looking forward to [the blessing of books (golden magic)], which is very happy.

"According to the sacred agreement between us, I will try my best to show my power in the material world to help you when you need it. You only need to call out the light, and after calling my name, state your request. Can."

She lowered her head slightly.

"Okay, then I'll thank you in advance. Oh, yes, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

"Please tell me, but please don't ask me any embarrassing questions yet."

The voice was soft, softer than before. This was definitely not an illusion.

Chapter 662 Chapter 650: Guidance and bad intentions

Jenkins' question this time had nothing to do with sensitive ancient events. Rather than "asking for advice," he was more inclined to ask for opinions:

"Of course, I understand...that's the case. At the last moment, that mirror tried to tempt me to ask it about the emblem of the savior [the real phantom]. Is this some kind of trap? I Can't understand this behavior."

"It's simple, dear God of Lies."

Star Spirit opened the huge transparent book he was holding for the first time.

"According to the rules of the world, the emblem of the savior only belongs to those who do not actively seek it. If you take the initiative to ask, it is equivalent to violating this rule, and then you are destined to miss the [real phantom] in the future. I think, You probably understand this too.”

Jenkins suddenly realized that this seemed to be the case.

"Of course, I have to remind you."

Xing Ling seemed to talk a lot today. The silver-blue translucent book in her hand flipped quickly and finally stopped at a page at the back:

"If you are still interested in [Real Phantom], I can provide some clues. This unique ability has been circulated among mortal benefactors since the ancient era, but for some reasons, it was completely eliminated three eras ago. Those ancient races or ancient relics may have clues. After all, if fate really favors you, it will appear in your hands sooner or later due to an accident."

Remembering the guidance of the Star Spirit, Jenkins returned to his home thoughtfully. Although it's a pity that I didn't get the [real phantom] through the mirror, at least the two troublesome things of mirrors and vampires were completely solved.

There will definitely be discussions about the God of Lies appearing in Nolan City again during the day tomorrow, but at least Jenkins can have a complete night of rest.

Of course, we must not forget to go to Loen City to report safety to our friends.

It was already early in the morning, but when he appeared next to Alexia, he unexpectedly saw Miss Stuart and Julia. This is obviously not Alexia's residence, but more like the palace where the lights stay on all night.

"I'm fine," was the first thing he said. "It's all solved. All those blood-sucking monsters have been eliminated."

The exhausted Miss Stuart finally sat back on the chair. Julia, who was standing beside her, immediately gave her some tea. She took a sip regardless of her image:

"We knew you would succeed. You can see that huge blood moon in Loen. It's really terrifying..."

"As long as everything is solved, I know you will have a solution."

Alexia took a long breath and then added:

"If you want to ask why I am here, it is because our friend is very worried about tonight, but it is not convenient for her to live directly at my place, so she invited me to stay here tonight."

"Is that so? Oh, I really don't know what to say."

Jenkins nodded to Miss Stuart, and Her Royal Highness the Third Princess responded with a blushing face, and then personally took the [Vampire Nemesis] handed over by Jenkins. Now this thing has no use and should be returned to its original owner.

"Mr. Willamt, how did you do it? I heard Miss Miller said that the situation at that time was very dangerous."

she asked quietly.

Jenkins couldn't answer this question. Alexia knew almost all of his secrets, but she didn't know who he was and what he had to do with the gods.

He hesitated. He could only use the power of lies twice a week, and now this power was exhausted. Even if he could still use it, he was uneasy about deceiving his friends, especially Alexia. Although he had been covering himself with lies since he came to this world and shrinking away from those prying eyes, he didn't like this kind of life...

"The God of Lies appeared, and the power of the gods directly destroyed the conspiracy of those aliens."

"Oh, that's it."

Miss Stuart sighed. She didn't react much to this result because she didn't know what happened before Alexia left Nolan City.

But Alexia knew that there was no god at all at that time. And even if the gods suddenly appeared later, it would be too coincidental.

But she didn't ask anything, just smiled gently at Jenkins. Regardless of whether she could get the almost impossible truth, this smile greatly warmed Jenkins' anxious heart. He knew that he had a friend with whom he could confide his whole life.

In order to satisfy Miss Stuart's curiosity, Jenkins used [Reading] before leaving to draw the scene of the god freezing the bloody sea with one punch under the blood moon from the perspective of an observer.

Perhaps it was because he had come into contact with too many paintings with religious connotations during his stay in the church, so this painting inexplicably had a sacred feeling, just like the statue of a god seen during prayer.

"Oh, this should be a self-portrait of the god, and it depicts himself in the form of a saint."

Jenkins realized this later, but it was better this way, and it might play a small role in exorcising evil spirits.

Watching Jenkins' figure fade away little by little and finally disappear without a trace, the three ladies in the room felt a little disappointed. This feeling came from the tense and dangerous "adventure" they participated in tonight, but now it was time for the adventure to end.

They all had their own things to do during the day tomorrow, so seeing that it was getting late, they planned to go to bed after a simple wash.

Although Alexia was a friend and teacher invited by the three princesses, she couldn't sleep with Dolores. She didn't really care about the events in distant Nolan. She only cared about Jenkins. Thinking of the man's expression before he left, Alexia couldn't suppress the faint joy in her heart.

But she would remember that she had something to do. Before leaving the room, while Julia was preparing the princess's nightgown, the short lady deliberately asked a slightly sharp question:

"Maybe I'm a little too worried, but you seem to have an unusual concern for our friends."

Sometimes Alexia herself feels that she is a bad person, which is exactly the same as Jenkins.

"Yes, I have few friends. And Mr. William is always in various dangers."

Sure enough, Dolores, who was only sixteen years old, could only stammer in response, and her face immediately turned red. No matter how mature she behaves, she is just a girl who is just beginning to fall in love.

Chapter 663 Chapter 651 Daddy Returns

"No, you don't need to worry about him. In fact, you should be able to know what his position is in the Sage Church from our daily conversations..."

She really felt that she was playing a bad heart, but it was very necessary.

"Well, although he is unwilling to talk about it, I can tell you that Jenkins William is indeed the living Son of the Sage Church. This identity guarantees that he will get the highest level of security."

"Son of God...Oh..."

The Third Princess groaned and fell heavily in the chair. Jenkins himself obviously did not know enough about this identity, but how could Dolores, who grew up in the palace, not know the meaning of "Son of God".

This is an identity with a religious status comparable to that of the Pope in the church, and is the true agent of God in the material world.

If Jenkins understands it, it is - God's chosen people.

Alexia left without saying anything else. She believed that Dolores could make the right conclusion in her thinking. Princesses in the human world are nothing compared to the ‘Son of God’, and if Dolores wants to have an equal status with Jenkins Williams, then she must at least become…

For the first time, a small corner of the princess’ heart was interested in the glittering crown.

And Alexia just wanted to get a glimpse of the classics that would never be open to the public through her friend.

Days always have to pass day by day, even if the God of Lies appears in this city twice in a week, the lives of ordinary people will not change much.

The battle in the sky last night destroyed an entire block of the city. Although this seems to be a heavy loss, if the true identities of the two parties involved in the battle are taken into account, then this loss is simply like the gods in the sky protecting this unfortunate city.

But in short, the [Evil God Son] incident and the [Blood-sucking Alien] incident that have troubled the church for a long time have come to an abrupt end before the end of the first week of the new year. This period may not be perfect, but Mr. Writer doesn't care at all.

Of course, there are still many unsolved mysteries about these two things, such as the conflict between the New Gods and the vampires, the purpose of the Sons of God appearing in Nolan, and their large followers waiting to be hunted down, but at least they are relatively peaceful. The day has come.

The investigation into the God of Lies has fallen into unprecedented difficulties, and people can't find the slightest trace of this god at all. Even its followers are the same. The half-crippled Saint-Joel Bridge still reminds the church of the cruelty of those people.

Jenkins barely got out of bed in time Monday morning because he didn't get enough rest the night before. If the "Chocolate Alarm Clock" hadn't been looking forward to breakfast on time, he would have missed going to the Nolan City Railway Station around eight o'clock to greet his father who had returned from Beldiland after a long journey.

Dad seemed to be in very good condition, and the long train journey did not bring him too much fatigue. There is a suitcase in his left hand, and he is holding his hat in his right hand. He seems to be nostalgic for the bad air in Nolan City.

Similarly, the train trip also caused Dad to miss the new news that happened in Nolan. It was Jenkins who told him last night that the God of Lies punched and froze the sea of ​​blood.

The two rode the carriage back to Dad's antique store. Of course it was closed today. Dad wanted to have a good rest, but at least Jenkins had to drop him off at the store before leaving.

Although he was very curious about his father's purpose of rushing to Belduran, considering the confidentiality regulations, Jenkins never asked. It was Dad who took the initiative to tell what happened, and it even had something to do with Jenkins.

"Oh, it's so clean. It seems like you come here to clean it every day. Young people should be as diligent as you, so that our society can progress. Don't make such an expression. You just have your doubts written on your face. ! Okay, remember when you went to Belduran to receive the award, did you discover the legendary Clement treasure? "

"Yes, sir."

The shadowless lamp obtained from the treasure is still in Jenkins' hands. He doesn't know why his father mentioned it.

"That treasure is connected to a bottomless abyss. A few days ago, the church discovered that something seemed to be coming up from the bottom of the abyss, so it called us old guys to take a look."


Jenkins tilted his head and recalled that there was indeed a bottomless abyss under those bronze boxes. At that time, he still felt the terrifying aura at the bottom of the abyss, but it was just regarded as a sensitive nerve.

"So what's underneath the abyss?"

He asked curiously, and Chocolate lying on his lap also eavesdropped with his little ears.

"I don't know, that abyss is most likely directly connected to a crack in the material world and to an unknown subspace. The church spent a lot of effort to seal it, but it needs to be reinforced every ten years. Now we are looking for information about it, hoping to find a complete solution. Hang up your hat for me~"

" that's what happened."

Jenkins sighed softly.

"But the biggest question now is why the things at the bottom of the abyss suddenly woke up. You must know that there was no movement under the abyss until you and the escaped Mr. Alexander opened it."

"Maybe because someone hit it with trash."

Jenkins answered absently, wondering whether this matter would cause big trouble one day in the future. Of course, everyone has forgotten that a certain eating cat once threw an empty bottle to the bottom of the abyss.

Today is Monday, and counting from Jenkins' speech seven days ago on Sunday afternoon, the city of Nolan has experienced more major events in one week than in a thousand years of peace.

After my father returned from Beldiland after a long journey, he had to immediately devote himself to the work in Nolan City. Jenkins didn't remember anyone had come to him until he walked into the store with him and saw the piece of paper pinned to the wall.

"Woman? Something from ten years ago?"

Dad obviously didn't remember this incident. It wasn't until Jenkins used the "Book of Memories" to draw the face of the woman he saw that day that he showed an expression of realization.

"Oh, I remembered. I didn't expect that the ten-year deadline would come so soon!"

"Yes, time flies by all the time."

Jenkins tried his best to pretend to be completely uninterested, but in fact he was extremely curious.

Chapter 664 Chapter 652 Oil Painting and Earrings

Jenkins' acting skills at this moment were obviously substandard, and Dad could easily see that his apprentice was full of curiosity. He did not answer the question immediately, but directed Jenkins to move the suitcase to the second floor, and then told him the whole story:

"You don't have to be so curious. This is not a very important thing. About ten years ago, when I had settled down in Nolan, I once followed a business group to go shopping in other places. The steam railway at that time was not so developed. , we needed to travel by carriage to a small town in the countryside. An old businessman who was traveling with the group caught wind and cold on the way and passed away in a short time. We sold his goods for him and gave him the money. The money was returned to his relatives in his hometown.

At that time, I found a very interesting oil painting in that gentleman... yes, Skrete's house, so I wanted to buy it. But Mrs. Skrete was unwilling to sell it to me. Instead, she was willing to rent it to me for ten years, because the rent she offered was very low, and the store was also short of some bottom-of-the-box items at the time, so I rented it. For so many years, I have been sending the rent to Mrs. Skrete by mail, and I also send a thank-you letter every year at the end of the year. I didn't expect that after so many years, she would age so little. "

The "bottom-of-the-box items" mentioned by my father refer to the treasures of the antique shop, which represent the connotation and strength of an antique shop. Most of those products are only used for exhibition and will not be sold easily.

"I don't think I have ever seen the painting you are talking about."

Jenkins said while looking at the wall of the antique shop. In fact, he knew very well what was here, and it was just a subconscious action at this time.

"Oh, I stopped exhibiting it about three years ago. After all, antique paintings are the most difficult to preserve. I have now stored that thing in the safe of the Traveler's Bank. I will write to inform Mrs. Skrete to come tomorrow. It happens that you will leave for a trip the day after tomorrow. Come again tomorrow morning. If I am not here, you can take care of this matter by yourself and then go about your own business. "

Dad said, and saw three golden hairs behind Chocolate's ears:

"Why does your cat grow hair of this color? I remember that if humans occasionally grow single hairs of different colors, it means malnutrition or unbalanced food. You'd better pay attention to it. "

"I don't know what happened. It's probably because of too much nutrition. After all, during the end of the year, it ate a lot of good things with me. "

Divine power is of course considered "sufficient nutrition", so Jenkins believes that he is not lying.

Dad doesn't really care. He knows that Jenkins can't be careless about Chocolate.

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