
Cheer for the ending that will eventually come! 】

This is the same as the previous slates, full of unknown and dark meanings. Jenkins could understand that the first two sentences were talking about recent events, but he didn't know what the [Endgame] that had been vaguely hinted at meant.

Miss Bevanna was unwilling to talk to Jenkins about the slate. In fact, it seemed that everyone who knew the inside story deliberately avoided the issue.

Having seen vampires being crushed into powder by the power of the red moon when they revealed their secrets, Jenkins was extremely cautious about this kind of knowledge. Seeing that he could not know more details, he asked about the inexplicable ability [Player (White Basic)].

"I have never heard of this ability in the past, and I didn't find it in the secret library after returning to the church last night. Jenkins, generally speaking, the white basic ability means the oldest power, and is the origin of mortals' ability to master extraordinary power. . And all other abilities can theoretically evolve from corresponding white basic abilities.”

Dad talked about this knowledge with Jenkins a long time ago. The general meaning is that the white basic abilities mastered by different churches are usually the origin of more general abilities or the corresponding magical abilities of the church.

"In other words, most of the uncommon basic abilities are mastered by fixed pseudo-god sects."

Jenkins concluded.

"Yes. Although the Church of the Sage does not have information about this ability, I think believers of gods who hold the priesthood of music will probably know something about it. [Wonderful Movement] Your Excellency also appeared in the incident on the last day of last year. Maybe His believers are still in this city, and the church will be responsible for helping you find them.”

Believers in the music god don't even have to look for it, because Jenkins' best friend is. Although he didn't dare to see Miss Michael now, he could still meet with Hathaway. When he left Miss Bevanna's office, he was calculating whether he would have time to go to her in the afternoon. He almost bumped into Feeney while walking with his head down.

It seems that I see this little girl every time I come to church. After a week, she doesn't seem to have changed much. When the two met in the corridor, she was hurriedly walking inside holding a small flowerpot. In the flowerpot were spores that had just broken through the ground, and they were so green.

"Sir, you are back. Hello, chocolate!"

She also didn't forget to say hello to the chocolate on Jenkins' shoulder. The cat glanced lazily at the girl and said "meow~" to indicate that she heard it.

"I just came back last night. Oh, this is for you."

He handed the new book in his hand to the girl. The girl placed the flower pot on the ground and wiped her palms on the hem of her clothes before taking the book.

Jenkins didn't know if she could spell the title now, but it was clear the girl understood what it was. She excitedly thanked Jenkins, and the two chatted for a few more words before they separated.

"Finally something goes well."

A smile appeared on Jenkins' face. He was now sure that the curse of bad luck that spread in the bloodline of the Stress family had not appeared on Feeney. The girl was living a good life now.

Destiny will not always punish someone. After experiencing so many things, Feini has ushered in her own sunrise.

PS: Regarding the Blizzard Villa, the real culprit is Quick. In fact, I hinted at it a long time ago when everyone boarded the train: In the card games in Chapters 660 and 661, Quick was the one who pretended "I'm going to lose". In the end, A player who showed great cards but was still overwhelmed by Jenkins' luck. This makes the ending of the interlude very clear, but unfortunately no one understands it.

Chapter 715 Chapter 702 The Professor’s Return Gift

It was only about ten o'clock when I left the church. Seeing that there was still some time before lunch, I took a carriage to the school where Professor Burns worked.

When we got there, it was time for school to finish at noon. It was here that Fabry gave a speech when he exposed the scam last year. The janitor knew Jenkins and let him in directly.

He lowered his head so that others wouldn't see his face, and because his body shape and temperament were like those of a student, he didn't arouse anyone's suspicion. I successfully found the joint office of the Department of Archeology and Department of History in the School of History, but I didn’t see Professor Burns.

The old man whose desk was next to the professor told Jenkins that the professor had classes in the morning and would not be back until about twelve o'clock.

The last time I saw the professor was at the entrance of the newly painted office building. Jenkins was impatient to wait and wanted to go directly to the classroom to wait. When he saw the professor directing two young boys to move some specimens towards here.

The professor nodded to Jenkins and asked his students to move those things to the office. Then he led him along the path to the back of the building and stopped in a bush.

"You're back? I heard that Miss Bevanna went to the snowy mountains to look for you. You seem to have encountered some trouble."

It seems that everyone knows what happened to Jenkins in the snowy mountains.

"It was indeed a bad trip. We encountered... Let's not talk about it. I don't want to think about those bad memories at all, although I still have to write the report."

He shook his head violently.

"Jenkins, destiny has its own arrangement. Although some people think that this statement is a negative attitude towards life, we are all gifters and understand that the so-called destiny does exist. Oh, what do you want from me?"

Only then did the professor remember to ask more serious questions.

"Yes, I bought this month's "Forecast of Tropical Diseases" when I went to the post office this morning. The party for this month is tomorrow night. But I have something else to do on Sunday, so you can go by yourself this time, but I think..."

"I understand. I will pass on the news from Mr. Corpse to you. Nolan City is really in chaos recently. I hope that gentleman can give us some effective suggestions."

Sunday night happened to be the time for Mr. Hood's party. What Jenkins had been worried about for a long time finally happened-the two parties met. After weighing it in his heart, he decisively gave up going to see Mr. Corpse.

The demigod benefactor and the weird abandoned hospital have always put a lot of pressure on him.

When Jenkins gave his new book to the professor, the professor also gave Jenkins a small gift as a return gift and a thank you for his speech at the school at the end of last year.

The gift was a heavy red square box. I thought it was made of wood, but from the touch, it was actually made of stone.

"B-06-4-2207, the gift box of the lonely. This is a kind of extraordinary existence in multiples. Anyone can dig them out underground below sea level. Open it during the festivals defined by human society, or at a time point that has special meaning to the owner, and you will receive a small gift. The volume of the gift must be smaller than this small box, but the contents are completely random. It may be a small piece of sweet bread, or it may be a special item worth a fortune."

"Isn't this too expensive?"

Jenkins wanted to return it to the professor.

"Although it is rare, most of the things that can be opened from this thing are ordinary things and are not valuable."

The professor shook his head and asked Jenkins not to refuse: "But I want to remind you that although the things after opening are all gifts, the frightening gifts are also gifts. Its danger level is 4, because someone was killed by A-11-02-3488, [Mr. Prank Bomb] inside after opening it, so you should be careful. Take it, you will like it."

Even if the professor said that this thing is not valuable, it is still a numbered item. If it were sold on the black market, the base price would definitely not be less than 10 pounds.

Seeing that he could not refuse, Jenkins accepted it and planned to give the professor a big gift in return on the next holiday.

Before leaving the school, the cat reminded Jenkins to go to lunch. With this cat around, Jenkins would probably never miss the time to eat.

They had dinner together in a restaurant by the Westminster River. Although it was the first time to come to this restaurant, the food here was very much to Jenkins' taste.

It was just that the price was a bit expensive. With Jenkins' wealth, he still felt sorry for his wallet when paying the bill. While counting the money in his pocket and thinking about how much tip he should give, he heard the guests at the next table talking about the Joel Bridge not far from here, so he planned to go there to see how the repairs were going.

He also had his own plans for the afternoon. Before leaving Nolan, his father Robert William had already planned the mining investment for him. Among the letters received this morning, there was one from Privet Drive. Robert probably learned about Jenkins' return today at the church, so he made an appointment with other investors and the owner and manager of the silver mine to sign a contract at Privet Drive.

The meeting time was at two o'clock in the afternoon, so he still had some time to stroll around nearby.

It has been a while since the Joel Bridge was damaged. Although the Nolan City Hall is not famous for its efficiency, it still pays great attention to such important urban infrastructure.

When Jenkins strolled along the low wall on the street to the bridge, he saw that the bridge had resumed traffic. However, there were still metal pipes and frames on the piers near one end that had not been removed. The repair here should have been completed in the past two days.

He walked to the bridge on foot, threw a silver coin to the begging woman at the bridge entrance, and stopped in the middle of the bridge and stood by the bridge to look at the frozen river in the distance. According to past experience, the river will be unblocked in early March, and then the scene of ships will resume here until the arrival of another winter.

This time, I didn't run into any acquaintances during my casual stroll. I arrived at Privet Drive on time to meet my partner. Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, the contract was signed smoothly.

Jenkins officially invested 30,000 gold pounds and bought a 3% stake in a large silver mine in the Nolan Mountains, and the annual expected return was 60,000 pounds.

The high return does not mean that this is a scam. Such a generous investment is mainly due to two aspects. One is Jenkins's current status. His investment means that if the silver mine encounters some trouble, he may get help from the Church of Sages; the second is Robert's efforts. His career in the Mining Joint Company is now in full swing, so he can find such a good opportunity.

In this respect, Jenkins is a real privileged class.

Chapter 716 Chapter 703 Saturday Night Party

The Williamite family has really made a fortune. If Jenkins does not have enough cash on hand, then Robert is very likely to participate in this investment by borrowing money.

"Speaking of which, what exactly is the reason for Williamite's wealth? I entrusted the bishop to investigate, but I didn't get any results..."

After the contract was signed, Robert opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate. While everyone was chatting, Jenkins also learned that the person in charge of Smith United Mining Company was not the Mr. Smith who helped Robert after the investment failed, but a nobleman who lived in the royal capital of Belduran all year round.

The nobleman with the title of Marquis holds 70% of the shares of the United Mining Company, and he is the actual controller of the company. Mr. Smith is equivalent to a manager and operator, and the actual decision-making power is not in his hands.

"This is really the first time I have heard of this matter. I wonder which noble Marquis it is? Maybe I was lucky enough to meet him when I was in Belduran."

Jenkins asked curiously, but none of his partners knew it. Old Williamt, the only one who knew the answer, did not want to tell his son about it now.

The dinner that day was held at home on Privet Drive, and Mary even kindly prepared a special plate for chocolate. It happened that only the couple and Jenkins were at home today. Newman stayed at the school to help the teacher complete an important paper, while John stayed at a classmate's house. This was his first week of school, but the young man had not yet adapted to the heavy study.

"Speaking of which, John will graduate in one year. Is he ready to continue studying? I remember the last time we had a conversation in this regard, he said that he had not made a decision yet."

Jenkins asked, very pleased with tonight's dinner.

"I hope he can continue his studies, but if John wants to work immediately, of course there will be no objection. Maybe you should ask him again, we will ask him, it will put a lot of pressure on him."

Robert suggested, then motioned for his wife to comment as well.

"Little John can do whatever he wants. He doesn't have to follow the path of you and Newman. He also has his own dreams."

Both Jenkins and Robert disagree with this view. In a sense, both men are very traditional in their thinking, especially for Jenkins. The two life experiences he has experienced tell him that pursuing dreams is the right and luck that only a few people have.

Of course, none of them pointed this out, and Jenkins planned to have a good talk with John later and persuade him to continue studying in college like the eldest brother of the two.

Because Alexia finally returned, Runen's little party of four could continue. Although today is not the usual Tuesday, in order to compensate for the two delays, the party will still be held on this Saturday night.

With the excuse of making up classes, Alexia was able to enter the palace again. When Jenkins appeared in Miss Stuart's study, snowflakes were falling outside like last night.

Julia stood in the shadows in the corner without a presence. The two nodded to each other, both still remembering the unexpected encounter in the pub last night.

Alexia was wearing a women's shirt and a pair of flat mirrors without prescription. As usual, Miss Stuart was sitting at her desk with a sad look on her face, facing a mathematical problem that could drive people insane.

"Long time no see, Miss Stuart."

After Jenkins appeared next to Alexia with the cat in his arms, he greeted everyone in the room. Miss Stuart pursed her lips and looked up at him, and Jenkins read a cry for help in her eyes.

"Are you still doing the questions?"

"Yeah, but I think it's going to be a little longer Dolores. Maybe we can talk about what's been going on lately, Jenkins, how interesting was your vacation?"

"Interesting? I noticed everyone asked the same question."

As he spoke, he walked up to Miss Stuart at the desk and acted as if he wanted to read the topic.

Those were just some simple equation application problems. For Jenkins, who had been tested for a long time, it was not difficult to solve first-order multivariate equations in the real number domain, but it was obviously very complicated for the 16-year-old Miss Stuart.

"Your progress is a bit fast, right? I remember the last time I came here, you just started discussing the problem of solving equations."

Jenkins tried to help and plead for mercy, but Miss Stuart nodded desperately in agreement.

"I left some homework behind when I left. Apparently, Dolores was too caught up in the post-year-old revelry and didn't deal with them in time. This is punishment, and if she can't sort them out before you leave, tonight's The party can’t go on.”

It was natural for Alexia to be unkind, and Jenkins was not surprised by this.

He asked the question just to make his behavior at the table seem reasonable. While the two of them were asking and answering questions, [Reading and Writing] was already quietly playing its role, writing ideas for solving the problem on Miss Stuart's scratch paper.

With Alexia's intelligence, she would definitely be able to tell the difference between Jenkins and Miss Stuart. Therefore, he only gave ideas and did not write conclusions, so as to prevent this little "cheating" from being seen.

But Jenkins still thought that the short lady discovered something fishy, ​​because when she checked the conclusion, she looked at Jenkins with a smile. But he didn't say anything more. He just warned Miss Stuart to do her homework in time, and then announced the party to start.

After that, Jenkins’ account of his “wonderful” vacation life took up more than an hour. He even brought the sapphire as big as a human head here and asked his friends to help identify what it was.

The origin of this gem is related to the underground sealed puppet, and Mrs. Xudela does not want the church to know about the underground things. Therefore, he could not entrust his father to identify it, and could only hope that Alexia or Miss Stuart would be knowledgeable.

Most women's love for jewelry and gems is engraved in their blood, so when the sapphire appeared in Jenkins' hands, the women in the study suddenly became quiet, and only a few heavy breathing sounds could be heard.


Miss Stuart suddenly stood up and stretched out her finger, touching the surface of the gem, as if to confirm whether this was an illusion.

In the dark, it looks like a big stone, but in the bright room, the light reflected from the surface of the gem is something that even Jenkins cannot refuse. This dazzling thing is an absolute work of art. Even if it is not a gem, it is enough to buy a piece of land and become a farmer.

Chapter 717 Chapter 704 Gathering

"This is the seal core I got from an ancient seal. Because the sealed thing exploded, this thing now belongs to me. Do you know what this is? Is it a real sapphire?"

As he said, he handed the gem to Miss Stuart. After taking it, the latter looked at it for a long time before handing it to her math teacher.

"From the texture, it should be a sapphire. If you want further identification, the royal jeweler can help. Miss Sandra is absolutely trustworthy."

The Third Princess suggested.

"I can't be sure whether this is a pure gem, Jenkins. If you want to know its composition, it is indeed necessary to find a professional jeweler to identify it."

As he said, he handed the gem to Julia. Julia held it at a loss, not knowing where to put it.

"Then Miss Stuart will keep it for me first. I am not in a hurry to find out the result. But you must be careful when you find someone to identify it. It is best to watch from the side. After all, it was once the core of a powerful seal. Although I can't see the spirit now... I mean, although it has become an ordinary object now, we don't know whether there is a mechanism to trigger it again."

"No problem."

The princess replied with a smile.

Everyone present could see that she loved the gem. After all, she was still a 16-year-old girl, which was understandable. When she reached Alexia's age, she should become more stable.

Speaking of which, Jenkins didn't know Alexia's age.

"I think you are thinking about something rude."

The short lady seemed to read his mind and saw his surprise, and added:

"I once said, Jenkins, if everyone in the world was as easy to understand as you, then life would be simpler."

Talking about Alexia's whereabouts for more than a week, she told the three that she went to the barren plains further north of Loen City and visited some natives living on the ice field.

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