They possessed some magical powers, but were wary of the extraordinary people from civilized society, so they left without taking most of the special items including the magnet.

She gained a lot from the visit of more than a week, but because of the lie about the level when she first met Miss Stuart, she did not talk about the specific gains.

As local residents, the two knew about the ice settlement, and those people were the most primitive inhabitants of this land. And now most of the population of the Kingdom of Hampavo migrated from the warm south before the ancient times.

This includes many historical events and tragic stories, but most of them have been lost in the long river of time.

I don’t know how long ago, probably last year, Jenkins promised to serve as the guard of the princess during the royal hunting, and the hunting will start next Wednesday and last until Saturday afternoon. That is, from the 23rd to the 26th of this month, during this period, the royal family and some nobles will stay in the royal hunting grounds.

And Jenkins certainly couldn’t find a reason to ask for a 4-day long vacation, so he could only come every evening and leave late at night. Alexia was in charge of the daytime. Last time, he invited his friends to participate, not because he was foolish, but because he considered that Miss Stuart's brothers still had bad intentions, and no one knew what they would do during this period.

After that, they briefly discussed the next week's affairs. It can be seen that Her Royal Highness the Third Princess is looking forward to it.

So it came to the next day, Sunday morning, Jenkins excitedly pushed open the door of Dad's antique shop with sleepy Chocolate. Because Dad went to Beldiran at the beginning of the month and Jenkins traveled in the middle of the month, he has not worked seriously here since this year.

Everything has returned to its usual state. There are no aliens, no evil gods, no cultists, and no illegal organizations. Jenkins spent a long-lost normal day as an apprentice in the antique shop, and after finishing work, he had to put on a black robe to attend a legal party.

The venue of this party was in an unmanned warehouse in the dock area. Because the offshore frozen cargo ships could not dock in winter, there were almost no people in the dock area at night.

There would be one or two guards stationed in the warehouse where the goods were stored, but there was nothing in the empty warehouse chosen by Mr. Hood.

In the evening, snowflakes fell from the sky again, but the snow stopped after the sun completely set. The visibility at night was very low due to the dark clouds and fog, and there were no street lights in the dock area, so the dead factory area looked very scary.

Jenkins arrived half an hour earlier through the fog as usual, and Mr. Hood, who was earlier, had opened the door of the factory before him and was waiting inside.

There might have been something like edible vinegar stored here. When he was about to enter through the gap of the iron door, he could smell the strong sour smell. The cat was squatting on Jenkins' shoulder, and after smelling the bad smell, he tried his best to get into his clothes.

This made Mr. Hood fail to recognize Jenkins for a while, and thought he was a stranger who had strayed into this place. After all, since a long time ago, the mysterious Mr. Candle would bring his white cat Vanilla every time he appeared.

Jenkins never knew the true identity of Mr. Hood. This was the only person who had been at the party since the end of summer and was still there until now, whose true identity Jenkins did not know.

He had met this gentleman in the black market before, but he did not say hello at that time. Considering the huge population base of Nolan City, the probability of meeting a specific person when the Eye of Truth is opened is indeed a little smaller.

As an ordinary person, Mr. Hood's life should have nothing to do with Jenkins. In daily life, Mr. Writer has never noticed anyone with a similar temperament around him.

Jenkins did not know the original intention of Mr. Hood to organize this party, but he was happy to be such an organizer. According to the information Jenkins got from Miss Magic, this party already existed when she joined by chance two years ago.

The small party lasted longer than Jenkins imagined.

While waiting for other participants to arrive, the two talked about some recent events in the city. In fact, most of the things can involve Jenkins, but he just wants to hear other people's views on things.

During the conversation, Jenkins inadvertently revealed some things that Mr. Hood did not know. In return, he also told some information that Jenkins might not pay attention to. This included the fact that when he left Nolan City to go to the mountain villa in the snowstorm for vacation, a strange entrance appeared in the slums in the east of Nolan City.

Section 718 Chapter 705 New Things and Legends

The matter about the strange entrance has been solved. The Orthodox Church found it when chasing wanted criminals, and the owners of the house at that time had all disappeared. The initial inference is that ordinary people mistakenly entered the strange place, resulting in the disappearance of their bodies.

And just one day before Jenkins returned to Nolan, the team led by the [Ocean and Exploration Church] passed through it. According to rumors on the black market, someone saw the church take out a rotten wooden box from the strange place, but no one knew what it was.

"I just came here from another city half a year ago. Is the frequency of Nolan's strange place a bit too high?"

Jenkins has not forgotten Mr. la Candle's personality.

"This has only happened in the past six months. I have lived here all my life and I have never heard of this situation before. I don't know what happened. Is the end of the era really coming? ?”

There was a sense of sadness in his voice, and Jenkins had the same question.

Just as Jenkins thought about it, all kinds of things are still happening in the city without him. In addition to the rumors of the Giver, there were also serial killings in the city last week.

It’s not A-01-1-6377, [Killing Mark] and other incidents happening again, this time it’s a real serial killer. The newspapers deliberately avoided mentioning this matter, and the National Police Agency had another way of dealing with it.

But the citizens have spread various rumors, and even Mr. Hood is not sure whether the version he knows is correct.

"You see, ordinary people have ordinary people's troubles, and gifters also have the troubles of gifters. Maybe Mr. Black Cat's choice to leave here is the right thing to do, at least he doesn't have to face such things."

Mr. Hood sighed one last time, and then turned to look at the third person who entered with Jenkins.

This time Mr. White Cat was late. The party was scheduled to start at nine o'clock, but he didn't show up until nine-twenty. At first, everyone thought that he had suffered the same accident as Mr. Shirakaki, who died in the flower girl accident. However, when their friend appeared, they realized that something else had happened to him.

"I am sorry."

Mr. White Cat said to the other five people in a panic.

Although the gathering was claimed to be "legal," it was clearly inappropriate for a group of people who concealed their identities to gather in the middle of the night. For them, punctuality is very important. If the host of the party is not the kind Mr. Hood, then Mr. White Cat will definitely be disqualified from participating in the party.

As compensation for being late, he volunteered not one but two messages. Although the first piece of news had nothing to do with Jenkins, he knew it a long time ago.

"I found that the main members of the circus outside the city are all gifters, and most of them are gifters of a high level, more than six in number!"

For those who don't know, this is really great news. Generally speaking, high-level gifted people rarely get together, unless it is a team of the True God Church or a false god sect, a cult organization, or a "legitimate gathering."

"Which god are you a believer in?"

Miss Yindi asked because of this.

"I don't know, maybe it's a god with the priesthood of the circus? This is too dangerous. With such a group of gifters gathering together, who knows what will happen?"

Mr. White Cat muttered, and then warned the others not to lose their lives out of curiosity.

"Circus... Speaking of which, I never knew what method the young magician used to escape from the magic mirror after the incident at the Paranormal Events Mutual Aid Association... .Mirror, move, huh?”

Jenkins felt a flash of inspiration and thought of something incredible. Those vampire aliens seem to have a lot of mirror-related abilities because they master the [Omniscient Mirror], or are controlled by the [Omniscient Mirror].

"Is it a coincidence?"

He didn't know the answer.

The second piece of information provided by Mr. White Cat was about the taming of a dragon by the Sage Church. Because someone mentioned the appearance of a giant dragon around Nolan during the last party, everyone participating in the party believed that the Sage Church had found and captured the dragon.

"Although there are more and more strange guys appearing in Nolan, the power of the Orthodox Church is also strengthening. This should be considered a good thing... Damn it, why is the sour smell here so strong?"

Mr. White Cat concluded, not forgetting a small complaint.

"Speaking of strange people haunting the city, I noticed that since the Believers of Lies, the Gear Craftsmen's Guild, the Witch's House, and the Magic Eye Collection Association disappeared, I haven't heard of any new cult organizations arriving. This city.”

Mr. Hood took over the topic, and seeing that no one else expressed an opinion, he added:

"My friends in foreign countries say that many false god sects have received oracles. The general content is that Nolan on the west coast is a place where fate gathers. If you cherish your life, stay away from here. If you want to participate in the huge destiny If you are in the trend, then you can take the risk after writing your suicide note.”

"Can you tell me in more detail?"

Miss Lark, also known as Hathaway, asked. Jenkins wanted to ask the same question, but he couldn't destroy his identity as a foreigner. Under this identity, it was impossible for him to have no foreign friends.

"Of course, most of them are actually things that everyone knows. The emergence of new gods has raised a brand new star, and the purple star of destiny has heralded the emergence of the end of the era in various prophecies. Although the history before the era has been lost A lot, but we all know that at times like this, incidents will occur frequently in a certain area and lead to various disasters..."

After saying this, he shrugged, and Miss Magic took the opportunity to add:

"For example, those legendary places - the Oasis of Saint Guth in the desert in the middle of the continent, the art city of Cassarrentine that has fallen into the depths of the shadow world, the Managays Academy of Conjuration that has gradually become a legend, the Curse of the Gods The ghost town Gostra, and the frozen tower at the end of the last era. The birthplace of those legendary heroes, the starting point of those legendary stories, those we have never known..."

At the end, she shook her head, not knowing what she was sighing about. The "frozen tower" that Miss Magic mentioned at the end was one of Alexia's purposes for going to the Hampavo Kingdom, and she is still working hard to enter there.

"you are right."

Mr. Hood nodded in agreement, and then added: "If you are interested in this kind of thing, then I will say more and regard this as the information I provide."

Chapter 719 Chapter 706 Women and Pirates

No one objected to Mr. Hood's proposal, so he continued:

"I think you all have read those so-called knight novels. Maybe you have noticed that most of those stories revolve around a certain person or a certain place, that is, the location and characters on the stage. And what happened in Nolan City, Isn’t it similar to those strange stories?”

He made a sound that was unclear whether it meant ridicule:

"Ha, that's it. A stage set by fate, and every participant thinks he is the protagonist, but they don't know that the script of the story has already been written. Do you believe that after the next era arrives, Nolan City will also become Part of the legend and maybe even get an interesting title.”

"Your friends told you this too?"

Miss Yindi asked back, and Mr. Hood's words sounded like the ravings of a madman.

"No, this is all my own inference. You can choose to believe it or not."

Something was wrong with Mr. Hood's mood, but no one knew what was wrong with him. After a moment of silence, everyone chose to ignore what he just said, and Miss Magic started a new topic:

"About the new god...I mean the believers of the new god of lies. The church has now been confirmed, and the famous Miss Fabry is also one of them. I know you may have learned about it from other channels. This news, but that was all speculation. Now the fact is really confirmed - although it will surprise no one."

"But what on earth was Miss Fabry going to do? From what I'm told, she just withdrew ten thousand pounds from that huge sum of money. Maybe that seems like a lot, but we all know that there's nothing wrong with the Travelers Bank. "This is a small amount compared to all the illegal deposits."

This question was asked by Jenkins. He saw Hathaway standing opposite looking at his chest, and then he noticed that the camouflaged clothes there were constantly squirming.

He reached out and patted the chocolate, and it stopped immediately.

"Perhaps her purpose is not money at all, but the sheer enjoyment of fraud. I even suspect that even taking away the 10,000 pounds was because she wanted to compensate for her own losses in the fraud. After all, she sent so many Letters also require money.”

Miss Magic said, she seemed not to know that the church had discovered that the stamps used by Miss Fabry were all near-perfect fakes.

In fact, if the extraordinary traces on it were not noticed, this matter would probably be difficult to expose.

"But no matter what, this is probably the first female believer of the God of Lies known to people."

"How are you sure Miss Fabry is female?"

Hathaway asked again.

"Because the crazy believers of the God of Lies never do useless things. With that sophisticated fraud technique, it actually makes no difference whether the protagonist of the scam is a poor female college student or a handsome and poor male art college student. She doesn't have to Change your gender for this.”

The explanation given by Miss Magic was very reasonable, and even Jenkins could not refute it.

More than half a month has passed since he personally exposed Fabry's scam. This short period of time not only did not dilute the impact of this matter, but also allowed it to continue to ferment.

Nowadays, you can read in newspapers every day the opinions of relevant people on this scam, the new regulations formulated by the Kingdom for the banking industry, etc. Even those tabloids are like this. It seems that as long as it is related to this matter, all news can become meaningful.

And of course, no one can find the so-called "Miss Fabry". Just like those tabloids used very vulgar stories to speculate on Miss Fabry's age, identity, occupation, and even her pillow partner, but no one could imagine that "she" was just a pillow cat.

After the conversation about the scammer ended, Hathaway became the fourth participant to share information. She, like Jenkins, was away from the city for a week, so the incident occurred earlier this month.

"My friend at the National Police Agency told me that the number of people who died this winter due to accidental falling into the water, especially falling on the ice, was many times higher than in previous years. And most of those who fell into the water, the bodies were not found. I think you can Think about what this means..."

"Is there something strange underwater?"

Mr. White Cat guessed, subconsciously moving closer to Hathaway to listen to the news.

"It's more than that. Mr. White Cat, do you still remember what happened when you first participated in our party?"

Hathaway's voice at this time was disguised, but Jenkins could still tell from the way he spoke that this was his friend. He doesn't have to worry that Hathaway will discover his identity in the same way, because he has always spoken in the way of "common language free translation into Chinese and then literal translation into common language".

It's really tiring.

"I certainly remember that towards the end of the party we saw a small boat coming from the distant sea..."

Mr. White Cat's masked face looked at the others one after another. He already understood what Miss Bailing meant——

"You mean, the one under the water is the Pirate King-Destroyer Femixiu?"

Everyone standing here, except for the newly joined Miss Yindi, all still clearly remember what happened that time. The Pirate King who appeared at that time was obviously in an extremely crazy state, otherwise he would not have been beaten back by their joint efforts, but absolutely no one would underestimate his strength.

"Are you really sure that madman is under the city's frozen river?"

Mr. White Cat confirmed once again that he asked what everyone wanted to know.

"Of course, I have a unique item. On the night when the God of Lies fought with the vampire aliens, I heard a strange sound deep in the river. I can assure you that no one knows this information except me. , even the Zhengshen Church may not have completed the investigation. You don’t need to keep this secret, tell others as much as possible, and hope that the church can drive that madman out of our city as soon as possible.”

When it came to "special items", the woman subconsciously raised her hand to touch her ears, but she remembered that it was not easy for her to make such an action at this time.

Mentioning that earring reminded me of Jenkins, and my divergent thinking began to guess what the man was doing on this midwinter night, but it was definitely not as interesting as what he was facing.

"Pirate King...Although Femixiu is only ranked lower among the seven pirate kings, it may not be easy to deal with him only with the power of Nolan Diocese."

Mr. Hood was worried about this.

PS: Regarding the recent frequent evolution into a three-shift beast, this is temporary and will degenerate. I am happy to have graduated recently, my thoughts are flowing smoothly, and I write a little more. These past few days have caused a huge consumption of my manuscript storage, and I will probably start saving manuscripts again.

But at least it’s still three updates today.

Chapter 720 Chapter 707 Silver Flute Short of Money

"The strength of the Pirate Kings is related to the power they control, and Femixiu apparently sneaked into this city alone. There are many demigods sitting here. As long as he dares to show up, the church has many ways to deal with him. However, we have so far I don’t even know what the purpose of his coming here is.”

Jenkins comforted him by saying that he had been curious about Fermitio's purpose since a long time ago, but he had never been able to find the answer.

Compared with the information provided by Miss Yindi, it seems a bit inconspicuous. She pointed out that since the end of last year, incidents of ordinary people witnessing undead creatures have continued to occur in cemeteries around Nolan.

The Church of Death and the End has investigated this matter, but no trace of those undead creatures can be found.

Now they are investigating the tombs where the incident occurred one by one. After all, bones are needed to resurrect the undead, but to this day there is still no gratifying progress.

When she talked about this incident, Jenkins' first reaction was that he and Miss Magic killed the dagger in the abandoned cemetery near the ancestral tomb of Augustus some time ago. According to the woman, Mr. Dagger showed relatively advanced necromancy skills at that time.

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