But Miss Yindi's information should have nothing to do with it. Mr. Dagger died last year, and the sighting of undead creatures happened half a week ago, so the timing doesn't match up.

The church in this era still has strict control over necromancy. To be more specific, except for believers of the great righteous god [End of Death], no one is allowed to use similar abilities, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the righteous god church. .

Just like the doctor in Blizzard Villa, he hid in the mountain villa to continue his research just to avoid the supervision of the church.

"This kind of thing has not happened to Nolan for a long time. Those who illegally play with corpses mostly like to hide in small villages in the countryside and get close to the corpses reasonably as gravekeepers."

Miss Magic expressed this emotion, and according to what Jenkins knew, this woman seemed to have mastered some rituals for the resurrection of the dead. This is not a guess. The two met quite frequently around the end of the year and learned this through casual conversations.

Jenkins was the last one to provide information. In fact, he didn’t know any secret things. He could only pick out some things that happened around him:

"We seemed to be talking about the Gear Craftsmen's Guild just now? In fact, they have not left Nolan City. The earthquake that occurred in the middle of the night a few weeks ago was related to that group of people. According to reliable information, the group of people from the Gear Craftsmen's Guild are at our feet. Searching for something in an ancient abandoned mine."

"In other words, it is possible that other cult organizations have not left Nolan?"

Hathaway asked.

"I don't know, but at least the original believers of the God of Lies definitely no longer exist."

This is bullshit, everyone knows it.

In the subsequent transaction, Jenkins wanted to buy another thousand-year wooden heart so that he could collect all the materials for the elf potion. But this time he wasn't lucky enough and the rest of the population had no clue of this material.

At the same time, Jenkins also wanted to sell the bone whistle in his hand and barter for other special items. But Hathaway has seen the skeleton horse, and he must not take it out at this time.

Needless to say, the exchange of scattered materials, but the most important thing that happened in the transaction was that Miss Yindi took out a special item with clear information. Unlike Jenkins, she wanted cash that she could use in exchange.

"B-11-3-0225, [Traveller's Medal]."

What she held in her hand was a round golden metal sign. Directly above the sign was a small ring with red, white and blue ribbons passing through it. Jenkins could only see the front of the medal, with its raised sections outlining an aerial view of the Nolan coast. Jenkins saw this from the same angle as he rode a unicorn through the sky.

"I have owned this item for more than three years. If I hadn't been in urgent need of money recently, I would never have sold it. The front of this item can show the current situation of the city where it is located. You see, it is normal now, but When the Evil God's Son was active last month, and when the Vampires were rampant earlier this month, some terrible omens appeared in the medal. I used it as an early warning device, and it worked very well."

After saying that, she took the medal and let everyone take turns to look at it, and then introduced:

"The back of the medal has the pattern of the sun and the moon, which is the same as the stars in the sky at the corresponding time. For example, it is late at night and tonight is half moon, so there are also two opposite half moon outlines here. Are you interested? Sixty thousand Gold pounds, I just want cash.”

This is a lot of money, but if the early warning effect of medals is really that obvious, then the price is actually quite reasonable.

Jenkins had no money so he was not interested in talking, but Mr. White Cat and Hathaway showed great interest in it.

Unfortunately, Hathaway didn't have that much money. She proposed that part of the cash should be deducted in kind, but Miss Yindi seemed to be really short of money and firmly disagreed. In the end, she didn't know what kind of agreement she reached with Mr. White Cat, and the deal ended like this.

"Hathaway's assets shouldn't be as much as mine. Speaking of which, what does she want this for?"

He looked sideways at everyone, and suddenly felt the cat on his chest moving again. The vinegary smell in the warehouse is indeed very strong, and the chocolate probably can't stand it anymore.

"It will be over soon."

He wanted to tell the cat, but the action of talking to his chest was really weird, and he didn't want Hathaway to notice this familiar action.

Just as Jenkins was asking how to appease it, Hathaway raised a finger to signal everyone to be silent.

There was sudden silence in the warehouse. At this time, even without Hathaway's outstanding sound sensitivity, the sound of wheels rolling on the road outside the warehouse could still be heard.

"Mr. Hood, what's going on?"

"I don't know. I can guarantee that none of the warehouse information I got will be used tonight! Go through the window and follow me!"

He was about to take action as he spoke, but was stopped by Jenkins:

"Wait a minute, the group of people outside are coming here, and there is a second-level bestower among them. There are also people behind the warehouse, who are also second-level bestowers, and they seem to be patrolling!"

"I also heard the sound, but the footsteps of the three people. If Mr. La Zhu is right, then there are two ordinary people with him, and they can't walk behind!"

Chapter 721 Chapter 708 The Secret of the Warehouse

Even though he couldn't see Mr. Hood's face under his hood, Jenkins could guess his panic at this time.

"Let's hide for a while and see what these people are going to do. They probably aren't coming for us, otherwise they wouldn't have made such a big noise."

The white cat said, leading them to the wall of the empty warehouse. A long list of unknown spells was whispered in a low voice, and then the color of everyone's skin and clothes changed, becoming the same as the color of the wall.

This is not invisibility in the complete sense, but considering the darkness in the warehouse, no one can see that there is a group of people standing here unless they walk in front of everyone.

The door of the warehouse was completely pushed open by two strong men in cotton-padded clothes half a minute later. Then a group of bodyguard-like people lined up on both sides of the door, leaving a middle-aged man in a straight black formal suit and a bald man with bare arms in winter. The men walked in together.

The man in formal attire is obviously an aristocrat, and the details in his movements fully prove this, especially compared with the somewhat rude bald head.

The two people walked very close and spoke very quietly, so the six people beside the wall didn't know what they were talking about. I saw the strong man who just opened the door walked to the southeast corner and actually touched a pull ring. With a harsh squeaking sound, he opened the trap door hidden on the ground.

After a few seconds, the six people standing in the opposite corner smelled the smell of oil. The smell obviously came from under the trap door.

"I understand! The vinegar smell is basically used to cover up this smell. How much vinegar did they sprinkle in the warehouse?"

After the trap door was opened, only the nobleman and the bald man entered the underground. The others carefully guarded the various exits of the warehouse.

After waiting like this for half an hour, the two men reappeared from the trap door one after another. The servants poured new vinegar to cover up the smell, and the group left together.

The six people beside the wall were all experienced benefactors and did not start talking or moving immediately. It wasn't until ten minutes later, with only the moonlight shining silently through the skylight on the sloping roof, that they let out a long breath.

"I don't care at all about what just happened, no, in fact I don't know anything!"

Mr. White Cat said first, and then strode away without looking back.

"I don't want to get involved in things here. In such a dangerous period, curiosity will kill every curious person!"

Miss Magic, Mr. Hood, and Hathaway also expressed similar opinions, but before they left, they all stated that they had no idea what was going on here. This was to reassure the remaining two that whatever they had done would not be revealed to the partygoers.

After everyone left, Jenkins and Miss Silver Flute looked at each other. Men's eyes can see that there is no light in the ground, so they boldly want to know what is underneath, but women obviously do not have this ability.

"Mr. La Zhu, no matter what is found below, we will split it in half after selling the gold pounds. Of course, if you can come up with the money now, then I can sell it all to you at a discount."

It seems that the reason she stayed was because of lack of money.

After struggling to open the trap door, the smell of oil on the pavement was pungent. Below was a wooden ladder, but neither of them went down immediately. Instead, Jenkins called out the weird miner's lamp, which illuminated the space under the door.

It looks like a warehouse below, but it's less than one-fifth the size of the warehouse on the ground. Piles of wooden boxes were neatly stacked and placed underneath, tightly covered with canvas from large ships, and fixed with heavy cables, leaving only a narrow passage for people to pass through.

Jenkins didn't see any lighting tools. When the noble and bald man went down, they didn't seem to have any candles or oil lamps.

"Although it's not my place to say this, I still want to remind you."

Before taking action, Jenkins said to his companions: "I don't know what happened to you, but excessive greed is often a precursor to self-destruction."

"I see."

Miss Yindi didn't know if she heard the kindness in Jenkins' words. After giving a simple reply, she jumped out of the entrance first.

Jenkins followed closely behind, holding the miner's lamp high to let the silver-blue light spread outward. But such cold light was never conducive to illumination, so he looked at the woman, hoping she would think of some way.

"I can summon fireball lighting, but you have to understand that the air here is filled with oil. If the fire is allowed..."

"I see."

Jenkins motioned for her to stop talking, put the miner's lamp in his hand on the box, and then untied the cable and lifted up the canvas without damaging anything. Only then did he find straw emerging from the gaps in the wooden boxes.

This is necessary filling to prevent the contents of the box from being damaged during transportation. There is no bubble in this era. Just like the goods received or sent out by Dad's antique store, this method will be used.

"Aren't these all smuggled antiques?"

Jenkins muttered.

“Why do we need oil to transport antiques?”

Miss Yindi asked back, her fair hands stretched out from under her robe and pressed on the wooden box:

"I think I guess what it is. It's really valuable, but it's just hard to find the right buyer."

The weak-looking hand patted the box lightly, and with a bang, all the nails on the four corners of the box lid popped out. After opening it, it was actually filled with six smaller wooden boxes.

Jenkins took out the box. The thing was quite rough and it hurt your hands to pick it up. After pushing open the push plate, there was a steam bomb inside.

He already understood the reason why the group did not use firelight for lighting.


The two said at the same time, and opened the wooden box a little further away. Inside was a rifle of a model that Jenkins could not name. The oil on the gun looked like it had just been wiped on. Judging from the serial number on the gun body, the manufacturing date was actually the second half of last year.

"Is this arms smuggling?"

It is indeed right to stay and explore with Miss Yindi. Regardless of whether you can profit from this matter, finding these things is a great reward in itself.

"Mr. La Zhu, do you have any storage space?"

The woman's appetite was really big, and she wanted to transport all these things away.


Jenkins admitted honestly, and then touched his chest again to comfort the impatient cat. The cat was stimulated, and immediately used its paws to pick at the inner pocket of the clothes and squirmed upwards, and then smoothly exposed its small cat head from the collar.

It looked around and then retracted.

"I do not have either."

Miss Yindi's tone was filled with regret.

"Then can you find a way to sell the stolen goods immediately...I mean ship it?"

Chapter 722 Chapter 709: The gangster eats the gangster

"The means of shipping... is it okay if we report it to the Zhengshen Church, let the church confiscate them, and then give us a reward?"

In fact, he could contact Count Hesha and sell these things to him. Jenkins still had some fatal letters in his hand, and it was impossible for the earl to disagree. But it's hard to say what the consequences of doing so would be, and he doesn't want to get close to Hathaway's home for any reason now.

"No, please don't joke now."

Now Jenkins really began to wonder what kind of situation this friend introduced to the party by Miss Magic was facing so much need for money.

Since Jenkins really had no choice, and he had revealed the dangerous idea of ​​directly reporting these sensitive items to the church or Stillwell Field (which was only responsible for cases in the dock area), Miss Silver Flute could only find a way on her own.

She admitted that she might be able to find the right buyer, but that buyer might not be in Nolan. She hoped that Jenkins could go with her and properly dispose of the property belonging to them.

"I must remind you that neither you nor I have plans to leave the city completely in the near future. Once this batch of goods falls into the hands of dangerous elements, it will be very detrimental to us."

"I know."

As she spoke, the woman stretched out a hand toward the sky:

"In the name of the great [God of Nobles and Order], this batch of arms will not flow into Nolan's gang through my channels; the buyers introduced by me are not people with evil intentions towards Nolan City."

After finishing speaking, she asked Jenkins: "Is this enough?"

"Of course, that's enough."

[The God of Nobles and Order] is a very powerful false god. Among all false gods, his number of followers can definitely be ranked in the top ten. The power of this god does not lie in the core priesthood [Nobility], but in [Order].

This is the cornerstone of human civilization and even any civilization, and an important reason why intelligent races can survive forever. The God of Nobles does not regard such an important priesthood as the core, probably because he is worried about being "treated differently" by other false gods and even the real gods.

Although there are many humans who believe in the Noble God, this is indeed the first believer of the Noble God that Jenkins has encountered. He was suddenly curious about how Miss Magic met this lady. After all, their beliefs were not only completely different, but even somewhat contradictory——

The "Religious Law" stipulates that nobles illegally contact and study the occult, and their crimes are one level higher than that of civilians.

The buyer contacted by Miss Silverpipe lived in a neighborhood not far from where Jenkins lived on St. George Street. But the residents there are the real wealthy class, very different from the middle class people on St. George Street.

She asked Jenkins to wait in the shadows, out of reach of the streetlights, and then rang the bell alone. Taking off his hood to reveal his face and talking to the servant, Jenkins could only see the long brown hair.

"She is indeed a woman."

Jenkins thought boredly, and the white cat Vanilla, which had climbed onto his shoulder, yawned. It was really sleepy.

"Sorry, we can go home soon after completing the transaction. How about I buy you something good to eat tomorrow?"

As he spoke, he rubbed the cat's chin with the pad of his index finger. The cat meowed softly "Meow~", probably agreeing.

The sky cleared, and the snow on the streets reflected the magical moonlight. After waiting for a while, the owner of the house walked out with his bodyguard and nodded to Miss Silver Flute, who nodded in response and put on her hood again, and then everyone walked towards Jenkins together.

"Miss Windsor?"

The owner of the house was an acquaintance of Jenkins. He did not expect that this aristocratic lady was not active in Windsor or the royal capital, but owned a house locally.

But at this time, he could not reveal his identity under any circumstances, he reminded himself while walking from the shadows to the streetlight. Miss Windsor's bodyguards subconsciously blocked the way, but were immediately scolded by the noble lady.

In fact, if Jenkins wants to do something, no one here can stop him. Except for the slightly higher-level Silver Flute, there are only two second-level benefactors among Miss Windsor's bodyguards.

"Hello, Mr. Wax/Candle."

Windsor took the initiative to show her goodwill. She was wearing a cool-colored women's coat and a black velvet cape. She acted very enthusiastically. It was obvious that Miss Silver Flute had told her that there was another partner in this transaction.

"Hello, Miss, I don't know your name."

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