Towards evening, Captain Binsi came over and gave a black briefcase to Dad. He informed Jenkins that Miss Bevanna's fighting class could be held tonight and asked him not to be late.

Chapter 726 Chapter 712 Some aftermath

"Is Miss Bevanna's injury completely healed?"

The flames of the fireplace illuminated his young profile, and Jenkins paid a passing concern.

"I don't know, maybe you can ask yourself."

Captain Binsey replied.

I said goodbye to my dad after get off work, and instead of going home for dinner, I found a nearby restaurant. After dinner, we took a horse-drawn carriage to Sophistu Avenue, where Neisser Bloch and Union Bookstore is located.

He was worried about being recognized, so he put on a black robe before entering the bookstore.

As Mr. Blow said, Jenkins' book was prominently displayed, visible from the window outside the store. As evening approached, there were more and more people in the bookstore, and Jenkins observed that most people would stop for a moment in front of "Frozen."

He wasn't sure whether it was because of the cleverly composed cover or because his name was in the most obvious place, but maybe it was a combination of both.

"Oh, William's new book."

When Jenkins stood there looking at the cover of the book, a passing guest murmured in a low voice, which sounded a bit mocking. Jenkins, who is now considered a well-known figure, is not surprised that this happened.

Of course, the passing customer would not know who the fat middle-aged man next to him was, but he stopped and looked at the row of books on display. Jenkins looked at him sideways. At first glance, he only felt familiar. After a few seconds, he remembered that the two had met a few months ago.

That seemed to be a memory a long time ago. Miss Michael invited him to a reading salon held by the devil, and besides Jenkins, there were many writers present.

Because of his female companion and other reasons, a small number of them were quite unfriendly to him as a fledgling, including a man with a mustache. Although the two mustaches are gone now, Jenkins still remembers him. His masterpiece is "Court Romance".

It is worth mentioning that Jenkins later learned that this was an erotic novel. Miss Mihail and Miss Hesha, who were not very acquainted with each other at that time, both advised him not to associate with such people.

"Since he can appear here, it means that although he participated in the reading salon, the church still believes that he has nothing to do with the twin devils."

He made an inference in his mind and originally planned to leave now, but since he met an interesting person, he might as well stop and listen to his opinion.


Jenkins imitated the man's tone and repeated: "Huh, he's just a lucky guy. I don't want to criticize the church, but anyone who gets the knowledge and support of the church will probably be so successful."

In order to avoid making the mistake of speaking superficially but deeply, he deliberately spoke in an extremely low voice. He also took a step forward, pretending not to see anyone behind him on the right side of his body.

Sure enough, the man behind him took the bait:

"You are right, William's success is not his own success."

Jenkins immediately turned around in surprise, as if he had just realized there was someone behind him. But his expression soon became calm again, because the man behind him had the same opinion as him.

"Do you think so too?

Jenkins asked.

"Of course, to be honest, sir, I even know this famous young writer."

"Famous" here should have a sarcastic meaning.

"You can't imagine what's the reason for his success? Maybe no one will believe it, but before last summer, he was just a little gangster running around on the streets, haha~ later he somehow became the owner of an antique shop The apprentice used sweet words to deceive the two noble ladies, and then he gained connections with the church and gained his current reputation. "

Jenkins didn't know where he heard these things, the logical sequence was completely wrong.

"Noble lady?"

He asked the question again, and then asked and answered himself: "If it is true, it is so enviable. William's luck is indeed good."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand exaggeratedly:

"A poor boy and a noble lady, interesting topics."


The man next to him said with a smile. He wanted to say something sarcastic, but he saw the middle-aged fat man who was talking to him bent down and picked up one of the books.

"Don't you like William too?"

"Of course. But now I am really interested in this person. I want to buy this book. Maybe I can study the source of his good luck."

After saying that, regardless of the reaction of the person behind him, he walked directly to the counter to pay.

(Chocolate Run...)

Miss Bevanna's injuries were probably completely healed, at least Jenkins couldn't see the bruises on her arms caused by the divine power with the naked eye.

When we met in her office, the woman was working on some documents with her head down, asking Jenkins to wait for a moment.

She also told Jenkins that what happened in Blizzard Mountain Villa has now been dealt with. Among them, the Chesland Kingdom was happily preparing to pay the bounty after obtaining the body of the key keeper, the serial killer, who was buried in the snowstorm. However, the investigation of the mountain villa doctor was at a deadlock.

On the one hand, the information that Jenkins handed over was not rare necromancy information, which hindered the pursuit of clues; on the other hand, the apartment that Mr. Decker rented two years ago had already been destroyed by the police last summer. The entire apartment collapsed due to heavy rains, and the landlord's family was unfortunately killed as a result of the accident. To make matters worse, the accommodation records of the apartment were missing, and now no one knows who left those things in the wall.

In addition, because Jenkins did not report anything about Quick and his body was missing, the police directly judged him as dead.

But Quick's father, the old earl who is now far away in Belduran, said that he did not accept this result at all, because Franklin Quick was the only son of the fifty-year-old man and the only son of the entire Quick family. heir.

"Wait, you filthy people, you despicable murderers, wait, wait for the revenge of the Quirk family!"

This is what Miss Bevanna said and Earl Quaker's exact words.

"So what does he want to do?"

Jenkins asked.

"The church doesn't care what he wants to do, and you don't have to worry. Even if he wants revenge, he won't come to you. After all, you are not the organizer or venue provider of that trip. The kingdom will appease Earl Quaker. Emotions, I hope he doesn’t do anything irrational.”

Miss Bevanna did not continue, but since she had expressed that the kingdom was continuing to pay attention to him, it meant that the kingdom also knew that the old earl might do irrational things.

PS: The focus of the intermission journey is not what Jenkins experienced, but what happened to Jenkins. Please remember the three murderers during the intermission: the doctor who accidentally obtained necromancy information in the Shire, the key keeper who was a murderer half a century ago, and the noble Quik who knew both demons and vampires.

All three will have an impact on the story of this volume.

The next strange place is probably arranged after Chapter 30.

Chapter 727 Chapter 713 Skeletons in the Cemetery

Everyone involved in the incident at Blizzard Villa is more or less powerful. And once Count Quaker wants to do something, he will definitely receive a strong response from everyone.

"I still don't know the reason why Quirk became the Giver, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it has nothing to do with the Quirk family. It's really interesting. Now the perpetrator has become the victim, and I can't tell the only truth. . Perhaps the perpetrator’s relatives will take revenge on the victims, and the victims may even think that this is a justified revenge.”

Jenkins thought about this ridiculous thing and couldn't help but feel like exclamating. But now is definitely not a good opportunity, because Miss Bevanna is right in front of her.

The prank in front of the hot spring was still fresh in his mind, so when the fighting lessons began, he was still apprehensive.

The two of them definitely couldn't play sports in thick cotton clothes. When Chi/Guo's arms came into contact, he hesitated. But seeing that Miss Bevanna looked normal, she blamed herself for thinking too much.

After returning from the trip, it seems that all the strange people active in Nolan City have disappeared. Tuesday's day was also a calm day. Apart from hearing from his father that the gangs in the dock area had suddenly launched high-profile operations since yesterday, nothing happened that deserved Jenkins' attention.

In fact, those gangsters don't need to worry, they are just a group of ordinary people. The intelligence obtained by Dad showed that in the aftermath of the vampire incident, one of their important protectors was captured and detained by the Orthodox Church, which led to other forces coveting profits in the dock area ready to take action. Without even taking action from Stillwell Field, those eyeing the sweet bread will take care of themselves.

In the afternoon, Aunt Sally from the store next door came to the antique store to exchange some coins for Dad, and talked about the tax issue on Fifth Queens Avenue. Aunt Sally’s shop has been around a little shorter than Dad’s Antique Shop, but compared to other shops, it is definitely a native of this street.

Taxes were not so complicated a few decades ago, but now these small shop owners often complain about various taxes. Even people like Dad, who does not live on the income from the antique shop, often talk to Jenkins about the taxes that are getting heavier every year.

As for the whereabouts of taxes, it is very interesting. On the one hand, the three kingdoms are not as peaceful as Jenkins imagined, and military expenditures account for a huge proportion; on the other hand, the corruption situation in the kingdom is worrying, even if the Queen and Parliament often New executive orders have been issued for governance, but the effectiveness of those executive orders is not much different from last year’s Air Protection Act, and there is no visible effect at all.

Dad got off work a little early today because he had to go to the city hall to report and register the store's various businesses for the new year and also inquire about the store's tax refund. Jenkins still remembered that he had yet to find a gift in the abandoned cemetery, so after bidding farewell to his father, he headed directly to the outskirts of Nolan.

Compared to last month when I was here, the scenery seemed to be fixed at that point in time and unchanged. Stepping through the deep snow, I pushed open the broken fence gate of the cemetery, which was only for decoration. In the corner, Mr. Clark's parts and the body of the dagger were still lying there.

After confirming this, I felt more relieved. I turned around and wanted to take a look in the underground secret room again, but I found another person walking in the distance.

No, it wasn't a person, at least Jenkins didn't realize it until he got closer. It was just a skeleton of a human corpse, with tattered pieces of cloth hanging on it. It walked into the abandoned cemetery on the snow, and walked back and forth in the park as if it didn't notice Jenkins.


Chocolate said it didn't like this thing.

After coming to this fantasy world, it was the first time Jenkins saw this "common" undead creature.

It was strange that this one appeared here, because except for the corpse of Dagger over there, there was no corpse in the cemetery that was enough to revive the undead. It was even less likely to be a member of the Augustus family cemetery on the other side of the mountain. That ancient cemetery was blessed by death. Unless the corpse was transported out of the cemetery and a powerful spirit of life intervened, the corpse would rest forever.

Jenkins and the cat watched the skeleton walking in the cemetery as if it wanted to measure the land. The bones that made up it showed a tough ancient gray color, and every bone was complete and clean. On the surface of the bones, there were faint runes wandering around like water droplets, and its skull was wrapped in a light gray thing, which was the soul fragment that drove the body to move.

In Jenkins' eyes, the surface of the skeleton was extremely thin black, and it was difficult to tell where it came from. Although he knew that investigating this thing in depth would cause trouble, he was willing to take the initiative this time:

"This land belongs to me!"

The stingy apprentice of the antique shop did not allow any strange things to appear on his land.

He originally wanted to hide his figure and follow the skeleton, but it seemed that it had no vision, and did not stop even when it passed by Jenkins.

After a circle in the cemetery, the skeleton stopped next to the mound where the body of the first dagger was buried. But it only stayed for less than half a minute, then turned around and left to continue walking.

Judging from the footprints on the snow, it almost stepped into every corner here, and then left from the fence gate and walked away along the way it came.

"Let's go!"

This sentence was said to Chocolate, but in fact Chocolate had been on Jenkins' shoulder, so this sentence was unnecessary.

The man and the cat followed the skeleton far behind with their disguised appearance and fur color, watching it walk away from Nolan. After walking for about half an hour, they arrived at a dead forest that Jenkins had never been to.

It was winter now, and the branches without branches stretched out in all directions like the dry fingers of a witch. Jenkins was tall and had to lower his head and use his hands to push away the dead branches, which also caused the snow on the branches to fall down into his hair and neck, but fortunately his fingers were not injured.

There was a small open space in the middle of this dead forest, and the skeleton walked there and stopped moving. Jenkins held the tree trunk and looked sideways from a distance, but saw the skeleton suddenly turned around, and the dark eye sockets were aimed at him.

"I... don't care... who you are..."

Its voice was intermittent, like an old man who was about to die. But the tone was more like scratching glass with nails, and Jenkins got goose bumps on his arms.

Chapter 728 Chapter 714 Death and Life

The afterglow of the setting sun filled the woods outside the city. A man and a skeleton looked at each other, and the man was full of questions:

"Can skeletons speak? Which part of it can make a sound when it vibrates?"

The common sense of the gifted and ordinary people is the same on this point: Skeletons can't speak.

"No... Don't meddle in other people's business. You can't find me."

The creepy voice continued. Jenkins stood there silently, not understanding what it meant.

"Today I'm just teaching you a lesson. If you dare to interfere in my affairs again, it won't be so simple next time."


Jenkins still didn't know what was going on, but he knew he was threatened. He looked at the skeleton vigilantly, and the flame was already attached to his right hand. But after the skeleton finally sneered, it turned into ashes and dissipated in the woods with the evening breeze.

When Jenkins stepped into the dead woods, Chocolate got into the man's coat because of the snow falling from the branches. At this time, it was even quieter as if it didn't exist, which allowed Jenkins to better judge the situation nearby.

The pocket watch chain did not tremble, which at least meant that there was no danger to life. Thinking of this, he hesitated and walked out from behind the tree, and at this time the skeleton had almost completely broken into pieces and disappeared.

"What do you mean... Oh, I understand."

There were suddenly dozens of small mounds of earth on the land in front of him, and the new soil that was turned over broke through the snow layer, and there were even dark wet traces.

Looking back, the same situation appeared behind him, and he seemed to be surrounded unconsciously.


The man said softly, and as he spoke, the small mounds of earth were constantly arched up by the things underground, and finally formed a new grave-like mound. The hands and bodies with rotten flesh broke through the shackles of snow and soil and saw the light of day again, but more of them were just bare skeletons.

A quick glance showed that the number of these undead creatures was about 15 to 20. Each of them held a simple metal weapon in his hand. Most of those weapons were rusty swords, but they did not match the remaining clothes on the corpses. From this point of view, the corpses should have been transported here from somewhere else.

"Let me think about it. The skeleton just now cannot share vision, but it can let the creator know the general situation nearby through special methods. So the timid guy led me to this corpse warehouse or trap that had been arranged long ago, so the current situation occurred."

This is the general guess, and the truth is not far away. The mastermind behind this matter may not be found for a while, and the most important thing at the moment is to deal with these dirty things. Today, he did not bring a cane and could only fight with bare hands. Although he did not have mysophobia, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

In the traditional sense, items with divine power have a destructive effect on all forces that conflict with the divine duties of gods. Fortunately, including the end of death, all righteous gods have a priesthood similar to [protecting the living].

Jenkins held a pistol in his left hand, with a blessed bullet in the gun, and his right fist burning with flames. He smelled the gradually thickening smell of corpses in the air and looked at the group of corpses that were gradually surrounding him. They were very fast, and it was faintly visible that they were cooperating with each other to block the way out, which meant that these undead were not simple cannon fodder.


As the first gunshot sounded, the terrifying undead that surrounded him rushed towards Jenkins at the same time. His bullet was effective, and his body jumped up nimbly and turned 360 degrees in the air and finally returned to its original position.

The flame on his right fist drew a bright line of fire in the cold evening breeze as his body turned. With Jenkins' control, the flame flew out in all directions like a spreading ripple, directly igniting the circle of undead closest to Jenkins.

The nemesis of undead creatures is light and fire, which even ordinary people know. Jenkins's flame is not ordinary fire, and it works easily with one shot.

He relied on this method to deal with most of the remaining undead in the next five minutes. The charred bones were lying all over the snow, and the air seemed to be heated up by the flames.

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