As the sun set, the man in the black windbreaker stood up with his brows raised against the snow. Right in front of him, a skeleton with burnt bones all over his body was holding a cold scimitar and staring at him.

This undead was different from all the previous ones. Just the exquisite weapon showed its extraordinary power. The height of the undead was probably more than 7 feet (about 2.13 meters) when he was alive, and judging from the hole in the skull and the crack in the sternum, he must have suffered terrible torture before his death.


The cat was taken out of Jenkins' chest and thrown onto a branch on the side. It cried in a dissatisfied voice, and Jenkins focused on the undead.

The sunset revealed the last ray of residual light behind it, and the tragic light was reflected on the snow, reflecting the dazzling light in all directions. Two blue sparks suddenly lit up in the skeleton's eye sockets. When it stared at Jenkins, the tingling feeling of the scalp made the back of the body tremble uncontrollably.

"Dad mentioned this phenomenon, let me think..."

Because living in the city, it is difficult to come into contact with undead creatures, so Jenkins's knowledge of this aspect is not deep enough:

"I remember that the blue flame represents a high-level undead creature, mastering most of the talents of the undead race, at least equivalent to a fourth-level gifter. Can this thing also be artificially made?"

While thinking, the newly born high-level undead had already rushed towards Jenkins with the scimitar. He had no weapon in his hand to block, so he could only throw out his flame again, but was unexpectedly split by the knife in the hand of the undead.

It was not until then that Jenkins noticed that although the knife was not a special item, it was definitely specially treated by the ritual. It must include the high-level enchantment ritual [Avoid Fire], which should be the only nemesis of the eternal fire.

The speed of retreat was not faster than the speed of charging, and the distance between the two was less than one foot in a breath. The scimitar split the air and chopped towards Jenkins' arm. The man dodges skillfully and punches the skeleton's left arm at the same time.

The bones immediately began to freeze and spread to the shoulder bones, but before they spread to the head, they stopped working because of the blue flames in the skull's eyes.

The scimitar swept to the left, and the air vibrations caused by the blade even caused Jenkins' skin to feel pain. This time, he chose to jump into the air, curling his legs and letting the scimitar sweep across the soles of his shoes.

His body changed direction in the air, his upper body leaned back, and his legs were lifted up while exerting force forward, and he subconsciously chuckled:


He kicked hard, and his original goal was the skull's head, but he didn't expect to kick the frozen left arm. This was bad, because he kicked too hard and shattered the ice.

His body landed steadily, and the scimitar chopped again. The sound of breaking air sounded from the left, and his waist immediately twisted into a shape that was almost broken, and he avoided it again.

Taking advantage of its wide-open door, he pushed his feet hard against the ground and rushed forward, hitting the hard bone with his left elbow, and stretched his right hand upward to grab the skull.

A loud explosion sounded, and the whole skull was burning. A few seconds later, the body fell into eternal sleep again and fell on the snow. Jenkins staggered back and hit the dead tree. He ignored the falling snow on the tree and slid down the trunk and sat on the snow, twitching all over.


The cat jumped down from the branch with some worry and walked to Jenkins' side. The man was too confident just now. He made a low-level mistake, that is, living creatures must never directly touch the soul fragments of higher undead creatures.

That is the core of the undead, containing a huge amount of dead spirits that are lethal to living creatures. And dying because of contact with this thing was called "one of the stupidest ways to die" hundreds of years ago.


Chocolate wanted to rub Jenkins's gray-black right hand with his furry little face, but was immediately stopped by Jenkins. His face turned blue and his whole body was weak, but he still gathered up the last bit of strength to push Chocolate aside with his left hand.

The blue airflow spread from his left hand to his whole body, and Jenkins was about to die.

"You... hurry..."

Even his tongue became numb in such a short time. In fact, if the flame of the purification candle was not still burning in his body, [Undead] might have begun to take effect.


Chocolate refused to leave the man in front of him. It walked around the embarrassed writer under the tree and rubbed Jenkins' left hand with its little face.

A warm feeling flowed out of his left hand. This must be an illusion caused by the feeling of comfort.

The spirit of death spread throughout the body and soon touched the heart. The spirit that could not be observed by the naked eye entangled the heart, but before the heart was completely necrotic, the green spirit of life suddenly gushed out of that organ.

And on the surface of the body, the gray gas and the green gas seeped out of the pores at the same time. They were entangled together, like fighting knights.

But the spirit of death was ultimately a sourceless stream, and was oppressed to the limit by the power of life. The pure and terrible life was overwhelming in both quality and quantity, but the spirit of death would certainly not be willing to die in vain.

Jenkins' consciousness was now on the verge of coma and wakefulness, his eyelids drooped, and the world in front of him became bizarre and indistinguishable.

In a trance, he saw some strange scenes:

Ahead, there is the huge tree and green forest that I saw when I absorbed divinity for the first time. The sky is blue and clear, and the plants are exuding little emerald green brilliance. Farther away is a crystal round lake, alone. The horned beasts roamed the meadows;

Behind, the sky was covered with black clouds. In the moist soil of the gloomy cemetery lined with pointed tombstones, a giant sword was slanted. The hilt was decorated with a skull glowing with blue flames. It laughed wildly, while bone claws stretched out from the ground of the cemetery, and dead souls and evil spirits wandered under the dark sky. Of course, this scene is much smaller than the forest.

At this moment, Jenkins stood in the middle of these two completely opposite landscapes. Under his feet was neither life nor the undead, but a land of steel composed of rotating gears. Under the violent wind and sand and the khaki sky, scorching steam spurted out from the gaps in the gears, and loud banging noises were heard in the huge mechanical city above.

Although the power of the gear and steam industry is not comparable to the electrical age that Jenkins remembered, this huge and orderly precision structure looks even more amazing.

The three strange illusions only lasted for a moment and then disappeared. This was the time when death was being defeated by life. Jenkins seemed to have returned to that afternoon when he was hung upside down under the tree. Although the existence of the [Undead] prevented him from falling into the abyss of death forever, this time he glimpsed some of the secrets of death again and again.

Although the profound knowledge and secrets cannot be understood and completely remembered, the momentary feelings are deeply imprinted in my heart. The spirit of death took the opportunity to intervene, integrating itself into this shallow understanding.

Knowledge condenses the core, secretly casts the framework, and thoughts interfere with reality——

A new power is born at this moment!

It only took two or three minutes for him to regain consciousness vaguely. The cat still rubbed Jenkins' hand worriedly, which gave him great comfort. When he staggered back to the main road, he happened to encounter a carriage returning to the city. The coachman enthusiastically helped him into the carriage.

By the time he returned to church, his whole body was still sore. When I got off the carriage, I almost fell. Although Jenkins didn't have a mirror, he could tell from the worried expression on the driver's face that he looked bad.

The church guard noticed Jenkins immediately and hurriedly walked down the steps to help him, but someone was a step faster than him. The carriage of the soothsayer Miss Audrey happened to stop at this time. After the woman got off the carriage, she naturally took Jenkins' arm, and then used her eyes to signal the guard to hurry up and notify other people in the church.

Jenkins, himself one of the best healers in the city, had tried therapy on his way back. But the body's soreness does not seem to be a disease, but just simple muscle fatigue, for which one can only rely on natural recovery.

Mr. Smith, the keeper of the secret, personally examined Jenkins and found nothing unusual about his body except excessive fatigue. The results of other people's examinations were also the same, which made Miss Bevanna, who hurriedly came from the office, relieved.

During the inspection, Jenkins told everyone intermittently what happened this afternoon. He only went to the cemetery to inspect his land and to check on the maintenance of the Augustus family cemetery, so there was no need to hide anything.

Chapter 729 Chapter 715 The Path of the Strong

After receiving information from Jenkins, the church team quickly set out to find the dead forest where the battle took place based on the description, and retrieved the bones remaining in the snow and all the remains of the high-level undead. These will be subject to more rigorous examination and divination to determine exactly why this happened.

Although it looks miserable, Jenkins actually not only suffered no losses, but also gained a new ability - [Contact Death (Red Martial Arts)]. When Miss Bevanna and Miss Audrey heard this, they looked exactly the same with surprise, as if they had heard that the gods would visit the church and have dinner tomorrow.

Although this ability is rare, almost all gifters have heard of it. There is only one way to obtain it, and that is only those who have truly been in contact with death can obtain such a reward in the gap between life and death.

It is the greatest reward from death that a living person can receive, and it is what those who have truly faced their greatest fears see on the edge of a cliff.

Speaking of specific functions, [Contact Death] can protect the owner from the hostility of undead creatures, and will not be harmed by the spirit of death. At the same time, he can obtain greater bonuses when using undead items, rituals or abilities. . Even if you are hostile to a certain creature and attack, even just punching, it will be accompanied by a weak undead power.

According to Jenkins, in fact, all future attacks will be accompanied by undead element damage. This is his understanding.

What's more important is that after mastering this ability, engaging in anything related to death can have the effect of accumulating spirits - such as guarding tombs, burying, holding back, and killing.

Just like the current Jenkins, if he touches the soul fragment of the advanced undead with his palm again, nothing will happen.

This is the ability that all gravekeepers in the [Church of Death and the End of the World] dream of, and there are even rumors that [contact with death] is the key to the further path of the gravekeepers.

"I think my soul's original ability [Breath of Life] saved my life and pulled me back from the brink of death, so this ability emerged."

He himself explained this, and he really thought so, but Miss Bevanna and Miss Audrey held different views.

The nun was asked to help Jenkins, who claimed to have fully recovered, to rest. Soon there were only two women of different faiths left in the office. Miss Bevanna was just about to ask the other party the purpose of coming here, but was frightened by Miss Audrey's next words:

"He is probably the first successor to the elven bloodline with undead abilities."

"What do you know?"

The door slammed shut, the curtains automatically lowered, and golden magical runes instantly covered the walls. Miss Audrey was grabbed by the wrist forcefully by Miss Bevanna, whose eyes were no longer as gentle as when facing Jenkins, but almost as sharp as the real thing.

"I know that Jenkins is the successor of the elven bloodline. Moreover, he is the oldest and sacred branch of the Middleton family bloodline. Sorry, can you stop using so much force? I feel like I heard my wrist bones break."

Even though she said this, Miss Bevanna still didn't let go. Now within the Sage Church, even if she goes on a rampage and kills people, no one will know about it.

"You don't need to panic, Bevanna. If you think about it carefully, anyone who is familiar with Jenkins and Elf can think of this. Although he himself has not shown much abnormality, you and Dad still learn from his origins. It’s evident in the ability and the daily details, isn’t it? If you can do it, I can do it too.”

"What else do you know?"

The matter of the World Tree sacrifice is actually irrelevant. What is really important is the unformed sapling that has no causal relationship with it.

You must know that the sacrificial bloodline owned by the Middleton family is so thin that it is almost non-existent. Especially in this era, the descendants of the family have not shown any abnormality except for their youth and longevity. The relationship between Jenkins' unusual bloodline reversion and the strange origin of the soul is difficult to determine. Maybe it is the power of the bloodline that affects the soul, resulting in such abilities; maybe it is the power of the soul that reactivates the bloodline, allowing the secret Delton's secret comes to light.

But no matter what, this secret must not be known to the hateful pagans. No matter how sensitive the identity of the woman in front of her is, she cannot be allowed to leave the church with this secret.

“It’s not what I know, but what I want to do.”

Miss Audrey said softly.

Not caring about the pinched wrist, he leaned forward and whispered a word into Miss Bevanna's ear. The pupils in the latter's green eyes tightened, as if she had heard something incredible.

"Are you sure you want to take this path? If you fail, you should know what the consequences will be. Even the church has no plan for Jenkins to get..."

She let go of Miss Audrey's wrist and retreated to her desk. The fortune teller smiled politely, took out some powder from his pocket and applied it to his wrist.

Although it is not as effective as having Jenkins treated, at least it will not be affected by broken bones for a short period of time.

"Of course I know, but I am not the first person to try this path, and past successes have indeed proven that it is real and feasible."


Miss Bevanna commented, "Only a madman would engage in such a gamble. With your qualifications, there are actually many ways to choose from."

"But only this road can go the farthest. Bevanna, you are already a demigod, and you should know how important the choice is when crossing this step. I am not like Ya...not like me. Like my friends, you can open up new paths with great perseverance and wisdom, and I don’t want to be stuck in a seemingly powerful state forever like you, like most people. Now that the opportunity has appeared, why can’t I seize it. ?”

She inadvertently revealed a very shocking news, but unfortunately only the chocolate left on the sofa could hear it. It was waiting for Jenkins to come back and pick it up, otherwise the cat swore it would be very angry.

"I made the right choice."

Miss Audrey repeated, "Especially after truly understanding Jenkins, he was not born extraordinary, he was destined to be extraordinary. I can dedicate everything I have to him, just in exchange for that glimmer of opportunity."


Miss Bevanna made a very unladylike sound and sat on the chair behind the desk with her shoulders folded. The golden magical runes on the wall disappeared, and the curtains were drawn again.

The smell of gunpowder in the room dissipated in the blink of an eye, and it seemed like everything just now had never happened at all.

It was dark outside, but the room was filled with warm light.

PS: Record: There are two ability positions left.

Chapter 730 Chapter 716 Royal Hunting

Under the light are two charming young ladies, with the same long hair but different hair colors, the same beautiful eyes but different expressions - but at least Audrey and Bevanna have understood that the purpose of the two is identical.

After a moment of silence, the diviner asked again:

"Let's go back to the topic just now. The current situation is that as the guardian of the World Tree and the descendant of the great master [Lord of Flowers], Jenkins actually has undead abilities. What does this mean?"

She also noticed the angry cat on the sofa and was thinking of sending it back later.

"This means that Jenkins is not a pure-blooded elf, and his human blood is equally powerful."

Miss Bevanna said mockingly.

"Can't you trust me yet, Befanna? We all know that the blood of the elven priest is destined to prevent that body from being exposed to death."

The fortune teller remained calm.

"Since you already know the answer, why are you asking me? If it's not because of the body, then it's because of the soul. Jenkins' soul is even stronger than the blood that has not yet fully awakened, and it has overwhelmingly rewritten the rules of the body. This is not surprising. His soul is strong. We realized it when he first encountered the weird thing."

"I just want to confirm this again."

The fortune teller smiled tactfully. She was testing how much the Sage Church knew about Jenkins. And now it seems that they don't know the real reason for the strength of the soul, which is the support of the multiple savior emblems.

This is enough. Although it will be more difficult to deal with Oliver's father's questioning later, she is very satisfied with the current situation.

"Sorry, I left my cat here!"

First there was a knock on the door, and then Jenkins' dull voice came from outside the door. The women inside the door tacitly stopped their sensitive conversation. Miss Bevanna picked up a document on the table, and Miss Audrey sat down and pretended to play with the cat.

"Come in."

"Sorry, I left the chocolate here!"

The man pushed the door open embarrassedly, nodded apologetically to his two nominal teachers, then caught the gloomy cat on the sofa and left quickly.

"Dad will talk to you in the near future."

Looking at Jenkins' disappearing back, Miss Bevanna threatened Miss Audrey.

"I know, but please don't use the word 'talk', it will remind me of my childhood experience of studying with Dad for three months."

Because he was "seriously injured", Bishop Palod arranged for Jenkins to spend the night in the church and leave early tomorrow morning. At that time, Jenkins was busy coaxing the angry chocolate, so he did not refuse.

He did not cause any other trouble, but returned to his room early to rest. Because today is Tuesday, his consciousness was quickly projected to Rune.

"You are rarely late. What happened?"

This is still the study room of the third princess in the palace. The warm and bright interior is completely different from the snowy night outside the window. Perhaps because she is going to set off for the royal hunt tomorrow, Miss Stuart rarely hunched over the desk to deal with those annoying math problems.

"I met some strange undead, and then I made a big mistake... Don't worry, I'm fine."

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