The moonlight shone on the mailbox next to the door. Jenkins reached out and twisted the metal piece stuck to the bottom of the mailbox. This is a simple warning charm, the simplest one. Jenkins placed it here, and it will automatically change color when someone passes by.

Now it has changed from brass to black, which means someone has entered the yard.

"A thief broke into the house?"

Jenkins thought in surprise. This was the first time this happened. For safety reasons, sensitive things will be hidden before leaving the house, but generally only warning charms will be left, and dangerous trigger traps are in the basement where things are hidden.

Since the house has not exploded now, it means that the things in the basement have not been stolen. The eyes cannot see the aura representing the benefactor, so it cannot be an enemy. Therefore, no one should come here at this late night except thieves.

"Oh no, my eight thousand pounds~"

He suddenly remembered the gains from the robbery that night. Because he put it next to the bookcase in the study because he calculated the bills the day before, he didn't bother to think about it anymore, and hurriedly opened the fence door and walked into the yard. He deliberately rattled the key in front of the door, and after searching for a long time, he finally opened the door.

The room was dark, the gas lamp and the fireplace were not used, and the curtains were drawn tight, so the moonlight could not enter. He put the cat and the key in his hand on the shoe cabinet beside him, turned around and closed the door, and wanted to go inside to find the gas switch. Suddenly, there was a sound of wind behind him, and the man who was shrinking in the corner of the hallway stabbed with a knife with a blood groove in his hand.


The solid wood cane collided with the metal knife, and the knife slipped out of his hand and inserted into the door panel. The short figure immediately dodged to the side, but the owner of the cane seemed to see through the darkness and hit him on the knee with a stick.

The sound of breaking air was followed by the sound of bones breaking, and Jenkins hit another stick, hitting the shoulder of the man opposite accurately. He kept hitting the stick until the man behind the door lay on the ground motionless, and then turned around and turned on the gas lamp.

The fire flickered from small to large, and also illuminated half of Jenkins's face. He put down his hand that was shielding the wind, and turned to look at the man behind him who had just been beaten down by his stick.

It was a short man he had never seen before, with messy yellow short hair, a face full of pits, and a red pimple on the tip of his nose, which looked very disgusting.

He was wearing a dark coat, and a leather sheath for a knife was hanging around his waist, and the knife was now on the door panel.


He groaned in pain, and felt that the man standing in front of him with a monocle was as scary as a demon. Jenkins used his cane to open his shirt, and saw that there was no gun on his waist, so he was relieved.

"Chocolate, see if the things in the study are still there."

Chapter 744 Chapter 729 A moment of mercy

Jenkins pointed his cane at the man's throat while telling Chocolate to do something. The cat looked up at Jenkins' face, then trotted into the living room, turned a corner and disappeared into the corridor. Ten seconds later, it reappeared. Since it didn't make a sound, it meant that the box of money was still there.

"Isn't it a thief?"

Seeing that the man didn't have any pockets to hide things, Jenkins turned his head and looked at the knife on the door panel:

"So, you are... the midnight serial killer?"

Mr. Hood mentioned this at the party, but because it was just a matter between ordinary people, Jenkins didn't remember it very clearly.

"I warn you not to move, otherwise I don't know what I will do."

He threatened, and found a stack of old newspapers on the shoe cabinet that he planned to give to his maid, Mrs. Mahat, tomorrow. Poor people always like to use such things to paste the wall.

He found the evening paper last weekend, and there was indeed a report on the midnight serial murder case on the front page.

"Did you do this too?"

He shook the newspaper, and the short man with a red nose still groaned and didn't answer. I think he wouldn't admit it. Jenkins' face changed, and he raised his cane again and whipped the man on the shoulder, and then, regardless of his reaction, stepped on his wrist bone.

The law and order on St. George Street has always been good. Although this may be because there was a widow pregnant with the son of the evil god living here, it does not affect the reputation of this street. Patrolmen pass by here every hour at night, and most of the police officers know that the famous writer lives here. Therefore, when he asked for help, the police officers holding kerosene lamps readily agreed to go with him to take the intruder to Carfax Field.

The name of the Sage Church is still useful here. The inspector who received Jenkins only allowed him to leave after asking about the incident. The inspector promised to investigate the origin of this person as soon as possible and give Jenkins a perfect explanation.

Early in the morning of the next day, Friday, Jenkins saw the relevant news in the morning newspaper. His name was not mentioned, but it said that a murderer was arrested on St. George Street.

There were civil servants planted by the church in Carfax Field. They reported Jenkins's incident last night to the church, and the church notified Dad. So Dad also asked Jenkins about what happened that morning, and after hearing that it was just a matter between ordinary people, he didn't take it seriously.

"That's right, it won't cause any big trouble anyway."

Dad also told Jenkins about the follow-up of yesterday evening. The statue A-12-2-6083, [Statue witnessed by the deceased], has been taken in by the church behind the Gate of All Things. And the identity of the man who died because of theft has also been found out.

There is no conspiracy. He is just a bankrupt small shop owner. Because of evil thoughts, a thought led to his death.

"The man's surname is Gelt. He has a wife and three children at home. The youngest child is only 4 years old."

Dad told Jenkins.

"So, should we send them a sum of money? Even if Gelt has paid the price for his behavior, the family is innocent."

Jenkins thought for a long time before saying.

"I think so too, and we are also responsible for not keeping it properly."

As he said, he took out a small paper bag from under the counter:

"Here is thirty pounds, you can add some more and send it over at noon."

This is a considerable amount of money. You must know that Alexia is now Miss Stuart's tutor. The nominal annual salary converted into the local currency is roughly this amount. This is still because of the generosity of the Stuart royal family. You know, an ordinary novice tutor may not earn more than 10 pounds a year.

(Note: Food and accommodation are provided, and part of the carriage and clothing expenses are borne)

"I understand, then collect 50 pounds, this is all we can help."

As he said, Jenkins took out some change from his pocket and put it into the paper bag. The old man wrote the address of the Gelt family on a piece of paper and handed it to Jenkins.


Jenkins raised his eyebrows.

"Any questions?"

The old man looked at the address again in confusion to make sure he was not wrong.

"No, no, no, no problem, sir."

Jenkins covered up his surprise and said, because Gelt was Mr. Barnard's neighbor.

After finishing his morning study and work, he set off with chocolate. He had been to that street on the night of his first godhood, so he could tell the specific location when he got on the carriage.

The carriage passed through the city and dropped him at the entrance of the block. Jenkins walked towards the goal. He thought for a moment, walked into the alley, summoned the black robe, and changed into a new image. He was also a young man of similar age, but his face shape and hair color had changed a lot, but he still looked very handsome.

This street was a residential area, and few strangers came, but probably because of the help of his handsome face, the residents here did not suspect that he was a thief with bad intentions.

The Gelt family lived in the middle of the street. When Jenkins walked over, a middle-aged woman was carrying a child on her back and sweeping the snow in the yard. The oldest child in the family was already eighteen years old and should be working now. As for the youngest daughter, she was twelve years old and probably stayed in the house to prepare lunch.

Glancing to the side, the door of the Barnard family was closed, and it was unknown whether anyone was at home.

"Hello, excuse me, are you Mrs. Gelt?"

He stood outside the fence and asked the woman who was working. The woman looked up blankly, not expecting someone to visit at this time.

"Yes, hello."

She was sure that she had never seen the young man in front of her.

"Finally found it, this is really not easy. Is Mr. Gelt at home?"

Jenkins asked again, and then realized that this question was a bit bad.

Sure enough, the woman's face immediately turned sad when she heard this. Judging from the time, she was probably called to identify the body last night, and she still hasn't recovered yet.

"Sorry, sorry."

The young man said hurriedly, and then took out the small paper bag from his pocket:

"Since Mr. Gelt is not here, he left this address, so I'll give this thing to you."

He handed the paper bag over the fence and handed it to the woman:

"A year ago, my boss had a deal with Mr. Gelt. At that time, something happened at home, and the boss was anxious to leave Nolan, and the balance was not settled. This time I'm here to deliver the balance, which also includes some interest."

PS: Regarding the embarrassing status and income of tutors, especially female tutors, I found an interesting article about "Jane Eyre". Combining that part of the information and the worldview of this world, there is a description in the article. If you are interested, search with this as a keyword.

Chapter 745 Chapter 730: The Massacre in the Cemetery

Mrs. Gelt looked at Jenkins suspiciously, then squeezed the paper bag with her hand. She could feel the thickness of the banknotes inside. If the other party hadn't deliberately made a bunch of one-penny bills as a joke, then the amount of money in this bag was really amazing.

She wanted to stop the young man to ask more questions, but when she looked up, the man had already walked away. When Mrs. Gelt walked out of the gate and onto the street, the man just now was completely invisible, as if he had never appeared.

She held the money tightly in her hand, knowing that this was the only hope for this broken family in the future. Although her husband's addiction to expensive tobacco bankrupted the family, this family must always be maintained.

Thinking of her late husband, she couldn't help crying again. When she lowered her head to wipe her eyes and walked home, she didn't notice that the middle-aged man who passed by was actually the young man just now.

Jenkins walked back again, but this time it was for the Barnard family. He had no reason to connect with this family now, but he couldn't help but want to come over and take a look.

It had been less than half a year since Mr. Barnard's death, and Jenkins was surprised by how quickly time passed. He still clearly remembered that night when that admirable gentleman ventured into his dream for the sake of his family even after death. This is probably the power of mortals. Jenkins admires such people very much.

He planned to just stand outside the house for a moment before leaving, but unexpectedly found a notice for the house for sale posted next to the mailbox. Surprised and worried that Mrs. Barnard was short of money, she took the risk and rang the bell.

There was someone in the house, and it was indeed the middle-aged woman. After Jenkins simply explained his intention to buy a house in a poor local dialect, he then asked in a roundabout way:

"Hello, I'm actually curious, is there anything wrong with this house? Why are you so anxious to sell it? I noticed on the paper over there that the last date left by the housing agent is the middle of next month. Is there anything wrong with this house?"

The middle-aged woman's face is full of sadness, but at least she is better than the woman next door who just lost her husband:

"No, sir, it's just that I have to leave this city. You see, I still have three children to take care of. Even if I hire a maid, life is still inconvenient. My father and mother in the country are willing to take me home, so that's why So anxious to sell this place.”

Half a year has somewhat healed the sadness of her husband's death, and half a year has been enough to add a few wrinkles and gray hair to her.

After learning that it wasn't as bad as he thought, Jenkins excused himself and left. It would be best for the Barnard family not to have anything to do with them now. Past experience tells Jenkins that anyone or anything associated with him will get into greater trouble.

I thought that this matter would be settled in this way, and Jenkins also focused his energy on the direction of Loen. He would go there every evening to walk in the snowfield with his friends. This was the real vacation time.

But things are never as simple as Jenkins imagined. On Saturday afternoon, he yawned profusely while touching the chocolate, regretting that he stayed too late in Lun last night.

When I was about to fall asleep, the door of the store was suddenly pushed open.

Dad, Chocolate, who were also drowsy because the room was too comfortable, and Jenkins were all startled. When they raised their heads, they saw a little boy coming in.

This is Dad's spy on the street. He usually helps the antique shop to find out news about his colleagues or deliver letters. A few days ago, he even helped them keep an eye on the train all morning. Of course, Dad will never treat them badly.

"Sir, your letter!"

The boy took out the envelope from his patched cotton coat and tiptoed on the counter. Then he greeted Jenkins loudly, took the coin from his hand, and then left.

"I was really scared just now. A second ago, I dreamed that my house was on fire and the chocolate was gone..."

Jenkins lay down on the counter again, comforted the cat, and then talked about his dream. Dad raised his hand to signal him to stop for a moment. He had already opened the envelope and frowned tightly:

"The Galt family are all dead. They died in the cemetery."

The tone was serious, and Jenkins could even hear the anger.

"Who are you talking about...huh?"

He was stunned for a moment before he realized who his father was talking about, "How could that be?"

Jenkins couldn't believe the news: "You mean, Mrs. Galt and her children..."

"Yes, it's in the cemetery in the east of the city. This happened in the morning. The police are probably still investigating. Do you have anything to do this afternoon? If nothing happens, come and take a look with me."


Jenkins said immediately, turned around and walked out of the counter, picked up the coat from the hanger and handed it to his father. While his father was dealing with the fireplace, he quickly changed into his own clothes, put a black hat on his head, picked up the chocolate and followed his father to leave.

"Please wait a moment."

He turned around and walked back to the counter, picking up his cane:

"Okay, that's it."

There are many cemeteries around Nolan City, which is also related to the city's huge population. If private cemeteries such as the Augustus family cemetery are excluded, the remaining public cemeteries are mostly concentrated near the hills in the northeastern part of the city.

For example, Fini's relatives and the grandparents of the three Jenkins brothers are all buried there.

Jenkins and his father rode a carriage from Fifth Queen's Avenue in the west of the city near the dock area, and traveled through the entire city before arriving near the cemetery. Today seems to be some kind of holiday that Jenkins has forgotten. There are many pedestrians on the street. It took them three full hours to reach their destination, and by this time the sun was even setting on the horizon.

Chocolat fell asleep on the carriage and woke up sensitively after the carriage stopped. It climbed onto Jenkins' shoulder and followed the man into the cemetery.

The humidity in the cemetery is particularly heavy in the evening, as is the fog. Visibility dropped rapidly after entering the park, and the water vapor in the air condensed into mist, which mixed with the turbid air, filling it with a strange smell.

Jenkins doubted that a new steam factory had opened nearby, otherwise there would be no reason why it would be like this.

He followed closely behind his father and walked along the stone road for ten minutes before turning into a small path among the tombstones. Then he continued deeper. Only then could he see a group of people gathered around somewhere from a distance. There were many people among them. They all wore police uniforms.

Through the gaps in the crowd, Father Jenkins saw the cruel scene.

Section 746 Chapter 731 Resurrection of the Dead

“Is this the place?”

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