Jenkins lowered his voice subconsciously, fearing that it would ruin the quiet atmosphere of the cemetery. This is how I feel standing in this place shrouded in fog, and my father’s voice is also very low:

"It should be here. I'll go take a look first."

He walked a few steps quickly and chatted with the plainclothes detective before Jenkins could cross the cordon with the cat to observe the situation.

The scene was very bad. Mrs. Galt, whom she had met just the day before, was lying on her back in front of her husband's tombstone. The blood flowing from the broken head had dried up and turned black. The bodies of the children were scattered around her, each with different fatal injuries, but they did not look like they were killed by a sharp blade such as a sword.

But the biggest problem at the scene was the damaged tombs. With the "neighbor" on Mr. Galt's left as the center, all the five tombs on the left and right were in the shape of being broken. It didn't look like it had been dug up, but rather like something crawled out from inside.

"No, isn't it said that since the great plague 30 years ago, most of the corpses were cremated and then buried?"

Jenkins wondered secretly.

At this time, Dad had already learned the general situation from the police officers. Seeing that Jenkins was still observing the tomb, he whispered:

"Check around here to see if there's anything strange or anyone."

He knew that Jenkins was quite sensitive to spirits, so he made this request.

Jenkins immediately opened his eyes of truth and scanned the surroundings, and soon shook his head:

"This area is probably very 'clean'. Dad, these tombs..."


Dad knew what Jenkins wanted to ask. He bent down and grabbed a handful of soil under Jenkins' surprised gaze, then put it in front of his nose and sniffed:

"Sure enough, the stench of the undead."

Jenkins couldn't smell anything, but he trusted his father's conclusion. Judging from the situation at the scene, this is obviously an incident where the Galt family unfortunately encountered the resurrection of the undead. Maybe even the murderous undead are the bones of Mr. Galt...

Everyone knows that this is not a coincidence. In a cemetery blessed by the [Church of Death and Doomsday], there is no natural resurrection of the undead.

"Dad, why was Galt's body sent to the cemetery so quickly?"

He wanted to find some clues in this regard.

The police were busy around the two people. The young police officer was curious about why there were two unrelated people standing here, but after quietly asking, he was immediately prohibited from talking.

"Gelt's matter can be easily determined. There is no need to waste the resources of Carfax Field. There is no problem in this regard. The problem only appeared after the body came here."

Looking towards the way he came, he saw another group of Gifters approaching from the depths of the mist. Judging from the number of magical abilities, this is obviously a team from the Zhengshen Church.

"Why are there corpses? Don't they need to be cremated?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Thirty years have passed since that incident. You have to know that thirty years can easily make people forget those terrible memories."

The father sighed. He also heard the footsteps at this time, and turned around to prepare for the coming people.

Coming from the depths of the thick fog was a group of men wearing black sacrificial robes, each wearing a hood and holding a black book inlaid with gold edges.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is the priest responsible for blessing and praying for the cemetery, but Jenkins understands that this is the core combat force of the [Church of Death and Doomsday] - the Gravekeeper Team.


The leader knew Dad and stretched out his hand to shake it. Because he couldn't see his face due to the hood, Jenkins didn't know who it was, but he must have met him before, because he also nodded towards the young writer.

"The undead have resurrected, but your supervision is not in place."

Dad said, pointing to the broken tombs. The hooded man was silent for a while, then said in a low tone:

"We'll investigate."

After that, there was nothing more to do with Jenkins and Dad, and the gravekeepers took over the work of the police and continued the investigation. But regardless of the outcome of the investigation, it is impossible for the dead Mrs. Galt and her three children to be resurrected.

These people had nothing to do with Jenkins, but he was still very angry. Jenkins considers himself not a saint-like figure. If such a thing happened to a strange family passing by on the street, he might just sigh and be curious about the truth of the matter. But this family has already established a relationship with him. The kind woman yesterday even wanted to invite him to sit in the house for a while before leaving.

"Anger will go to your head and make you do irrational things. A qualified gifter should control his emotions reasonably. I have said this before."

Dad warned as the two walked out of the cemetery together.

"I see."

He shook his head, took a deep breath, and then coughed due to the strange smell in the air.

"Ahem...but this thing is really...sorry, I can't find a good adjective to describe it."

"I understand what you mean, but you have to believe in the ability of the Church of the Righteous God. Hum~ The undead resurrected in the public cemetery, and even caused the death of civilians. This death and the Church of the End of the World are both disgraced. They will use everything Force to catch the murderer, otherwise this thing will be laughed at by us heathens for decades."

What Dad said makes perfect sense, and Jenkins also understands this truth. But the scene of corpses he saw just now made his anger not disappear until this moment.

"Moreover, the things here may be related to the undead you encountered. The possibility of two necromancy researchers appearing in Nolan City at the same time is very low."

Dad's words were not over yet. He looked back at where the crowd was standing. Most of the police were also preparing to leave.

"Then the Church of the Sage will also be involved in this matter?"

"Not necessarily, but if the resurrection of the undead occurs in more places and forms an urban disaster like a vampire, then all the local churches will participate in the investigation."

Today is Saturday, which is also the time when Miss Stuart’s hunting ends. When Jenkins came to Loen in a depressed mood, the group was setting off towards the meeting place. Although she did not hunt any prey, Her Royal Highness had a great time, so the hunt was considered a complete success.

Jenkins couldn't ride a horse, and he didn't want to be led on a horse by the ladies, so after asking for permission, he released his skeleton horse as a mount.

Although it looks scary, it is extremely obedient. Even though Jenkins already had the unicorn, he still wasn't willing to hastily sell the bone whistle that summoned it. Even though he had a similar idea at Mr. Hood's party, he never actively looked for a buyer after that.

Chapter 747 Chapter 732 Alexia’s View of the Stage

In order not to ruin Miss Stuart's good mood, Jenkins did not show the depression caused by the tragedy in the cemetery. He rode that terrifying skeleton horse forward with the convoy. When chatting with Alexia, he somehow couldn't help telling what happened in the past few days.

He always feels at ease with Alexia, she is his close friend.

The snowfield moved behind me little by little, and the snow surface seemed to be radiating orange light against the brilliant sunset. A group of people moved slowly, and the little maid walking beside him left Jenkins' horse behind in fear and curiosity. It was not until the head maid Julia reminded her that she realized that she had gone astray.

Jenkins smiled at them, and suddenly his body burst into flames, and his whole body burned with the skeleton horse. The horses' hooves left holes in the snow, and the prints were actually burning. The orange flame did not melt the ice and snow. This was the characteristic displayed by the Eternal Fire controlled by Jenkins.

The women exclaimed, and the young faces in the flames smiled, and then slowly withdrew the flames. Miss Stuart in the carriage eavesdropped on the conversation with her ears open, while quietly watching Jenkins. Jenkins didn't comment on his performance just now, but the smile on his face grew stronger.

"...That's it. So, I'm not a soft-hearted person, but after seeing such a tragic situation, I can't help but want to find the culprit and use flames to burn it to the ground."

When she "performed" to the little maid, she didn't forget to continue telling her story, and Alexia almost understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"It's interesting."

Alexia’s focus is not on the Galt family who suffered a tragedy, she is more concerned about Jenkins:

"I wonder if you have noticed that although the core character of the story is not you, the whole thing has always been related to you. Maybe you don't want to admit it, but without the series of choices you made, this tragedy would never have happened."

Seeing that Jenkins wanted to refute, she sat on her horse and spoke again:

"You see, the first choice happened last year. Father Oliver asked you to decide whether to escort the goods. If you agree, then the dangerous statue will come to Nolan and be taken into custody in the year 1865 of the Universal Calendar. , what happens after this will never happen.”

"I admit it, but..."

"The second choice is whether you agree to go to the train station with Dad. I think even if you don't agree, Dad won't have any objection. After all, you always encounter accidents when you go out together. But you agreed, which is very strange. Unusual, that’s why Dad chose to eat outside instead of sending the statue back.”

"I admit this, but...please don't interrupt me!"

He anticipated another interruption, so he spoke more quickly. Seeing Alexia acting like she was listening, he said:

"That's not fair, Alexia. If you look at the results, you can of course think that this happened because of the choices made over and over again. But in fact, there is nothing that is not caused by the choices made over and over again. What’s the composition?”

"You are right. But Jenkins, our world is not an ordinary world. When there are too many coincidences, then there is reason to believe that it is fate. Haven't you discovered that you are like this [Gate "The Tragedy of Walter" is like the protagonist in the drama stage, promoting the development of the story step by step, and finally witnessing the ending. Although the ending has not yet appeared, I can conclude that the final capture of the murderer must be related to you, and. After the incident is over, you will go to that family’s grave and lay flowers, and even tell them the whole incident in a low voice.”

Jenkins couldn't argue with her, because he had that intention. But this can only be regarded as her knowing Jenkins too well, or it can be regarded as a small prophecy.

"Drama stage? I have heard a saying that the current Nolan City is a stage, a stage at the end of the era."

He wanted to change the subject.

"Did Audrey say that? That's right. There is indeed the possibility of becoming a legendary place there."

Alexia said with a serious face, then suddenly turned around with a smile and asked Miss Stuart who was eavesdropping:

"You also have an informant in Nolan City. You should know how many things have happened in the city on the west coast of the main road in the past six months."

"Huh? Of course, that city is really scary!"

Miss Stuart was startled, but seeing that she was not reprimanded for eavesdropping, she immediately agreed, and then secretly looked at Jenkins:

"Mr. Williamt must be careful. Even if you are strong, fate always likes to play tricks on the strong."

Knowing that there were people who cared about him far away, Jenkins suddenly felt better. These are gentle words, and they mean a lot to a lonely visitor from a foreign land.

When a group of people approached the gathering place, he took back the skeleton horse and changed his body shape. He also asked for the servant's clothes to change into and blended in with the group. No one noticed this.

Since six o'clock, the assembled camp has been seeing teams returning from a distance. At this time, most people have heard about the disappearance of Stepe Stuart, but this is obviously related to the inconspicuous third princess. The team has nothing to do with it.

There are always some disgusting people in this world, and after nobles gather together, the probability of encountering such people is quite high.

Jenkins thought that the hunting was over, so he stood by their campfire and directed the servants to light the fire. But I saw another group of people coming from the other side of the camp, standing and talking with Miss Stuart.

He couldn't hear the voice or see the expression, but he could subconsciously understand that the relationship between the two groups of people was not good.

"That is the youngest daughter of the Marquis of Jones and the lady of the Duke of Borbo's family. The relationship between the master and them... is extremely bad. Both of them like the eldest prince, but you also know... "

The little maid, who had been curious about Jenkins's skeleton horse, immediately grabbed the hem of her apron with both hands and explained. Jenkins then dropped the firewood in his hand and walked closer, pretending to tidy up the tent, but she was actually eavesdropping.

That seemed to be just a normal comparison among young girls, not a big deal. The two aristocratic ladies came to show off their prey, and then asked Miss Stuart what they had gained.

Although the development is cliché, it does happen frequently. It is impossible to expect these simple noble girls to come up with more cunning plots. After all, most of their schemes come from the struggles of their mothers and those chivalric novels.

Chapter 748 Chapter 733 Two Pigeons

As the sun sets, the tent area of ​​the Royal Hunting Ground in Loon Parish is bustling with activity. Servants and attendants moved among the flag-draped tents, while proud nobles stood together to show off this year's harvest to each other. It seemed that the most outstanding person was a viscount who came from the country. The "country bumpkin" was lucky enough to encounter wild boar during this season.

Of course, the two girls who showed off with Miss Stuart also gained something, and their purpose of coming here was not just to "show off."

The best thing for Jenkins to do at this time is to return to Nolan City immediately, buy a "prey" of sufficient weight, and then shamelessly let the protoss teleport over. But he would never do that, Mr. Writer had a better idea.

The prey of the two noble ladies is not a wild boar, because no one would believe it even if they could take it. The servants behind them each held pigeons in birdcages. They were birds called Antwerp pigeons, one of the few hardy birds that can live in the north during this season. When Jenkins came here in the past few days, he often saw them flying in the sky. Some of them even wanted to land on Jenkins' shoulders, but they were almost jumped down by Chocolate, who showed his hunting talent for the first time.

The two pigeons in a simple birdcage made of dead branches and vines were not fatally injured from the outside, but they were a little sluggish. One of them keenly noticed that Jenkins was looking at it and flapped its wings not knowing what to do.

Put the eager cat aside and let it wait. Jenkins arranged his clothes and prepared to start his performance.

Alexia stood behind him, her lips slightly raised to see what Mr. Writer had in mind.

"...Look, hunting Antwerp pigeons is no simple matter. We sacrifice strength for elegance, but we can also use wisdom to do what men can do. Just yesterday evening, I Use some grain pellets on the snow..."

"Ahem, sorry to disturb you, Your Highness Princess!"

Jenkins intervened in the conversation very impolitely, and then bent down and whispered a few words politely to Miss Stuart before the two noble ladies opposite showed him "the kindness of the nobles."

Dolores Stuart was now very grateful to Julia for letting her wear this red scarf just now, otherwise people nearby would have noticed her flushed face.

She nodded as if she understood, and then asked Poirot, the somewhat rude valet, to leave.

She had always been tired of dealing with harassment from her peers, it was so immature, and today was the first time she found joy in it. With a flawless ladylike smile on her face, she said lightly:

"Female wisdom should not be underestimated, but I think what we should have more than wisdom is compassion and tenderness. Oh, look at these two cute little things, pitifully put in a cage by you. This is really..."

She shook her head but said nothing.

Miss Jones and Miss Bolbo were stunned for a moment, not expecting such a response. The two looked at each other, then coughed and subconsciously stood further away from the pigeon cage.

After all, they were just two immature girls. If they were dealing with an older married woman, this argument would not be of much use.


Miss Stuart shouted again.

"Yes. Your Highness, please give me your instructions."

Jenkins ran out of nowhere again.

"Those two Antwerp pigeons look so pitiful. Go get them some food."

"Okay, Your Highness."

While he was talking, the servants from the camp unknowingly stood nearby. Before the entourage of the two noble ladies could react, the pigeon cage in their hands was snatched away.

The cage was opened, and two trapped pigeons were taken out of the cage by a man. They seemed to have suddenly regained their vitality, pecking at the grain particles with full energy.

After eating, they spread their wings and flew into the sky. They circled twice above Miss Stuart's head, letting people in the surrounding camps watch this scene, and then they flew into the distant sky.

"Sorry, I accidentally let go of your prey. I will compensate you. Please send the bill to my maid."

Although she said this, Miss Stuart showed no guilt at all. She looked at the two white doves flying away from a distance, as if she was thankful that they were able to escape.

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