This was visible to the people around. In this comparison, the two ladies who caught the pigeons, although they completed the hunting mission, seemed a little... After all, men like gentle and kind girls, not girls who can catch pigeons.

Miss Jones and Miss Borbo stared at Miss Stuart's face, wanting to say something but suppressing this desire. They felt that staying here would make them look stupid, so they exchanged a few polite words before turning around and leaving.

Of course, the superficial farewell should be done well, but when turning around and leaving, they looked a little angry.

Jenkins had changed his appearance again and stood with Alexia, watching Miss Stuart walk towards them.

"Did you cure the two pigeons?"

The short lady asked.

"Yes, I found that since the dream in the tavern, I have a stronger sense of the spirit of life. The two pigeons probably wanted to thank me, so they circled twice above my head before leaving."

He was standing very close to Miss Stuart at the time.

"Is that so?"

Alexia whispered in a low voice.

She knew very well that ordinary healing abilities would not have such changes. And Jenkins' current performance looked like the legendary elf talent... Miss Audrey did not share all the things with her friends, but now Alexia also came into contact with the truth.

She looked at Jenkins's pointed ears, and remembered the birth of Evergreen Forest that they witnessed together. Her eyes turned and her smile became stronger.

The end of the hunt and the disappearance of the prince had nothing to do with Jenkins. When the hunters returned to the city, he said goodbye to his friends and returned to Nolan City alone. Although Miss Stuart wanted to invite him to the palace, Jenkins was very tired today.

After a round in the cold north country, his mood, which was troubled by the daytime events, did improve a lot, but he would never forget the scene he saw in front of the tombstone today.

He swore that if he had the chance, he would avenge the dead family. Even if the two sides had no relationship, the death of the innocent really angered Jenkins.

On Sunday morning, instead of waiting for the follow-up of the resurrection of the dead in Dad's antique shop, he waited for the detective from Carfax Field.

Chapter 749 Chapter 734 Accident on the weekend

It happened around eight o'clock on Sunday morning. Dad and Jenkins guessed how many guests would come today, and the bet was the task of tidying up the warehouse in the evening. Before the two of them decided to say their own numbers, the uniformed detective politely pushed the door and walked in.

He came here not because Jenkins was going to be arrested, but the detective just came to inform Jenkins of the follow-up of the break-in incident that night.

"Now the investigation is very clear, Mr. William, thank you for your contribution to Nolan City. I think the family of the deceased will definitely thank you, and the souls of the innocent will rest in peace because of this."

The man he caught was indeed a midnight killer who had committed many cases recently, and it was no coincidence that he found Jenkins' house. He just wanted to murder some more famous people to get the pleasure of killing.

Even criminals have a common vanity. Obviously, killing ordinary people is completely different from killing Jenkins William.

He obtained Jenkins' address and specific information from newspapers and publishers bit by bit, and broke into his home that night to prepare for the murder. Unfortunately, Jenkins was out walking the cat and was not at home. When he came back, he noticed that his warning spell was abnormal. Otherwise... otherwise he would not have succeeded. An ordinary person wanted to murder a level 4 gifter with a knife, which was as crazy as slaying a dragon.

Because the church helped to deal with this matter, Jenkins didn't even need to go to the police station. The police officer who came told Jenkins that the trial of the criminal would be held later in February, and he would be notified to go to watch.

"Is my luck really bad?"

Jenkins asked with emotion until the police officer left. There are so many famous people in Nolan City, but unfortunately he was implicated.

"In the eyes of ordinary people, although you are very famous, you are not a government official after all, and there will be no armed guards or hired bodyguards around you."

Dad answered with his head down. He was reading a newspaper.

"In other words, I have been too active in public recently, so I have caused such trouble?"

"Well... I don't know how you came to this conclusion, but don't change your lifestyle because of an accident, that's a low probability event."

Dad comforted him, he didn't want Jenkins to return to the past life of going back and forth between home and antique shop.

"I think you are under too much pressure recently, and fate has given you too much burden. Maybe you should find a way to relax, such as..."

"No, I don't need a vacation, that's really torture."

Jenkins shook his head hurriedly.

"I also think it's better for you to stay in Nolan, which is good for everyone. Although there will still be all kinds of problems around you, at least the church can help you... Why don't you go to your friends' gatherings? I noticed that young people always like lively salons or dances with beautiful girls."

Jenkins did participate in such activities, but they were all invited by Hathaway and Britney. Later, no one invited him, so he no longer cared about such things.

"I know you hate this kind of activity, but it's just a waste of one night to try it."

The old man was still trying to persuade him, and realized how to convince Jenkins:

"Chocolate doesn't like staying in the house all the time, right? I heard that cats need more exercise to live longer."

"Is that so?"

Jenkins was really moved by this sentence. What the old man said just now made sense. It's true that cats shouldn't be cruelly locked up at home. Taking it out for a walk and participating in social activities may be good for Chocolate's health.

"You seem to be going to the opera house with your friends in the evening. That's a good opportunity. You can ask them if there are any dances or salons to be held recently. I don't think anyone will refuse you to join."

After the old man reminded him, Jenkins once again realized the scene he would face in the evening. He became bored again and didn't know how to deal with the evening.

But no matter what, the river of time will not stop or go back because of the will of mortals. Although Jenkins hoped that his father could find a reason to keep him to work overtime, this hope did not come true.

He packed his things slowly, and then looked at his father, hoping that he could say something to keep him.

His father didn't know what Jenkins wanted to do, nor did he know what happened between him and the girls. Seeing that Jenkins wanted to stay, he decisively kicked him out.

He went home sullenly to change his clothes, and then had dinner. The carriage stopped at the intersection of St. George Street at half past six on time. Jenkins stood in his hallway and thought for a long time before he suppressed his disobedient heartbeat and walked out the door.


Chocolate stood innocently beside the cane, reminding the man not to forget himself.

This was not the first time that Jenkins sat in the same carriage with Hathaway and Britney, but it was the most embarrassing one.

Both ladies wore long dresses that looked like they would wear to formal dinners. They wore hats with plain artificial flowers on their beautiful hair and coats to prevent colds, but it could be seen from the cuffs that they wore white lace gloves on their hands.

Jenkins was very glad that he was really bored while waiting just now, so he carefully prepared his clothes for the trip, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing now.

But things were better than he thought, at least when he bent over and walked into the car, his eyes met with Britney's, the girl opposite just nodded slightly as usual, and did not show any strange look. Hathaway did not show any strange look either, and even took the initiative to make way for her to sit opposite Britney.

"Yes, nothing happened."

Jenkins told himself in his heart, politely greeted the girls, and then sat opposite them with a smile.

This is an abnormal expression, because he rarely shows the expression he used in the store when facing acquaintances.

Hathaway said nothing about this. The three of them just discussed Jenkins' new house and new book along the way. He was glad for the current situation, but he knew that if he always avoided it like this, something would happen one day.

"But as long as it's not today."

He had such a shameful idea of ​​escaping in his heart.

It has only been about a week since the girls got Jenkins' new book, but it seems that both of them have finished reading it. Britney became very excited when talking about it, in fact, a little too excited.

PS: There is another chapter at noon.

Chapter 750 Chapter 735 On and Off the Stage (Part 1)

After leaving St. George Street, the carriage headed for the opera house outside the city. The atmosphere in the carriage seemed very friendly. Yes, very friendly.

Hathaway had no reaction to Britney's enthusiasm. She kept that calm expression and occasionally talked to Jenkins about the plot of the story. It can be heard that she has been catering to Britney's words and has not talked about her own opinions at all. In fact, Jenkins really wants to hear Hathaway's opinion on his new book, but this can only be asked when Britney is not around.

"So this book should be successful. Booksellers are sending me letters every day now. If the numbers he provided are correct, then I think the current situation is very optimistic."

"Of course, this is definitely the most romantic book of this century, Jenkins, you have to understand this."


Jenkins didn't know how Britney came to this conclusion, but he wasn't stupid enough to refute it. Reaching out and touching the cat lying beside him, Chocolate's back moved in response.

"So do you have plans for the next book now?"

Britain asked again, wanting to hold Jenkins' hand, but the man dodged her without a trace.

"No, not yet."

Jenkins shook his head and answered, holding the cat on his knees and stroking it with both hands. Now no woman could find a reason to hold his hand.

All the way to the Royal Opera House, the servants arranged by Mr. Nellie greeted the three at the door. Although today is a weekend night, it should be the busiest time for the opera house, but in order to cooperate with the troupe's new play, the opera house rarely arranged any performances.

Jenkins, who was sitting at the door, got off the carriage first. Britney wanted to follow but was held by Hathaway.

"You're not right today."

The red-haired girl reminded in a gentle voice: "Britney, what happened between you and Jenkins?"


The blond girl shook her head and didn't look at the face behind her: "It's nothing, I'm just surprised by his talent."

She realized the folly of such an answer when she said it, but now she had no better choice.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

After a moment of silence, the two stepped out of the carriage as if nothing had happened. Jenkins was already waiting for the two girls to appear.

When I came here in the past, it was always crowded with people. Gentlemen and ladies wearing all kinds of formal dresses came in one after another talking about "elegant" topics. This time, when he climbed the steps of the Opera House, he was surrounded only by servants and friends, which made Jenkins very uncomfortable.

Probably because there was no audience, both the hall before the entrance and the auditorium under the stage seemed extremely empty. Bryony also sighed:

"I never knew it was so big here."

After getting off the car, Jenkins saw that his companions were all wearing high heels, walking in the slightly empty opera hall. The heels hit the ground and made a crisp clicking sound, which could be heard far away under the gentle light. .

The actors on the stage were nervously checking for the last time. The staff in casual clothes backstage stood together with the actors in exaggerated costumes, which looked quite funny.

Compared with the lively stage, the audience was not quiet either. The rich Mr. Nellie was already waiting for the three of them. He stood under the stage with a glowing face and took the initiative to take a few steps to shake hands with Jenkins:

"You're finally here."

All Jenkins needs to do today is sit in the audience and watch the entire performance, and then give corresponding guidance.

Only then did he finally understand why his companions were deliberately dressing up. Because in addition to the three of them, there were also some invited critics and newspaper reporters present. Jenkins even saw a camera being set up, and a young man on the side was struggling to carry a bucket from the backstage. .

This is "firefighting equipment" prepared to prevent fires. The burning of old-fashioned camera spotlights can easily cause fires, especially in a building with wood everywhere, so you should be careful.

"Mr. Willamt!"

He heard his name being called, but pretended not to hear it as he was chatting with Mr. Nellie. Because of various events that had happened recently, it was not that the newspaper had not sent him interview invitations, but those letters were all thrown into the fireplace by him as trash.

Of course, just pretending to be stupid won't work. In the end, he was forced by Hathaway behind him to talk to the reporters for a few words. It was pretty boring, because people's questions were all about the Fabry scam, and of course they'd heard that the Church of the Sage was going to have another public lecture about it, but no one outside of the Sage followers was invited.

It was noisy like this for a while, and Jenkins gradually became tired of it. Fortunately, Mr. Dorok Haddix, the deputy director of the opera troupe, appeared from the backstage in time and announced to everyone that the performance was about to begin. Then people calmed down and found their seats.

Jenkins and his friends sat in the second row, while the first row further ahead was empty. There were two girls on his left and right sides, and his cat was lying on his lap. I thought Hathaway would be willing to sit with Britney, but in the end, somehow, it ended up like this.

The actors took their seats and the audience took their seats. As the bright lights above their heads went out, the spotlight transmitted from the stage enveloped the first young detective to appear.

The opera begins.

Even though Jenkins had written it himself, he was still bored. In the dark auditorium, making small movements would not be noticed by people nearby, so he moved his hand down dishonestly, and then lightly touched the tail of the chocolate.

The cat raised his head and looked at Jenkins amid the sudden burst of passionate music - which represented the departure of the train - with a frightening gleam in his eyes.

Seeing that Chocolate was not easy to mess with, he gave up teasing and turned to observe Hathaway. Suddenly he remembered the awkwardness when the two met last time. She got down on one knee on the kitchen floor of Jenkins' house and asked him to let her lead her on a musical journey.

Jenkins did not express his attitude at that time. In fact, he refused. Now I was afraid that she would think of it again because of the opera, so I gave up my plan to whisper to her.

Then he turned to look at Miss Mihail...

"Forget it, I'll just watch the opera."

Thinking in his mind, he sat upright and put his hand on the cat's back, intending to fulfill the purpose of coming here seriously. Suddenly a hand came over from the right side and took Jenkins' right hand.


Chapter 751 Chapter 736 Up and Down the Stage (Part 2)

Jenkins was stunned for a moment when his hand was held. He originally thought it was the hand of his female companion, but if he remembered correctly, neither Hathaway nor Britney bothered to wear it under their clothes. Lace gloves. But the hand holding him was obviously bare, and his body temperature was a little cold. Feeling carefully, it seems that the size is wrong.

After recalling it, sitting directly behind him was a bald, middle-aged critic. He was the kind of man who looked very stereotyped. It is impossible for him to do such a prank, which means that no one nearby can reach this position with his hand, so the owner of the hand should not be a normal human being.


Jenkins felt like he had found what he was supposed to be doing now.

He raised his head and looked around, wanting to make sure no one was paying attention before taking action. However, he did not notice that from the black hole at the bottom of the chair where an arm had already stretched out, another clean and naked arm stretched out. Judging from the size and thickness, the one holding Jenkins did not belong to the same person.

In just a few seconds, more and more hands appeared under Jenkins' seat, and then quickly stretched upwards. Most of them held his legs, and no matter how the man struggled, he could not get free.

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