"Miss Audrey, is there anything you need to talk to Dad about? He's out for something. It seems that there's something wrong with the storeroom in the warehouse area. You..."

"No, Jenkins, I'm not here to talk to Dad. I'm here to talk to you... and this lady too."

Miss Audrey's last sentence showed a very reluctant tone, but the middle-aged woman next to her was not angry about it.


Jenkins pointed at himself, looked suspiciously at the stranger next to Miss Audrey, and then nodded slowly:

"Okay... please sit down, I'll get some tea. I remember Dad's friend sent some good tea from the Shire, he shouldn't mind me using it to entertain guests."

Chapter 777 Chapter 761 Robert and the Fortune Teller

In Dad's antique shop, the apprentice was busy preparing tea. Before the three of them sat down, Jenkins deliberately turned the sign at the door of the store to [Rest], and then asked the two women the purpose of their visit.

"This is... my friend Miss Bronion... my friend in the church."

Miss Audrey introduced softly, but still looked a little reluctant.

"Oh, hello, nice to meet you, Mrs. Bronion."

"Miss Bronion."

She corrected, and Jenkins immediately reached out to shake hands, but the woman just extended the back of her hand to him. Jenkins nodded knowingly and kissed her hand according to standard etiquette.

"Your etiquette is very interesting, and it seems to have some northern colors. When I was young, I stayed in the Kingdom of Hampavo for a long time and had a good relationship with the royal etiquette teacher."

The woman smiled and looked around the store carefully. Her eyes stayed on the cat on the counter for a while, and then moved away naturally.

The dozing cat stood up and adjusted an angle to continue lying down. It didn't like this uninvited woman.

Jenkins was the same. His inspiration told him that this woman had another purpose.

"Kingdom of Hampavo? Yes, my etiquette teacher did stay there, and that noble lady was..."

He was telling the lie he had been making up for a long time, but the door of the store was pushed open again. Robert William, Jenkins' father, walked in with a huge black suitcase in his hand.

Seeing the cat on the counter, he knew that Jenkins was in the store, but seeing that he was talking to someone, the handsome middle-aged man wanted to wait a while. Robert frowned as he moved his eyes to the faces of the three people talking.

"Oh, father. What do you want?"

Seeing Robert come to the store to find him rarely, Jenkins immediately thought that something happened at home. He abandoned the two women and stood up, and asked in panic as he walked:

"What's wrong? Home..."

"Nothing, there are some business matters to find you."

He stood on the mat at the door and shook the suitcase in his hand at Jenkins, and there was a sound of stones rolling inside. But Robert still didn't look at Jenkins' face, but stared at Miss Bronion's face.

There must be something wrong. According to Jenkins' understanding, his father Robert is a loyal man like him.

"Excuse me, ma'am, have we met somewhere before?"

If other men said such words, it would definitely be a bad conversation, but Jenkins knew Robert.

"Excuse me, sir, I think we..."

Miss Bronion originally wanted to deny it, but her eyes suddenly narrowed:


She said in surprise, then looked at Jenkins, and then at Robert - their faces were very similar. Among the three children of Williamt's family, Jenkins looked the closest to Robert.

"Oh, I remember!"

Robert widened his eyes and pointed at the other person very impolitely, with a terrifying voice, as if he found out that his son actually had many lovers:

"God, I remember, I remember. You are the female fortune teller who smuggled with me on the same ship when I fled to Nolan thirty years ago!"

"You are not dead?"

"You are not dead?"

Robert and Miss Bronion said at the same time.

Jenkins didn't know what happened for a moment, so he used his eyes to signal Miss Audrey to say something. She shook her head slightly, obviously she didn't know what was going on.

"Father, do you... know this guest?"

"Yes, yes."

Robert seemed very excited. He stuffed the suitcase into Jenkins' hands, and then introduced quickly:

"I didn't expect to meet an old friend after so many years. Jenkins, you should know that I fled from my hometown 30 years ago. At that time, this lady was on the same ship with me, but she disappeared halfway. I thought... you didn't die. This is so lucky."

"I feel very lucky too..."

Miss Bronion has adjusted her expression. She stood up and left the table in front of the fireplace and walked to the door, still looking at Jenkins and Robert's faces:

"I remember that when I left the ship, the whole ship was infected with the plague. I didn't expect you... This is so lucky."

Even though she said this, the woman still had a strong sense of disbelief in her heart. She no longer cared about the purpose of coming to the antique store today, chatted a few more words with the excited Robert, said goodbye politely, and quickly left with Miss Audrey.

"Teacher, what exactly do you want to do?"

After making sure that neither of the two people in the store could see outside, Miss Audrey threw away the middle-aged woman's hand angrily.

"Teacher, what exactly are you going to do today, and why do you know Jenkins' father."

"What a surprise today...well, since you're wondering...it was a mission from my youth..."

Miss Bronyance's face was very serious, but it didn't look like she was introducing what she was doing at that time:

"The question is not about that mission, the question is why Mr. Robert Williams is still alive."

"What's the problem with this? Although the fatality rate of the plague is very high, it is not impossible to recover. Maybe he has better luck?"

Miss Audrey said nonchalantly, and the two of them walked towards the alley together. On one side of the alley, there is a pile of domestic garbage that smells bad. This garbage must have been there for a long time, because it is still covered with snow from the past few days. The black cat, who was rummaging for food, heard the footsteps, turned around and growled at the two women, then quickly ran towards the depths of the alley.

"The problem is not the plague. The problem is that I divined the fate of Mr. Williamte on that ship on the way back from the mission. His fate was clear. He would die there. He had no future at all."

Miss Bronyance said, then held out two fingers:

"After I turned thirty, I have only made two completely wrong predictions. One was because I was not mature enough when I was thirty, and the other was because it involved the plan of the great god. Now tell me, Audrey, William What is so special about Mutt...or, why did you come and stay in Nolan?"


Miss Audrey reached out angrily and pressed down the middle-aged woman's fingers, showing no grace at all in front of Jenkins:

"Don't you really know what I am for? Teacher Bronyance!"

Chapter 778 Chapter 762 William's Request

The women in the alley were furious, but in the antique shop a few hundred feet away, the exchanges were much more harmonious.

Jenkins was curious about what the encounter was like thirty years ago, but Robert didn't actually remember much. During the Great Plague, he left his hometown and took a ship to Nolan, but in fact he was infected with the plague after boarding the ship - most of the people on the ship were among them, so he was half asleep during the ocean journey.

I have a deep memory of Miss Bronyance because she performed divination for everyone for free, which was one of the few interesting things during the trip. At that time, the woman thought that everyone on the ship would die before landing, but the people in the cabin were not angry. Unknown stowaways brought the plague aboard the ship, and they were ready to accept their fate as soon as the first patient showed obvious symptoms.

But the woman's divination was wrong. In the end, Robert successfully arrived in Nolan City and took root here, even having a wife and children. Over the years, Robert would occasionally dream about the journey that accompanied death, and he could never forget that experience.

"So, how many people in that boat survived?"

Jenkins remains interested in the issue.


Robert didn't seem to want to talk about this question, but he still gave the answer:

"When we docked, there were five people left, including the captain. But a week after I landed, I was the only one left... Strangely enough, since then, except for one accidental fall into the water, As for the cold, I have never been sick again. This may be a sequelae of the plague... Forget it, let’s not talk about it.”

He shook his head with melancholy and took the suitcase from Jenkins.

The reason Robert came to the store this time was indeed because of "business matters." The business here refers to the silver mine investment project that Jenkins participated in. Robert mysteriously stood in front of the counter and opened the suitcase, deliberately covering the door and window with his body, for fear that a third person would see it.

"Oh, sage~"

Jenkins sighed with his eyes widened, even being so surprised that he briefly forgot what happened just now. If we use an exaggeration to describe it, his face must be filled with red light at this moment.

"This is... rough ruby? But isn't it the silver mine we are investing in?"

Inside the suitcase was a large stone, or rather a rough stone containing a ruby. From the surface, the rubies in the stone should occupy most of the volume of the stone. Although the value is far less than that of Jenkins's head-sized sapphire, it is already quite amazing.

"Yes, we are indeed investing in silver mines...that's what it says on paper."

Robert smiled at his son: "But you don't really think so, do you? Silver mining investment can get 200% profit in a short time? Ha~ Jenkins, think about it carefully, now You are what people think of as a financial expert."

"I probably understand."

At this point, Jenkins would be a fool if he didn't get it. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the surface of the original stone in the box:

"So, is it for taxes? Or for something else?"

"Both. Silver mines and gem mines are very different. It's very complicated to explain. But high profits always require some tricks. Look, this was just dug out from the depths of the newly opened mine yesterday, but no one knows except me."

"Oh, this is really amazing."

Jenkins nodded again, but did not comment on this practice. He is a vested interest, and he doesn't have any moral cleanliness. Since he can make more gold pounds, he naturally has no objection.

"But you came to me, not just to show off this thing to me, right?"

Jenkins patted the stone, and Chocolate also came over at this time, stretched his head to the box and sniffed it, and then showed a disgusted expression.

"Of course not."

Robert shook his head, closed the box again, refused Jenkins's offer to pour him tea, and adjusted his dark blue tie behind him:

"I have discussed with your mother, and you are now of marriageable age. We all think we must do something for you. Now you put it away, find a suitable craftsman to polish it into jewelry, and then give it to the girl you like. Today is the first day of the [Sun and Revival Month], and Mary requires you to go home for dinner with a girl who brings this jewelry before the end of the month..."

"Father, this..."

Jenkins even interrupted Robert without courtesy, but Robert did not give him a chance to continue.

He rarely used a serious tone to Jenkins, which automatically reminded Jenkins of some unpleasant things that happened when the original owner was a child:

"Jenkins, I think this is a bit hasty, but it is right. Think about it, how old are you this year? We are very worried about you. No matter what means you use, we must see you and the girl appear at the door before the last day of this month. This is not difficult for you. Bishop Palod talked to us about this last week."

Jenkins planned that his father might leak the matter between Hathaway and Britney, but he didn't expect that something went wrong with the bishop in the end:

"But, father..."

He tried to interrupt again, but old William was obviously better:

" No buts. I know the best gem craftsman, but I don't intend to introduce him to you. Jenkins, you take this gem to polish, carve, and give it away, and then take the lucky girl home. This is the last test I give you on your path to growth. Go ahead, Jenkins. "

"But, father..."

"I believe you can do it, and your mother and I are as determined about this as we decided to send you to learn a craft half a year ago. But this time, don't expect to get unexpected luck again."

Robert looked into Jenkins' eyes calmly. Jenkins subconsciously wanted to dodge, but he kept reminding himself in his heart that he was Jenkins Redanput William.

"Okay, I understand, father."

He finally had to bite the bullet and agree, and Robert nodded.

He realized that the words just now were a bit harsh, and Robert never had the heart to blame this second son who was most like him. His tone was slightly gentler, and he warned:

"You don't have to feel pressured, Jenkins. Mary and I know your situation. Bishop Palod introduced it in detail. This is not a dinner invitation in the strict sense. I just want to see if you have the courage to take this step. You can tell your female companion what I said. I believe no one will refuse such an invitation."

Section 779 Chapter 763 Prophecy

Robert thought he used the most gentle tone, but Jenkins still felt a chill on his back. He looked at his father with pleading eyes, but the middle-aged man was unmoved.

"Yes, father."

Jenkins hoped that the despair expressed in his tone could be sensed by Robert, but he seemed to see nothing. Before leaving, he told Jenkins to go home for dinner when he was free.

Soon after Robert left, silence returned to the store. Jenkins could even hear his own heartbeat. His right hand was on the suitcase, and his mind was constantly looking for a way to solve the problem at the end of the month.

Although it was something that would only happen 28 days later, Jenkins knew very well that the more he held the mentality of "it's still a long way off", the faster time would pass.

Chocolate yawned in boredom, and was not affected by the young man's despair. It was looking forward to the dinner at the end of the month, not for the food, but simply to know what choice Jenkins would make.

Outside the window was a street shrouded in fog, with people constantly walking out of the fog and disappearing in the fog. Jenkins wished that there would be a kind lady who would suddenly open the door and say that he could go to have that meal, and disappear forever after the meal.

"If that's the case, that would be great?"

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