"What do you mean it's great?"

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't notice Miss Audrey opening the door again and entering the store. This time she was alone, and the eccentric Bronyance was not with her.

"What's wrong with you, Jenkins? You look very ugly, as if someone is forcing you to marry."

The woman sighed jokingly, but she didn't notice that Jenkins' face stiffened for a moment. She really guessed it right.

"Why are you here again...I mean, what did you come to the antique store to do? Sorry to interrupt our conversation just now, that is my father, I thought something happened at home matter."

He apologized quietly and wanted to take out the tea set. Miss Audrey shook her head and just stood in front of the counter and spoke:

"I'm sorry too, my friend probably scared you just now. But don't worry, that weird person is always like this... Oh, I'll leave right away, there are only three things.

First thing, meet me at this address on Saturday night, our divination course has been delayed for a long time. "

As he spoke, he handed Jenkins a piece of yellowed paper. After reading it, Jenkins immediately lit it with a flame.

"The second thing is that the Miss Bronyance just now is my friend, a very close friend in the church. But she may be a little abnormal, I hope you can understand."

"I understand."

Jenkins nodded immediately.

In fact, he has always thought that fortune tellers are crazy people who speak without logic but know everything. He believed that Miss Audrey was actually the outlier among the fortune-tellers.

"Just understand. This friend of mine is just curious about you. She doesn't mean anything malicious. I mean... yes, she is really just curious."

Now Miss Audrey's words are somewhat illogical, and Jenkins is worried that this is because of the influence of the woman just now.

"Things about my father... Since she is also a fortune teller, then there is something about my father who should have died 30 years ago..."

Jenkins said hesitantly, actually wanting to ask what was going on.

"There's something wrong with her divination."

Miss Audrey nodded and confirmed this point. And while saying this, he showed a happy expression of revenge. She didn't hide the emotion, so even Jenkins, who was very bad at reading expressions, could understand it.

"Yes, there is something wrong with her divination. There is a big problem with her divination."

The woman emphasized this point repeatedly, even with a smile on her lips. She seemed to be in a very good mood. Jenkins had never seen such an expression on his astronomy teacher before.

"Okay, I understand, there is something wrong with her divination. Then please tell me the third thing."

This matter is full of weirdness, and now even Miss Audrey has become a little weird. Jenkins thinks it is better to ask his father for a while.

"Oh, yes, the third thing. I accidentally performed a divination yesterday, which is a common thing. Although the result is a bit obscure, I think it has something to do with you."

As she spoke, she took out a small paper bag from her outer pocket and handed it to Jenkins. After opening it, there were more than ten pieces of gravel inside, the kind of irregular stones that are very common on the roadside.

"Hmm...what does that mean?"

Jenkins and the cat tilted their heads and looked for a long time, but they didn't find that these stones could talk.

"This represents that something terrible is going to happen in this city, and this terrible thing has to do with cemeteries, black cats, and elderberries."

These three things Miss Audrey mentioned are all very unlucky in the eyes of ordinary citizens. Needless to say, cemeteries are associated with black cats, and elderberries are regarded as the habitat of souls because they have negative associations with witches and bad luck. To this day, in some remote rural villages, dull villagers still believe that burning elderberries or bringing them into the house is unlucky.

"But what does that have to do with me?"

Jenkins asked in surprise. Although he had a cemetery, there were no black cats or elder products.

"Skilled diviners rarely perform divination on a whim, but once they do, it must mean a very accurate result..."

At this moment, it seems that she has returned to those interesting divination courses, and Miss Audrey is still in her role as a teacher.

"This is a divination, or prediction, that I made for you. Although the accuracy of the prediction has yet to be tested, you must pay attention to things related to this in the past two months."

Only then did Jenkins understand, and nodded immediately.

"What do you think would be a 'very bad thing'?"

He was a little worried. Judging from past experience, the divination made by this lady was extremely accurate. If the previous accuracy is still maintained this time, then Jenkins may really be in big trouble.

"I don't know, this is just a prophecy."

But no matter how worried Jenkins is, it is still something that is uncertain whether it will happen in the distant future, and what he currently has to deal with is the antique store business. Probably because of these two groups of uninvited guests in the afternoon, there were no customers in the antique shop after they left.

Chapter 780 Chapter 764 Chaos in the dock area

Jenkins was looking forward to making a deal while visiting the store and bragging about it to his father when he came back, but no one gave him the chance.

He spent the rest of the afternoon reading and playing with cats. He read less than half of "Natural Appreciation: An Encyclopedia of Common Dangerous Plants". Chocolate was also satisfied with the good time in the afternoon, which was probably the entire harvest of the afternoon.

Dad came back just before five o'clock in the afternoon. He passed through the thick fog, so when passing by Jenkins, Jenkins' keen sense of smell could even smell the unique smell of smoke in Nolan's air.

"What a bad luck! Damn Morzak, don't let me see him again!"

After his father opened the door, he couldn't stop complaining. Jenkins didn't even have time to talk about what happened in the afternoon. He was a little curious, so he asked casually when he took the hat:

"What's wrong? What happened, Dad?"

"A gangster in the dock area went crazy and broke into all the warehouses in the east three districts of the dock, almost breaking the warehouse doors of the stores!"

As he spoke, he slammed the table with his hand, then suppressed the expression on his face and shook his hand behind his back:

"That damn guy, I knew he was going to cause trouble sooner or later. Ever since little Morzak threw old Morzak into the sea, I knew it!"

The man Dad was talking about was a gang leader in the dock area. In fact, he was the glove of a certain nobleman. He could do money laundering, smuggling, protection fees, and intelligence gathering. Morzak could do some of it. This is a very common thing and belongs to a small silhouette of this era.

"Why is he crazy?"

Jenkins asked as he turned around and handed Dad the towel, and stopped Chocolate from rubbing his book with its tail.

"A large amount of smuggled arms was lost."

Dad said angrily, picked up the water glass and took a sip. Jenkins immediately stopped commenting and seemed to have something to do with it.

"Morzac's former 'boss' was dealt with by the church because of the vampire incident. It would be difficult for a person in his position to survive without the support of nobles or officials. It is said that he hooked up with a certain big man in the royal capital. Noble, this arms business was a show of loyalty, but something went wrong..."

He snorted coldly, then wiped his hands with a wet towel:

"So what happened this afternoon is not surprising. If he can't find the goods, I think his whole family will be dead."

"Yes, that's true."

Jenkins gave a vague answer. Although his father was surprised, he did not connect this matter with him.

The unfortunate Mr. Morzak had been shot dead by the Stillwell Field police officers before Dad came back. The interests and secrets of the dock area are related to most of the top floors of the city. Since he doesn't follow the rules, someone will naturally take action.

It is conceivable that during this period before the sea ice melts this year, there will be a lot of ups and downs in the dock area, and there is even the possibility of a gunfight. This will continue until the Docklands gets a new manager or a bigger shake-up, it just won't affect Jenkins' life at all...probably.

After the father finished talking about his own affairs, he asked if there were any customers in the afternoon, and soon noticed the suitcase behind the counter.

Jenkins complained and recounted what happened that afternoon, and his father was stunned for a moment by the surname "Bronyonce":

"No, this is not a surname. Diviners never reveal their real names to others...it seems...it's okay, you continue."

He listened to Jenkins tell the story of Robert thirty years ago with a strange look on his face, without saying a word. Dad also experienced the plague thirty years ago, so he naturally knows a lot about that weird infectious disease. He originally thought that Jenkins' bloodline awakening was a mutation that occurred in this generation, but he did not expect that there were signs of it in the previous generation of Williamte.

"Dad, dad, what are you thinking about? Is there any problem?"

Jenkins saw his father dazed, so he patted him gently.

"It's okay, just keep talking."

Finally talking about the contents of the suitcase and Robert's request, Jenkins was really, really bothered by this.

"But what does it matter? It's just an invitation to a female friend to have dinner at home. I think neither Hesha nor Mihail will refuse."

Dad's reaction to this matter was very dull: "And Robert is right. At your age, you should indeed consider this matter."


"But I can really help you."


Jenkins stood up straight from behind the counter.


Dad nodded and put down the water glass, "I know many gem craftsmen with very good skills. The quality of this rough stone is good, so don't waste it."

As he spoke, he patted the stone without looking at Jenkins' expression at this time.

Even though his father's words meant to add insult to injury, Jenkins had to accept his kindness. No matter how unhappy he is, he must complete the "instructions" given by Robert and Mary. This is what he must do after having his current body.

After dad gave Jenkins the gemmaker's business card, he kicked him out of the store. The reason was not to stand there and be an eyesore, and he seemed to think Jenkins should be doing more important things now.

But Jenkins actually has nothing to do. He is a bit busy tomorrow. He has to give a speech in church in the morning, which is a very hard job.

"Chocolate, what should we have for dinner?"

Today Jenkins' maid, Mrs. Mahat, had something to do and couldn't come. Jenkins was too lazy to make dinner, so he wanted to eat outside.

He originally planned to invite his father to finish the meal with him, but since the two of them talked about what happened in the afternoon, he could not sit at the same table with his father now. Otherwise, Dad will definitely give him hints from all angles and seize the time to solve the problem.

The fog was still so dense, and coupled with the gloomy weather, the whole city seemed to be enveloped in a gray atmosphere. There were few people on the street, and Jenkins walked along the wall with his neck hunched.

The front of his coat looks bulging, and that's because the chocolate is inside. But it was still winter, and people would just think it was because they were wearing too many clothes. Few people would suspect that there was a small creature hiding here.

Now instead of asking about the chocolate, Jenkins was talking to himself. He really wanted to find a quiet place to sit down, and then think carefully about how to face the disaster at the end of this month.

Chapter 781 Chapter 765: Furious

While thinking, he unknowingly turned into an alley, where Jenkins had also walked. Entering this neighborhood meant passing through complicated slum alleys before returning to the main road. He originally planned to turn back, but he thought that he would see a good restaurant after going out from here, so he continued walking.

His clothes at this time were a common style black windbreaker, leather boots and hat, which were not very eye-catching after walking into the slums. The accommodation nearby is very chaotic, and no one will be curious if a stranger appears, so walking along will not appear awkward.

Although Nolan City is one of the most developed cities in the kingdom and even the entire continent, the "slums" as a symbol of the times have not disappeared here. The so-called slums, which occupy less than half of the city's area, are home to nearly two-thirds of the city's active population. In the bright world that Jenkins came into contact with, there would be no such people.

He walked with his head down along the way. The muddy road was not suitable for walking quickly. The roads in the slums were obviously like this. Even if there are no problems with the road itself, the indiscriminate dumping of domestic garbage and even human excrement, as well as the unauthorized installation of clotheslines, will cause great inconvenience to walking.

Fortunately, this journey was not very long. Jenkins turned two corners and avoided a boy who was laughing crazily and playing with a rolling hoop. The exit of the alley was right in front of him.

"I want to eat......"

He was planning dinner in his mind for a while, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Seeing a small pebble exposed under the snow in front of him, Jenkins suddenly seemed to have regained his childhood, and subconsciously raised his foot to kick it.

This was just a subconscious behavior. He originally thought that the stone would fly forward, hit the wall on one side, bounce back and stop. But the stone played a little joke on Jenkins. Although it flew out according to the planned trajectory, it hit the steam pipe on the wall.

Dang rang~

When the two collided, there was a crisp metal collision sound, and then the stone rebounded and broke the glass of the house next to it. The sound of broken glass seemed to echo in the alley here, although the structure here does not have the effect of echo.

Jenkins, who had gotten into trouble, subconsciously shrank his neck, looked left and right, and breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't find anyone seeing this scene.

"I'm not afraid of anyone finding out, I'm just worried about damaging Jenkins Willamette's reputation."

He excused himself and nodded to himself. He counted out some change from his pocket and planned to compensate for the loss of the glass.

The house with the broken glass was one of the dilapidated houses. Its windows faced the alley, which was enough to illustrate the poor living environment here.

The lack of a lock on the door meant that there was someone in the room. Jenkins waited for a while and saw that no one came out cursing, so he walked over and knocked on the door.

His fingers touched the door for the first time, and the door was pushed open by this force. Jenkins was stunned for a moment, and then looked back behind him like a thief, fearing that he would be regarded as a thief who broke into an empty door.

"Hey, this kind of worry seems to have appeared once recently. That was..."

That was the incident at No. 34, Lane de Gaulle. It was because of this worry that Jenkins encountered a series of troubles afterwards.

"Don't cause trouble, you have enough trouble as it is."

He reminded himself, and then after making sure there was no aura inside, he threw the money into the house and left. But just as the eyes of reality were opened, they saw an astonishing black aura spreading across the house.

It was obviously in the shape of a skeleton. Needless to say, it was another incident of resurrecting the undead.

Thinking of this, inexplicable anger suddenly surged up. Although he was calmly reminding himself a moment ago, at this moment, it was like lava bursting out of his body. The sky-high anger made Jenkins almost blow up the house in front of him.

"It's the undead again, just looking for trouble for me, right?"

He has not forgotten the fierce battle in the dead woods, the tragic situation of the Galt family in the cemetery, and the huge disaster the undead have brought to Nolan City. Coupled with the bad temper accumulated due to what happened in the afternoon, his anger was completely uncontrollable at this moment.

"Okay, resurrection of the dead, right?"

He said viciously, spat in a very uncivilized manner, bent down and pulled a handful of stubborn weeds by the wall, then kicked open the door and walked into the house angrily.

The room was unusually shabby and cold, as if it had been abandoned long ago. There was no furniture and a thick layer of dust on the ground.

Suddenly, a strange sound came from the roof. Due to the long-term disrepair of the house and Jenkins's forceful opening of the door, a stone actually fell down and hit Jenkins' forehead, who was too angry to pay attention.

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