"it's him!"

Jenkins said as he raised the pistol and pulled the trigger. The activated bullet was engraved with complex magical ritual lines, and even emitted a faint golden glow in the refraction of the air.

The bullet passed through the swirling smoke and weapons in the seemingly stationary space and time, but before it was about to hit the target, it was stopped by a bone palm stretched out in vain.

"Oh, it seems my identity has been exposed."

Young Lucar politely took off his hat and said to everyone. As he spoke, he stepped back with a relaxed smile on his face, while more and more corpses and skeletons came out of the half-collapsed house.

These are obviously the corpses of the tombkeepers, and this is almost impossible, because the tombkeepers have received special blessings, and it is more than a hundred times more difficult to be resurrected as undead than normal people.

"I'm sorry that I can't waste time with you here. To be honest, I really didn't expect that I would be exposed under the eyes of the Zhengshen Church so quickly. How on earth did you...find this place?"

No one can answer this question because no one knows how to explain it. The brilliance created by spells, bullets and various abilities appeared in the air. The low-level undead were torn into pieces in an instant, but everyone was still unable to move forward because the broken bone fragments were mixed with soil and were reborn again. .

"It's unexpected to be exposed so soon, but it's just a small accident. Goodbye gentlemen, I hope you don't hate these little gifts."

Lukar walked to the other side of the alley with a smile, and even boldly left his back to the enemies who were blocked behind him. Those undead undead faithfully play their role. These guys are weak in strength but extremely resistant. Although the eternal fire can completely destroy them and prevent regeneration, the burning speed is extremely slow.

If Dad hadn't discovered the clues of these weird undead souls in the end and instructed everyone to use magical power to disperse the ritual nodes between the bones, I don't know how long this battle would last. But this is not the end, because from the direction Lukar left, new undead creatures continue to appear.

Those annoying guys had no special abilities, but there were so many types that were terrifying, including inferi, skeletons, evil spirits, banshees, or other types that Jenkins didn't recognize. It took a lot of time to get rid of them. And when the undead wave was finally wiped out by a team of more than a dozen people, Lukar no longer knew where he had fled.

Dad looked at the undead carcasses covering almost the entire alley with an ugly face, while the others were either resting in place and on guard, or spreading out to look for survivors who were almost impossible to exist. This is the real slaughterhouse, and what the vampires have done is not worth mentioning compared to this.


Jenkins had never seen such a terrifying look on his father's face. He couldn't imagine what his father had discovered just now, standing silently at the end of the observation.


"Jenkins, do you know him?"

Dad interrupted Jenkins.


Jenkins covered his forehead and nodded, recounting his brief encounter with Provence Lucard during the Revenant Corpse Incident, but did not mention that he discovered that there was something wrong with the young man at that time.

The setting sun finally completely disappeared from the horizon. Darkness and fog enveloped the steam city. Jenkins and his father stood face to face in the dilapidated alleys. Chocolate stood on the young man's shoulders and looked into the distance.

Suddenly, a strange-shaped lamp appeared in Jenkins' hand, but his father did not ask, just listened quietly, and watched with cloudy eyes as he held the lamp high to illuminate the two of them.

Dad felt the vast power from the starry sky in the silver-blue light, and recalled Jenkins' encounter with the star spirits when he was learning [Starry Sky Perception], and he understood that this was a gift from those ancient ones.

This is not a big deal. It is normal for a pure and kind-hearted person like Jenkins to be blessed by the stars.

The silver-blue light is very tiny in the dark night, and cannot dispel the vast darkness, nor can it dispel the seemingly eternal fog. After listening to Jenkins' story, Dad couldn't help but let out a long sigh, stretched out his hand and pressed it to his temple:

"This is really too bad, Jenkins. I don't know what method the man just used to revive so many undead in a short period of time. But I think this city is facing a crisis no less severe than any other last year." The disaster of the accident.”

Chapter 785 Chapter 769 Noisy Night (1/10)

It was a noisy and dangerous night. The [Church of Death and Doomsday], which rarely operates on a large scale, surrounded and completely took over Nolan City's No. 3 Public Hospital at around 8 p.m.

Just as Jenkins thought, no trace of Lucar could be found in the heavily surrounded hospital. But even so, the entire hospital was blocked indefinitely on the grounds of "emergency infectious disease" and no one was allowed in or out without permission.

This time [Church of Death and Doomsday] was really angry. An entire team of gravekeepers was wiped out. This has never happened in the history of Nolan Diocese. In particular, their enemies are actually gifters who manipulate death.

The demigods of the Church of Death personally came to the church that night and asked about what happened in the evening. The middle-aged man with gray hair but unusually bright eyes thanked everyone in Captain Swift's team as well as Jenkins and Dad. Especially Jenkins, if he hadn't "predicted" what happened there, no one would even know who the murderer was.

After the polite thanks, the man called Mr. Daisweiss also had a half-hour private conversation with Miss Audrey. When he left, his expression was horribly serious. Jenkins watched him walk to the door of the church. The man turned around and turned into a gray smoke and rushed into the night sky covered by dark clouds.

"I smell a... stench of corpse."

Only after he was sure that he had left did Jenkins dare to complain in a low voice.

"It's normal. Daisweiss chose a special path, but he really succeeded."

The old man explained on the side. He stood up from the bench and waved to Jenkins:

"I'm going to see something behind the Gate of All Things. I know you want to ask Audrey about the situation, but remember..."

"I will stay away from danger."

He promised.

"Don't promise me, think about Robert and Mary, think about Hesha and Michael."

When he said this, he had turned around and walked into the corridor behind when the voice fell, without even giving Jenkins a chance to refute.

"I know!"

Even though the old man might not hear it, Jenkins still responded in a low voice. The reason why he didn't shout loudly was because he was in the main hall of the church at this time. Such a solemn place must not make loud noises.

After passing through the courtyard and corridor, Miss Befanna seemed to know that Jenkins wanted to ask something and waited for him in the office.

When Jenkins knocked on the door and entered, the woman was sorting out some documents. It was not the documents about this incident, after all, it just happened, but the documents about the recent rumors of the dead in Nolan City.

"This matter..."

"I think Nolan City is in big trouble."

Miss Befanna looked up at Jenkins, wearing a pair of women's glasses that Jenkins had never seen before.

She looked a little sad, and asked Jenkins to sit down before continuing:

"From the results of the current investigation, all the identity information left by Provence Lucard you met is false. We searched his temporary residence in the Nolan Third Public Hospital, but did not find any valuable information. Although we don't know whether his claim of "coming from Charles City" is also fabricated, Charles has also launched an investigation."

"But what kind of trouble is this, Miss Befanna? I still don't fully understand what happened today. It's just a gifter with strange undead abilities..."

The contempt comes from Provence Lucard's lower level. Of course, Jenkins also understands that he can't simply rely on the level to judge strength. He said this just to express his doubts about the evening events in a suitable way.

"I have checked all the undead you killed. The gifters who revived them have extraordinary necromancy talents. Even Desvis thinks so. This makes us have some bad associations, but it is just speculation at present. After all, there is more than one strange thing that can revivify the undead on a large scale, but no matter which one reappears, it is a fatal threat to a densely populated city..."

Alexia also said this, but she was also not sure what kind of strange thing appeared in Nolan.

The evening incident was like a steam bomb that was about to explode, thrown into the already restless surface of Nolan. The people in the extraordinary world seemed to know about this matter in an instant, and the illegal gifters who were afraid of being implicated began to hide or even leave.

And the impact of this incident in the eyes of mortals was that the Inquisition of the Church of Sages began to act again after two hundred years.

Although the newspapers on the second day did not report this incident, Jenkins, who was sitting at the dining table, had heard the priests talking about it.

He did not go home last night and rested here. At this time, he was wearing pajamas and holding the cat, sitting at the dining table in a daze, and the nun next to him was bringing food to the table for him.

He didn't realize that he walked out in pajamas, and when he realized it, he found that no one minded it.

"I'll go back and change it right away."

He apologized to Bishop Palod next to him, and then strode out of the restaurant with a red face.


Because he would be back soon, he didn't take the chocolate with him. It cried a little dissatisfied, and when the writer disappeared behind the door, he turned his head to look at the breakfast on the plate.

"The pajamas are very nice."

When he met the keeper at the corner, the old man joked like this. They had just said hello and passed by each other, but after Jenkins turned the corner of the corridor, Mr. Smith caught up again.

"Oh, Jenkins, since I met you, I'll tell you this news directly. This has something to do with you, and I think you will be interested."

"Please go ahead."

He couldn't guess what Mr. Smith was referring to.

"Remember that poor woman? The one that ate the man... the mantis, that's it."

Jenkins certainly remembered that this incident directly led to the eloped couple indirectly achieving their goal, and he had to forge letters to prove that Garcia and Miss Rick really arrived in the Kingdom of Cheslan.

"Our initial conclusion was that her blood awakening was an uncontrollable natural awakening, an accident with a very low probability.

But further investigation revealed that this was likely wrong. We used [Extraordinary] B-02-2-9913 behind the Gate of All Things, the pharmacist's accident record book, and found that the woman had used a potion whose name cannot be displayed two months ago. The church is now analyzing her blood samples in the hope of finding some clues. "

Chapter 786 Chapter 770 Speech and Test (2/10)

"Can the awakening of bloodline power also rely on external stimulation?"

Jenkins asked, standing in the hallway, curious about this.

"Of course, promoting awakening through external stimulation is a common way. After all, the Hermit of Destiny does not pay regular attention to mortals. Looking forward to one day naturally awakening extraordinary power, it is better to lie in bed and have a sweet dream. ”

Mr. Smith shook his head at Jenkins, then turned and left.

Because he had to give a public lecture in the church in the morning, Jenkins began to prepare after breakfast. The number of people who came to listen to the lecture was more than Jenkins expected, even more than the public class in December. There were many officials and nobles, but they all sat with the common people in an easy-going manner.

The most surprising visitor among them should be the royal family delegation from the Kingdom of Chesland that recently visited Nolan City. Because only sage believers are allowed to enter here, only the Duke and some of his entourage came to listen.

Jenkins was very surprised that this foreign duke was also a believer in the sage.

"Of course, the belief in sages is quite common among mortals."

Pastor Roberts, who was chatting with Jenkins, said easily, but immediately hinted at something:

"Although there is a wide range of beliefs, most of them are shallow believers, such as..."

Of course he was referring to the Duke. In fact, it was impossible to expect these nobles in high positions to have devout beliefs. In the words often heard by Jenkins, "The pursuit of gold and power has blinded the eyes and hearts of these sinners. They are almost hopeless, but the merciful God is still willing to help them..."

Around nine o'clock, Jenkins officially began to give a speech to these "sinners". Although Bishop Parrod didn't care and asked Jenkins to repeat what he had said before, the very responsible writer still mixed in some new ones. content.

Before that, he had talked with Alexia and Miss Stuart about finance, currency, trade and banking, and all three of them had benefited from it.

Among them, Jenkins knows the most and has the broadest knowledge, so as long as the other two have some new insights, he can immediately draw inferences.

Alexia is the smartest among the three. When she talks, she will listen quietly to Jenkins telling everything he knows, then she will digest and understand it in her heart, and then put forward the most appropriate ideas based on the characteristics of this era.

As for Miss Stuart, although she was inferior to her friends in every respect, she was the simplest in mind. A more accurate statement is that she did not want to participate in the conversation at all, but just wanted to gain a sense of participation. Therefore, her understanding was fragmented, but she could gain different insights from it.

As for what Jenkins said today, it was roughly the same as what Miss Stuart shared with her father, but in a different way.

He likes this kind of speech that does not use brain and only relies on memorization. I even planned to read the speech directly yesterday, but then the paper got wet from a water glass knocked over while playing with chocolate.

"This is probably the guidance given to me by fate."

Jenkins suddenly had such a suspicious thought at that time, so he gave a wonderful speech today.

The comment "wonderful" was not given by Jenkins to himself, but was given to Jenkins by Bishop Parrod after the speech. The old man had been listening to Jenkins explain some superficial economics all morning, and he seemed to understand.

"What I said is what I understand, but it is not necessarily the truth."

He had to explain this. After all, he didn't study this before, so he didn't know much.

“But to the ignorant, any word from the prophets is guidance.”

The old man said meaningfully, and then patted Jenkins on the shoulder:

"If you have time over the weekend, I'll sort out the speech and I'll take a look at it again. The expansion of the bank's functions you proposed is very interesting. Maybe we can cooperate with Travelers Bank. This is a pretty good idea. Oh, by the way, I have recently heard some interesting rumors about your title. Although I am not sure yet, I guess there will be no problem..."

This was something Miss Stuart had said, and Jenkins was not surprised.


The bishop mentioned the weekend, and Jenkins remembered the dance that his father had promised him without permission. The weekend is tomorrow, but Jenkins still doesn't know who his dance partner is.

He was worried about this problem for the whole noon, and almost spilled the hot soup on the tail of the chocolate when eating lunch in the church. For this reason, Chocolate and Jenkins had a cold war for half an hour, until Jenkins got some desserts from the kitchen to temporarily coax the cat.

There is no need to go to Dad's place in the afternoon. It is not a holiday, but the church needs to know the ins and outs of Jenkins's destruction of the mysterious object A-06-1-4408, [Curse of the Shipwrecked Remains] yesterday.

He completely destroyed an immortal weird thing defined as a curse by relying solely on his own abilities. Once the reason can be discovered, it will provide considerable help for the church to contain these terrible things.

He has written a report on what happened yesterday and submitted it, but even Jenkins himself did not understand the reason why A-06-1-4408 was destroyed yesterday. He initially thought it was just a high-level undead, so he ignored the curse and resentment when approaching. He even thought that the reason for being so smooth was related to the weakening of the skeleton itself. After all, he had seen the full strength of the rioting A-06-1-4408 in the church, and the one yesterday evening did not show any ability to resist at all.

"That's very likely."

Miss Befanna nodded thoughtfully:

"Even if Provence Lucard found a way to control A-06-1-4408 using necromancy, he still had to consider the consequences of losing control. After all, he is still a mortal, and it is not that easy to control strange things. It is certain that the skeleton has been weakened, but even so, it should not be destroyed so easily by you..."

The two are now in a huge square that was revealed after the Gate of All Things was pushed open by one-third. In fact, it is more like a gladiatorial arena than a square. The circular open space is made of yellow soil and steel plates of unknown materials. On both sides of the open space are towering walls, and outside this are uneven seats and platforms of different heights. According to Miss Befanna, this is the church's testing ground, used to test some weapons and rituals that are not convenient for pagans to know.

Chapter 787 Chapter 771 News about the nun's uniform (3/10)

At this time, in addition to Jenkins and Miss Befanna, there are also the keeper and his apprentices on the higher platform in the test field, as well as the security forces specially dispatched to prevent accidents.

Miss Befanna will accompany Jenkins throughout the subsequent tests. The church will not risk the death of a son of God in order to obtain the secret of destroying the weird.

Although the parish obviously still contains an A-06-1-4408 instance, it will not be used at the beginning of the test. The first to be tested is an ordinary skeleton undead, which was revived in front of Jenkins by Miss Befanna using a ritual and a corpse soaked in liquid. It is said that this was found under the sea ice near the coast last night, and the body looks like it has been gnawed by humans.

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