After it revived, it looked a little silly. It meowed intimidated by the chocolate on its shoulders, and actually showed fearful movements while being restrained.

"Okay, it's my turn."

Jenkins nodded and watched Miss Bevanna move the air to make the horizontal skeleton stand up together with the wooden board that fixed it, while the secret keeper on the side dragged a dinner plate to Jenkins.

There are some messy things on the dinner plate, which can be roughly classified as plant fruits, seeds, grass blades, leaves and even roots. There are dozens of types, all taken from different plants.

The cat immediately expressed its possessiveness for the red cherry, but Jenkins didn't dare to let it eat anything here.

"Then let's start with the simplest one."

As he spoke, he picked up the seed wrapped in soil, then stretched out his hand and pressed it on the inside of the skull's eye socket. A few minutes later, the growing green vines completely wrapped the lowly undead from top to bottom. After removing the fixings, it fell to the ground and fell into pieces.

"As expected."

The secret keeper muttered to the side, indicating that they could continue testing the next test object.

This kind of test lasted for five rounds before it changed from an undead that could be artificially created to an undead creature related to strange things. The first special undead used was not a trick, but a derivative of the trick A-12-01-5588, [Blood Clothes of the Dead].

The appearance of this strange thing is a blood-stained white shirt, which is kept by the church in a box made of pure holy silver (blessed silver). The lock, including the head, is all pure silver. Its only characteristic is to permanently and irreversibly transform the creatures wearing the clothes into undead, and the resulting undead will be in an indestructible state before taking off the blood clothes.

Miss Bevanna had told of the creation of the dress, which had something to do with a tragic love story from the beginning of the century, but Jenkins cared little for that.

First, the test was to destroy the special undead without wearing blood clothes, and they were destroyed very smoothly; then the test was done with the undead wearing blood clothes. When Jenkins put his hand into the skull of the skeleton, a powerful curse immediately followed the palm of his hand in the direction of the heart. Spreading, terrifying black lines appeared on the surface of the arm. The seeds in his hands didn't even have time to receive the nourishment of the spirit of life before they immediately turned into a strange black substance.

He hurriedly took his hand back and used [Healing Breath] to treat his whole body. Those strange marks did not completely disappear until ten minutes later.

"It felt like you were putting your hand in ice water. For a moment, the touch of your fingers completely disappeared."

He complained while flicking his wrist. After his palm left the skull of the blood-clothed skeleton, the discomfort subsided quickly.

"It still seems too risky."

Miss Bevanna held Jenkins' hand and checked it for him, "It is a strange thing after all. Maybe we are too anxious."

"No, I feel okay. In fact, I feel okay. I think we can continue, at least until we finish testing the effect on A-06-1-4408."

"We will make a decision after examining your body. A-12-01-5588 [Blood Clothes of the Dead], after all, is similar to C-12-1-3011, [Shrouded Sister Clothes]. It can permanently change Due to the nature of living things, it is too risky to use this as the first special test object.”

Miss Bevanna seemed frightened, and the secret keeper on the side agreed with her cautious approach at this time.

But Jenkins had almost recovered at this time. He was actually very concerned about the effect of his ability on the undead, so he explained:

"It's not too risky. I feel like I can still... hmm? A shrouded nun suit?"

It was a rather familiar name for an item he had hidden among all the land Jenkins owned. In order to find this gift, Jenkins encountered countless unfortunate things in just three months.

But he still doesn't know the specific function of this gift. The most missing thing in the database behind the Gate of All Things is the information on various gifts. Even though he was now qualified to enter the third level of the library because he had reached level 3, he still could not find any information about the shrouded nun's uniform.

"Oh, I seem to have heard of this name somewhere... in a book? It doesn't seem like it. Others talk about it? It doesn't seem like it."

Pretending to be confused and recalling it, Miss Bevanna didn't care about his expression and directed the people to put away the bloody clothes and said:

"C-12-1-3011 [Shrouded Sister's Clothes] is only famous among certain groups of people. The appearance of that dress is that of a dirty ancient nun's dress, but it is not clear which church it came from. Own it After wearing it, a person can transform himself into an undead body, or he can transform himself into an undead person, and after taking back or taking off the clothes, he will become a living person again. This transformation process will not cause any harm, and he has the ability to possess it. This gift itself is immune to some curses related to the undead."

"Oh, that's it~ This should be very useful for those who study necromancy. I think I heard about this dress from an ancient book. This is very rare. It can transform itself into an undead... .”

Jenkins looked like he had learned something new, but actually he planned to look for it again soon.

For fear of unexpected situations, the intensity of the next test was much lower. It was not until around four o'clock in the afternoon that A-06-1-4408 [Curse of the Shipwrecked Remains], which was resealed that night, was transported into the testing site. It is in a deep seal state at the moment and will not cause any harm to living people unless it is in direct contact with skin.

After listening to Miss Bevanna's instructions again, Jenkins held a branch and inserted it into the skull's eye socket.

Chapter 788 Chapter 772 Player Chain (4/10)

In the testing ground behind the Gate of All Things, the branch held by Jenkins inserted into the skull's eye socket and grew smoothly. However, it did not completely destroy the skeleton like last night. It just wrapped the skeleton like a chain. whole body. Even if Jenkins stopped using his ability, those green plants were not destroyed by the curse and undead power of the skeleton itself.

"'s a little different than I thought."

Jenkins stepped back to allow the researchers to take a closer look.

The final conclusion was that although Jenkins was unable to cause harm to A-06-1-4408 in its complete state, his actions seemed to create another solid seal. The spirit of life, corresponding to the curse and the undead, covers the material body of the monster, and the power of life restrains the power of the monster.

Of course, such a seal cannot be permanent, but it is of great significance for the Sage Church to contain these terrible undead monsters in the future. Subsequent simple experiments proved that plants strengthened by Jenkins' [Healing Breath] can build seals on most special undead and undead bodies.

This result made everyone feel that the whole afternoon was not wasted, and Mr. Smith, the secret keeper, looked particularly happy. The old man rarely had such an expression, which meant that the afternoon's conclusion had extraordinary significance.

"I didn't expect this ability of mine to be so useful. I originally thought it was just a useful healing ability."

After leaving the Gate of All Things, Jenkins followed Miss Bevanna to check the follow-up investigation report of the last strange situation. Jenkins was walking one position behind Miss Bevanna, and the woman's face froze when she heard what Jenkins said.

"Yeah, a very useful ability."

She answered vaguely, lowering her head and pretending to fiddle with her bracelet. The ornament is really beautiful. The small silver pages and the same silver Common language letters are connected together. Only a true craftsman can make such an object.

"I remember that even for soul origin abilities, I can find similar abilities in existing materials. I don't know if there are corresponding materials for [Contact Healing] and [Healing Breath]. Maybe I can find more interesting uses from them. ”

Even demigods sometimes encounter situations they can't handle, like now. The woman didn't know how to respond for a moment, but fortunately Jenkins just said casually, and his attention was now on his cat.

After a busy afternoon, Chocolate was a little tired of waiting. It is now lying on Jenkins' shoulder and wagging its tail, thinking about something.

"What important things can chocolate think about? Ha, probably looking forward to tonight's dinner."

He guessed so.

Even though Jenkins had no intention of continuing to talk about [Healing Breath], Miss Bevanna still felt the need to find an excuse to change the subject. Now is not a good time. Neither Robert Willamt nor his father nor the church think that the truth should be told to Jenkins now.

The two of them walked back down the steps to the ground, turned around, closed the trap door and walked out of the room disguised as a study. I greeted the young janitor and walked out of the building to the outside. The sun was setting, and the pale sunlight shone on the church spire and the metal pipes on the wall, reflecting a somewhat dazzling and very dazzling golden light.

There were only some children in robes playing near the east side of the courtyard, and Jenkins did not see Feeney among them, who was probably studying and reading.

"I remembered, some clues have been uncovered about [Player]."

Miss Bevanna finally found a suitable topic, which is indeed good. For whatever reason, Jenkins has forgotten about the [Healing Breath].

“The church has found followers of the God of Music?”

He wondered in his mind how many Hathaway's church members there were in Nolan City.

"No, we have not found the believers of the God of Music, but some remaining information has been passed from the direction of Beldiran. What is certain is that [Player (White Base)] has an extraordinary function. This is an extremely special The ability can increase the holder's spirit..."

Jenkins knew this, and when he mentioned it, he thought about what happened in the restaurant that morning.

"The Holy See's information also shows that [Player] is one of the components of a series of chain abilities. From this ability, dozens of different chains can be extended. For example, the [Hypnosis Master] chain is biased towards music control, and the [Hypnosis Master] chain is biased toward sound waves. The [Song of Destruction] chain in the attack direction forms the [Stage] chain of the Mysterious Lock..."

Even though the type is white-based, this is indeed a fairly complex ability. On the way back to the office, Miss Bevanna told a lot of things that even Hathaway didn't know, which made Jenkins further understand the value of [Player].

He then asked Miss Bevanna for advice on whether it was necessary for him to keep it, and the woman's answer was quite similar to his father's:

"[The Player] was not learned by you on your own initiative, but became yours after some accidents. This is an arrangement of fate, and before you know why fate does this, it is best to keep it for a while."

Mentioning this matter, Jenkins finally remembered something about [the blessing of books]. While he was waiting for Miss Bevanna to open the office door, he also expressed that he wanted to apply to learn this magical ability. Of course, Miss Bevanna would not disagree.

Because the study of powerful magical abilities requires the church to arrange suitable participants and locations, so after a simple calculation, it was arranged to be held in the second half of this month, together with the third baptism, which would be simpler.

Behind Miss Bevanna's desk is a bookcase covering the entire wall. Jenkins has never seen Miss Bevanna take books from there before, but this time the files were pulled out from the third to last floor. .

"More detailed investigations are still continuing, but there is reason to believe that all the judgments you made are correct. The residents of that building and the owner of the apartment all encountered accidents because of the strange situation that appeared in Room 2 on the second floor. . The only thing we don’t know now is why the serial killer who lived in Room 2 was not affected. The man has now been transferred to the ‘special’ detention center in the suburbs. I think there will be news soon.”

"No, I still have questions."

Jenkins sat on the sofa and looked down at the documents while asking questions. The black and white photos sandwiched in the paper perfectly reproduced the situation in the apartment, as if to take Jenkins back to that unlucky afternoon.

Chapter 789 Chapter 773 Prophecy of the Dead (5/10)

"The boy from the Leviathan family in Room 1 was the boy who drew those weird pictures. How did he die?"

"Feel sorry."

Miss Bevanna shook her head:

"Those corpses hidden in the closet were all processed by the perverts in the last room. Now, even the most skilled coroner cannot find the specific cause of death, but... look at that Is there a small cloth bag in the document bag?"

"Let me see......"

Jenkins pushed the sniffing cat aside, then turned the bag upside down and shook it, and the gray knitted bag fell out.

It's less than the size of Jenkins' hand and doesn't feel heavy when picked up.

"The contents of the bag were found in the boy's stomach during the autopsy. Fortunately, it was not destroyed by gastric juice. We originally thought this was the cause of those weird paintings, but after examination, it was just ordinary things."

"In...the stomach?"

Jenkins pointed his finger at Chocolate's stomach in surprise, and the latter screamed in displeasure.

"Yes, to be more precise, it's in the middle and lower part of the stomach. It's a magical place."

Miss Bevanna also pointed to her body to indicate the location for Jenkins.

Inside the bag was a slender metal strip, very thin and with a golden sheen. The autopsy showed that the esophagus was scratched, which was probably caused by this thing. There are extremely fine carvings on both the front and back sides of it. They should not be patterns, but rather like energy circuits or circuit diagrams in Jenkin's memory.

"What's this?"

He held it up to the gas lamp on the wall, but found nothing.

"The only discovery of the autopsy is that the boy is still one step away from embarking on the path to true transcendence. Maybe the appearance of the strange world inspired his talent, maybe it was just an accident. But we may never know the real reason."

The woman tapped the table with her fingers and added:

"Combined with those transformations, we speculate that he has the talent of divination. Those words and this piece of metal should be the results of his divination. As for why he was swallowed... I'm sorry, we can't know. "

The metal strips in the soft glue were tested and found to be copper of low purity, mixed with some silver and tin, which was the same material as a damaged metal decoration in Room 1. The carvings that looked like circuit diagrams were actually words carved by the boy, but because the words were too ugly, Jenkins didn't recognize them.

[The war between life and death, the winner is...]

That was what the words meant, but even if it was deciphered, the church had no idea what exactly the boy meant. Jenkins held the thing up and looked at the indoor light for a long time, and seemed to be able to see the boy desperately swallowing it before he died.

"Do you want to take it away?"

Seeing Jenkins' interest, Miss Bevanna suggested.

"Huh? Oh no, I don't want to take it away."

Jenkins shook his head, took one last look at the pattern, and then put it safely back into the bag:

"After all, I don't want to cause any more trouble."

(Chocolate Run...)

Tonight is time for astronomy...divination lessons, and Miss Audrey is waiting for Jenkins in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the city. It was a two-story building standing abruptly in the farmland, but judging from the rough architectural style, it should have been built by the country people themselves.

Because he had just come out from the church after dinner, he felt sleepy and lazy after eating chocolate. It fell asleep on the carriage and is now sleeping peacefully inside the coat.

From the snow-covered country road, you have to walk into the barren farmland. It is still winter and there is nothing in these fields. But it is still not easy to walk. Snow covers the bumps on the ground, and Jenkins must be careful not to fall.

He didn't quite understand why the divination course was held here, but since Miss Audrey chose this place, there must be a reason for choosing this place.

The shabby door of the building was not closed. In fact, due to the deformation of the door frame, the door might not be closed at all. The house was terribly cold, with dust and cobwebs everywhere. Jenkins stood at the door and hesitated for a long time. After confirming that the benefactor standing on the second floor was indeed Miss Audrey, he dared to go inside.

After passing through the foyer and the living room, there was a staircase, but that thing seemed to be made of wooden boards and iron nails. The carpentry work of the maker must be very bad. Jenkins thought that half of the steps were tilted.

After finally reaching the second floor, I happened to see Miss Audrey standing at the window sealed with wooden boards to blow the wind. There were gaps in the middle of those wooden boards, and you could see the scenery of the snowy fields outside.

Unlike the first floor, which was divided into different rooms, the second floor had no decorative walls. Except for a few isolated load-bearing walls, this was a huge bedroom.

It was a bedroom because the only thing left besides dust, cobwebs, rusty steam pipes and feces of unknown birds was a tent bed.

The only part of the white gauze curtain left was the part near the top of the bracket, which was dark yellow and oxidized. In the center was a suspicious stain with complex colors, which Jenkins thought was blood.

"It's strange that the people living here actually have money to buy gauze curtains."

Jenkins walked to Miss Audrey while talking. The woman was wearing a thick dark red dress with a lot of lace trims on the dress. Seeing that Miss Audrey didn't speak, he looked at her face, and then was startled by the movement of rolling his eyes.

"Oh, this is divination."

Jenkins suddenly realized that the fortune teller in this state can observe the future with "another vision", which is a more sophisticated way of divination. Ordinary fortune tellers also like to imitate this behavior, but it will only hurt their eyes.

"Guess what I saw?"

Soon this strange state disappeared. Perhaps because of the contrast with the white eyes just now, the woman's eyes were unusually bright at this time.

"Is this the content of the exercise for this course?"

Jenkins asked.

"No, just let you guess."


Jenkins looked up and looked around:

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