"Did you see that our class today was a great success?"


Miss Audrey smiled and shook her head, "I saw a grand performance."

The content of today's class has a lot to do with this house. Miss Audrey temporarily gave up the attempt to let Jenkins "guess things from a distance" and started with what he is good at this time.

Chapter 790 Chapter 774 Detective Training (6/10)

When explaining prophecies or divination results, fortune tellers like to say half and leave half, sometimes even less than half. Just like this time, what does "grand performance" mean, Miss Audrey doesn't want to explain. She just told Jenkins not to care, fate always favors those who know nothing.

"You should be interested in the reason why this place was abandoned?"

"...The construction method is unreasonable, so it has become a dangerous building?"

The woman was speechless for a long time because of Jenkins' simple guess. She gave up refuting Jenkins' words and continued to explain:

"An extremely terrible thing happened here. The five people living in the house were all killed. Among them, three people died tragically on the second floor where we are standing. Since then, there have been constant haunted incidents witnessed by passers-by or working farmers. Gradually, no one dared to approach here anymore."

She looked at Jenkins who was thoughtful:

"I know you have encountered similar things recently, so today's test content is: between midnight and Before coming, find out the truth of what happened here that year. "

"The truth here?"

Jenkins repeated the task requirements, and then looked around the somewhat empty second floor, where only traces of time remained:

"Sorry, but...hasn't the truth here been investigated?"

"No, the police station has not yet found a conclusion. This is an unsolved case."

Miss Audrey nodded, and then prompted:

"There was no trace of supernatural power involved in this matter, so the Orthodox Church did not participate in the investigation. When I found this place around Nolan, I conducted a more complicated divination. What happened here is more complicated than I imagined."

This is a clear indication that the tragedy here is related to supernatural power. Once supernatural power is involved, the investigation will obviously be more complicated.

"Are you limited to what method I use to investigate?"

Jenkins asked again. The investigation method he usually uses has nothing to do with divination.

"No limit, but I hope you can remember that this is a divination class, so please try to use divination during the investigation."

"I understand."

Jenkins nodded again, and then took out the women's pocket watch from his pocket. It was 6:47 in the evening, and there was still a long time before midnight, so he could take his time.

There were few relics left in the house, and the second floor was in full view, and Jenkins didn't know how the police who investigated back then collected evidence. He could only assume that the police back then were completely irresponsible, so now he needed to search the house from the beginning.

Miss Audrey couldn't have proposed an impossible task, and Jenkins believed that he could gain something.

The most obvious thing on the second floor was the double bed, and Jenkins decided to start there. He took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket and put them on - this was a must for apprentices in antique shops, and then stood on tiptoe and touched the gauze curtain above his head.

"The quality is really good, I think it was also a very expensive thing back then."

As he spoke, he looked back expectantly at Miss Audrey, who did not answer.

The remaining part of the gauze curtain had no trademarks or anything like that. Jenkins simply checked it and looked at the empty bed board below. God knows where the original bedding went.

The wooden boards are now rotten, and you can call them wood chips. Even if there was possible evidence, it is probably gone now. But as an apprentice in an antique shop, Jenkins is not wasting time teasing chocolate at his father's place all day. He picked up a piece of wood and sniffed it in front of his nose:

"Is this... Costa oak?"

This tree is not rare, and it is distributed almost all over the continent. But the problem is that according to the customs of the country, this is a low-grade wood used specifically as a coffin material. Using this thing as a bed board is no different from sleeping directly in a tomb in the eyes of ordinary citizens.

"Yes, it is indeed Costa oak."

Jenkins muttered to himself, but this time it was a positive sentence, and he would not mistake this smell. The smell of Costa oak after decay is very unique, and sometimes a similar smell can be smelled from cheap funeral objects.

"It's really interesting. Why would they use this kind of wood?"

Jenkins muttered quietly, bent down and used his cane to sweep under the bed, but nothing was swept out.

"Can I ask the cause of death of the victims living here?"

He turned around and asked, hoping to know more details.


Miss Audrey said, not hiding anything. She had been standing by the window with Chocolate. The cat was a little uncomfortable with the cold environment here and seemed to want to go home.


Nodding, he checked the bed again, hoping to find a bullet hole, but unexpectedly found a small hole in the corner of the bed.

"This size? Coffin nails?"

He couldn't believe his own judgment, but judging from his accumulated experience, this was indeed very similar to the marks of coffin nails. And if this is the case, then the residents here not only used coffin materials to make bed boards, but directly made bed boards from coffin boards.

"Are there any strange customs here? Or do they have to do this?"

Jenkins could find no reasonable explanation.

Since he couldn't find any other clues, he temporarily gave up checking the bed. He came to the wall again with his walking stick, but the rusty steam pipes gave no further direction for investigation.

Sigh, empty your head, close your eyes, and let your mind become clear. He just stood there, hoping to get hints from inspiration through divination, but maybe he really didn't have the talent for divination.

He sighed, then looked directly at his feet. In fact, he noticed a faint spiritual light in the ground very far away, but the conclusions he drew with his true eyes were always suspected of "cheating".

Now since Miss Audrey does not limit any method, it is not unacceptable to take shortcuts.

"Is there a basement underneath the house?"

he asked directly.

"Oh? How did you know?"

"Inspiration told me."

Jenkins nodded and answered affirmatively.

The entrance to the basement is under the floor in the southeast corner of the first floor, but Miss Audrey believes that the police did not discover this place.

After opening the entrance, an old and rotten smell hit his face. Jenkins had to wait for nearly twenty minutes before he dared to enter. At the same time, he smelled some unusual smells.

Chapter 791 Chapter 775: Strange Creatures and Corpses (7/10)

Judging from the marks on the floor, the entrance to the basement had been sealed long ago. Someone peeled off a layer of wood from the surface of the floor, completely sealed the entrance with iron nails, and then covered the nails with wood of the same material to make the floor flat.

It's pitch black below. There might have been a wooden staircase, but now it's completely rotten. After jumping down, the sound of landing was particularly harsh in the small space. Jenkins called out the miner's lamp and held it high, looking up at his teacher and the cat who were watching him at the entrance.

"I saw a skeleton curled up in the corner. This is the Giver! Yes, this must be the Giver! I saw some materials that only we can use!"

He said loudly, then held his nose and continued to approach the skeleton, guessing that the coffin board on the second floor originally belonged to him.

The aura of the materials next to the body was the color Jenkins observed in the distance. Those materials seemed to constitute a simple ritual, but due to the passage of time, they were almost destroyed.

Jenkins would never be bold enough to trigger it, which would be quite stupid. But after observation, clues were discovered. A long time ago, he had obtained a special ritual [Sound Preservation Array] at the end of the month (132), but he had never used it because of the lack of the core material [Sound-Absorbing Stone].

The vague ritual in front of him is obviously the same as the knowledge in Jenkins' mind, and to open this ritual, special keywords are needed.


He tried to say, but got no response.


"The Giver?"


"Last words?"

As soon as the word was spoken, a certain area on the ground lit up with a faint golden light.

Jenkins waited quietly for a few seconds before hearing a hoarse man's voice coming from those lights:

"I am...S. Sharon...passing by here, staying overnight...covet my property and kill me...White Oak Pedestrian Street in Nolan City , Dentist Watson...be careful what's in the coffin, it's...very terrible and must not be allowed to the evil one."

It took too long, and the last words I could convey were intermittently. But there are many important things, and at least Jenkins knows the last name of the deceased.

If his understanding was correct, the deceased in front of him should have stayed in this family's home with a coffin on a certain day in the past. But he didn't expect that the residents here became murderous because of the lone traveler's belongings, and the low-level benefactor actually died because of his negligence. His body was abandoned in the basement, and all his belongings were plundered. Even the coffin he transported was made into a bed board by a stupid country farmer.

But Jenkins still doesn't know the truth about the tragedy that happened here.

"Did you hear that?"

He turned around and asked Miss Audrey, she nodded and replied:

"I heard it. I haven't opened the basement before, and I didn't expect there to be such a ritual. But this is the same as the result of my divination. Now you are on the right path, but you still haven't seen it. the truth."

"Two hours to midnight, I think I'll make it."

Jenkins assured.

There are no clues in the basement other than the skeletons and the rituals hidden behind them. But Jenkins thought about the rumors of haunting nearby, so he thought he might be able to find clues to rely on ghosts to find the next step.

After returning to the ground from the basement, he pretended to pace in the building, but in fact he was using the Eye of Truth to look for the hidden souls. After being promoted to level 4, his eyes were further improved. Although he could observe the spirits that were invisible to the naked eye at a farther distance, "farther" was obviously not as convenient as observing the aura.

He turned around but did not find the expected soul. He looked at his teacher with some suspicion. The woman shook her head:

"I didn't interfere here, but maybe you can wait."

So Jenkins waited quietly for a while.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, the red and blue moonlight projected from the sky into the farmland next to the building. This is not the city of Nolan, and it is not even the suburbs of Nolan. The fog in the city does not affect here, so the moonlight can be fully reflected on the ground.

The snow surface immediately bulged a large area, and in Jenkins' eyes, a small area outside the house appeared with an almost unobservable black aura.

"Did you notice it?"

Seeing Jenkins frowned subconsciously, Miss Audrey asked.

"Yes, I feel that there are some bad things outside."

"This is normal. You have the power of life and death at the same time. It is normal to be sensitive to the dead."

As they said, the two people and the cat pushed open the door and walked out of the house. Five rotten corpses of different sizes were crawling out of the soil. The decay of these corpses was a bit unusual. They looked more like they were covered with a layer of disgusting mud.

"These are the bodies of the Francis family who lived here. After the investigation, the police of the village buried them here. Don't ask me why it is not the cemetery in the village. It is said that the relationship between this family and the village is very bad, otherwise they would not live in such a place... After that, every month when the moonlight is the strongest, they will drill out from the ground..."

Miss Audrey gave a thoughtful background introduction, and watched the five rotten corpses crawl out completely with Jenkins.

From the information she provided, it can be known that the death time of the Francis family should be less than one year different from the person they killed in the basement. The body in the basement has turned into bones, and these five are in this ghostly appearance, which is obviously wrong.

"They don't look strong. I've never seen such undead before, but they should be considered low-level undead."

The five rotten corpses ignored the two living people and wandered around the house aimlessly, but never left the area. This is the truth about the haunted surroundings. Unfortunately, this is a small place, and these things don't come out every day, so the church has never received any news to investigate.

"Is the thing in the coffin a strange object? The dead gifter was transporting a strange object, but unfortunately was killed by this greedy family?"

"Oh, Jenkins, I'm really surprised. Did you see the truth? Or is inspiration prompting you?"

The woman asked in surprise. There are many possibilities in front of her now, and the special items that can revive the undead are not just strange objects, but Jenkins guessed the truth at once.

Chapter 792 Chapter 776 The Truth (8/10)

"It was inspiration that gave me a hint..."

Jenkins lied in the moonlight, but it was actually the black aura of the corpse itself, which was a very obvious hint. With some luck, it was easy to guess this. Knowing this, it is easy to speculate what will happen next:

"Since these five people died of gunshot wounds, they must have been killed by living people. And the strange thing that caused them to become like this has disappeared. Let's guess that the strange thing belongs to the deceased in the basement, not the murderer. Then the murderer must be the benefactor... Someone killed the residents here for the strange thing; or, the friends of the deceased Sharon came to help him avenge him!"

Miss Audrey laughed and took out her pocket watch:

"It's half an hour before midnight, and I want a definite answer. Now you have a guess, but it's not the only one. Now tell me, which answer do you choose?"

This is a choice between two, because Jenkins only made two guesses. And if the previous guess is correct, then Jenkins has a 50% chance of guessing it right if he chooses any one.

He is not good at choosing, so he looked down at the chocolate.

"The left side is robbery, and the right side is revenge."

He thought, and then saw that the tail of the chocolate was more inclined to the left.

"My conclusion is that Sharon, the Gifter, stayed at this family's house while transporting a dangerous strange object, but was killed by the owner of this place by accident. The coffin he was transporting was opened, and the strange object inside continued to affect the bodies of Francis' family. Not long after, the Gifter who coveted the strange object appeared and killed five people and took the object away. After the death, Francis and his family became what they are now because of the influence of the strange object... Is that right?"

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