"I want an answer, not a guess."

The fortune teller emphasized.

"Well, that's my conclusion."


The woman nodded and said, Jenkins had expected a reversal like "but you guessed wrong", but there was no such reversal.

"You surprised me, Jenkins, your talent far exceeded my expectations."

"But...Okay ma'am, but I don't think I used the divination skills."

Mr. Writer now felt a little ashamed, as if he was praised after cheating on the exam.

"Jenkins, the point is not what method you used, but the truth you found."

"I don't understand what you mean."

Jenkins shook his head and tapped the ground with his cane, scaring away the corpse that was walking towards this side. Miss Audrey stared at Jenkins' face, and the woman's hair swayed in the night wind.

Compared to the first time she met this fortune teller, she seemed to have become a little different. And Jenkins, who had seen the superficial fate, understood that this meant that his astronomy teacher was getting closer to fate.

"Do you really think the church didn't find the abnormality here? No, of course it did. These corpses will not hide. Just one sighting is sufficient evidence. But the Orthodox Church discovered another peculiarity here. A strange power is blocking divination and spiritualism here, and anyone who wants to investigate here will meet with bad luck in a short time. This is the influence of the weird thing. The weird thing that was taken away is more terrible than we thought.

But you were not affected at all, and you caught the truth in less than six hours. And it took me six years to learn everything here."

"So... the truth is..."

"You guessed correctly, this is probably what happened. The full name of the deceased in the basement is Sanders Sharon. He was transporting a coffin and passed by here ten years ago and encountered an accident. I met Dr. Watson from White Oak Walk in Nolan City last spring. He was already terminally ill at that time. He told me that his friend transported A-12-02-1110, the Zombie Jade, to Nolan by sea shipping. But after receiving the last letter, the doctor never saw his friend again."

"Zombie Jade?"

Jenkins had heard of this strange object. It was one of the few dangerous strange objects that Alexia said could produce undead creatures in large quantities. It is said that the jade was a trophy obtained by believers of the spirit of all things in the fifteenth era after killing a group of Yin corpses in a cemetery in the wild, and its origin in the distant past is unknown.

This is an item that does not need to be triggered and will continue to cause an impact. All ordinary people within a radius of twenty feet will be affected and mutate after death, and the distance and duration will determine the strength and wisdom of the undead creatures after death.

At the same time, living near A-12-02-1110 for a long time will have a great impact on physical health, and short life and illness are only superficial manifestations.

There are only a few ways to seal the external pollution of A-12-02-1110, including but not limited to divine rituals, pure silver wrapping, etc. And the coffin used by Sanders Sharon is obviously also a kind of sealing method.

"So why did Sanders Sharon transport the jade to Nolan?"

"Sell it."

"Sell it to whom?"

"A second-hand store."

Seeing Jenkins raised his eyebrows, Miss Audrey added:

"Yes, it's the second-hand store you think of."

The class tonight ended here. Jenkins didn't see the point of wasting this night, but Miss Audrey thought it was a very successful divination class.

She asked Jenkins to experience the whole process of tonight repeatedly, hoping that he could gain some insights from it. This is not necessary, but the woman still thinks that perhaps learning divination in this way is more useful than guessing what is in the box with wide eyes.

Compared with divination, Jenkins is actually more interested in the tragedy that happened here ten years ago, and he really wants to know the whereabouts of A-12-02-1110. But unfortunately, there is really no clue about what happened next. Even if Jenkins suspects that what happened recently in the city is related to this strange object, and even suspects that Provence Lucar is holding this object, he can't find any evidence.

After dealing with the five bodies, Jenkins and Miss Audrey left here. The woman said that she would inform the local church about what happened here and let Jenkins not interfere.

This made Jenkins sure that his father had warned her, otherwise Miss Audrey would not mind going with Jenkins to continue to explore the truth.

Chapter 793 Chapter 777 The possibility of choosing one out of three (9/10)

Perhaps those ugly corpses left a deep impression on Jenkins at night. After returning home, he could not fall asleep even if he closed his eyes. The stove beside him burned quietly. Lying on his side, he could see the shadow of the sofa reflected on the curtains in the distance.

The cat seemed to have fallen asleep. Because it was on the sofa and Jenkins was on the carpet, Jenkins could not see its profile clearly.

I planned to move back to the bedroom on the second floor after the weather got warmer, but I felt that I might not be able to sleep tonight. I simply lifted the quilt and sat up, summoned the mining lamp, and whispered "Lakul", and my soul rose to the extremely high starry sky.

Star Spirit seemed to have time at any time, at least that's how Jenkins felt. This was no different from previous meetings. Endless tides of the starry sky surged around the two of them, and the surging sea of ​​stars always calmed Jenkins down.

"Good evening, I think your area should be experiencing the night of the material world."

Star Spirit bowed slightly, and Jenkins nodded in response.

"Sorry to bother you again, but I have some questions to ask. This involves some hidden weird things, and I hope you can get your guidance."

"I dare not say guidance, just ask."

Lakul stretched out a hand to make a gesture of invitation, and Jenkins also noticed that the transparent illusory book in her hand was slowly turning pages.

"My city is experiencing a new round of crisis, which is related to the undead..."

He considered his words and tried to avoid some sensitive topics as much as possible, and Lakul nodded to show that he understood.

"It's related to some very strange undead. I can be sure that the appearance of those undead is due to weird things. My eyes can see something different."

Star Spirit still had a peaceful expression on his face and was not surprised by this.

"My mortal friends and teachers all think that the creature that can cause such a level of resurrection of the undead must be a very terrifying weird thing, but I am still not sure who my opponent is."

"A weird thing that can revive and control the undead..."

Lakul looked down at her book, the pages of which were turning rapidly.

"Are there more details?"

"It can easily revive high-level undead and control them."

The pages turned a little slower.

"It can interfere with divination. Currently, all divinations cannot tell which weird thing is working. Yes, it is completely impossible to divination."

The pages turned even slower.

"It can control a large number of undead creatures at one time, and there is no limit to the type."

Lakul nodded, and the book in her hand stopped turning. With her transparent fingers on the pages, she told Jenkins her conclusion:

"According to your description, there are three strange objects I have recorded that fit your description. Yes, they are indeed quite dangerous items.

The first one is A-06-2-8403 [Skull of Undead Lux]. Anyone who holds the skull burning with soul fire in his hand will be bathed in blue fire and become the controller of the undead;

The second one is A-09-1-7300 [Book of the Dead], a book made of human skin and countless blasphemous languages. In addition to recording the terrible knowledge of necromancy, anyone who opens it will automatically gain the ability to control the undead;

The third one is A-12-1-0044 [Skull Sword of the Dead], a terrible weapon born in the gap of death, representing the ultimate item of the secret of the undead, and the holder will become the king of the undead."

"Okay, I understand."

Jenkins was familiar with these three items. A-06-2-8403 [Skull of Undead Lux] was sealed in the crater of an offshore volcano by the Church of the Sages about five hundred years ago, using underground fire and magma to suppress its strange characteristics. There are more than three scribes stationed near the volcano to guard it all year round, and at least ten keepers who are older than Mr. Smith stay near it for life. The scene of sealing it was also painted into an oil painting and hung in the church. There is one in the Nolan Parish, just next to the oil painting of Jenkins beheading the snake.

Jenkins has heard about this more than once from his father and Miss Bevanna, and he can't forget this number.

A-09-1-7300 [Book of the Dead] is almost known to everyone. In the ancient era, it has caused great trouble countless times. And due to some specific reasons, [Book of the Dead], like A-03-1-6660 [Demon's Document] that Jenkins has come into contact with, has an unknown number of copies in different languages.

These manuscripts themselves have extraordinary power, and the most intuitive manifestation is that people cannot detect the horror of the manuscripts before opening the book. This leads to incidents caused by the manuscripts of the [Book of the Dead] almost every year, and the Orthodox Church deeply hates this thing.

The last A-12-1-0044 [Skull Sword of the Dead] has some extraordinary fate with Jenkins. The major event caused by it thirty years ago directly led to Robert William's coming to Nolan and marrying and having children. From this aspect, the skull sword has a certain degree of connection with the birth of Jenkins.

"Only these three?"

The range is smaller than Jenkins thought.

"At least according to my records, there are only these three."

The star spirit nodded. Although she was not a creature born at the beginning of creation, she has also witnessed most of the history of this multiverse. Her conclusion is absolutely reliable, and Jenkins believes this very much.

Because of the [All-Knowing Mirror] incident last year, the star spirit promised Jenkins that she could go all out and help him once in the material world. Jenkins thought that this opportunity would probably come soon. If he really had to face countless undead armies at some point in the future, then in addition to sweeping everything with divine power, the best way was to let the boundless starry sky above his head exert its power.

When he said goodbye to the star spirits and returned to the material world, he couldn't help but feel sleepy. Jenkins got up and wanted to take another look at the chocolate before falling asleep, but found that the cat was gone.

There is still residual warmth on the small cushions of the sofa, which means that the cat has not gone too far. Jenkins got up and walked around listening to the sound, and then sure enough he found it in the basement.

The cat was in the separated mezzanine, standing on the console where Jenkins prepared the medicine, sniffing his fantasy flower with its nose. This flower was brought back from Loen last time. Jenkins felt that letting Alexia or Miss Stuart take care of it was a troublesome behavior for others.

Chapter 794 Chapter 778 Elf Secret Language (10/10)

"what are you up to?"

Jenkins walked up to the cat in slippers and patted its head, wondering why Chocolate sniffed flowers at night. The cat trembled for a moment, then continued to move with its eyes narrowed.

Jenkins was a little confused, so he lowered his head and sniffed lightly next to the petals, but there was no smell.

"What on earth is Chocolate sniffing?"

He felt very strange, but it was already very late, so he grabbed the cat by the skin on the back of its neck regardless of its struggle, and prepared to go back to sleep.

When I turned around, I accidentally saw the note neatly placed on the operating table. It was something left by the elf Mr. Salaimanda to Jenkins. After deciphering it with the help of Miss Stuart, a message appeared on the paper. A strange potion recipe.

Unfortunately, Jenkins still lacks three wooden hearts, one of the key materials, and he only has two now. Otherwise, if you summon the unicorn and take a handful of hair, you will know the purpose of the potion.

But the key now is not the potion, but the words written on the note. It was a common text written in a slender font that looked like a string of interconnected branches and leaves. This was quite normal. After all, the writing language that Mr. Salaimanda was accustomed to writing could not be human language. In fact, up until this moment, Jenkins had never doubted those words.

But in this brief glance, he subconsciously read the words on the note from top to bottom instead of left to right. The words in the first column are linked together and have no meaning in common language, but Jenkins unexpectedly interpreted it in another language:

[The sunset by Yinma Lake is the love of my life. 】


The man was stunned.

"What's this?"

He first decoded the sentence, then realized it was Elvish, but then he wondered why he knew this thing.

What's even more surprising is that the sentences hidden in such a weird way have no meaning whatsoever. No matter how Jenkins interprets it, it seems to be nothing more than a lyrical sentence.

"do you understand?"

He shook the chocolate he was holding, but he didn't get any response. When he looked down again, the cat had fallen into a deep sleep.

It was not until dinner on Sunday morning that Jenkins remembered that he knew Elvish writing, possibly because of the Emerald Dream he had encountered, but he still could not understand the meaning of the mysterious message Mr. Salaimanda left in the note.

And because of his previous lie that he had not encountered an elf, he cannot discuss it with his father or anyone else now. This made for a very dull morning for Jenkins, which was made even worse when a disrespectful carriage almost hit him on the way to work.

But the bad luck didn't end there. As soon as he opened the door of the antique store, he heard his father reminding him:

"Don't forget about the dance in the afternoon. Maybe you need to fix your hair and clothes. I don't think there will be any guests this morning."

Dad meant well, but this once again made Jenkins realize that he still had no idea who his dance partner was. This was a serious matter, and if he got it wrong, he felt like he might lose a friend forever... maybe more than one.

The morning was really boring, and since his father allowed Jenkins to take a whole day off, he simply left the antique store and took the raw ruby ​​​​that Robert gave him to the shop of the gem craftsman introduced by his father.

That was a skilled common craftsman, specifically, not a benefactor. It seems that Dad and he have known each other for a long time. After all, antique shops sometimes need to deal with some precious gems.

The old craftsman's name was Albert Torian, and his shop was in a remote alley far away from the dock area but very close to Privet Drive. The door of the store is extremely narrow. After entering, I found that the area inside is as small as the door.

The originally small space was now filled with all kinds of strange things by the owner. Not only were they tools related to gems, but Jenkins even saw a telescope, a simple sand table from the mainland, and a six-dimensional piece of equipment. A strange device composed of standard square mirrors.

There were so many strange things in the store that Jenkins forgot to say hello to the store owner after entering.


The old man at the counter asked tentatively. The table in front of him was also piled with various things. The old man was wearing a pair of gradient blue suspender jeans that were rare in Nolan and were considered something only vulgar people in the middle of the continent would wear.

When Jenkins entered the store, the old man was wearing a monocle and observing the uneven black stone in his hand. There seemed to be something shiny embedded in the stone. It looked like a diamond, but it was different in color and texture.

"Sorry, I was introduced by Father Oliver."

He walked towards the counter, lowering his head to avoid stepping on anything, which was very difficult.

"Oliver? Oh, I've seen your face. You're William! Come here quickly. That guy is actually taking in apprentices again."

The old craftsman immediately became more enthusiastic and even poured Jenkins a cup of hot tea.

He opened the suitcase and explained his purpose. Torian was very surprised by the huge rough stone, but not surprised. He had obviously seen bigger gems, but Jenkins thought that none of them were as big as his head.

Because Jenkins was introduced by his father, the two had a pleasant conversation when negotiating the price. It was just that Jenkins couldn't make up his mind what kind of jewelry to polish it into. Even though the old craftsman could roughly estimate the volume of the gems in the rough stone and put forward many plans, Jenkins still couldn't make a choice.

"Then let me ask rudely, what is the purpose of the jewelry?"

The old man asked.

"Give it to a friend... a female friend."

Carefully consider your words.

"Then why don't you ask her what she likes?"

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