Of course, as long as this face stops nagging. Jenkins has completed one-third of the work of reinforcing the seal. Attracting its attention will help the completion later.

He described some of the things in the Snow Mountain Villa in the most verbose form. In order to delay more time, he even made up a large number of details.

"Is your story incomplete?"


Jenkins uttered a questioning particle while grinding mineral powder. This powder must be ground and used immediately, otherwise it will not delay for another five minutes.

"What did the sealed thing find to make such a move? Since it mentioned the "Epic of Years", it must be a very terrible fact."

"Who knows?"

Jenkins replied vaguely.

"I also noticed that since you came here, you have not shown any symptoms of being disturbed by my mind."

The human face showed a suspicious expression and looked at and sized up Jenkins again.

"No, I am affected. My temples are a little tingling, and my back is itchy."

"That may be because you are not getting enough sleep and have a skin disease... Who are you?"

It finally asked the core question.

"Jenkins Redanput William. You know that."


The human face began to ponder, and it was still pondering until Jenkins completed the seal and wanted to leave. It can appear in a projection-like way, and it doesn't seem to be because there is a flaw in the seal. This seems to be a function of the seal itself.

"What do you think of human mechanization?"

"Evil, illegal, and unnatural."

Jenkins said three adjectives.

"I know who you are!"

If the human face can add an interjection "Ha~", then this sentence will be dramatic enough.


Jenkins was already carrying a suitcase and wanted to leave. Hearing this, he turned his head and looked at it suspiciously.

"Then you tell me, who am I?"

"It's not important. What's important is that you can't die here!"

Its speech speed became urgent and fast.

"What do you mean? Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, please listen carefully. In a certain depth lower than this space, a group of people are looking for something I cannot name. In 54 seconds, their blasting behavior will cause a huge earthquake, and then this ancient passage will collapse..."

Jenkins had no time to listen to the rest of the words, and turned around and ran upwards, while the human face continued to remind him loudly:

"In order to prevent me from escaping, this passage prohibits any space transfer! And the only way for you to survive is to stop being a human! Yes, this is the conclusion drawn by the computing core, sir, please believe me, my name is [A4 type calculation..."

Chapter 845 Chapter 828 Cat and Mouse

Jenkins could no longer hear the next words of the sealed human face because the location was too far away. He now turned on [Cat's Grace] and ran up quickly, but at this speed it was still impossible to run out before being destroyed here.

It took a lot of time to come down this spiral stone staircase. Even if Jenkins had time to observe the murals, it was impossible to run to the end in one minute.

This may be the first time that Jenkins fully exerted the power of [Cat Grace]. Later, he completely abandoned the suitcase and ran directly on the wall on all fours.

This action is not "elegant" at all, but it does look like a cat. He must not be buried here. Although he will not die, it may take several months to be dug out.

I don't know if it is the full operation of [Cat Grace] that allows Jenkins to gain the cat's sense of danger at the same time. While running, he actually felt the danger in the distance, and even the pocket watch chain had not had time to vibrate at this time.

In less than a second, the earthquake waves from underground swept everything, and crackling sounds came from all over the passage.

The collapse began 11 seconds after the first vibration, and Jenkins had not even walked half of the way. The rubble came from above, and the whole passage seemed to shrink inward.

After trying to sense [Real Phantom] again without results, he waved his hand to smash the stone above his head, but was immediately crushed by the huge rocks that came one after another. At the last moment when he was completely buried, he resolutely swallowed the mouse-transformed candy he got from the candy giver.

Then, his body began to heat up terribly, and from the outside to the inside, everything in his clothes and pockets, skin, and bones, shrank inwards. The unbearable pain even made Jenkins faint for a few seconds, and after waking up, the gray Jenkins mouse immediately ran upwards.

But this behavior only delayed for more than ten seconds. As the tunnel collapsed, more and more rubble fell from higher places. The supernatural power attached to the tunnel itself was trying to maintain its shape, but doing so was only delaying the final time of its destruction.

"Oh, it seems that I'm really doing it this time..."

Before he could finish his sigh, in front of the little gray mouse, an agile shadow rolled down from above. The cat opened its mouth wide and threw the mouse, which was even younger than him, onto its back. After confirming that Mr. Mouse's little paws had grasped its own hair, it walked up the passage at a faster speed.



Jenkins, who was riding the cat, suddenly wanted to cry. He never thought that one day he would be saved by a cat as a mouse. But this speed is still not enough, not at all. Not only can the rescue cat not be able to take away the mouse underground, but it may also die as a result.

But this was just Jenkins' own thoughts. While moving quickly, he noticed two fluttering golden hairs behind Chocolate's ears, and one of them suddenly disappeared.

The moment the hair disappeared, the surrounding scene began to distort, and all matter disappeared. A cat and a mouse were wrapped in rich black, and their body temperature was absorbed by this space at an extremely fast speed.

"Shadow shuttle!"

Jenkins recognized this extremely high-end ability. It was a means of transporting oneself into the shadow world, and then returning to the material world from the shadow world to achieve fast travel. Its learning threshold is very low, but its application is extremely dangerous. If the user is not careful, the user may be left in the shadow world forever, and even the body cannot be found.

As if emerging from the water, the cat and mouse returned to the warm underground again. The location at this moment was the abandoned mine tunnel before entering the underground stone steps. The huge stone blocking the road had collapsed due to the earthquake, so Chocolate quickly ran out along the exposed tunnel.

It seemed as if it knew the road and did not hesitate at all forks in the road. They even passed over the miners who were also fleeing the earthquake. The men looked at the kitten running from the depths of the ground in surprise. What was even more surprising was that the cat was carrying a gray mouse that looked panicked.

The chocolate didn't stop after it sprang out of the mine tunnel. Outside the mine was the suburban mine in the northeastern part of Nolan, and the cat sprang straight out of the mine. Facing the moonlight, they passed by the farmland that collapsed due to the earthquake, passed by the rural town where the houses collapsed, passed by the suburbs of Nolan wrapped in thick fog, and passed by the people who ran to the streets to avoid the earthquake.

Many people noticed the wildly running cat and the mouse on its back, and began to suspect that it was an hallucination caused by the earthquake.


The running Chocolate didn't stop until it reached the main entrance of the Sage Church, panting and shouting. But it did not let Jenkins get off its back, but ran straight into the temple. The guards guarding the door knew this cat. Although it looked strange to have a mouse hanging on his body, there was no stopping him.

The earthquake just now seemed very violent, and the priests and nuns in the church were preparing to go out to provide disaster relief. The cat ran through the crowd, attracting exclamations of surprise, and finally arrived at the door of Miss Bevanna's office.

The door was not closed tightly, leaving a gap, and the chocolate got in quickly through the gap.

In the office, Miss Bevanna was standing next to her desk, and the big book she always carried began to turn pages very quickly. The golden magical luster flashed on the woman's hands and the cover of the book, and the light even overshadowed the luster of the gas lamp.

Hearing the sound at the door, she frowned and looked forward, then was startled by the chocolate that suddenly jumped on the desk. Chocolate stepped on the page of her book very rudely, so the book can no longer be turned.


The cat made a sweet sound.

"Jenkins is already here, right? God bless him, nothing will happen to him, but today's fighting class..."

Halfway through her words, she saw the malnourished-looking mouse on the cat's back.

The mouse seemed to be out of breath. After falling off Chocolate's back, it staggered and fell on the table. The cat immediately held it down with its paws, as if playing with the "Orb of Life", pushing the poor mouse around with its paws.

"Are you giving it to me? Sorry, chocolate, I don't like mice."

Miss Bevanna declined politely.


Chocolate barked again, patted the mouse that was about to run away with its paws again, and even stretched out its tongue to lick it.

Chapter 846 Chapter 829: Rat Transformation

"You want to eat this mouse, do you want me to cook it for you?"

Miss Bevanna guessed again that she knew that Jenkins' precious cat did not eat raw meat.


The cat meowed for the third time, then let go of the mouse and tried to stand up on its hind legs. It spread its front paws in a gesture that no one could recognize, and then returned to all fours, catching the mouse that tried to escape from under its paws.


The woman still didn't understand what this meant.

She looked down and watched as the cat kept catching the mice that tried to escape, sometimes patting, hugging and kissing them. Finally, the mouse took advantage of the cat's claws to play and finally escaped successfully, and wrote on the white paper beside it:

"I'm Jenkins."

Miss Bevanna was stunned and suspected that she was crazy. But he still reached out and picked up Mr. Mouse. The cat was unhappy and wanted to take back Mr. Mouse, and made a threatening meow.

Although it is not clear why Jenkins turned into a mouse, nor why Chocolate has a strange attitude towards the mouse, the top priority is to change Jenkins back.

The young man who gave the candy said that unless it was the power of God, this transformation would be irreversible. Jenkins has no divinity now, but the sage is not stingy in helping his believers.

Although it was a bit difficult to hold the prayer and gaze ceremony in the form of a mouse, with the help of the keeper and Miss Befanna, he still successfully sacrificed a whole Komodo blood hidden flower, which is of extraordinary value. After the sage's gaze fell, Jenkins also experienced the pain just now again and turned back to human form.

The first action after he turned back was to grab the chocolate that was gloating on the side, and rubbed the cat's head with his palms as it did just now. Then he had time to cover his forehead. He had a headache now, a double headache of both mental and physical.

Mr. Smith still had that expressionless look, but after seeing Miss Befanna playing with the mouse just now, he almost laughed this time.

"I heard that you turned into a mouse?"

The old man who came after hearing the news asked this question as the first question after meeting. Jenkins covered his face and didn't want to answer. He didn't want to recall the terrible experience under the cat's claws for the rest of his life.

As for the origin of this incident, it was probably that Jenkins was wandering around the city on vacation, and then he found a small bag in the garbage dump because of inspiration. The moment he opened the bag, he was turned into a mouse. If it weren't for the help of chocolate, he would probably be eaten by a passing wild cat.

In order to make this statement more credible, he took out B-04-3-7292 [Soul Box] as evidence and claimed that it was found together with the bag.

Unfortunately, the garbage dump had been buried by the collapsed houses nearby because of the earthquake just now. The garbage from the buildings was mixed with various daily necessities, and no clues could be found at all.

"That's it, so I didn't wander around after the sun went down, but I accidentally touched something dangerous."

He insisted on this explanation and claimed that the bag and B-04-3-7292 [Soul Box] were deliberately discarded by the evil illegal gifter. Although the brave Jenkins was unfortunately trapped, it was at least better than the innocent citizens being persecuted.

Miss Befanna seemed to believe it, and the old man was still a little confused. But the earthquake brought more than just bad luck. Due to the huge impact of the earthquake, the church was in urgent need of healers, and Jenkins was urgently transferred to the hospital to help, so this sudden incident was just muddled through.

And when the report was submitted after the incident, Jenkins had already perfected the lie. In this incident, the seal was perfectly reinforced and Jenkins was not injured.

There was no loss except for entertaining Chocolate for a while.

Of course, Jenkins would never let Chocolate go easily. Although he was very grateful that his cat could appear in the right place and save him in the form of a mouse. But on Miss Befanna's desk, the actions shown by the cat were definitely malicious play.


Chocolate cried aggrievedly.

"Don't pretend to be wronged with me. Are you relying on your instinct to show your hunting talent?"


The cat actually nodded shamelessly, which gave Jenkins a new understanding of its wisdom.

"Well, please wait a moment."

It was very easy to find the little white mouse for the experiment in the hospital. Jenkins put the little white mouse and Chocolate together, and then signaled it to show its "hunting talent" just now.

The cat cried out in disgust, then stretched out its little paw and kicked the trembling little white mouse off the table.

The plan of buying a cake for Chocolate to thank it, and then suddenly taking the cake away and smearing it in the face when it was halfway through eating, can only be carried out tomorrow. Jenkins has been helping in the hospital on Monday night.

Although the life and death of mortals should not be interfered too much, when encountering such a large-scale disaster, the church will still help a little.

He is not in the sealed Nolan Third Public Hospital, but St. Roman Hospital. This was funded by the [Church of Knowledge and Heritage] and the [Church of Starry Sky and Balance], and Saint Roman was a famous son of the [Church of Starry Sky and Balance] at the beginning of this era.

This is a private hospital, but it can charge relatively cheap fees to believers. Although even so, it is impossible for everyone to pay for medical expenses, at least it has reduced some burdens.

The big earthquake in the evening had little impact on the urban area. Only the urban area near the northeast was damaged to a certain extent, while the villages and towns near the mining area had a large area of ​​house collapse and casualties. Those who could be treated in Saint Roman Hospital were actually lightly injured patients.

Jenkins's task was relatively leisurely, and he would chat with the doctors in the hospital during breaks.

Now everyone is complaining about the winter flu that is ready to be responsible for the great plague. Doctors are worried that the winter flu will work together with the spring flu, which will be a real disaster.

Before tonight, the most patients admitted to the hospital were influenza patients. There is no good treatment for this disease now. In addition to bloodletting and enema, which are classified as traditional methods, doctors also provide some drugs synthesized in recent years, as well as herbal medicine learned from overseas.

It is difficult to say which method is more effective, but at least it is better than lying at home and waiting for the disease to subside naturally.

Chapter 847 Chapter 830 The Shadow of War

Doctors have different opinions on the cause of this strange winter flu. But most people believe that it is closely related to the polluted natural environment.

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