There was garbage floating on the river, and the air was filled with a foul smell. No matter who lived in such an environment, it was difficult not to get sick.

Jenkins actually had a certain degree of understanding of this flu. As early as last month when he investigated the blood-sucking species incident, he almost understood it. At least half of the responsibility for this flu should be attributed to his [Disease Curse].

The last time he used this ability was to curse the blood-sucking demigod. God knows how the disease mutated in him and eventually evolved into its current appearance.

He felt very guilty about this, but this guilt was soon diluted by another thing.

"Mr. William, Mr. William~"

Because there was really not much to do, Jenkins, who was bored, fell asleep in the doctors' office at only ten o'clock.

He clearly remembered that before he fell asleep, there were still many people in the office, and people were coming and going at the door.

But after waking up, not only did the steam pipes in the room seem to have stopped, but even the shadows disappeared.

In the office, only the oil lamp in front of Jenkins was still lighting, and there was no light in the corridor. Looking around, he could not see the voice that called his name just now, and even the chocolate was gone.

"What's going on?"

For a moment, he thought he was still dreaming, and even wondered when the huge black cat that often visited his dream would appear. But he soon realized that this might not be a dream, and he could not feel any falsehood.

"Strange object? Mystery lock? Or hallucinogenic spell?"

He opened his eyes of truth and looked around, but he only saw the soul of a man with a sad face standing in front of Jenkins. The appearance of this soul looked normal, and the closer the soul was to human appearance, the higher the rationality. He had no hostility at all, so Jenkins did not feel that there was another spirit here just now.


Jenkins tried to say hello,

"Hello, sir, can I do you a favor?"

"I can consider it, what do you need me to do?"

"Someone is desecrating my body, I hope you can help me."


Jenkins looked at him suspiciously:

"So, can you explain what's going on now?"

"I was born with some strange abilities. After I became an adult, I could even hear other people's voices when I was mentally relaxed. This is probably why I can move around after I die. As for now... This is the gap between dreams and reality, half fantasy and half reality. Sir, your soul is stronger than mine, the most powerful around here, and I can't enter your dream."

The priesthood didn't respond, this was the truth. In other words, the person in front of him was probably a very talented mortal, but unfortunately he had never come into contact with the extraordinary world until his death, which was exactly the opposite of the key keeper who had been pursuing the extraordinary for half his life.

"When was your body desecrated?"



Jenkins was stunned, and then immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

"Okay, I'll help you... Oh, do you need me to take you on? I think you understand your current form of existence..."

"No, thank you for your kindness, sir. I know how to go on."

As he said that, the sad man turned around, and a pure white beam of light in the sky immediately hit him. The man slowly rose into the sky in the hymn of the Destiny Hermit.

"Thank you, Mr. William."

Before disappearing, he still waved goodbye to Jenkins.

"You're welcome."

Jenkins stared at the scene blankly, feeling a little funny. Suddenly, he woke up as if he had raised his head from a pool, and stood up from the brightly lit office.


Chocolate yawned, and then continued to push the ball under his claws.

Without hesitation, he ran to the corridor with the cat, and his eyes swept to the location of the morgue. Sure enough, he saw some black shadows like skulls. Although he didn't see the skeleton sword and its current owner, any harvest now is a clue.

Jenkins immediately notified the hospital's guard team, and the team of nearly 30 people rushed to the morgue on the second floor of the main building of the hospital, and then fought with the group of corpses that came head-on.

This should be a successful annihilation battle. Because they were prepared in advance, the team did not panic even when facing two high-level undead in the group of corpses.

Due to safety issues, Jenkins was left at the end of the team to help with treatment. This decision was very correct, because even if he did not take action, the group of corpses would be quickly and completely eliminated.

Shortly after this, Miss Befanna, who came after hearing the news, forcibly took Jenkins away from the hospital, and did not even give him a chance to say goodbye to the doctors.

The woman was relieved when she got off the carriage at the door of the church, and then asked Jenkins where he would live today.

"You can go home... What happened just now?"

"Recently, there have been frequent thefts of corpses in Nolan City and surrounding towns, and the thieves are all controlled undead. Do you remember that you encountered undead in your abandoned cemetery?"

"Of course I remember."

This incident directly led to Jenkins gaining [Contact Death].

"The church now believes that the owner of the skeleton sword first secretly sent out the undead to survey the places where a large number of corpses may be stored, and the second step now is to take those corpses away. He probably wants to create a huge army of undead, which requires a lot of materials."

The two walked and talked. The atmosphere in the church was very tense at present. Most people were in a hurry. Jenkins searched through the original owner's memory and couldn't find such a thing in the past.

"But can't the sword directly revive the corpse? Why is it so troublesome to search for the corpse?"

Jenkins quickly followed Miss Befanna's pace. He felt the crisis of the current situation as never before.

"It's not so simple to create powerful high-level undead... Jenkins, we may face a war, a war between the living and the dead."

The woman's tone was unusually serious, and Jenkins thought of the team of puppets he and Hathaway met in the jewelry store. Hathaway said that the appearance of those puppets indicated that there would be a war in the local area.

He originally thought that this indicated that the internal disputes in the kingdom would evolve into a large-scale hot weapons struggle, but he didn't expect it to be a contest of life and death.

Chapter 848 Chapter 831 Golden Sparrow Auction House

Once the war starts, the peace and tranquility of Nolan City will no longer exist, and even the mysterious and extraordinary will be exposed to the eyes of ordinary people. The peaceful and quiet life that Jenkins longed for may no longer exist.

"What we can do now is to weaken the power of the undead as much as possible before the war begins. What happened in the hospital just now may happen many times, Jenkins, you have to be prepared."

Jenkins, who was worried, didn't even ask if today's fighting class would be adjusted at another time, and was sent back to St. George Street by Miss Befanna.

St. George Street didn't seem to be affected by the earthquake in the evening, and the neighborhood was still peaceful and tranquil. When taking the key, I peeked in the direction of the neighbor. The lights on the second floor of Miss Silver Flute's house were on, but it was so late at night, and she was probably going to sleep.

The next morning, Dad woke me up. When he entered the house, he also helped Jenkins bring in milk, newspapers and letters at the door.

Today, I still don't have to go to Dad's antique shop. Dad needs to help the church and handle some personal matters. Nolan's church has almost entered a wartime state. All field staff except Jenkins, including a considerable number of civilian staff, have returned to the church to report and are uniformly assigned other tasks unless they cannot leave due to special positions.

Not letting Jenkins participate was a unanimous decision after discussion. Doing so is good for everyone.

"I was planning to find someone to watch you, but now there is a shortage of manpower."

Jenkins invited Dad to have breakfast at home. Now Dad and Chocolate are at the dining table, but only the cat is interested in eating.

"Don't worry, I won't walk around recently."

"You always say this, yesterday..."

"Please don't mention what happened yesterday."

Thinking of the painful experience of turning into a mouse yesterday, he subconsciously glanced at Chocolate again. The latter pretended not to understand Jenkins's vicious look, still lying on the dining table and fiddling with the napkin that had just been folded neatly.

"Anyway, I'll be very busy recently and may not have time to continue the course. I'll give you a list of books later, you can rely on these to kill time."

"No problem."

Jenkins nodded. If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to get into trouble.

"In addition, you should also be careful about the plague. Although the plague thirty years ago had a slightly weaker effect on the gifters, we can't let our guard down. By the way, are you going to the Shire?"

At this point, the old man became energetic again.

"It may be the weekend, and I have other things to do in the next few days."

Jenkins said as he brought eggs and hot milk to the table.

"I won't ask you anything, but you must pay attention to safety. Also, the matter of Hesha and Michael..."

Jenkins' face turned red when he heard these two surnames. He listened to his father's inquiry with a swollen head, and he hesitated to evade the question and tried hard recently, which made his father very interested.

Generally speaking, when such a topic is mentioned, Jenkins will change the subject with great skill, but not today.

Daddy just drank the milk and left, he still had a lot of things to deal with. In the kitchen, Jenkins and his cat were the only ones left, as usual. He did not read the newspaper first, but opened the unexpected letters.

The first letter was from Mr. Bro, a bookseller. He will visit Jenkins tomorrow morning and give him the first month's share. Mr. Bro should have made a fortune recently. On weekdays, when they correspond, he never uses such expensive stationery.

The second letter was from Lawyer Raul Onis, who was recently hired by Jenkins to help him deal with some legal questions. At the same time, Lawyer Onis is also the attorney for the execution of Viscount Augustus's estate. As the supervisor, Jenkins often exchanges letters with him.

The envelope is stamped with the law firm's stamp, so it must be related to the estate. Sure enough, this time it was Lawyer Onis who informed Jenkins that an antique from the ancient Hikari Empire in the 6th century held by the Viscount would be auctioned in the near future.

He hoped that Jenkins could also come to the scene as a witness. This was probably the most expensive thing the Viscount owned outside of the manor.

"Ten o'clock this morning..."

The lawyer knew that Jenkins had things to do every day, so he probably didn't expect him to take time out on weekday mornings, otherwise it would be impossible to send the letter on the day of the auction.

"Are you going?"

He asked Chocolate, but in fact he didn't want to go, after all, going out almost meant trouble.

With this thought in mind, he locked the door and went out to the black market to meet the female hunter. The investigation on the new neighbor commissioned yesterday was only a short-term investigation. After listening to all the information, the female hunter thought it was a fairly simple commission, so Jenkins came to get the results the next day.

The female hunter's report was still as detailed as ever, and the results showed that Miss Silver Flute Mistara Forrant moved here because she was short of money.

She originally lived in a three-story high-end apartment in the city center, but recently sold the house because of something, and then found the house on St. George Street from the real estate agency.

"Is she short of money for the auction? What does she want?"

"I don't know. It's hard for me to give you a result after just one night of investigation. And I'll remind you that the auction of the Golden Sparrow Auction House will be held in about an hour. This reminder is free of charge, after all, you are also a regular customer."

The female hunter looked like she hadn't woken up yet, after all, it was too early now.

"Golden Sparrow..."

Fate likes to create all kinds of coincidences around Jenkins. The auction mentioned by the lawyer in the morning letter was organized by that auction company.

The Golden Sparrow Auction House is located at 43 Will Five Star Street on the east bank of the Westminster River. This street is one of the main roads in Nolan City. Together with the six streets of three vertical and three horizontal nearby, it constitutes the central area of ​​the city.

The weather in late winter is not bad, but the horizontal stone bricks of the street are wet because of the blizzard a few days ago. There are colorful flags hanging between the towering buildings on both sides of the street. These are decorations taken out last week to welcome foreign visiting groups.

Even if he didn't think Jenkins would come, the lawyer Mr. Onis was still waiting for him at the door of the auction house. The two saw each other from afar, and as they waved and said hello, the winter sun finally penetrated the thick fog that enveloped the city and shone on this land chosen by fate.

PS: The name of the Golden Sparrow Auction House appeared once. When Dad and Jenkins encountered a strange environment in the castle, one of them was from the auction house. But this is not a foreshadowing, it is just a normal mention of this auction house again.

I recently discovered that you seem to regard every detail as a foreshadowing (covering your face).

Chapter 849 Chapter 832 Boring Auction

The Golden Sparrow Auction House is one of the larger auction houses in Nolan City. According to Dad, the real owner is a local noble, but he is vague about who the noble is.

The door is made of white marble columns close to the door frame, forming an arch style, and a huge oil-painted sign hangs from the third floor to the ground. Even on weekday mornings, there are many well-dressed gentlemen and ladies coming in and out here. At least they have to dress formally to attend the auction.

From a distance, I saw the lawyer standing at the door, holding a piece of paper in his hand and checking it. After walking quickly, he found that it was a form, which seemed to be a lawyer's schedule.

"Oh, Mr. William, you are here."

He smiled and greeted Jenkins.

"Viscount Augustus gave me a gift, and I always have to do my job seriously."

The two people and the cat entered from the door together. Fortunately, small pets are allowed here. The waiter standing at the door took the initiative to bend down and said when Jenkins passed by:

"Baron William, good morning."

This surprised Jenkins very much, and the lawyer whispered that the service staff in such formal occasions can know the appearance or characteristics of most of the nobles in the city.

Obviously, Jenkins's characteristic is the cute cat on his shoulder.

After all, it was Tuesday morning, and the auction house would not hold a large-scale formal auction. After Jenkins entered, he learned that the auction house would hold auctions in 3 small halls at the same time, auctioning ancient cultural relics, modern and contemporary celebrity manuscripts and rare objects.

The real large-scale auction is held only once a month, and is generally scheduled on weekend nights, when many nobles and businessmen with money and nothing to do will come here.

The auction hall was not very big, and Jenkins suddenly became excited after he sat down. Attending an auction after arriving in a strange world is a must for strangers. It was a bit embarrassing that he had only attended his first auction in half a year.

Jenkins and Lawyer Onis did not come here to buy things, but the auction house staff still gave them a bid number plate.

Jenkins was originally worried that Miss Silver Flute would not participate in the auction in this auction hall, but fortunately the middle-aged woman opened the door and arrived at the last five minutes before the auction started.

Because it was not a large auction, there would be no private rooms in this hall. There were eight rows of simple seats under the auction table. The auctioneers sat very sparsely, and most of them looked like they had not woken up.

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