"It's hard to say."

The bishop shook his head, opened the cap of the pure gold pen, signed his name on the document paper on the table, then took off the ring from his finger and stamped it.

He looked up and saw that it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, so he nodded secretly, and then pretended to remind casually:

"Jenkins, I remember you mentioned that there is something very important to do on the last day of this month. Have you finished it?"


Jenkins looked down at the cat lying on his knee playing with a ball, and then his body began to tremble as if he was having an illness:

"Oh no!"

Robert mentioned in his letter in the morning that Jenkins could appear at Privet Drive with his female companion between five and six o'clock in the afternoon. Jenkins' original plan was to invite a female companion in the morning and tidy up his hair and clothes in the afternoon, just in case Mary thought he didn't take this family event seriously.

But because of the unexpected situation at noon, he didn't even know who to invite so far.

"Is Miss Bevanna at church?"

Jenkins asked inexplicably, and then wanted to slap himself in the face.

"She went to a horse farm in the suburbs with Audrey, and it seemed she was going to study some kind of mirror."

replied the old bishop.

"That, the nun from the church..."

"I know what you're trying to do, Jenkins. But you have to know that your mother knows about all the young, marriageable girls in the church, and it's not going to work for you to just pick someone up."

Upon hearing this, Jenkins' eyes widened. The bishop indeed knew that he had forgotten something.

Jenkins didn't know many female friends. After all options were eliminated, he could only turn to his cat for help again.

After leaving the bishop's office, Jenkins returned to his room with the chocolates, then hugged the squinting cat and persuaded him again:

"Chocolate, now it's time for you to repay me. I really need your help. I know you can control that hair. Now, can you turn it into a cute girl?"

He now only hopes that chocolate can be like Cinderella's fairy godmother, who can transform pens, sheets, chairs, etc. into beautiful girls who can communicate. It sounds strange, but Jenkins believed that ray of divine power was enough to accomplish such a thing.


Chocolate is ready to help Jenkins, but it needs to be more reserved so that Jenkins knows how important it is.

"Chocolate, we have experienced countless life and death moments together, and we have also slept in the same bed countless nights... At least for the sake of me handling your eating, drinking and excretion every day, please help me."


The cat's claws viciously scratched the back of Jenkins' hand that was being slapped. The man took a step back in pain and stood up. Instead of admitting his mistake for hurting him, Chocolate made a more ferocious expression.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Jenkins was a little confused, not knowing where Chocolate's anger came from.

"This is really bad. Who should I invite?"

He turned around to treat his wounds, and the anger on the cat's face immediately disappeared, and he let out a little aggrieved cry.

"This is really a big event in my life. Although I am obsessed with finding the opportunity to become a god and fighting against all kinds of evil organizations, there is no escape from life."

The cat shook its fur, and then it melted like a puddle of water. A pool of black shadow was imprinted on the carpet, and densely packed flesh buds moved in the shadow.

"Why do women have their own affairs today? Is fate playing tricks on me?"

In that pool of black shadow, a petite and dark figure rose from it. Jenkins, who looked troubled, didn't notice that there was an inexplicable wind in the room, and the sky outside suddenly darkened. Because it was approaching evening, the two moons were already looming in the sky, but at this moment, they were also obscured by dark clouds coming from nowhere.

"Ah, what should I do? I am a man who wants to save the world. Why should I be forced to face this kind of thing?"

The small figure that emerged from the shadows was completely covered in black, like a monster. But the bright colors emerged bit by bit as the figure completely emerged from the shadow, adding luster to the figure.

"So, the best thing to do now is..."

A petite girl wearing some slutty clothes and wearing cat ears stepped out of the shadow and stood behind Jenkins, ready to pat him on the shoulder. A sly smile appears on the cute face, and the playful long brown hair trembles on the back. It is the smile of the cat when the prank is successful.

"...The best thing is to invite Julia! Don't you think so, chocolate?"

Jenkins turned to look behind him, only to see the cat leaning on the foot of the bed with a melancholy and vicissitudes of life, and stretched out a paw to scratch the carpet in boredom. When he heard Jenkins' voice, he just raised his head in boredom, looking like he was being tricked by fate.

"Eh? How could I interpret Chocolate's expression like this?"

Jenkins patted his head, and seeing that Chocolate was unwilling to follow, he went to Lun alone.

He would never have guessed what he had just missed.

Things went more smoothly than Jenkins expected. When she came to Loen, Miss Stuart happened to go to meet her father. Considering that Jenkins may appear at any time, the magnet is temporarily kept by Julia. After briefly describing the troubles she faced, the expression on Julia's face was as if Jenkins had just confessed that he was the God of Lies:

"Sorry, aren't you kidding me?"

"Absolutely not. Miss Minnewick, I know this is rushed and rude, but you are the best person right now. Please help me!"

He really had no other choice.

"Why not invite..."

"You said that you can't let Miss Stuart know that I can take her to Nolan at any time. She happens to be attending a royal banquet. If you accompany me to deal with things in Nolan and then come back, she won't know. "

Jenkins knew that the maid wanted to give the option "Dolores Stuart," but that it was the wrong option.

The young maid suddenly wanted to laugh. She knew how many people were coveting the qualifications that Jenkins just mentioned, but in the end, she was actively invited despite having nothing to do with it.

She only had ordinary respect for Jenkins Willamt and had no other thoughts, even though his conditions were indeed very good. But for the sake of the future of Her Royal Highness, Julia Minnewick finally agreed to this request.

But Julia swore that she would never let Dolores know about it, otherwise it would be hard to say what would happen after this.

The sun completely disappeared on the horizon, and the moon on the horizon was completely exposed. There are always interesting things happening under the moon, but tonight's events seemed too interesting for Jenkins.

PS: The ones who finally get the qualification are those who don’t take the initiative to fight for it... This result has been hinted at, so it shouldn’t be a surprise.

Of course, he won't always be able to escape like this. Jenkins' character is not someone who likes to avoid problems. He just hasn't figured out what he wants yet.

Another: Chapter 3K, please vote.

Chapter 896 Chapter 879 Three Equal Parts

To everyone in Nolan City, the royal maid in Far Rune is a stranger. But Jenkins knew very well that the church's investigation into Julia Minnewick had already begun the moment the two stepped onto Privet Drive together.

In fact, he is not afraid of others knowing about his connection with Lu En. After all, it is not illegal. As his abilities gradually improve, Jenkins is trying to expose his irrelevant secrets to his friends.

Lies will eventually be exposed, and telling them before they are exposed is the best solution.

Julia looked very nervous. In Jenkins' perception, she had always been the perfect maid, but this was the first time the maid had encountered this situation, especially since Mary showed extraordinary behavior during dinner. enthusiasm.

Although both Mary and Robert were surprised that Jenkins brought a strange woman home, they were equally happy that Jenkins had finally taken an extremely important step.

The conversation went well over dinner, and everyone was satisfied with the meal, which was clearly from a top-notch restaurant.

The only thing I am dissatisfied with is chocolate. Although it can predict the future to a certain extent, it is not completely omniscient and omnipotent. Even Mao Mao did not expect that things would develop to this extent today.

It originally thought that it could really help the stupid Jenkins.


It's all the Duke's fault, and Chocolate is very good at finding a suitable person to vent to.

Fortunately, Mary didn't ask any strange questions like "When will you get married" during the dinner, otherwise everyone would be embarrassed except for the youngest son of the Willamette family who just kept his head down while eating.

Jenkins wore his most expensive formal suit today, the one he wore when he was crowned the Son; Julia wore a ball gown that Jenkins had never seen before.

Except for that chance encounter in the tavern, she dressed as a maid on every occasion. So much so that when he first saw the beautiful fluffy skirt and the entire set of jewelry, Jenkins wondered why he hadn't noticed Julia's beauty before.

Julia Minswick is a typical Cannith race from the north of the continent. Her head and face are long and narrow, her head width is only 3/4 of the length, her nose is high, her forehead is huge, and her eyebrow ridges are prominent. Although she is not a typical blonde, her beautiful face, graceful figure and fair skin make her a rare beauty.

"Maybe it's because I've been around Miss Stuart in the past, so I didn't have the chance to dress myself up."

He guessed in his mind and nodded secretly.

The family had a happy dinner, and Mary took the initiative to suggest that they all go to the Royal Opera House outside the city to enjoy the opera.

This was something that was planned, so no one was surprised. Jenkins didn't have to worry about what happened tonight being discovered by other girls, because they really didn't have time.

The opera started and all the lights in the auditorium were extinguished. When the first loud singing voice appeared, Jenkins remembered that he still had something to say to Robert.

His father was sitting to his left, so he gently touched him with his elbow.

"Did you receive my letter from the Shire?"

He asked softly, and the letter explained the general situation of Oakland Willamette who was buried in the cemetery.

"I got it. I think the plan to move the tomb can be carried out when spring has fully begun. We really can't let poor old Auckland sleep alone in a foreign land."

Robert replied equally quietly.

"Okay then, this is for you."

He removed his right hand from slapping the cat, then reached into his collar and took out from the shallow breast pocket of his shirt the piece of metal that his landlord in Auckland Willamette had given him.

"It's a relic from Oakland, said to have belonged to the Willamette family."


Robert took the thing over in the darkness, felt it with his palm for a while, and then, like Jenkins, reached into his chest, but what he took out was the chain hanging around his neck.

"for you."

He returned his chain to Jenkins along with the metal block that Jenkins handed over. Only then did Jenkins realize that the necklace seemed to be made of the same material.

After fiddling with it with two hands, as long as you exert force, they can be connected together tightly to form a larger irregularly shaped metal object.

The original owner also had this thing in his memory, but the three brothers thought it was a strange souvenir that Robert found somewhere.

"What's this?"

"My grandfather, your great-grandfather, was also one of three brothers."

The middle-aged man looked up at the performance on the stage and recalled the past in a low voice.

"Before your great-grandfather passed away, he divided a strange necklace into three parts and gave it to the three people for safekeeping. Your grandfather was the youngest son, and his piece was passed down to me; the eldest brother's piece was missing, and their family The people moved away in the previous generation; judging from the shape, the piece you brought was the second brother’s piece. I really didn’t expect that the story my father told me when I was young turned out to be true... I I originally thought this pendant was a souvenir he found somewhere.”

"Now...you gave it to me?"

Jenkins stuttered a bit and had to control his volume. The cat's eyes were shining in the darkness, but after looking at the thing in Jenkins' hand for a while, he lost interest.

"Yes, you can keep it, and then pass it on to your son one day. Maybe one day, he can accidentally find the last piece. I want to see what shape it will look like when it is put together. "

The handsome middle-aged man still didn't look into Jenkins' eyes, but for some reason, his tone suddenly became full of sentimentality:

"I wish I could see that day... You know, Jenkins, I wish you could name your oldest son's middle name 'Robert'. I really wish I could live to see you... The day when all three brothers got married, your birth was just before my eyes. At that time, you were not as old as your cat..."

The two metal blocks were ordinary objects. Jenkins' hands were sweaty, and he suddenly felt sad for some reason while holding them in his palms.

"I'm Jenkins Willamette."

He watched the performance on the stage with an expression on his face, repeating the sentences he had repeated countless times in his mind. The lights on the stage were flashing and bustling, but it had nothing to do with him, and a feeling of an outsider appeared in his heart.

[Observer] is flashing a faint purple light.

Chapter 897 Chapter 880 Accident in the Fog

After this trip, when we turned back to the city from the opera house, it was almost midnight. The two metal blocks were put away by Jenkins and hung on his chest like Robert. Although this was a bit in the way, Jenkins felt it was necessary.

Mary, Robert and John are traveling tomorrow, taking the six o'clock train. During the week that Jenkins was away from Nolan, Robert was promoted again. He planned to take his family on a family trip before spring, but unfortunately Jenkins didn't want to leave here anytime soon.

On the carriage, Mary William very kindly invited Julia to stay at Privet Drive tonight, but Jenkins, who didn't understand the atmosphere at all, immediately pointed out that Julia's home was very close, and he could invite her The female companion was sent back.

The cat was still melancholy, and John William tried hard not to laugh, because if he laughed, he might lose his pocket money this month.

The coachman drove everyone forward in the thick fog outside the city. Jenkins thought about how to explain this matter to the girls, and looked out the window while stroking the unhappy cat.

Because he was looking for the Skeleton Sword, he had recently developed the habit of occasionally opening the Eye of Truth when he had nothing to do. And deep in the thick fog, he saw three familiar strangers passing the carriage on the other side of the road, heading in the direction from which the Williamsites came.

It was Mr. White Cat, Miss Magic, and Miss Silver Flute. The three members of Mr. Hood's party appeared together within a short distance of Jenkins.


Approaching rashly will definitely trigger new events, but now Jenkins is just looking for surprises. Only by constantly coming into contact with those anomalies can he possibly discover the whereabouts of the Skeleton Sword.

"Please stop here!"

He suddenly shouted to the coachman, and the coachman slowly stopped the carriage on the side of the road.

“Julia’s home is here, it’s in a nearby alley.”

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