He winked at Julia as he spoke. The knowledgeable maid understood immediately, so she followed up and said:

"Yes, the apartment I rented is in a nearby alley, and it's very close to get off the bus from here. Thanks to your invitation, I had a pleasant night. Mr. and Mrs. Willamt... ...Jenkins, can you send me off, just like before?”


Without Mary's reminder, Jenkins nodded immediately, then pushed open the side door of the carriage and jumped out.


The cat also jumped down quickly, following Jenkins' pace.

"Just go back first, you don't have to wait for me."

He was worried that Robert's carriage would be waiting for him to come back here, but in fact he didn't know when he would be able to handle the next thing.

"After sending Miss Minnewick home, I will go straight back to St. George's Street."


Jenkins heard his brother make this sound.

Robert, who was wearing a formal suit, and Mary, who was wearing a formal dress, looked at each other. Neither of them seemed to expect that Jenkins would be so bold.

"Of course. After all, your room at Privet Drive hasn't been tidied up yet... Be careful. I mean, be careful on the road. Don't forget to go home and take a look when you have time. Our trip is for a week. There will be some problems after a week. I have to tell you the matter."

Mary finished the last sentence hesitantly, leaned out of the carriage and hugged Jenkins who was standing on tiptoes. The other two men in the carriage also said goodbye to Jenkins in turn, and then ordered the coachman to start again.

"Speaking of which, the air here is really bad."

After the carriage completely disappeared into the thick fog, the two began to talk again. Julia did not ask why Jenkins suddenly got out of the car, but slid her hands in the air, trying to capture the intangible mist.

"This is Nolan's specialty. Don't some people now call this place the 'Fog City'?"

"I've heard about the situation here before, but I didn't expect it to be so serious."

The woman shook her head, then turned to look at Jenkins:

"Now, do you need me to leave?"

She is very sensible, although after tonight's experience it is easy to regard the man in front of her as a normal young man who is harmless to humans and animals. But in reality, Julia knew exactly how dangerous he was.


Jenkins' first reaction was, of course, to ask Julia to go back. She is still only a level 1 benefactor. It is of course very dangerous to get involved in matters related to herself.

But he immediately thought that he had just met some acquaintances. It would be better to ask what happened before deciding whether to stay or leave Julia. Maybe the royal maid could also help him.

"Sorry, do you still have time next time?"

"Yes, I think so. The royal family banquet usually lasts until late at night."

She nodded slightly and stood behind Jenkins, without any intention of asking what happened.

"That's good...can you disguise your face?"

"Yes, your highness the princess cannot show her face when she goes out. I am very good at changing makeup."

Her method is not to simply rely on extraordinary power to perform illusions, but to face a small mirror, first paint her face with some simple cosmetics, and then use simple illusions to disguise it.

But the effect of this seems to be better than most disguise abilities and illusions. For the first time in this world, Jenkins knows that women's makeup skills are equally terrible.

After briefly explaining the relationship between Mr. White Cat, Miss Magic, and Miss Silver Flute, Jenkins took Julia and chased the three of them along the street in the opposite direction.

The two were walking and talking, and Jenkins was also reminding her of the dangers of her next actions:

"...If you encounter any danger, you can just use the magnet to return to Shire, and I will deal with the trouble..."

This was the main reason why Jenkins kept Julia without fear that she would be killed.

"What might we encounter?"

Julia asked. The man next to her was shaking and deforming at this time, and finally transformed into a young man with a similar size to Jenkins. The cat also began to change its fur color, changing into the appearance of a white cat vanilla without being reminded. However, the current face is definitely not as handsome as Jenkins' original face, but the cat is as cute as chocolate.

"There are many possibilities, cultists, undead, alien species, strange things... If you are unlucky, it is possible to encounter evil things that have been sealed for many epochs."

He didn't mean to scare his companion, he just wanted to prepare her in advance.

Julia nodded silently, wondering whether it would be a good thing for her princess to gradually get closer to this man.

PS: After school starts, the author, Jun Yanyi, may be very busy (face covering), but 4,000 a day is still guaranteed, but it may be a little less if you add more.

Before school starts, I will find time to add 10 updates (20,000 words), so I won’t issue a reward. The specific update time will be waiting for the decisive battle at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 898 Chapter 881 The Unlucky Mr. Hood

The three Miss Magic, who were also the grantors, were also alert, and Jenkins did not deliberately cover up the sound of footsteps. They easily discovered that they were being followed a few minutes later. After a series of vigilance and testing, I saw two people with strange faces standing across the street, but the cat was not unfamiliar at all.

"Mr. Candle?"

Mr. White Cat asked tentatively.

"it's me."

Jenkins nodded and released his purple soul emblem to confirm his identity. Julia's eyes twitched at the side. She clearly remembered that Jenkins Willamt's soul emblem was a growing small tree. Regarding the strange changes in the small tree, the four of them had discussed it on Tuesday night a few days ago.

"Who is this......"

Miss Magic trusts Jenkins quite a bit, but does not trust the strangers around him.

"My friend, I happened to come out to walk the cat with me, and then I saw you walking hurriedly on the street... What happened? Speaking of which, Mr. Hood's party has not been held for a long time. ”

"Actually, I was just guessing whether you would suddenly jump out of nowhere and give us a surprise..."

Miss Magic spoke with a smile, but soon turned serious:

"We are indeed in trouble. Something happened to Mr. Hood. He sent me a message for help. I couldn't find anyone in a short time, so I had to take Mr. Silver Flute and Mr. White Cat, who happened to meet in the black market, to help. ...Want to come together?”

There was no forced nature to the statement, and Jenkins certainly weighed in. Regardless of whether this matter had something to do with the Skeleton Sword or not, he didn't want Mr. Hood to really die.

"Of course, I think my cat-walking time is over. You can go back."

He suddenly turned his head and said to Julia. The maid nodded silently and was not angry at Jenkins' impolite command tone.

"Okay, Mr. Candle, I look forward to seeing you again."

As he spoke, his figure gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely as if melting into the mist.

"Very well, let's go."

He petted his cat and then spoke to his three other friends.

Although Chocolate was still a little unhappy, since it was Julia and not other women who was invited tonight, and he was the one who stayed with Jenkins in the end, then this matter was considered a success.

Thinking of this, the cat's mood returned to normal, and it even stood on its shoulders and gently touched the back of the man's neck with its tail to act coquettishly.

In this way, except for the temporary "victim" Mr. Hood and Miss Lark Hathaway, who is really not in Nolan, everyone in the small party was magically gathered together.

Miss Magic was the only one who knew the specific inside story. While walking, she told Miss Silver Flute and Mr. White Cat what she had already told her.

"Mr. Hood is trapped in a suburban cemetery. It's not the cemetery blessed by the [Church of Death and Doomsday], but the cemetery in the black forest in the great plain area southwest of the city. Oh, you are not a native of Nolan, You may not know, but there is..."

Of course Jenkins knew what place she was talking about. The original owner was a native of Nolan. More than half of Nolan's children's childhood horror stories are related to the weird black forest.

Because of the soil quality in that forest, most of the trees were dark in color. Because the branches and leaves of the trees block the sunlight, the tree trunks appear completely eerie black in the shadows, hence the name Black Forest.

The reasons for the formation of the large cemeteries in the Black Forest are more complicated, but to put it simply, not everyone can afford the gold pounds or shillings to purchase the tombs. No matter how cheap a city's public cemetery is, it is still not affordable for the poor living in slums and the poor people who died in a foreign land.

It is illegal to discard corpses carelessly, and it will violate the dogma of the Church of Death and the End. So they took their deceased relatives to the black forest in the outer suburbs to bury them, and over time, that large cemetery was formed.

But there have never been any rumors of hauntings in that cemetery. Even though adults often tell disobedient children about the horror stories there, there really is no supernatural phenomenon there. This is because in the land below the Black Forest, a terrifying evil thing [Light Swallowing Beast] has been sealed since the 13th Era.

This is one of the few terrifying beings that exists in the records of the Nolan Church and is sealed in the local area. It is said that that evil thing is somewhat involved with the evil god [Lord of Billions of Glory].

The accumulation of corpses can strengthen the measures to seal the evil thing, so the formation of that cemetery actually has the tacit approval of the [Church of Death and Doomsday].

Logically speaking, it would be more difficult to revive the undead in such a place, but Jenkins still believed that he might still encounter the Skeleton Sword.

"Cemetery...you go first, I'll be there soon."

Thinking of this, he suddenly broke away from the team of four people and disappeared into the thick fog in the blink of an eye.

The other three people didn't care, because Mr. Candle was so weird to begin with. If he said he would come back, he would definitely come back.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, hurried footsteps sounded from behind, and a man holding a flower pot in one hand rushed up with his cat.

"Safety first, I think it is necessary to carry weapons."

None of the three people understood why a pot of flowers was called a "weapon", but that didn't matter. As long as the powerful Mr. Candle could come together, that would be enough.

After leaving the dense fog area outside the city, there is no need to worry about using extraordinary abilities to move quickly and attracting the attention of citizens. Like Miss Silver Flute, Miss Magic can use a kind of cloud wrapped around her feet to slide forward quickly. It is said that this is an ability called [Cloud Foot]. Mr. White Cat can directly transform into a white cat.

This was a coincidence... Vanilla looked sideways, and it tried to bark softly. Jenkins thought it was to say hello to its kind, but in fact Vanilla was just expressing boredom.

The unicorn must not be called out. The only one here who knows that he is a "believer of the God of Lies" is Miss Magic. In this case, the skeleton horse that had not been used for a long time was summoned. Although the church also knew about the bone whistle, summoning the skeleton horse as a mount was a very common method.

The four people arrived at the edge of the Black Forest at 10:40, and then Miss Magic made them invisible. The four people continued walking inside, and found traces of humans not far from the large cemetery.

Chapter 899 Chapter 882 Crypt

The person who was most familiar with the black forest environment was Mr. White Cat. At his suggestion, the four of them deviated from the unclear path in the forest. After going around and around to get to the cemetery faster, I discovered unusual traces.

"I smelled something bad."

Jenkins, who had been silent all this time, suddenly reminded him, shrugged his nose again, and then came to a conclusion:

"It's the smell of herbs that haven't been kept properly."

He had smelled it many times in old Jack's place.

"...It seems to be an herbal medicine for treating trauma, but there is a problem with the preparation method, and the dose of Dolora grass is wrong."

As I got closer, I discovered that there were indeed things walking and patrolling around the cemetery. But they were not undead, but real living people.

There are at least ten "sentinels" patrolling the open field of view, and it is obvious that they are protecting a hole in the southwest corner of the cemetery.

"Guess, could that be the terrifying sword inside?"

Miss Yindi asked very quietly, using the same girlish voice, but Jenkins knew her true face.

"No, I don't think so. The power of death around here is not as strong as Mr. Candle's horse."

Miss Magic replied.

"I agree with that, I don't feel the undead either."

Mr. White Cat also nodded.


Jenkins finally echoed: "There are four Gifters in the cave, one is Mr. Hood, and the other three are all below level four. A numbered item..."

The monocle appeared silently in front of his left eye.

"The special item is in the shape of a human hand, but it is not a magic item or a magical item. They hold many undead charms and man-made props, which may be a bit troublesome."

The clues he provided were so detailed that the three companions almost thought that this was a trap set by Mr. Candle.

But such an idea is too funny. Although Mr. Candle is extremely weird, at least he is not dangerous.

Of course, Jenkins didn’t say the full story. Among the benefactors he saw, in addition to the familiar Mr. Hood, there was also an acquaintance. The Duke who escaped during the day happened to be underground.

"It seems that fate doesn't want to let you go."

Jenkins said in his mind.

It is extremely easy to bypass those ordinary people's guards. The four Gifters present are all experienced. But the focus of their operation is to rescue Mr. Hood who was kidnapped for unknown reasons.

Jenkins was actually very curious. The other people in the underground were all weaker givers than him, and it really made no sense for Mr. Hood to be caught by them.

"Is there any help?"

Jenkins was shocked and hugged the flowerpot harder.

"I have a plan."

Miss Magic called the other three people to gather around. She pointed to the cave in the distance:

"We only need to lure the three people underground. Rescuing Mr. Hood is the key point."

"I'm worried that even if we make some noise on the ground, not all the people underground may come out."

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