Mr. White Cat spoke out his heart, and no one blamed him. This is the fact.

"You should thank Mr. Magic and Mr. Candle more."

Miss Silver Flute reminded him, and Mr. Hood immediately held the bottle and filled himself with wine again. Jenkins was forced to drink the remaining liquid in his glass.

Perhaps considering other people's preference for alcohol, Mr. Hood provided Jerez wine, which is white wine. This wine tastes good, but Jenkins, who has always hated alcohol since the first stage of his life, still has some resistance.

Next, Mr. Hood explained to everyone what happened tonight.

Probably from the end of last month, he was entrusted by an old friend to investigate a series of recent missing persons in the kingdom. By chance, Mr. Hood discovered that the birth dates of those missing persons had a pattern. Following this clue, he actually found a young duke who was visiting from a foreign country.

"I originally thought he was doing human trafficking, so I wanted to make a raid, but I didn't expect that the owner of the skull sword was also..."

Mr. Hood took a big sip of wine to calm himself, still in shock. Although he is also a powerful gifter, he does not have the strength to fight against the Skeleton Sword. Before being caught, he barely sent out a distress message. Miss Magic happened to have time, so she gathered people and what happened tonight happened.

Although everyone in the party except Hathaway had arrived at this moment, no one suggested moving the party forward. Everyone looked worried, and Jenkins didn't know what others were worried about.

Mr. Hood thanked him again before everyone said goodbye, and promised to ask him for help in the future. At least from this aspect, this middle-aged man is really good, because every word he said tonight is the truth.

Miss Magic seemed to have something to say to Jenkins, but it was very close to midnight, and Jenkins was anxious to go home. The woman also saw Jenkins's anxiety, so she handed him a piece of paper and a bottle of black potion.

"I'm sorry to have dragged you into trouble tonight."

"If you want to give me a thank-you gift, I think Mr. Hood should give it more appropriately."

"He will give me a bigger compensation."

The woman took off the hood she had been wearing, revealing the face of Agnes Howard. She winked at Jenkins, then said:

"This is the Styx Water that can only be used once, and the method of learning the ability [Building the Stage], which I mentioned at the last party. Although it is not valuable, it is also my thank-you gift."

"Okay then."

Jenkins reluctantly accepted it, because [Building the Stage (Yellow Spell)] is really worthless. Its effect only makes the user shine like the center of the stage, which is as boring as B-10-5-7722 [The Right Music for the Right Occasion] that Hathaway once got from a house robbery.

As for the Styx Water, Miss Magic said a month ago that it was about to expire, so its value was greatly reduced.

This time, the two of them cooperated with each other. Miss Magic gave Jenkins the method of contacting her on a daily basis, and Jenkins also gave Miss Magic the address of the black market tavern, which was the communication address used by "Miss Fabry". In this way, the two can contact each other outside of the party, so that they will not be unable to find their friends at the critical moment.

Seeing that time was running out, Jenkins said goodbye to his friends and summoned the unicorn, rushing to St. George Street.

For safety tonight, of course, he left an illusion at home. But once he used [Real Illusion] to go home, the cat could only run home by himself.

Jenkins was worried about letting Chocolate go home alone in the city at night, so he had to take it back with him.

Jenkins' pocket watch was proofread with the city's clock tower, and it was not a second off. He read the seconds to open the fence gate of the yard, and his hands trembled with anxiety when he nervously opened the door. He turned around and closed the door, and immediately lost consciousness and fainted on his foot pad.

When the man fell, the cat gracefully jumped onto the shoe cabinet beside him. Seeing that Jenkins' consciousness had risen to a higher dimension, it jumped back to the ground and came to him, rubbing Jenkins' face with its furry face.


Although he is willful and greedy every day, Chocolate will not allow anyone other than himself to hurt Jenkins.


Although he can't get new divinity, it is not impossible to defeat the Skeleton Sword.

The ringing of the clock at midnight means that the time has come to the third month of this year. The arrival of [Earth and Flowers Moon] is a sign of the arrival of spring.

After March, even the Kingdom of Hampavo, where the temperature is the worst, will gradually rise. Spring has really arrived, but Jenkins is not ready yet.

He just discovered something that he has ignored for a long time. With the improvement of his physical level, he can "see" more things in the spiritual state or pure consciousness state.

I still remember the first time I experienced the end of the month event. Not only did he not gain anything, but he almost died because of headache and nausea. In the past six months, as his strength has improved, the details of "seeing" and "hearing" have become richer and richer, which is a good change, which means that the essence of Jenkins' life is changing.

PS: Let me summarize:

[Player] (already learned) [String Manipulator] (already learned) [Stage Builder] (not learned, already obtained) [Performer] (unknown) [Storyteller] (unknown).

[Stage] The five abilities of the puzzle are locked, two are obtained and three are missing, but there are only two vacancies.

[Destiny Stage] The conditions for advancement are unknown.

Guess what I will write.

Section 902 Chapter 885 Harvest

At the end of this month, Jenkins made a very surprising discovery. This indescribable dimension is filled with a lot of energy and information, and it does not seem to be eternal. It is more like a temporary world. There seems to be a more mysterious place "higher", but Jenkins can't see it yet.

This made Jenkins think in a new way:

"What kind of dimension is this?"

February belongs to the righteous god [Eternal Blazing Sun], and March belongs to the righteous god [Mother Earth]. These two great men are the original gods in the legend, and together with the righteous god [Spirit of All Things] representing January, they are collectively called the "Original Three Gods".

In Jenkins' perception, the sun god is a majestic giant burning with flames, and the boundless light seems to be able to melt everything.

In Jenkins' perception, the earth god is a slender woman. I couldn't see the details of his face and clothes, but I felt that his aura was so broad and terrifying. It seemed to be able to accommodate some, and it seemed to be able to absorb everything.

He calmed down and felt the information contained in space and time, trying to remember every detail that could be remembered, and accepting everything with a peaceful mind.

After his consciousness returned to his body, the swelling and pain in his head was much less than before. But this time, his skin no longer felt the soft bedding, but the hard floor and the prickly foot pads.


"Chocolate is really worried about me."

Thinking of this, Jenkins couldn't help but feel happy. He climbed up with the help of the floor, patted the side of his head with his hand, and then picked up the cat next to him.

"What do you want to eat?"

Since the mouse incident, it has been very well-behaved, and Jenkins will not be stingy with rewards.

He gained a lot in this month-end whisper. In addition to six very useful special rituals, he obtained three rituals for ability learning.

The ability from the sun god is called [Justice Swing (Red Fighting)]. The gifter who uses this ability can cause great damage to evil when he makes a "swing" action in the face of evil.

The judgment of "evil" is entirely determined by the inner thoughts of the user. In other words, if the gifter who possesses this ability believes that human existence is evil, then the effect of using this ability in his hands will be even stronger.

The abilities from the Earth Mother Goddess are [Promoting Birth] and [Wooden Body]. Jenkins has come into contact with both of these abilities. The former is owned by Alexia, who said that this was the harvest when she witnessed Jenkins using the ritual [Breath of Life]; the latter is Jenkins' temporary power when he transformed into a different species [Marionette]. In fact, it was a pity that he mastered the useless [Marionette] instead of [Strong Element Resistance] after escaping from the strange world.

"Too greedy."

He said to himself, and Chocolate on the side mistakenly thought he was talking about himself. With an aggrieved expression on his face, the little claws that were about to touch the lychee were quietly retracted.

In addition to rituals and abilities, Jenkins also obtained a huge amount of knowledge and information fragments. For example, the use of sunflowers, the techniques of spring farming, etc., and what he cares most about is the information about the land:

[On the 17th day of the Earth and Flower Month every year, at the junction of day and night, the Unknown Thing will briefly incarnate in human form and descend on the earth to inspect the spring farming situation. 】

The beginning of this message is very serious, and the "inspection of spring farming" at the end seems a bit funny.

Jenkins is not sure whether this is a crazy message that he imagined when his mind was confused, or a real revelation from God. But this matter has nothing to do with him. After all, the material world is so big that even if the so-called "Unknown Thing" really comes, it is impossible for him who lives in Nolan all year round to encounter it.

"Very good, March officially begins. The short-term goal of this month is tomorrow's baptism and finding and solving the skull sword. The long-term goal is to handle the relationship with the girls well. May the sage bless me, and your light will illuminate my way forward!"

The last sentence was shouted out loudly, and then the holy emblem was drawn on the chest.

He immediately felt that he might really be lucky, so he summoned the light spot of his ability and activated [Unknown Road Ahead] with his mind, but there was no response.

"It's better if there is no response. If this ability works, it means that I am unlucky or will be unlucky soon."

He sighed and made his bed in front of the fireplace to go to sleep. When the weather gets warmer, he will move back to the bedroom on the second floor. I don't know if Chocolate can get used to sleeping on the bed.

(Chocolate is running...)

Adjusting the time slightly forward, Julia also successfully returned to the palace of Loen when Jenkins and his friends went to rescue Mr. Hood who was fighting against human traffickers.

She also has a small room here. Of course, it is together with the servants' rooms, but the area is slightly larger, the location is slightly better, and the decoration is slightly better.

After she returned, she remembered that she had not returned the set of ruby ​​jewelry to Mr. William, but it was obviously too late now.

"Julia, are you there? I have good news. My father just..."

Princess Dolores' energetic and enthusiastic voice came from outside the door, and then the door to the room was pushed open. After all, Julia is just a maid. Her Royal Highness does not need to knock on the door if she wants to enter.

"Julia, I'm really lucky today. My father and I just talked about finance and banking. He wanted to..."

The voice of the sixteen-year-old girl stopped suddenly, and she stared blankly at Julia's dignified and elegant dress and the set of well-made jewelry.

"Your Highness..."

The maid looked embarrassed. If Jenkins were here, he would definitely think that he had passed his bad luck to Julia.

"Julia, where were you just now?"

It was obvious that Dolores was very curious, but to show respect, she still asked carefully. He waved away the maids who were following him, and the door was closed.

The decoration style of this room is simple, but after all, she is one of the few maids allowed to live in the palace, and the furniture and accessories in the room are not something that ordinary middle-class families can covet.

Directly opposite the bed, there is an oil painting that looks very childish. In the oil painting, a girl is sitting on a chair with her hands clasped together, and her face is somewhat deformed. But judging from the hairstyle and dressing style, this should be Julia.

This is an oil painting that Dolores created in a painting class when she was 14 years old, using her maid as a model. This oil painting has been treasured by Julia in her room and is her most precious possession.

Chapter 903 Chapter 886 The aftermath of the night

"Just now......"

The thought of lying disappeared just for a moment, and his eyes subconsciously looked to the ground, but they immediately returned to normal. Julia knew what consequences her words would have, but she had sworn that she would never deceive her princess.

"Mr. Williams came here just now and invited me to a dinner..."

Even though she was determined to tell the truth, she still hesitated, thinking about the possible consequences of every word that came out of her mouth. While telling what happened that night, he never raised his head to look into the eyes of the girl in front of him.

Since leaving the slums in Lower Loon, Julia Minnewic has not encountered such an embarrassing and embarrassing situation for many years. She obviously made the most correct choice, but she still had to face such a situation. matter.

From the corner of her eyes, she looked at the mirror of the dressing table. The maid in the mirror lowered her head, like a little girl who had made a mistake.

"The Willamette family dinner..."

She lowered her head and heard Dolores sucking in and gasping for air before she said this. Having been with Dolores all year round, she knew very well how the princess was feeling at the moment.

The last time she had a similar experience was when Her Royal Highness missed an extremely important Category C [Gift] transaction in order to attend the birthday party of her friend, Duke Layel's daughter.


This time the situation was even more special than the last time. Although she missed the gift, she was not certain to get it, but Julia knew that Her Royal Highness the Princess was bound to get it from Mr. William.

"You did the right thing, Julia. Rather than letting Mr. Willamette invite other women, it is the most correct choice for you to participate on my behalf."

There was something wrong with the point in this sentence, but Julia knew she shouldn't point it out.

"I originally thought that a man like Mr. Williamte would have many female friends around him, but I didn't expect that he is in such a state now."

With Dolores's intelligence, it is easy to guess the situation Jenkins is currently facing from this incident.

"And he took the initiative to bring you to his home. I think the Sage Church will also launch an investigation... This is good, this is a good opportunity. It seems that I will find time to visit for a suitable reason. .....”

This was a serious tone, which at least meant that Dolores was not angry.

After wanting to understand this, Julia raised her head to look at His Highness, and then carefully took off the jewelry on her body.

"No, just wear it."

Dolores shook her head and said, taking the initiative to sit on Julia's bed. Although the little maid's room is better than that of other servants, it is only a one-bedroom apartment with a small cubicle. Once you enter the door, there is a desk, bed and dresser.

Dolores added: "The next time you see Mr. Williams, even if you want to give him those jewelry back, I don't think he will take them. So, go find a beautiful box and keep it." It’s a rare thing…it’s beautiful.”

She was still a little angry, but she just didn't want to show it because of her face. Julia wanted to laugh, but she was professionally trained to hold it back.

"Dolores, Julia, are you here?"

There was another sound from outside the door, and then the door was pushed open for the second time. Since the servants did not stop him, the only woman who could enter the door like this was Alexia, who had returned from the tower. It was already after midnight, and she came back very quickly,

"Oh, that's good if you are all here. I heard that there has been significant progress in the trial of Howard Stuart?"

As soon as the short lady entered the door, she immediately saw Julia's unusual dress. Unlike Miss Stuart, she could figure out what happened without asking.

He closed the door behind him naturally, and there was no problem with his tone of voice. Alexia was always calm and unhurried, even at a certain moment Julia noticed that the mirror beside her was cracked but it was miraculously repaired.

The gas lamp overhead flickered strangely, but looking at the short lady's calm face, the princess and the maid only thought it was a problem caused by the old gas lamp.

"What was the result of the interrogation? Did he know that Duke Antarcs, who was visiting Nolan, had strange people around him? Oh, Julia, you are so beautiful today."

"Today Mr. Willamt wants to invite a girl. The time I provided for visiting the tower happens to be today. The last person invited is my maid..."

These things appeared in the young princess's mind in an instant. This was of course a coincidence. Her Royal Highness did not know about it in advance, but she still had to explain it. Dolores knew that her teacher had always been a calm person and never liked corporal punishment, but in order to judge others by oneself, some things still needed to be explained.

"Teacher Alexia..."

She lowered her head and spoke, her voice aggrieved and soft, like a little girl who had made a mistake. That look was exactly the same as Julia just now.

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