(Chocolate running...)

Early on Friday morning, Dad visited St. George Street when Jenkins went out in his pajamas to get the newspaper. He just caught up with breakfast time, and Jenkins didn't mind frying a few more eggs.

After a week, Dad still looked very energetic. When he saw Jenkins, he hugged him warmly and laughed loudly at Old Jack's letter this morning, complaining that Jenkins' week in the Shire had caused great trouble to the Shire Parish.

"Ha, I knew it would be like this. It was he who didn't estimate the danger in advance."

Dad laughed happily, and didn't even notice that the buttons of his coat were wrong, nor did he mention that Jenkins met the Duke of Antak yesterday afternoon.

He came to Jenkins to take him directly to Evergreen Forest for baptism. The church's convoy will arrive at about eight o'clock, and Dad came first when he had nothing to do.

Speaking of which, this is Jenkins' "third" baptism. Although it has never been successful, Jenkins is already familiar with the steps and precautions, and doesn't need Dad to remind him again.

So during breakfast, the two of them kept talking about the new things that happened in Nolan during the week that Jenkins was away. Most of them were related to the Skeleton Sword.

The current situation is more serious than Jenkins imagined. The resurrection of the undead and the killing of people have actually begun to affect the normal operation of the city.

Dad gave an example of what happened last night. The big explosion in the Black Forest could be heard throughout the city. Even though this morning's newspaper used "Underground Coal Mine Gas Explosion" as the front-page headline and fully explained that this kind of thing would not happen in the city, it still caused panic among the citizens.

"It was really scary. Chocolate and I were both asleep at the time. When I was awakened by the explosion, Chocolate was so scared that he went straight into my quilt."

Jenkins nodded and said, not noticing that his cat was "carving" on the surface of the egg he had just peeled with his claws.

"I don't know who Skru Pompeii was fighting with. The scene at the scene was just like being hit by a meteorite. I knew that Nolan still had a large number of powerful gifters hidden, but most of these people were busy with some boring things most of the time."

Dad said.

Jenkins thought about it. According to his understanding, Miss Magic is currently preparing to hunt down the Pirate King Femmes, which is not a "boring thing".

During Jenkins' absence from the city, the local church's pursuit of the Skeleton Sword was not without progress. Although their progress is not worth mentioning compared to the gains of the Shire Parish, at least the line of [Zombie Gem] is already very clear.

"Through divination and the cooperation of the police department, as well as some special means, the whereabouts of the zombie gem after the suburban tragedy have been basically clarified. We have caught key criminals in the black market these days, one of whom knows Skru Pompeii. I think it is only a matter of time to find his hiding place in Nolan."

"Then what about the second-hand store that sells numbered items? Are there any follow-up investigation results? I remember the name of the store is [Kamel's Second-Hand Store]."

"No news for the time being. The trouble level of that second-hand store is no less than that of the Skeleton Sword. We even found that the blood-sucking species last year was also related to that second-hand store. The church will deal with the affairs of Kamal after dealing with the affairs of the Skeleton Sword and the Mirror Realm. Sage, please bless this city!"

Jenkins believes that the sage has always been blessing this city. Otherwise, there is no reason why so many accidents have happened here, but the citizens can still live in peace and happiness.

This peaceful day itself is the product of miracles stacked one after another. From this perspective, maybe the eyes of the gods have really been paying attention to this place.

"Speaking of which, the girl you brought home last night is very interesting, but she..."

Dad finally brought up this topic, and Jenkins was determined to listen to the church's attitude towards his acquaintance with a maid from a distant foreign country.

"But she seems to be one year older than you, right? Does Mary know about this? I know Miss Minnewick looks very young, but your mother seems to find it difficult to accept that her son married an older woman. I heard Bishop Palod mention this."

This is just the traditional concept of Nolan City. After jumping out of Nolan, people don't care about the age of their wives-unless the difference is more than ten years.

"Okay, my father and mother are very happy that I can bring a beautiful girl home, and they didn't raise too many questions about Julia's age."

"That's good, have you told Robert and the others? Miss Minnewick is a foreigner?"

Looking up at Dad's expression, he didn't show any extra meaning.

PS: Sometimes I wonder if you will realize when the 3K chapter appears.

Chapter 904 Chapter 887 The Third Baptism

In fact, since Jenkins never used his true appearance when he appeared in Loen, and Miss Stuart also did a good job of keeping it secret. So far, the Sage Church still does not know how Jenkins established the connection with the distant foreign country, nor does it know that Jenkins' real contact is the terrible young princess of the foreign country.

The church currently speculates that Jenkins used spells and abilities such as "meeting in dreams" or remote communication tools. Although these are not common, if they happen to Jenkins, they are very common.

"Do you know she is from the Kingdom of Hampavo?"

The man asked cautiously, absent-mindedly watching his cat eat breakfast.

"Humph, you brought her here, didn't you want us to know?"

The old man snorted, but didn't show anger. His interest in this matter was not in who Julia was, or how Jenkins knew her, but in Jenkins' choice:

"I thought you would choose Hesha or Michael."

"I thought so too..."

Speaking of this, Jenkins immediately showed a painful expression. This was certainly not a performance, he was really surprised and sad about what happened last night. But if he hadn't been too relaxed in the Shire, he wouldn't have remembered to invite a female companion until the end of the month.

"But Hathaway and Britney were not in Nolan yesterday. They had their own things to do."


The old man shook his head while stirring his soup with a spoon:

"So you just found a female friend? Jenkins... I can't say you did it wrong, but you will regret your rash behavior in the next week... Did you tell them about your return to Nolan?"

"I sent them a letter on the day I left the Shire."

Jenkins continued to answer absent-mindedly. He didn't know what the old man was thinking about. He just wanted to deal with the baptism he was about to face wholeheartedly.

The church's carriage appeared on St. George's Street on time when the bell tower sounded in the distance. When Jenkins hid the Dragon Language Secret Box and his phantom in the closet, he noticed that his neighbor, Mrs. Mistara Forrant, had been hiding behind the curtains of the second-floor bedroom and observing the church's convoy. Until the carriage carrying Jenkins and his cat left the street, the woman was still alert at that position.

"She must be scared, right?"

This is the disadvantage of being a neighbor to Jenkins. Jenkins hopes that Miss Silver Flute can move out of St. George Street as soon as possible.

The convoy crossed the entire city and drove into the outskirts of the city wrapped in fog. After traveling in the fog for a long time, it returned to the sunny early spring countryside again.

The giant tree in the center of the Evergreen Forest can be seen from a distance. The arrival of spring makes the vitality of the forest stronger, and the tree seems to be taller.

In addition to Jenkins and his father, there are Miss Bevanna and two elderly keepers in the carriage. Such a big battle is of course to ensure the smooth progress of this baptism. After all, terrible accidents happened in the first two baptisms. No one can guarantee whether there will be another accident for the third time.

"Have you dealt with the mirror world?"

Jenkins asked with great interest.

"The trouble there is not small either. The entrance controlled by the circus has been barely controlled, but the exploration of the mirror world has encountered great problems."

Miss Befanna looked extremely haggard, so Jenkins had to close his mouth and focus on stroking the chocolate so that Miss Befanna could have a good rest.

The Evergreen Forest has a unique and important position in dealing with the Skeleton Sword. Although this forest cannot be moved, this canyon full of vitality is definitely a place that the sword dare not easily set foot in.

The last collective riot of A-06-1-4408 [Curse of the Remains of the Shipwrecked] made the church understand that the sword can control numbered items with the concept of [Undead], so some sensitive sealed objects have been temporarily transferred to the Evergreen Forest for containment recently.

When the convoy arrived at the entrance of the canyon, Jenkins saw dense light spots and various shapes of spiritual light through the wooden boards of the carriage. After getting off the carriage, he almost thought there was a military fortress nearby.

He had never seen so many gifted people gathered together. There were gifted people from the Orthodox Church in the forest huts, branches and even cliffs. But after entering the forest, the number of active gifters decreased.

Although there are a lot of traces of human activities on the periphery of Evergreen Forest, the center of the forest is still primitive and rough. Only the familiar trails extend through the forest, but this time, there are more small animals watching Jenkins on the treetops beside the trails.

Jenkins even suspected that he might have accidentally taken the [Animal Affinity Potion] sent by Old Jack when he had breakfast this morning, otherwise there would be no reason for so many squirrels, birds, rabbits and even deer to follow him.

These small animals did not hinder the group, but just followed the team from a distance, and as they went deeper into the forest, they gradually developed into a beast tide. Jenkins originally thought that this was the method of an unknown gifter, but later realized that the beasts were following him.

"Is it okay? Is there something wrong?"

Neither Dad nor Miss Befanna expressed any opinions, so Jenkins could only take the initiative to ask.

"No problem, the animals living in Evergreen Forest are quite peaceful and friendly."

The old man answered vaguely. Although he didn't understand what happened, it was definitely related to the ability of Jenkins. It's better not to explain this kind of thing, because explaining it will make Jenkins suspicious.

Jenkins was also wondering about the beasts, and he immediately thought of [Origin of Life]. Because he was worried about the evolution of the soul emblem, he just asked about the origin of those animals and didn't say anything.

The two of them made a tacit agreement to ignore the wild animals following them, and among all the creatures in the group, the one who cared about those wild animals the most was probably Chocolate. It was very angry because sparrows or squirrels kept trying to jump on Jenkins' shoulders.

But that position belongs to the kitten, and is the territory of chocolate. Although it only needs to bark a few times or even wave its paws, those less intelligent animals will flee in fear, but soon new coveters will appear and continue to compete with cats for territory.

If it weren't for the fear of scaring Jenkins, the cat swore that it would eat those nasty little things in one bite.

The giant tree, the pool under the giant tree, and the figure hanging upside down above the pool are all still the same. The clergy wearing white sacrificial robes have also begun to prepare. The children in the choir came here very early, and at this time they were sleepy and playing in the woods under the arrangement of the old nun.

Except for the herd of beasts, everything was exactly the same as the previous two times.

Chapter 905 Chapter 888 Beginning

Jenkins spots Feeney among the children in the choir, and her presence here indicates that the girl succeeded in officially joining the choir before the end of winter. This means that she no longer has to worry about her own food in her life. She lived in the church as a child, and when she grows up, she can become a nun in the church, or get a decent job arranged by the church. As long as you don’t betray the church, you will have a rich and fulfilling life no matter what.

This is an extremely enviable life. Even middle-class families who are the backbone of society cannot guarantee that they will have enough food and clothing throughout their lives.

Only God is eternal, and only the church is eternal.

After a group of people entered the open space, the animals following behind them did not move forward. Instead, they lay around the open space in a very orderly manner, quietly watching everything that happened in the open space.

In ancient mythology, such sacred scenes only occur when saints appear. There is a picture of "The Coming of the Sage" hanging in Jenkins' home. In the painting, an unusually holy woman sits on a boulder by the lake, explaining the knowledge of the earth and farming to the people sitting cross-legged on the grass under the stone. The surrounding grass , deer, goats, birds and other animals lie harmoniously in a semicircle, as if they are also listening to the lecture.

"What's going on?"

Even as stupid as he was, Jenkins knew that these animals were behaving unusually.

"[The Origin of Life] shouldn't have such a big effect... Could it be that because I created this forest, it now resonates with the origin of my soul?"

This is true to a certain extent.

"You know we contain some terrible things on the outskirts of the Evergreen Forest, right?"

Dad asked quietly.

"of course I know."

"The instinct of these animals reminds them of the terror on the outskirts of the forest. But a few days ago we were arranging the baptism and we did not allow them to appear near the waterhole. Now that the place has been reopened, they have naturally come back."

"is that so?"

Jenkins felt that this reason was far-fetched.

"That's probably it. There's no better explanation, unless there's something else we don't know about."

Dad said vaguely, and then asked:

"What do you think? What's the reason for this?"

"Is it because..."

Jenkins thought about it, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and felt that he had found the truth again:

"Is it because of the wooden dagger left to me by the God of Music?"

The dagger has now been broken into three pieces, quietly soaking in Jenkins' spirit.

"Is the real function of that dagger to attract small animals? The God of Music wants me to build an army of animals and then fight bloody battles with the undead army? Isn't this too... cruel?"

Not to mention Jenkins' random thoughts, preparations for the baptism are proceeding in an orderly manner.

And since you are going to be baptized, of course you cannot escape the step of taking off all your clothes and entering the pool. Jenkins is extremely resistant to this link, but this is a rule passed down from ancient times, and even the Holy Son cannot change it.

The learning ceremony of the divine art [Blessing of Books] was arranged after the baptism. Miss Bevanna seems to be worried about the long nights and dreams, because the longer the baptism is postponed, the more likely she is to encounter unknown troubles.

The morning breeze of early spring blew through the treetops and branches. Under the tree, clergymen wearing holy white sacrificial robes stood in two rows in front of the pool. Between them was a path paved with petals.

The innocent and lovely children brought stools and stood at an angle of 45 degrees to the petal path next to the water pool, forming three rows up and down. The sacred and melodious song was sung by a childish voice, and in this song, the animals on the edge of the clearing sang softly in harmony with the tune.

Those peaceful and docile animals lay harmoniously and naturally in a semicircle surrounding the giant tree, looking at Jenkins standing at the edge of the petal path with soft eyes.

Among the animals, the black and white coated chocolate is particularly eye-catching. It originally wanted to climb a tree to find a better perspective like last time, but in order to prevent it from falling down later, it could only reluctantly stand with a group of rabbits and wild cats.

The young cat is particularly small among the creatures, but it is very popular. The rabbits "took the initiative" to hump up the chocolate so that the cat could briefly enjoy the rabbit fur cushion.


I will also ask Jenkins to buy him a rabbit fur mat in the future. This is indeed more comfortable than the outdated mat he got in the antique store.


The cat yawned with its mouth wide open, waiting for the unexpected to happen. What was to come next would be very interesting.

The baptism ceremony was still presided over by Miss Bevanna. As everything settled down, the ceremony began in an orderly manner.

Jenkins walked towards the pond from the middle of the path formed by the white-robed priests. The priests kept splashing holy water, flower petals and other things that represented holiness on him.

When he arrived in front of the pond, the morning light just passed through the lush old trees and cast a ray of sunlight on the pond. The sparkling water reflected Jenkins with a tangled face.

He really didn't want to take off his clothes in front of so many people, especially Miss Bevanna was standing by.

The early spring breeze blew over the treetops above his head. This week after leaving Nolan, spring was coming here more and more obviously. Winter is really over. The warm sunshine shines on my body, making me feel warm.

Maybe the sun and the giant tree were playing a joke on Jenkins, but two beams of light came down from the gaps between the leaves, one on the pool and one on Jenkins.

"No, I haven't learned [Stage Building] yet..."

This was a bit like the effect of a spotlight on the stage, which made Jenkins, who was about to take off all his clothes, feel even more pressure.

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