First, he raised his head above the ground, and it looked like there was indeed a thin mist around him. Only then did he feel relieved and completely climbed out of the narrow sewer entrance.

When he turned around to deal with the manhole cover, he heard the cat's cry. When he turned back, he saw Chocolate running towards him from the entrance of the alley, with a surprised expression on his face.

Chapter 965 Chapter 947 The Call of the Seaside

Jenkins never doubted that his cat could find him. Although Chocolate had not yet shown a higher force than the rabbits that bullied Evergreen Forest, his level of finding the way and finding things was absolutely first-class.

"Did you encounter any trouble on the way?"

He smiled and patted the cat's head, then picked it up and put it on his shoulder. The cat had no scars on its body, so it should not have encountered any trouble when it came here. Of course, it could also be because the terrible creatures wandering in the mirror world disdained to bully a kitten with little presence.

Probably because all the bad luck had been exhausted some time ago, until he came to the bell tower, he had not encountered any strange creatures or events.

But unfortunately, Miss Capet did not come here earlier than Jenkins, and there was no shadow of the blonde girl under the clock tower.

Jenkins waited for a long time but she did not come out of the fog. He looked up and saw that the time on the clock tower was 4:40, and there were still 20 minutes before the next entrance was opened.

"Will she be in trouble too?"

Jenkins was a little worried, but her location was beyond the detection range of Jenkins' eyes, so even if he set out to find it now, he could not determine the direction.


While teasing the cat on his shoulder with his fingers and thinking, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the dock area. Even if he climbed to the top of the clock tower through the fog, he could not see clearly what happened there, but there was a high probability that Miss Capet was there.

"Look at the mirror again. When I was in danger at the seaside, she also went to save me."

Thinking of this, Jenkins no longer hesitated. He stuffed the cat on his shoulder into his arms and set off again. Of course, he did not forget to leave a note at the door of the clock tower to explain where he was going, in case Miss Capet came but could not see anyone.

The battle on the seashore continued. When Jenkins went there, he could hear continuous loud noises, and occasionally the roar of giant beasts and tsunami-like sounds.

It was hard to imagine what happened there. If he hadn't found Miss Cape's light spot there when he got closer, Jenkins wouldn't even want to get close to the dock area.

The closer he got to the dock area, the stronger the damp and fishy smell in the air became. That smell reminded Jenkins of rotten fish and shrimp. In the original owner's memory, this smell was the most profound when his father Robert opened a store in the dock area.


Another dull loud noise sounded from a distance. Jenkins got out of the alley and climbed onto the roof, just in time to see a strange figure flying over. She flew over Jenkins' head to the taller building across the street, and her body hit the statue of a knight holding a spear on the roof. The weapon of the knight statue was not sharp, but the woman was too fast, and the spear just went through the woman's chest.

Like the red-haired clown and the lion before, the woman was also a member of the circus. She was the dancer with a gorgeous appearance and dress. Although she was a Level 7 Gifter, she was still a normal human being. She died after the spear tip pierced her chest. She lowered her head and didn't even notice that someone was watching her.

"What's going on?"

Jenkins was startled and turned to look at the beach again. The dazzling green suddenly burst out, completely illuminating the area of ​​the dock.

At the end of the dock that extended into the sea, the other members of the circus supported a ceremony emitting black spiritual light. In the center of the ceremony was the young magician, who was wearing a black robe, holding a book in his left hand and raising his right hand forward, reciting a strange language loudly.

The magician's voice was so penetrating that even Jenkins could hear it. He didn't understand what language it was, but he could feel the blasphemy in the language and voice.

Behind the remaining people in the circus was Miss Cape, and the lush green spread from her body. She wanted to stop the ceremony launched by the circus, but even if she tried her best, she couldn't get close to them.

The black ball of light covered the group of people who were holding the ceremony. As the voice of the magician holding the book became more and more coherent and louder, the black ball of light gradually suppressed the green on Miss Cape's body.

Jenkins looked up with a solemn face at the depths of the sea and the depths of the fog. A huge black shadow just flashed there. At that moment, the world seemed to have stopped for a moment, and the fishy smell in the air became more intense.

The fishy smell gradually turned into a stench, and the drizzling rain began to splash on this world.

"What do they want to summon?"

Jenkins was shocked and looked at his pocket watch. There were still ten minutes before the passage was opened. He didn't care about hiding anymore. After jumping off the roof, he stared at the wind and rain and ran to the dock. The woman was startled by the man who suddenly appeared behind her, but she was immediately surprised when she saw that it was Jenkins.

"Stop them quickly! They have stayed in the mirror world for too long and have been affected by the evil things of the sealer in the depths of the mirror world. Now this group of people are trying to summon those terrible things. They must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise those terrible creatures will break through the mirror world and return to the material world once the seal is broken!"

The woman's voice was gradually drowned in the torrential rain. In just a few minutes, the rain became terrifying.

Jenkins nodded, imitating Miss Capet's example and activated the [Origin of Life], and green light immediately overflowed from his body.

This green light was surprisingly harmonious with the green light of the lady beside him. They gradually merged together and directly pressed the black ball of light inwards.

"That's okay~"

Jenkins shouted loudly to his companions in the rain. He was soaked all over, and he even felt the touch of the wet cat close to his chest. As he spoke, rainwater flowed down his face and into his mouth, causing Jenkins to take a sip.

He no longer cared about Miss Capet's situation, raised his arms and pressed directly against the black wall of light. That layer of energy broke through a big hole the moment Jenkins' hand came into contact, and things went more smoothly than Jenkins thought.


Hearing Miss Capet's voice vaguely, Jenkins also knew that now was not the time to delay. The rain would suppress the gift fire and the twin demons. Jenkins took out the spells in his pocket, activated them and threw them out. After the explosion, he took his bone holy sword and rushed into the smoke after the explosion.

Half of the pier was blown down by his explosive spell, but everyone in the circus actually flew into the air with their feet on the black ritual circle that had become a reality.

Chapter 966 Chapter 948 Rain, Fog and Sea

The rain became heavier and heavier. Jenkins and Miss Capet attacked the flying circus people on the pier, but the latter ignored them completely and continued to whisper profanity to support the ceremony, so they were killed one by one by the two. .

There were some accidents when killing the young magician. Jenkins pulled him down and stabbed his body with a sword. However, he was still alive and continued to face the sea and recite the ancient language.

The language seemed to be calling, and something seemed to appear in the depths of the sea.

The wound stabbed by Jenkins with the sword healed at an extremely fast speed. But the method of healing was not natural recovery, but rather the wound was covered with fine blood-red granulations. The granulations even tried to climb onto Jenkins' sword, but were quickly destroyed by the power of the Bone Holy Sword itself.

"This is very wrong, Willamette!"

In the pouring rain, Jenkins could not hear clearly even Miss Capet's voice, which was so close at hand. Of course he knew something was wrong. What was happening now was exactly the same as the secret societies he remembered calling for evil things. The most damning thing was that the young magician seemed to have really succeeded.

The sword in his hand was swung several times and almost cut the magician into three pieces. The weapon imbued with spirit gave off a white glimmer in the rain and thick fog.

The magician was seriously injured, and more flesh sprouts appeared on the surface of his body. Amidst the constant calls, he almost lost his human form.

When Jenkins slashed at his skull for the last time, a thick purple-black tentacle covered with disgusting patterns suddenly broke through the thick fog from the depths of the sea and pierced the dock. It accurately pierced the magician's body. , and then with the frightening howl, the magician returned to the thick ocean mist.


What appeared together with the cry was the black shadow behind the mist. The huge figure and strange shape quickly aroused the body's instinctive fear.

It is an existence that surpasses humans and even all intelligent creatures. It is an unreplicable monster born under the ultimate chaos. Enemies of gods and mortals alike, they have been sealed away in the depths of the Shadow Realm since being defeated in the distant past.

And now, with the call of the weak mortal, it wakes up.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and the strong wind carried dark clouds covering the whole world. The terrifying roar seemed to awaken all the fear and uneasiness in the world, and the soaked Jenkins and Miss Capet trembled subconsciously.

Chaotic whispers sounded from the ears, and blood oozed from the ears. Boundless chaos enveloped the two of them, but even so, they did not give up hope.

"Five minutes left!"

Jenkins shouted, and Miss Cape nodded to show that she heard. The rain had completely soaked the woman's hair, and her long golden hair clung to her skin and soaked clothes. She acted very bravely and did not give up resistance even though she knew what she was facing.

This girl, who also has blond hair like Britney, has really terrifying mental strength. Even Jenkins had a headache and nausea when facing the huge black shadow behind the fog of the distant ocean, but she just stood there with a pale face and did not faint on the spot. This is really puzzling.

"Even if that time comes, we can't escape, otherwise it will follow our traces and pursue Mirror No. 14!"

Miss Cape shouted bravely, her voice hoarse.


As if in response to her voice, two black tentacles covered with dizzying patterns stabbed out of the thick fog in front of the dock again. That is not the trunk of any creature in cognition. It just appears in the compulsively polluted world.

In the rain, Jenkins didn't bother to wipe the rain off his face, lowered his center of gravity slightly, raised his sword and swung it in front of him. The huge force almost knocked him away the moment the sword came into contact with the tentacle, but Jenkins, who was well prepared, resisted.

The white bone holy sword exuding a white shimmer easily cut a huge wound on the tentacle, and the disgusting and viscous black liquid immediately gushes out from there, pouring onto the dock with a corrosive sound.

It quickly retracted into the fog, just like the tentacle next to it that had rolled up Miss Capet. Without the woman calling for help, Jenkins immediately attacked again. He used all his strength to jump up against the wind and rain, and grabbed her hand in the desperate eyes of the woman.

His right hand quickly stabbed the tentacle again, and the tentacle let go of the two people helplessly in pain, and retreated into the fog with his companion on his hand.

The man and the woman fell into the sea, and it took a while for the cat to be thrown onto the dock from the sea like a flying fish, and then Jenkins pulled the semi-conscious Miss Capet up.


The cry sounded again, and the black shadow was getting closer and closer to the shore. The figure behind the thick fog gradually became clearer, allowing Jenkins to see more details, and now even his eyes began to ache.

The feeling of wanting to vomit could not be suppressed, but the mental discomfort was more serious than the physical discomfort. The temple was as painful as being pierced by a silver needle, and after climbing ashore, he even felt his legs shaking.

"Are you okay?"

He knelt on one knee and patted Miss Cape's cold face. The rain flowed down her beautiful face, but the woman's eyes could no longer be opened. He tested her breath and pulse to make sure she was still alive. If he hadn't been able to feel the majestic natural spirit in her body, Jenkins really thought she was going to die.

"Chocolate, look at her."

He picked up his cat and wanted to put it in the woman's pocket.


The cat cried weakly, as if it was about to vomit. It tried to stand up in Jenkins' hand, but soon fell down and couldn't move.

"Oh, Chocolate~"

Jenkins put it down with grief, turned around and swept the sword, repelling the tentacles that tried to sneak attack again.

The waves hit the dock in the heavy rain, and the dark clouds completely annihilated the last ray of sunlight. The monster in the sea was approaching little by little, and the whispers and roars were already changing the laws of this world.

The power of chaos and disorder hit Jenkins, but he himself was the embodiment of the world order [lie]. The power of the priesthood kept him awake and provided him with a constant supply of strength.

Although he did not carry the drop of divinity obtained in the Evergreen Forest, Jenkins was equally powerful at this moment.

Tentacles attacked from the mist at the same time, and the waving sword shadows protected the man and the cat behind him... and the woman. Jenkins had never systematically learned swordsmanship, but with his full support, the power exerted by the Holy Sword of Bones was enough to shake the evil creature in front of him.

PS: Let me explain why Jenkins did not carry divinity: before he entered the mirror world, he was wearing a shirt and lying on the counter of his father's antique shop, checking the file bag, and was caught off guard by the mirror. In this case, it would be abnormal to carry the silver metal block.

Chapter 967 Chapter 949 God and Sword

Since obtaining the priesthood of [Lies], it has never surged with power like today. The majestic power is enough to support the man on the dock, waving the holy weapon on the collapsed dock extending to the sea, reflecting the tentacles in the ocean.

Each of his blows left a white light mark in the air. In addition to illuminating the front, these light marks also continued to hurt the tentacles that dared to invade.

Hundreds of black strange bodies continued to emerge from the fog, attacking the small figure on the dock. But the tiny figure did not step back. The sword light flashed and repelled the tentacles one by one. The power of the priesthood even made him emit a faint golden light in the fog.

Jenkins really felt the priesthood trembling. He had never felt so powerful outside the state of God.

Originally, he was still wondering about the reason for the change of the priesthood, but as the black shadow in the sea approached the coast little by little, some inexplicable information automatically appeared in his mind.

The monster that was called out from the deepest part of the mirror world was called the [Chaos Polluted Beast] in the ancient era. This is not the offspring of a disaster, nor is it a weird thing caused by gods or other forces. It is a monster born from the most chaotic concept, acting as the opposite of order in the balance of the world.

In the 9th era, this monster was born from nothingness and cholera in the shadow world. After being expelled from the shadow world, it entered the material world. It was the middle of the 9th era, and the one who sealed it in the form of a saint at that time was the previous [God of Lies], the god who deliberately lost the bet with Jenkins.

The power of the priesthood still remembers this opponent, the remaining divine power seal on the body of [the Chaos Polluted Beast], which stimulates the [Lies] priesthood of the same origin.

Even if the owner of the priesthood has changed, that power is not wrong.

"That liar actually did such a great thing?"

Jenkins thought in surprise. He thought that the previous [God of Lies] was a person who could play the world with lies and tricks, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.


The sword in his hand left white light marks in the air, and the wriggling tentacles pierced out from the depths of the thick fog in the sea without giving up.


The cry caused the fluctuation of energy and also shook all souls. Jenkins' mouth was already bleeding. Compared with his great soul, his body was fragile.

"Wait, the God of Lies deliberately lost the priesthood to me, and the monster he once sealed happened to be encountered by me three months later... Am I fooled?"

This feeling became stronger and stronger, so much so that Jenkins wanted to ask the [God of Shadows and Stealth] for clarification.

"That liar..."

He cursed in his heart and split the two tentacles that had condensed into one strand. Dirty liquid gushed out from the wound of the tentacles, but before it touched Jenkins, it was evaporated by the golden light on his body.

The figure of the sea monster became clearer and clearer, and the fishy smell and stench overwhelmed the moisture in the heavy rain. It was as big as a mountain, and the wriggling tentacles were the main material of the mountain.

The instinctive fear of the giant creature made Jenkins lose control for a while. After suppressing the fear from the bottom of his heart, he felt that the first second he looked at the thing, he would faint because he couldn't bear it.

The whisper gradually overwhelmed the sound of rain, and while the rain soaked Jenkins, it shook his eardrums and brain little by little. The disordered and chaotic language itself was an extraordinary power. On the seabed and behind Jenkins, the aquatic and terrestrial plants had already been deformed, swaying and transforming into the shape of tentacles as the sound swayed.

There were still two minutes before the passage could be opened, and the sky in front of him was already covered with white sword marks. Jenkins roared and jumped up again, summoning the spirit in his body, and used all his strength behind the sword marks to swing a sword at the black shadow in the ocean.

The pure white sword shadow drove the sword marks all over the sky to shoot into the distance, and the shock waves suddenly penetrated the strange sea fog.


The loud noise seemed to ring in his ears, and Jenkins' eyes went through the fog and saw the monster's wriggling black and gray skin directly. The extreme chaos hit his soul, and Jenkins screamed uncontrollably, bleeding from all seven orifices at the same time.

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