The sword obviously caused damage to the monster, but it was only a mortal's attack, which was far from enough.

But all Jenkins wanted was to create a wound, and the appearance of the wound caused a layer of golden light of divine power to overflow from the surface of the tentacles. The light formed a chain that dragged the shadow into the depths of the ocean.

Where the light gathered, strands of golden threads crossed the sea fog and floated to the dock on the coast. These golden threads chased and entangled each other in the fog, and finally condensed into a complete golden droplet, which was grabbed by the hand in the fog.

"Divinity? That old liar really knew that there would be such a day!"

Jenkins cursed the former God of Lies who had caused him trouble in his heart, but he did not stop using [Dream Soul Out of Body] to let the soul fly out of the body.

When the divinity merged into the soul, the white light column penetrated the dark clouds and thick fog and enveloped Jenkins, and the holy ballad completely suppressed the blasphemous whispers in the wind and rain.

He slowly rose into the air, and the golden and white light around him dispelled the thick fog. With a wave of his hand, the Holy Sword of Bones automatically rose into the air and was held by the God. The power of divinity poured in, completely activating the sword.

In essence, this Holy Sword of Bones was still the Skeleton Sword, but because of the giant tree in the Evergreen Forest, it was infused with a lot of life force.

The spirit of life and the spirit of death did not conflict or cancel each other out, but coexisted harmoniously in the sword because of the holder.

The power of divinity fully activated them. In the rippling golden light, the shadows of the army of undeads holding wooden weapons protected by vine armor loomed behind the God like a tide.

But they were not the point. The point was the sword that the God swung with all his strength. That sword seemed to have stopped time and space, and its extreme brilliance made the whole world pale in comparison.

The sound of the mirror breaking was particularly clear as the sword was swung out. Large pieces of broken mirrors fell from the void into the sea, and then quickly merged into the world again, repairing the cracks in space.

The wind and rain stopped at this moment. The cat pretending to be unconscious squinted one eye. The golden light in the sky illuminated its pupils. The dazzling color made the cat's eyes sparkle.

Chapter 968 Chapter 950 Return

After the light of the sword, there was an astonishing roar and a tsunami. But the god in the sky just raised his wrist slightly, and the tsunami rolled back to the ocean.

The power of divinity was constantly evaporating, and Jenkins fell back from the air to the broken dock little by little. The black shadow behind the ocean fog was struggling to stir the sea water, and the golden chains and runes were reflected on its body. The sword attack of the god made it unbearable.

In the end, the monster could only be pulled back to the depths of the mirror world again, sleeping quietly to recuperate. Maybe after several epochs, it will still wake up due to an accident and try to enter the real world, but at least it has nothing to do with Jenkins now.

"This sword... can actually fully withstand the power of divinity..."

Looking down at the sword in his hand that was overflowing with golden and white brilliance, the power of divinity is not something that all weapons can withstand, and weapons that can withstand the power of divinity can be called "artifacts".

The "artifacts" here are not the powerful mortal weapons in the vulgar knight novels. The real artifacts are the weapons used by the great men in religious legends, such as the book held by the statue of the Sage Church, or the trident held by the statue of the Ocean Temple.

"When I really become an immortal god one day, my statue may also have this sword."

The power of divinity has been running out with that shocking sword. He waved his hand to dispel the dark clouds, and with a wave of his right hand, the ocean stretched out a black stone and flew over. This is what fell from the wound after the sword cut the monster's skin.

The black aura showed that it was a weird object. Jenkins did not dare to take it in his hand, but let it float on the palm of his right hand, and used the remaining divinity to build a box to seal it.

The strange ritual that sealed the divinity could not seal the weird things, so Jenkins only used the power of the divinity itself. But this meant that he could not hand this thing over to the church, otherwise once it was recognized as the power of the gods other than the sage, Jenkins would really have trouble explaining it.

The god sighed and touched the box with his hand. It spun in the air, shrank and deformed, and finally turned into a brass ring. Jenkins was getting more and more familiar with the divinity, but this time he used the power of [Control Nature] and [Material Transformation]. These are the basic abilities of the gods, and Jenkins still has a lot to learn.

Turning around and waving his hand, the light full of vitality enveloped the soaked woman and cat. The god dispelled the dark clouds, but when the first ray of sunlight shone on the dock, it was only a mortal who stood up.

"My head hurts so much~"

He complained softly, took out the pocket watch that was fortunately not broken by the water, took a look, and constructed a mirror with telekinesis, loudly awakened the woman to let her prepare for the challenge, and then stepped into the shattered mirror with the slowly awakening cat.

The insurance salesman was probably not lying. As soon as his feet touched the ground, Jenkins discovered that this mirror world was unusual. He "felt" that this place was closer to the real world, and this feeling might be prompted by his advanced inspiration, or it might be the result of the apotheosis state not completely fading.

As luck would have it, the landing place was St. George Street, a place Jenkins was very familiar with. The mirror image standing opposite him is Mr. Goodman in formal attire holding a baby in his arms. His appearance is almost the same as that of a normal human being. Except for the funny look of holding a baby, there is nothing unusual about him.

"Guess what, when I walk over, the monster in the package is going to come out and try to bite my head off."

Jenkins muttered in his heart, and with a wave of his hand, the eternal fire ignited Mr. Goodman's clothes. But he didn't hide away. He just looked at Jenkins with a smile and even waved goodbye.

The fire quickly burned the middle-aged man into mirror fragments, during which he did not resist at all.


Jenkins didn't know what to say, so he could only take two quick steps and lower his head to pick up the lenses. What just happened shows that Mr. Goodman's psychology is abnormally normal and he is always in a good mood.

He may have troubles in his life, but those little things won't affect him.

"He is an optimistic person and a good and competent neighbor. I know that I am not surrounded by all abnormal human beings who hide big secrets and have twisted psychology."

Jenkins concluded in his mind, then turned around and saw Chocolate lying on the roof of his house, looking sleepy.


Seeing Jenkins looking at it, the cat immediately let out a cry of joy. Then he jumped from the roof to the tree that had just sprouted green buds in the yard, then jumped to the ground, got out of the gap in the fence, and was finally picked up by the man.

Chocolate's ability to bounce is really good. The tree in Jenkins' yard is a long way from the house. It was just like a bat gliding in the air.

This mirror was indeed mirror number 14. Shortly after leaving St. George Street, Jenkins met the exploration team of the Orthodox Church.

But that is not the scribe of the Church of the Sage, but the night watchman of the [Church of Darkness and Hiddenness]. Because they didn't know that Jenkins was missing, he and Chocolate were once regarded as reflections of the mirror world, and a group of people almost got into a fight.

But fortunately, Jenkins behaved rationally enough and showed them the document bag he carried that was not upside down. This dispelled the suspicion and headed to the exit of the Mirror Realm with the night watchers.

Although the entrance to the real world is at the racecourse in the outskirts of Nolan, the counterpart in the mirror world is a small apartment in the southwest of the city.

After stepping out of the hole filled with black light, Jenkins was immediately hugged by the woman. Embarrassed, he tried to push Miss Capet away, but found it difficult to do so without hurting her or his own neck.

"It's good that you're fine. The scribes from the Sage Church are about to leave."

The entrance to the Mirror Realm cannot be moved, so the church erected a building on the site to hide it. There were various strange ritual objects scattered in the room. Miss Bevanna stood at the door and winked at him.

"Dad is going crazy."

Miss Bevanna prompted, and Miss Cape immediately let go of Jenkins when she heard the sound.

"I think your adventures will be great, tell us about them tomorrow."

The woman pointed to her face and motioned to Jenkins to look in the mirror and wipe off the blood and dirt on his face.

"I think you need to rest now. The carriage is ready outside and dad is waiting for you in the car. Welcome back, Jenkins, I think your story will be exciting."

Chapter 969 Chapter 951 The last layer of the secret box

"To put it simply, this is it. I think I have had enough bad luck recently. Speaking of [Destiny Stage], it should be for me to be lucky. What is going on?"

Jenkins almost collapsed on the sofa in the study room, sighing and complaining about the past few days. Chocolate didn't feel tired at all, and fully expected Jenkins to give it a piece after pushing the orange in his hand away.

It was already three hours after escaping from the mirror world, and Luen's study was still so warm and comfortable. Jenkins liked it very much.

“Can cats eat oranges?”

Although the productivity of this era was not as developed as the world outsiders remembered, it was not difficult for the royal family to obtain oranges during this season.

Miss Stuart and Alexia both know that cats have a keen sense of smell, so they hate oranges with a pungent smell. But Chocolate is no ordinary cat, and the kitten's diet completely overlaps with Jenkins's.

"Mirror Realm? Strange things are really appearing now."

Alexia was holding a book in her hand, titled "Ancient Memories II: Echoes of Darkness". This is a book she borrowed from the library on the ground floor of the tower. Although Miss Stuart promised to help apply for higher access rights, this is obviously not something that can be solved in a short time.

"Yes, yes, and Chocolat and I also met a monster in the mirror world. God, that thing is so scary."

He muttered quietly, glancing at the cat who kept picking at his sleeves with his paws. Chocolate saw that Jenkins had finished peeling the orange, but had no intention of giving it to him. He was impatient and planned to grab it.

Pass the orange segment to the cat's mouth, and it will open its small mouth and quickly take the fruit away. There was a happy expression on his face, and his mustache trembled very cutely.

"But didn't everything work out smoothly?"

Alexia put down the book in her hand and said, and then she saw Miss Stuart, who was bending over the desk and concentrating on her homework, holding a pen and sketching on the paper. Although it looked like he was writing quickly, in fact the pen tip did not touch the paper on the table at all.

"From the moment you accidentally entered the Mirror Realm on Monday morning to the time you escaped from the Mirror Realm an hour ago, you have only been missing for one day."

“It was such an amazing day.”

Jenkins gently stroked the cat's head with his right hand and turned his head slightly to look at the night scene outside the window. It didn't snow in Loen today, but we still couldn't see the starry sky because the thin mist obscured the starry sky.

This fog is far less serious than Nolan's, and it's not unusual for this place. After all, Loen is the royal capital, and the degree of steam industrialization is also quite high.

"How are you going to explain that you successfully escaped from that evil creature? That woman will definitely report this matter, you can't hide it."

"Yes, of course I can't hide it. I plan to tell Miss Bevanna that after Miss Capet became unconscious, I carried her on my back and fled away from the coast, and finally managed to survive 10 minutes and successfully entered No. 14 Mirror."

Jenkins said nonchalantly, it was just a trivial matter.

"If you really say that, the Orthodox Church might give up its exploration of the mirror world to prevent the evil that is still active from invading the material world."

Alexia pointed out.

"Just give up, that's fine. I can feel that there is more than just the thing we encountered sealed in the depths of the Mirror Realm. There are more terrifying creatures than that, but this time it happens to be [Chaos of Chaos] The Pollution Beast was summoned by the confused circus people. Maybe the gods regarded the mirror world as a garbage dump, and humans were not suitable to explore it. "

This was actually information given by the priesthood, and Jenkins said it in a different way.

"That's right, and now that everyone in the circus is dead, there's no need to worry about them causing any trouble in the mirror world, but... we still don't know that they all have such high-level secrets."

The short woman put her right elbow on the arm of the chair and cupped her face with her right hand. She looked stunning.

"I probably guessed it."

The room was brightly lit, but outside it was a long silent night. The people in the room were reflected on the glass of the study room, and Jenkins looked quietly at his own face reflected on the glass.

"If you kill yourself in the Mirror World, you will most likely gain a spirit and become stronger. It's just a similar principle. I even guessed it when I heard about the Mirror World. It's not an important thing. It's still solid. It is more reliable to truly rely on absorbing the spirit of the world to improve oneself.”

He stretched out, feeling that he might suddenly fall asleep in this warm and comfortable environment. Jenkins likes Ruen because there is no pressure on him here.

Everyone in the room knew what happened at the William Te family dinner last week, so everyone tacitly agreed not to mention it again this time. After Miss Stuart reluctantly completed her homework, Jenkins took out the dragon language secret box and told everyone the translation given by the dragon.

Alexia guessed and understood the meaning. This was a secret word related to the element of fire, involving complex knowledge of ancient elements. In short, no one except Alexia and Chocolate knew what it meant, but it was good that the box was opened.

"The language of elves is the element of air, the language of ancient humans is the element of earth, the language of dragons is the element of fire..."

The theory of the four elements was common knowledge among the grantors, so as expected, the secret box of dragon language was opened, which contained a transparent cube covered by a water film. Because of the flow of liquid, it's hard to see what's inside, but I guess there won't be any more boxes.

The touch of the water cube is very subtle. When the water with a fixed shape is touched, it will also cause ripples. But if you press inward hard, you will feel a soft but tough water film, which prevents your fingers from exploring the space inside the Water Cube.

The rippling water patterns formed fine patterns on the surface of the cube, but they were actually the language of the mermaid. Fortunately, although everyone present did not understand Mermaid Language, this language was not lost. Dad had a translation dictionary between Mermaid Language and Common Language, and the dictionary that no one wanted to open was stolen by Dad. Disliked that it took up too much space, when Jenkins returned home after the Evil God Son incident, he took the thing home from the antique store and placed it on the bookshelf in the study as a decoration.

He immediately returned to Nolan to translate the sentence related to the water element into common language. After Alexia decrypted it, the three ladies stretched out their hands to hold down the three non-opposing sides of the cube, and then used the mermaid's Language reads three different sentences.

Chapter 970 Chapter 952 Making a Wish

Jenkins and Chocolate sat on the sofa on one side of the study and watched the women open the box. After the three people's voices fell, the Water Cube disintegrated with a crash, soaking the carpet in the study. As the water film disappeared, a small green gourd fell down, making a crisp sound.

Judging from the sound, the gourd should be hollow inside.

None of the four people spoke, but watched a burst of white smoke drifting from the gourd mouth. After the white smoke dissipated, a blue transparent spirit appeared above the gourd. It was the image of a man, with his hair tied into a towering mandrel, his arms bare and wearing a sleeveless gown, and his lower body had no legs, like The gourd mouth below is connected like smoke.

"Oh, damn it, how long did I sleep?"

The first few sounds are not the current lingua franca of Hampavo, but as they speak, it becomes a language that everyone can understand.

"The seal has finally been lifted. Hey, did the beautiful girls save me? I can grant a wish to everyone, any wish is fine~"

He stretched out a finger and waved it gently, his tone was very kind, and people couldn't help but feel good about him.

None of the women spoke, and Julia glanced secretly at Jenkins, who seemed to have written a similar story in "Tales from a Stranger."

The man blinked and was sure it was a strange thing with black aura. Jenkins tapped the fingers of his left hand regularly on the armrest of the sofa, thinking quickly about which strange thing it was.


Alexia answered Jenkins' question. Since this sentence was said by her, it must be correct.

There is no doubt that the thing in front of me is a strange object, but the question is since it is so strictly sealed, why should the solution to the mystery be left on the surface of the seal.

All three girls knew it was best not to say anything until they understood the situation. And the wish that this transparent blue spirit said may not be a good thing.

"You can play the silent game with me, but I will never leave before I help you realize your wish."

It floats quietly in the air in the center of the study, spinning slowly to observe everyone's expressions. If he weren't worried about the negative consequences of using force rashly, Jenkins would just split open the gourd and take a look.

"Can you make all your wishes come true?"

Jenkins suddenly asked. Originally, the spirit body disdained to talk to this man, but since no one else spoke, it could only talk to Jenkins temporarily.

"Yes, all wishes."

The spirit said, and Alexia had already remembered the content corresponding to the number.

"A-11-01-7421, [Forced Wish Maker], the person who is granted a wish must state a detailed and non-vague wish within half an hour, otherwise he will disappear inexplicably and never appear again. . This soul is very powerful and can fulfill almost all wishes of mortals, but the wishes it fulfills are realized through malicious means.

This means that after making a wish, the person making the wish will have a high chance of encountering misfortune, and the misfortune will affect the people around him..."

The so-called wish to "describe details without being vague" often appears in descriptions of abilities or items related to "making a wish". In fact, you cannot use words such as "become a god", "achieve world peace", or "three more wishes" as wishes. This is the basic knowledge of making wishes.

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