"What's going on?"

He didn't understand the current situation at all. B-07-1-6233 was observing the uncertain future, and now it seemed that someone in the future knew that he would appear here at this moment, and "someone" was himself.

"Is it a trap? Or is this really a hint?"

Because of A-10-1-0230 [Parchment from the Future], he was very wary of things that claimed to be from the future, especially those that tried to give him hints of future information.

He was more inclined to not believe the note in the picture frame, and closed his eyes to wait for this "crossing" to end. His eyes subconsciously swept to the side, and there was actually a note on the empty space of the bench, and it was written in English letters.

When he tried to read it out, he found that it was Chinese pinyin, and the specific meaning was:

[That's true. 】


Jenkins really didn't know what to do. He had never heard that B-07-1-6233 could get hints from his future self.

"This is an uncertain future!"

He told himself again, and then he saw another note under his feet. It was not Chinese pinyin, but Chinese written horizontally from the bottom left to the top right:

[I know I am very suspicious, don't worry, this is true, you will get everything you want. 】

"This is..."

Jenkins was still not sure whether there was a bad guy who wanted to harm him, but he still remembered the information on the note in the picture frame. He closed his eyes and waited for the time to end. He didn't wait too long, and the familiar tiredness made the man fall asleep again.

After returning this time, the discomfort of the body has reached its peak. As soon as he opened his eyes, he began to vomit. Passersby looked at this side worriedly and wanted to help, but Jenkins reluctantly waved and refused.

Soon, the old painter Grant came back with warm water. According to him, Jenkins's complexion became worse, close to the paleness of white paper. Now without a mirror, Jenkins couldn't see what the so-called "pale face" looked like, but he knew he really needed to rest.

He rejected the proposal to find a doctor again, and asked the old man to find an idle carriage. Jenkins knew that his physical condition was not optimistic. After B-07-1-6233 was over, it would be best to leave here immediately and find a place to rest.

The fifth time travel occurred 7 minutes and 13 seconds later. After regaining consciousness, Jenkins leaned forward from the bench, grabbed the armrest of the chair with one hand, knelt on one knee on the ground, and covered his chest with the other hand, gasping for air. At this moment, he felt that his lungs were burning.

On the side of the field of vision, the woman's hand reached out from the other side, gently helped Jenkins up, and let him sit back on the chair. The pair of soft and white hands were placed on his forehead, and the green breath permeated from the hands and slowly penetrated into Jenkins' head.

"Uncle Jenkins!"

Section 1003 Chapter 985 The Future

"Uncle Jenkins, what's wrong with you?"

The young girl called his name softly while helping Jenkins with treatment. Seeing that Jenkins did not respond, she asked about his health with concern.

The fifth time travel was finally not night, but the corridor of the gallery was still empty. The bright sunshine poured into the gallery from the window. There was no fog or rain outside. Nolan's sky was blue sky and white clouds.

Now only the girl beside him was here. The familiar uncle "Williamette" reminded Jenkins of the little girl a few minutes ago.

He raised his head with strong nausea. There was a picture frame on the opposite wall, and only a metal statue was placed there.

The metal statue on display was placed on the exhibition stand, but the metal statue was not forged with smooth metal. It was more like a complex gear structure. Jenkins did not recognize the person depicted by the metal statue, but the unique mechanical beauty and sense of order in the absurdity gave Jenkins a very familiar feeling.

He thought of [Mechanical Light] inexplicably.

Turning to look at the 20-year-old girl beside him, although a long time may have passed, he could still vaguely see the facial features of the little girl carrying the flower basket a few minutes ago. At the same time, the facial features of the Williamette family also appeared on her already open face. This is indeed Jenkins' niece.

"Aren't you surprised that I'm still young?"

If the last meeting can be explained as ten years, Jenkins has not changed much, but this time it should be at least twenty years.

"Uncle Jenkins, what's wrong with you?"

The girl looked worried, and she acted as if Jenkins had said something crazy, "Aren't you always like this?"

She raised her hand to continue to treat Jenkins, but was rejected by Jenkins.

It is now certain that the girl next to her is Jenkins's blood-related niece, which at least shows that the Williamite family is still safe in this future.

"Why are you here?"

Jenkins no longer wants to ask about time and key events in the future. He doesn't know which part to believe. So now he is chatting to kill time and wait for this damn event to end as soon as possible.

"Have you forgotten? It was you who asked me to go back to Nolan to give holiday gifts to friends in the past. Uncle Jenkins, are you really okay?"

"Really okay."

Jenkins shook his head. He wanted to continue exploring the current situation of this possible future, but he couldn't find the right question. Even though he was curious about things like "Who are your aunts?", his reason still stopped him from asking.

Rash exploration of the future will lead to the tricks of fate, which Miss Audrey emphasized in the first class.

Seeing that Jenkins was silent, the girl also stopped talking and sat quietly beside Jenkins. When she was a child, it was difficult for her to see the details of her face, but when she grew up, she could really perceive the features of William's appearance.

Jenkins was very happy to see his relatives in the future. He liked this future, even if this future showed that he still lived in the material world.

He struggled in his heart for a while. Although he was extremely contradictory, he finally decided not to ask anything. After making this decision, he felt a lot more relaxed in his heart, and even felt that the headache in his head was somewhat relieved. Jenkins sighed and continued to press his temples.

It was quiet for dozens of seconds, and clear footsteps appeared little by little from the corner of the corridor. Jenkins raised his head and looked there, and a middle-aged man with a cane appeared from the corner.

He was wearing a brown suit, and the pocket watch chain could be seen in his shirt pocket, fastening the button on his chest. He was no older than 40, but he looked a little fierce, not like a decent ordinary person.

"Someone you know?"

Jenkins asked his niece.

"She does know me, but I'm here to kill her, Chris Williams, are you ready... huh?"

The man saw Jenkins' face, and a puzzled look immediately appeared. He was stunned for a full second and then turned and ran, exposing his back to the enemy's vision.

But the man was too close to Jenkins just now, and the vines spreading out of the void directly drilled into his temple. As he fell to the ground, the illusory small round coin rolled to Jenkins' feet.

Jenkins bent down and picked up the incomplete sin coin and handed it to the girl next to him. By giving his niece pocket money and taking away the newspaper, he had verified that he could not "give" anything to the future, nor could he get anything from the future.

Niece Chris Williams was not surprised by Jenkins' actions. In this future, she should know some secrets of "Uncle Jenkins".

"Oh, it's sin coins~"

The girl sighed without much surprise, as if she found that the gift Jenkins gave her for Book Day was a stack of review materials for arithmetic class.

"Uncle William, I said, I don't have your luck, talent and hard work, and I don't want to become immortal, let alone transform into those strange things. So please don't give me sin coins anymore. Although you have taken the first path, don't force me to take the second path."

"Huh? Sorry, what did you say?"

Jenkins was a little confused, but immediately understood that his future niece was very clear about the role of sin coins at the current time. Those small round coins seemed to be related to the second immortal path mentioned by Peter.

"I mean..."

Chris William paused, frowned her beautiful eyebrows and looked at Jenkins' face.

"Uncle Jenkins, you seem a little different today."

She took Jenkins' hand and put it on her head, then motioned Jenkins to touch it. After Jenkins did it blankly, the young girl immediately showed an expression of sudden enlightenment:

"Not skilled at all! I know, you are Uncle Jenkins in the past!"

She showed a surprised expression, and then made a move to hug Jenkins, but Jenkins' sleepiness had already surged up:

"I should go, and I must be careful when I go out by myself in the future."

He could only leave this sentence to his niece, and then leaned back gently, closed his eyes and let the drowsiness completely drown him.

"Okay, I will pay attention."

Chris Williams said with some grievance, holding her arms, and then biting her lip and watching the man beside her turn into a shadow bit by bit, leaving her alone sitting in the corridor of the gallery.

Looking at the man who fell not far from the corridor, the girl suddenly felt a little bored. Singing softly, this is the church's hymn:

"Praise the great God of lies, you are the pioneer of the new era, the heir of omnipotence and omniscience, you are the protector of flower girls, the master of all things, you are the patron saint of shadows. You are life, you are death, praise you, sing praises to you..."

Section 1004 Chapter 986 Cane and Wooden Heart

The future that B-07-1-6233 showed to Jenkins was indeed very interesting, but it was a pity that Jenkins knew nothing about it, otherwise he would have heard some clues from the hymn sung by the girl.

After waking up again, Mr. Writer finally couldn't help vomiting. Even in the vomit of God, the breakfast and gastric juice mixed together still gave off a strange smell. This caused a small commotion, and the host Baron Tarak finally noticed the movement here, and was very worried and wanted to find a doctor for Jenkins, but was rejected again.

At this time, the old painter Grant who went to find a carriage also came back, but he had to squeeze through the crowd to see Jenkins. Under the coordination of the baron and the old painter, Jenkins got on the carriage with the help of everyone, and Grant and Tarak also got on to see him off. Everyone went directly back to the old man's antique shop, and Jenkins' miserable condition shocked the old man.

But fortunately, B-07-1-6233 seemed to be over, and the drowsiness never appeared again after waking up for the last time. When he arrived at the antique store, even the nausea had disappeared, leaving only a severe headache still tormenting him.

Dad told the painter and the baron that he would continue to take care of Jenkins, and after they left, he quickly took Jenkins to the church. The series of examinations did not end until lunch time. Jenkins lay weakly on the bed and watched Miss Bevanna and the nuns pushing the dining cart enter the room.

"What did you eat for breakfast? The current test results show that you are very healthy. The vomiting may be due to acute gastroenteritis, but it has been naturally cured by your body."

The woman asked softly, and then signaled the nuns to prepare lunch.

"I ate the leftover omelette from the day before yesterday, the water boiled last week, some meat porridge from last night, and ate a sprouted potato raw."

Jenkins whispered, in fact, what he was eating was a directly drawn Chinese breakfast.

"Don't eat sprouted potatoes anymore..."

warned Miss Bevanna, looking exasperated and amused.

Since there are no major problems, it’s good to take a little rest. Dad also came to see Jenkins, said a few words and then went back to the antique shop alone. Jenkins was about to finish lunch here before leaving, because Bishop Parrod walked in after Miss Bevanna left, and then ordered Jenkins to rest on the bed and not move around.

If Jenkins hadn't insisted on refusing, the bishop would have even wanted to find someone to feed him. This was a very shameful behavior. Jenkins loudly refused and swore to the sage that he was already very healthy, so he was qualified to eat by himself in bed with a dinner plate.

Not telling what happened just now was the result of careful consideration. While feeding Chocolate, Jenkins was still thinking that the possibility just now seemed pretty good.

After lunch, I chatted with the bishop for a while. Since being "over-treated" by Jenkins, his hair even tends to turn back to black. In recent years, the bishop has gradually stopped going to the countryside once a month, but since this year he has been going to the countryside twice a month with the missionary team.

The two talked about the aftermath of last week's incident at the opera house, and Jenkins cautiously asked about the church's attitude toward the war.

"No one likes war, except those who directly benefit. The Church of the Sages does not support all-out war, but the Twelve Churches have decided not to interfere with the Kingdom of Fidicli's revenge against Chesland unless something happens Total War Tendency."

The war is really about to begin. This morning's newspapers have reported that the big shots in Beldiland are meeting to discuss, and the major newspapers in the Kingdom of Chesland have also published strong responses.

Although this matter is indeed Duke Antak's fault, the Chesland Kingdom is definitely not a fool who blindly compromises. Now the anger between the two countries has gradually spread to all aspects, and the Kingdom of Hampavo, as a bystander, has not publicly expressed its official opinion so far.

When talking about the situation, the issue of espionage was also mentioned, and then the bishop pointed out that during the Undead War last week, unknown forces actually sneaked into the city hall and stole some documents. According to the traces at the scene, they were a group of ordinary people, so the church was surprised that in addition to the guards of Duke Antak who was responsible for guarding the clock tower, there were actually forces that controlled ordinary people from A-06-1-6269 [ Good night, my child] method.

Jenkins pretended not to hear anything, and Dolores' men seemed to have done something extra, but of course it had nothing to do with Mr. Writer, who had been in Evergreen Forest.

When we returned to the antique store at about two o'clock, my father laughed a little at Jenkins for getting into trouble because of his bad stomach. Jenkins couldn't refute, so he could only whisper why the chocolate didn't ruin his stomach. His father found an excuse for him:

"Your cat seems to be able to eat anything. Haven't you noticed that Chocolate has eaten too many things that are not suitable for cats?"

This is also irrefutable.

In the evening, the old painter bought some fruits and went to the antique store to visit Jenkins. He really regarded Jenkins as a friend, so he spoke more casually.

"I think your sick appearance was photographed by those annoying reporters today. There will probably be some unpleasant news tomorrow morning. Jenkins, I think you need to be prepared in advance."

Jenkins has also considered this matter, but the bishop will be responsible for handling all problems, so there is no need to worry about that.

The painter left after his visit, and was followed by Baron Tarlac, who had delivered something to Jenkins. Dad was very interested in the lightning struck thousand-year-old peach wood sculpture that Jenkins asked for. When he learned that he was looking for the thousand-year-old wood heart for his own experiment, he said cheerfully:

"Didn't you notice? Your cane is made of a whole wooden heart."

"Huh? You mean this cane?"

Jenkins pointed to the one leaning under the hanger, which was the [Spirit Strike Cane].

"Yes, that's the one."

Dad nodded in agreement:

"I don't know what you are going to do with the tree heart, but I must warn you that although Class B is almost indestructible, if it is a consumable experiment, it may damage its extraordinary properties. I will also help you pay attention to the products on the market. "

What Dad said makes sense. The next full moon is still a long time away. Jenkins is not in a hurry to prepare the elf potion now. After returning home that night, he took out the wooden heart from the sculpture and stored it in the basement together with the one sold by Miss Silver Flute.

The rest of the night was spent reading and planning a new book. Except for the fact that Chocolate kicked over the ink bottle while playing and contaminated half of the table, it was really a peaceful night.

PS: In the previous chapter, a lot of information was actually revealed, but the interstitial posts only said the surface. I can't wait to explain it to you...

Chapter 1005 Chapter 987 Community Gathering

On Sunday morning, as the roosters began to crow, Jenkins, who was awakened, was stunned for a long time before he began to think about why there were roosters crowing near his home.

At first, he suspected that it was Chocolate imitating the roosters to wake him up. The cat has always been weird, so it's not surprising that it can speak human language. But then he realized that it was only 5:30 in the morning, and it was still early for Chocolate's breakfast.

Jenkins has now moved to the bedroom on the second floor. There is not much difference between sleeping on the bed and sleeping on the floor. The sun rises much earlier in early spring, but there is still no morning light at 5:30. The curtains are closed, and Jenkins feels that he can no longer sleep, so he gets out of bed, opens the bedroom door and goes to the corridor, leaving the cat lying on the bed and refusing to get up alone in the bedroom.

There is no light in the corridor, and Jenkins walks down the stairs in the dark. He does not change out of his pajamas, but walks out of the house in his coat.

The sound of the rooster crowing comes from the Goodman's house next door. Standing under the eaves of the house and looking over there, he just happens to see a spirited red-crowned rooster standing on the tall fence between the two yards.

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