Noticing that Jenkins was looking at it, the chicken actually flapped its wings and jumped off the fence, then crossed half of the yard, jumped onto the abandoned cat bed that Jenkins had prepared for Chocolate but never used, bypassed the tree left by the previous owner, stepped on the lawn that had just sprouted new buds, walked step by step to Jenkins and looked up at him.


A few minutes later, Jenkins, wearing pajamas and slippers, rang the bell at the gate of the Goodman family's fence. He did not pick up the chicken because it was very obedient and followed Jenkins' feet.

The people in the Goodman family were probably sleeping. The bell rang for a long time before Mr. Goodman opened the door sleepily. Because of the obstruction of the fence, he could not see the rooster behind Jenkins' feet, and thought that Jenkins had something to find him.

While greeting, he walked out along the path in the yard and noticed the creature that should not appear on this street.

"Oh, Tommy, why are you here? Sorry, Mr. William, I think this little guy has caused you trouble."

He opened the gate and picked up the chicken familiarly. The bird called "Tommy" was a little reluctant, but was still picked up by Mr. Goodman.

Although Jenkins did not approve of keeping such a creature as a pet, it was really a pet chicken. Mr. Goodman's family certainly would not keep such a thing. This was asked by their relatives in the countryside to take care of it temporarily.

Originally, "Tommy" was locked in a cage in the kitchen, but the cage was not closed after feeding last night. It escaped from the kitchen to the living room on the first floor and left some disgusting things on the sofa. Then it got out of the window of the study and woke up the neighbor next door on time.

Mr. Goodman apologized to Jenkins for the impolite behavior of the chicken, and Jenkins waved his hand to say that it was nothing.

He turned around and wanted to leave, wondering if he could take a nap before going to the train station to greet his family who returned from a trip, but was stopped by Mr. Goodman again.

"Mr. William, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Jenkins has always had a good impression of his neighbors, the Goodman family, especially the mirror image of Mr. Goodman that he met in the mirror world. He was very weak, which represented a good mental state and an optimistic attitude.

"Please go ahead."

Jenkins said, looking at the pet chicken running around in the yard. He didn't know what Chocolate would think of this creature, but he thought it should be dismissive.

"You just moved to this street last fall. In fact, the neighbors organize a community gathering every year, probably in this season."

The middle-aged man pointed to the direction of No. 1 St. George Street on this street.

"That's the Bell family. They have lived on this street for more than ten years, and the community gathering was also organized by them. The content of the gathering is probably to re-sign the "Friendly Neighbor Agreement", discuss the sharing of the community service fee for the new year, and get to know new neighbors. You see, this street has changed a lot of people last year."

The "Friendly Neighbor Agreement" is a non-mandatory but mutually observed autonomous treaty jointly drafted by the residents of St. George Street. The agreement includes items such as "no large pet dogs allowed", "no renting out the house as a party venue", "cleaning your own lawn on time", etc. Although no one will be fined for non-compliance, in order not to be excluded by the community, no one will specifically go against the neighbors.

When Jenkins moved to this street, the previous owner of the house directly handed him the agreement and the house transfer contract. Jenkins also asked for his own agreement at No. 1 St. George Street in accordance with the requirements of Article 9 of the agreement "Regarding the move-in of new residents in the community".

The community service fee is a fee raised due to incomplete municipal construction. It is paid once a year. Everyone hires people to clean up the snow in winter and the fallen leaves in autumn. Another part is paid to Dr. Coulson who lives at the end of the street as a medical fund.

The money is supervised and used by everyone. Because it is settled once a year, Jenkins still uses the original payment, but at the end of each month, someone still sends him the balance of the community service fee.

"No problem, when will the community gathering be organized? I think I need to make time. I'm really busy recently."

Jenkins asked while looking at Mr. Goodman's lawn.

"Oh, I met Lawyer Belt yesterday evening. He said he would send us the invitation letter next week."

After Mr. Goodman finished speaking, he looked around mysteriously, as if he suspected that there were malicious neighbors hiding in the bushes, and then whispered to Jenkins:

"Mr. William, I heard that everyone will ask you about the sharing of community service fees at the party. Your house now occupies both the original location and the location of poor Mrs. Margaret's house. Some neighbors think you should pay two gold pounds... You should be prepared in advance."

"I understand, in fact, this makes sense."

Jenkins nodded and said that he had no opinion on this matter. Because the neighbors were right, he did occupy the location of two houses at the same time, and it was actually reasonable for him to bear the community public responsibilities of two households.

Hearing Jenkins say this, Mr. Goodman immediately said that he was really a generous and good neighbor. But Mr. Goodman also hinted that if Jenkins really didn't want to pay an extra fee, then he would definitely support Jenkins' idea in front of the neighbors in the community.

Chapter 1006 Chapter 988 Rabbit in Snow Country

After bidding farewell to Mr. Goodman, Jenkins turned and went straight back to his home. There is nothing important today, I just want to go on an interesting adventure with Miss Magic in the evening.

I woke up too early today, the milkman and the postman haven't come yet. After Jenkins went back, he started to make breakfast. At six o'clock, he heard the sound of Chocolate meowing in the bedroom above his head. The cat probably discovered that Jenkins was missing and was very dissatisfied.

By the time the sleepy and greedy cat jumped down the stairs, today's breakfast was already on the dining table. The cat was very dissatisfied because he didn't see the sweet milk. He didn't get happy until he heard the sound of someone putting a glass bottle at the door.

When the cat was getting warm milk, the postman came. Chocolat heard the sound first and left the dining room, walked through the living room into the hall, and slipped out through the small door under the door. After a while, he returned to Jenkins with his tail wagging and a letter in his mouth. After putting down the letter, he squinted his eyes and accepted the man's patting and caressing.

There were always a lot of letters from Jenkins, and the young cat probably just picked up the lightest one. But its ability to do so was enough to move Jenkins for a long time.

The letter that was retrieved by Chocolate was a rather formal letter. The red round sealing wax contained the pattern of a noble family crest. Jenkins did not recognize what family it represented. After all, his etiquette class was an emergency attack with Miss Stuart, and Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Kingdom of Hampavo would definitely not teach the knowledge of the noble heraldry of the Kingdom of Fidictry. .

Since the incident at the Opera House, Jenkins has received many similar letters, most of which invite him to various banquets or dances. The reason is "to thank him for the rescue at the Royal Opera House." But Jenkins always declined politely by writing letters, and the reason was that there was something going on in the church.

This letter follows the same pattern. Earl Hermon, who lives in Nolan, also attended the opera premiere last week. Therefore, in order to thank Jenkins, he wanted to invite him to attend the event held at the Earl's residence the day after tomorrow, which is Tuesday night. prom.

But every Tuesday is Roen's party time, how could Jenkins give up the opportunity to meet Alexia for a boring dance.

Spending his mediocre breakfast time reading newspapers, Nolan discovered five more suspected sources of plague one after another. The closest one was just three blocks away on St. George Street, which worried Jenkins.

When he turned to the third page, he saw unexpected news. It was originally the crossword puzzle page and advertising page, but the left half of this issue was divided, and the title was Mobilization.

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh, the damn war was still going to start.

While the draft mobilization was fraught, at least the crossword puzzle was entertaining enough. Jenkins was stumped by the clues in the second line of "a cute animal", "only living in the north of the continent", and "hate sman radishes". He repeatedly told Chocolate that the answer was not the three-letter word "cat", but chocolate. Perseveringly, he pressed his paw on the prompt "a cute animal" and looked at him with wide eyes. Jenkins did read the prompt just now. Chocolate must have understood it.

It was difficult to explain the rules of the crossword puzzle to the illiterate Chocolate, so Jenkins could only throw the newspaper aside and forget about it for a while.

After breakfast, I went to the station to greet my relatives returning home. The train was still not on time. It actually arrived early. This is even rarer than being on time.

Mary, who rushed to hug Jenkins, was worried about her second son who was left alone in Nolan. The news about Antak's poisoning last week was so exaggerated that the family was still worried about him even after they received a letter from Jenkins to ensure his safety.

In this way, he sent his parents and younger brother back to Privet Drive, declined the invitation to have lunch, and finally arrived at his father's antique shop at about eleven o'clock. His father happened to be reading the newspaper, and he told Jenkins, For those three letters, the prompts are "a cute animal", "only lives in the north of the continent", "hate Siman radish", and the answer to the crossword question is "Iceland Rabbit".

Chocolate was unhappy about this for a while, until Jenkins agreed to eat "roasted iceland rabbit" for lunch today.

"Speaking of the Ice Rabbit, I think you should remember its special subspecies."

Dad asked, seemingly wanting to conduct a surprise assessment, which he always did.

"You mean the one that can live in an environment of minus 40 degrees? That kind of rabbit fur is very expensive, but girls like it."

Jenkins cautiously pursued clues.

"No, it's the kind that breathes fire."

Dad prompted.

It is difficult for rabbits living on ice caps to have the ability to breathe fire through natural evolution, and it is absolutely impossible for rabbits to migrate from other places. Therefore, this limited the search scope to a very narrow range, but even so, Jenkins still thought for a long time before searching for that rare rabbit population from his memory.

When he was looking for information about demons last year, he saw information about that kind of rabbit. People suspected that these extraordinary creatures living in the ice and snow had the ability to breathe fire because their ancestors were related to demons and thus inherited the power of hellfire. talent.

"I know, Black Fire White Rabbit!"

Jenkins had the answer.

"Yes, that kind of rabbit fat is an excellent ceremonial material. The church recently got a large batch from the northern diocese. If you want to use it, you'd better apply as soon as possible. It's very popular."

Dad said this and motioned to Jenkins to hand him the duster on the counter.

"But isn't this kind of rabbit very rare? It only lives in the Arctic ice cap where it is difficult for humans to explore."

"Something has taken over their habitat. Now a large number of rabbits have migrated from the ice cap to the south. Because a large number of live animals have been caught, the northern diocese plans to join forces with the [Church of All Things and Nature] to try artificial breeding and breeding."

"What is occupying the territory of those rabbits? I remember that black fire and white fur rabbits are very ferocious...more ferocious than ordinary domestic cats."

Chocolate glanced at Jenkins and felt he was being hinted.

"Do you know A-01-1-8322 [Snowman Legion]?"

Dad put the duster back next to the unlit fireplace, then sat back in the rocking chair, picked up the newspaper and turned to the next page, revealing a group photo of the congressmen.


How could Jenkins not have heard of the Snowman Legion? Since last winter, he had frequently heard about this strange thing from Miss Stuart.

Chapter 1007 Chapter 989 Rain and Capay

Dad didn't care what Jenkins thought about [Snowman Legion]. He continued to speak slowly while reading the newspaper:

"[Snowman Legion] is a kind of strange thing that exists in the nature of a legion. Its individual ability is not strong, but quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes. Those terrible things were driven to the far north by the demigods of Loen Parish last year. Recently, people It was discovered that the environment in the far north has changed, and the migration of those terrible rabbits is just one of them. In short, the Yeti Legion has undergone a mutation, and a more powerful mutation has forced the native population of the far north to relocate. Facing troubles, it is no longer something that can be solved by a simple demigod. "

Speaking of this, Dad felt quite gloating about his misfortune. In fact, it's not his fault. Nolan Parish has suffered countless disasters since last year. Now that Nolan is temporarily peaceful, but troubles occur elsewhere, even Jenkins can't help but have similar thoughts of gloating.

"I don't know if this matter will affect Alexia and Dolores. I will remember to ask on Tuesday."

he thought to himself.

"Actually, this is also a good thing."

Dad’s words are not over yet:

"Now the war between the Kingdom of Fidictry and the Kingdom of Cheslan is about to break out. In order to prevent the snowmen from the north from invading the city, the Kingdom of Hampavo has dispatched a large number of troops to the north to guard the border. It is temporarily unable to intervene in the two southern countries. This is a good thing, at least it prevents the whole continent from fighting. "

"It's indeed a good thing."

Jenkins nodded. He was worried that the competition between himself and Duke Antak on the [Destiny Stage] would trigger an all-out war in the human world. Now the emergence of the [Snowman Legion] has successfully organized a terrible future.

"It's a good thing for most people, but not a good thing for the northern parishes. Those guys will probably have a headache... In recent years, there have been more and more strange things. The rumors are correct. , the end of the era is probably really coming..."

While chatting with my father, I continued to copy pictures of the stone slab. Jenkins has made great progress, and now he can copy it completely in two hours a day. This was much faster than Dad expected, so he believed that Jenkins did have talent, and that being chosen as the Son might not be mainly due to the sacrifice of divinity.

To copy a new stele, you need to mix some sentences in common language into the runes and symbols of the stele. Jenkins tried the dictionary his dad recommended, but quickly gave up. Then he tried copying mathematics books and sages' teachings, and finally found that copying history books was the most efficient for him to accumulate spiritual energy. Jenkins himself didn't know why.

The weather had been gloomy all morning, which meant that there were not many guests on a beautiful Sunday. After Jenkins finished copying today's tasks, he held his chin and watched Chocolate play with his tail.

Chocolate quickly noticed Jenkins' gaze and gave him a fierce "meow~" before turning around to avoid Jenkins' sight. Somehow, Jenkins sensed shyness in a cat.

Seeing that it was almost lunch time, I went out to buy roast rabbit. It was okay when I left the antique store, but when I bought the rabbit and turned around to go back, it started to rain. Although the rain was not very heavy, Jenkins was carrying cooked food in his hand. If it got wet by the rain, he might not be able to eat it.

He hurriedly ran down the street, surrounded by other people taking shelter from the rain. Seeing that the rain was getting heavier, Jenkins had no choice but to stop running forward, pushed open the door and walked into the store next to him, hoping to wait for the rain to subside or to borrow an umbrella before going back.

Unfortunately, there were no extra umbrellas in this clothing store, but the young female owner didn't mind Jenkins staying here to take shelter from the rain. Although Jenkins was anxious to go back and worried that the cat that came with him would not be anxious, he had no other choice.

After waiting in the store for five minutes, someone else pushed the door open and came in. It was a woman holding an umbrella, and Jenkins knew her as Miss Capet.

Speaking of which, since escaping from the mirror world on Tuesday afternoon, this was the second time I met her this week.

Miss Cape was also surprised to meet Jenkins in a ladies' clothing store. After learning that he was just taking shelter from the rain, she offered to lend him her umbrella.

This place is only two alleys away from Dad's antique shop. Jenkins thought about it and agreed. He took Miss Cape's umbrella and quickly returned to the antique shop. After explaining the situation of borrowing the umbrella, he took another umbrella with the cat and returned the woman's umbrella.

When Jenkins returned to the clothing store, it was still raining heavily. Miss Cape bought a new hat in the store. She offered to go to the place where Jenkins worked to take a look. Jenkins thought about it and did not refuse.

They each held their own umbrella and returned to the rainy street. At this time, there were no people on the street. The hurried spring rain washed the city and "washed" the people who did not bring umbrellas into the house.

As they walked and talked, Jenkins learned that Miss Cape had to stay in Nolan for a while because of her injury and acted as the contact person of the Church of All Things and Nature in Nolan. She has now moved out of the church of the Church of Ocean and Exploration and settled in a high-end hotel near the city center. There is nothing to do on weekdays, and she always wanders around the city.

In the sound of rain, the two talked about the mirror world again. It is said that the Orthodox Church has decided to permanently stop exploring the mirror world. In view of the terrible evil creatures sealed there, this decision is quite correct.

Miss Cape's memory of the evil creatures being called in the mirror world only stayed when she was rolled up by the tentacles and rescued by Jenkins. She had no idea what happened afterwards. After waking up, she was ready for the challenge of the last shuttle mirror.

Therefore, the report submitted by Miss Cape to the church did not involve the follow-up and results of the incident, which facilitated Jenkins's casual nonsense.

The woman should have seen Jenkins' report later, but did not question it. When the two set out in the rain towards Dad's antique shop, she kept thanking Jenkins. After Jenkins replied vaguely, he turned to other topics.

Even on rainy days, the fog in the city did not completely dissipate. The rain and fog blocked the view at the same time, but fortunately there were not many people on the road, as if this spring rain had cleared the city in an instant.

But the moisture of the rain finally cleared the smell of polluted air temporarily, and Jenkins breathed in the smell of nature, which was hard-won.

Section 1008 Chapter 990 [Alien Frenzy]

Miss Cape was not the first believer of [Spirit of Nature] that Jenkins had come into contact with, but she was the one he was most familiar with.

The true god [Spirit of Nature] is considered to be the first god in the world, although the cult of this god does not recognize this at all.

The legends and stories about this god occupy one-third of the religious stories currently circulating in the human world. Some benefactors believe that [The Church of All Things and Nature] keeps the deepest secrets of this world.

Compared with the churches of the other eleven gods, [The Church of All Things and Nature] has often been in a state of peace with the world in history. The church's churches tend to be set up in forests and villages rather than big cities, and the church is also happy to help any non-evil pagans.

Jenkins believes that the church of this god must have secrets about the strange world, the end of the era, and even the origin of numbered items, but unfortunately no one can prove this speculation.

Miss Cape was not very talkative. When she and Jenkins talked about the scenery of the east coast of Cheslan Kingdom, they had already walked to the door of the antique shop. Under the canopy of the antique shop, she took back her umbrella and swung it twice at the puddle of water at the door of the shop, and ripples immediately appeared in the puddle.

The door of the shop was pushed open with the sound of the bell, and the umbrella was casually inserted into the storage bucket in the corner. The old man who was still reading the newspaper looked up and saw Jenkins, and also saw the woman behind him.

"Dad, long time no see."

Miss Cape greeted naturally.

This made Jenkins stunned, he never knew that this young girl actually knew Dad.

Dad obviously knew Miss Cape, in fact, he knew almost everyone Jenkins met. Dad was not surprised at the appearance of the woman. He waved to Jenkins to take his cat to the backyard for lunch, and then went to the second floor with Miss Cape.

Jenkins was actually very curious about the conversation between the two, but he did not have the habit of eavesdropping on other people's conversations. While eating, I was still wondering how old Miss Cape was when she met my father. She didn't look very old.

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