Chapter 1019 Chapter 1001 Church Bank

After dinner, he begins to prepare for evening classes. The arithmetic class every Wednesday is one of the few times when Jenkins can feel that he is making a contribution to the church. In the fall, he would get nervous every time he stepped onto the stage, but he later regained his composure when he noticed that most people couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Feeney's hard work is one of the important reasons that motivates Jenkins to teach, but it is not that there are no other believers besides girls who are working hard. Jenkins typically arrives in class half an hour or twenty minutes before lectures to give those with questions a chance to ask them.

Although most of the questions are very basic, sometimes interesting ones can be encountered. Today we talked about multiplication again. After Jenkins finished most of the lecture, he saw that it was still early, so he asked an interesting question to everyone who was listening.

"Let's assume a situation now. I want to give one of you some rice as a gift for listening carefully."

Use assumptions like this to grab the audience's attention.

"Now there are two options. One is to directly choose such a big pocket and I will fill it."

He traced the shape with his hands, which was probably a dough bag with an ordinary capacity.

"Another option, I would use a chessboard and put one grain of rice on the first square of the board on the first day, two grains of rice on the second square on the second day, and four grains of rice on the third day. In short, every day The meters placed are doubled from the previous day until the last square, which is the 6/4th square. Which option is the most appropriate? ”

Of course no one would answer him, in fact no one ever took the initiative to answer any of the questions Jenkins asked in class, people seemed to think that was a disruptive behavior in the classroom.

Jenkins waited for a while and saw the cat lying next to Feeney. He thought that if the cat had to choose, he would definitely want them all.

Seeing that no one spoke, and those who were listening attentively just looked at him with raised faces, he turned around, picked up the chalk, and began to calculate how many meters he could get in total with the second option.

No one could understand his calculation process using the geometric sequence, but that didn't matter. Jenkins just wanted to give a conclusion so that people in the classroom could understand what terrible numbers would be derived from multiple doublings.

Unfortunately, the number that represents the number of rice grains has so many digits that most people can't even read it. They only know that this is a quantity that they will never touch in their lifetime. Jenkins didn't know if he was successful in giving this example, but it seemed that Feeney was frightened by the result. After class, she quietly asked him if the chessboard that could hold so many meters was one of those space objects in the story that holds everything.

Jenkins couldn't answer this simple question.

After the course, Jenkins stood on the podium to pack his things. People leaving would greet him with respect. Feeney had already trotted away, getting ready to go to sleep. Jenkins lowered his head and called his cat, asking it to wake up a little and stop sleeping.

"Did you know that sleeping too much can actually make cats fat?"

Jenkins taught his cat something he had forgotten where he heard it from.


It's an obvious questioning tone, but it looks like the cat thinks it's Jenkins talking nonsense.

I originally planned to go directly to Miss Bevanna, but when I was about to leave the podium, I saw Bishop Parrod walking from the last row of the classroom. Although there are doors at the front and back of this lecture theater, the back door is locked during class, which means that the bishop could only sit here before class and spend two hours listening to Jenkins standing on the podium explaining elementary multiplication. .

"Oh, Bishop, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice you. There were too many people sitting in the back. Maybe you should sit in the front."

He made a little joke, and the old man smiled and signaled to Jenkins that he didn't need to leave, and that the conversation could be conducted in this classroom with only two people and one cat.

"Jenkins, what you said is really good. It reminds me of the days in school many years ago. Mr. Rocholl, who taught us mathematics at the time, would probably be almost a hundred years old if he were still alive."

He shook his head and dismissed the memories of the past:

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I'm looking for you because of church matters. Oh, before that I have to say something. The mysteries of mathematics are really fascinating. The example of placing meters on the chessboard is very good. This is similar to ' The basic concept of Fabry's scam is similar, one changes to two, to four, to eight, and in just a few rounds, a huge number can be accumulated."

Jenkins also didn't want to discuss the issue. He always hated discussing all things "Fabri Scam" with others.

The bishop was still talking to himself. He mentioned the Fabry scam because the Sage Church finally made the decision to open a regular church bank.

The advantage of church banks is that they have extremely high credibility, but the disadvantage is that they only accept deposits from believers. Before this, the church also had functions similar to banks, such as helping believers save money or making temporary loans, but formal church banks certainly cannot be limited to this.

Since the person who currently knows the most about finance and banking is Jenkins Willamette, the matter ultimately falls on Jenkins.

"You won't ask me to set up a bank, right?"

Jenkins asked embarrassedly, he didn't have so much time.

"No, no, you are still too young, and you have other important things to do. The Holy See hopes that you can give a plan and write down some of your opinions on modern banks. The church should use this as a support to open a bank. "

But even just that, Jenkins is under a lot of pressure. He knew very little about the banking industry, and if he relied solely on what he knew to write a plan, he would definitely get into trouble in the end. But the people in the church have great trust in Jenkins' ability. They don't know whether they think he will be able to come up with a good plan because of the favor of the sage, or because Jenkins' performance in the Fabry scam was too dazzling.

But fortunately, Jenkins has friends, and very reliable friends. Now Alexia of Loen is preparing to assist Dolores in setting up the kingdom's new finance and finance department. If this matter is entrusted to them, they will definitely get good results.

"Just do it this way, Alexia won't let me down."

Jenkins had pushed the matter out of his mind, so his expression returned to normal when he said goodbye to the bishop. This is an era of great change. Although Jenkins also wants to participate, he needs to find an aspect to participate in that he is good at, and finance is obviously something he is not good at.

“So what am I good at….”

PS: The laptop keyboard is broken...

Chapter 1020 Chapter 1002 Mass Funeral

The fighting class was unremarkable, but Jenkins learned from Miss Bevanna that the entrance to the Mirror Realm on the outskirts of the city had decided to close permanently.

After weighing the intelligence provided by Jenkins and Miss Capet, the Orthodox Church ultimately concluded that the Mirror Realm was an area that mortals should not explore. For the sake of peace and tranquility in the material world, all secrets about the mirror world will be permanently sealed, and the story of the circus will be lost forever.

This was the right decision, greed did not devour the mortals, which would open the way for the mortals to move on.

The next day was Thursday, and early in the morning Jenkins found a letter from Bell, a lawyer who lived at No. 1 St. George Street, in his mailbox.

[Dear Baron William:

Good day,

You are cordially invited to attend a neighborhood gathering this Sunday at 19:00 at 1 St. George Street, where street autonomy for the new year will be discussed.

I wish you all the best in your life on St. George's Street.

NOTE: You do not need to bring gifts.

your neighbor,

Francis Bell]

There was no stamp on the envelope, and it looked like the lawyer had woken up early and delivered it directly to Jenkins' mailbox. Probably because he valued Jenkins' status, the letter was written in an extremely formal tone, but in fact this kind of invitation did not require such a formal letter.

He was checking mail at the fence in his pajamas, and heard the neighbor's door open again. It wasn't Mr. Goodman who was leaving for work. It was his neighbor on the other side, Mrs. Mistalla Forante.

This middle-aged woman has an irregular schedule, and this is the first time Jenkins has seen her early in the morning. She also noticed Jenkins who was checking the mailbox, and walked towards the door of her house while saying hello.

Not to go out, but to pick up mail and newspapers like Jenkins. As expected, Attorney Bell also sent her an invitation letter. Jenkins and Mrs. Forlant also talked about this matter, and then both agreed that although the letter said that there was no need to bring gifts, if they were really empty-handed It would be rude to go.

The day for the neighbor's gathering was chosen on Sunday night, presumably taking into account the time arrangements of the neighbors. Jenkins took this matter very seriously. He believed that he would live on St. George Street for many years, so he decided to put aside everything that night as much as possible and rush back to participate.

He still had important things to do today. Half a month after the battle in Evergreen Forest, the Sage Church had processed the bodies of all the victims and finally decided to hold a collective funeral for them. The funeral was held in a church cemetery in the suburbs. His father told Jenkins in advance, so Jenkins changed into a black formal dress suitable for the funeral atmosphere before going out.

First, they went to Dad’s antique shop in a carriage. After picking up Dad, the carriage carried the two of them toward the outskirts of the city. This was the carriage that Jenkins found at the intersection of St. George Street. The driver was happy to be able to pull guests who were going so far so early in the morning.

This wasn't Jenkins' first funeral, so Dad didn't have to explain what he needed to pay attention to. The funeral started at ten in the morning, and the two of them arrived near the cemetery at eight-thirty.

It was a Y-shaped intersection. Among the three roads, the carriage road leads to Nolan, the left one leads to Chike Town and some small villages under Nolan, and the right side is the cemetery of the Sage Church and the low-rise buildings. hills with many orchards.

After paying the fare, we set off along the path towards the cemetery. We didn't go far before we saw the cemetery hidden in the morning mist. Jenkins and Dad were not the first ones to come, there were many people who came earlier than them.

Even though the funeral hadn't started yet, the atmosphere was more depressing than imagined. After entering the cemetery, Dad and Jenkins stopped communicating. Soon Dad saw an acquaintance and walked over to chat alone, leaving Jenkins alone there.

Jenkins knew most of the people at the scene, and those who saw him would greet him with a respectful tone. But Jenkins doesn't want everyone to do this, at least not here. It makes him feel embarrassed, although he doesn't know where this emotion comes from.

It was very impolite to bring a cat to a funeral, but Jenkins couldn't find anyone to look after it. Now Chocolate pretended to be well-behaved and stepped on the grass, following Jenkins' heels. They had a unilateral agreement this morning that if Chocolate was very well-behaved, he could get him some delicious food at dinner.

Cats like delicious food, but they hate being disliked by Jenkins even more, so they decided to behave very obediently during the funeral to let Jenkins know that their cat is a well-behaved cat.

At about nine o'clock, everyone had arrived. Most of the church's gift-givers who had no work today came. Many ordinary clergy and church leaders also came. Jenkins saw the bishop get off the carriage accompanied by a group of people from a distance. But he still had to prepare a speech in a while, so Jenkins didn't bother him.

Dad was away, so Jenkins could only stand with Professor Burns. The two had a lot of common topics. In addition to Mr. Corpse's party tonight, they also talked about the skull sword.

The professor had always been interested in the sword, and after the incident, he used the church's resources to find some information. Although it was not very successful, at least some unusual things were discovered from the past.

"The Skeleton Sword is not completely unknown. In fact, even in our time, there are still legends about the sword in many areas. I checked some folklorists' works and found that stories or legends related to the [Sword that Controls the Undead] almost run through our history. And in some versions of the story, the sword is also related to God."

"Is that so?"

Jenkins was interested. He stood under the pillars of the church in the center of the cemetery with the professor, his hands folded in front of his chest. Few people pass by here, this is a good place to talk.

"I think you should have vaguely noticed that none of the religious scriptures have declared their gods to be the original gods. As for the world and gods, the current mainstream view is that the great [Spirit of Nature] [Mother Goddess of the Earth] and [Eternal Blazing Sun] are the original gods. But have you noticed something strange? Why is the great [End of Death], who has the most orthodox [Death] priesthood, excluded from the original gods?"

The professor asked softly, and was a little afraid of talking about gods wantonly. Jenkins thought about it and shook his head to indicate that he couldn't explain it. He also understood that [Death] and [All Things] [Earth] [Sun] should indeed have the same status. The point pointed out by the professor was indeed very strange.

Section 1021 Chapter 1003 Two generations of death gods

Under the chapel's pillars, seeing that Jenkins could not answer, the professor changed the question:

"Then let me put it another way. The core priesthoods of the twelve gods are arranged according to the months. What pattern can you find?"

"【Nature】【Sun】【Earth】【Ocean】【Night】【Starry Sky】【Destiny】【Machine】【War】【Knowledge】【Travel】【Death】..."

Jenkins said these twelve words, thought about it again and again, and then asked uncertainly:

"It seems that the priesthood has gradually shifted from the objectively existing world to the concept generated by the emergence of intelligent creatures...but the last one [Death]..."

"December is the beginning and the end."

The professor added in time, seeing that Jenkins was still thinking, he said:

"This is easy to understand. Although this is an order from January to December, the end of a year does not mean the destruction of the world. This should actually be called a cycle from January to December. December is an end and a beginning. It is really appropriate for [Death] to govern this month."

"But if this is the case, doesn't it mean that from the perspective of the monthly order, [Death] is in the same queue as the priesthoods of the original three gods."

Jenkins finally came to this conclusion.

"Yes, the God of Death does have such qualifications, but this great one is not among the original three gods. There are some very blasphemous legends in some secret books. I hope you just listen to them and don't tell others. Our focus today is to talk about the Skull Sword..."

The professor looked around furtively for a long time. After making sure that no one was paying attention to this side, he threw a talisman to isolate the sound, and then put his mouth close to Jenkins' ear and whispered:

"The current God of Death is not the original God of Death."

After saying this, he looked around again in fear, then lowered his head and prayed silently, drew the holy emblem of the sage on his chest, and dared to speak again after a while, but he seemed to regret what he had just said.

Jenkins thought of more things. He had learned the name of the master [Ancient God of Death] in the undead incident, and this master had an extraordinary connection with the Augustus family.

Combined with the conclusion that the master [Ancient God of Death] was the original God of Death, and the modern God [Death's End] was the successor, it was not difficult to get.

"But what does this have to do with the Skeleton Sword?"

Jenkins had not forgotten the reason for starting the topic.

"I saw a saying that the Skeleton Sword was formed when the original Death God and his successor were in transition. It was a terrible weapon formed after the slight power of God fell into the material world, so it was so powerful..."

The professor felt that he had said enough. He shook his head and bent down to pick up the Silence Charm. While Jenkins was thinking about the problem, he repeatedly reminded him not to tell anyone else about today's conversation.

Although Chocolate also heard this conversation, Chocolate is a cat, not a human.

Jenkins still wanted to talk about it, but the professor didn't want to continue. When he heard that Jenkins was interested in the "original death god", the professor told him in panic that the previous statements were just blasphemous ideas without evidence. But he couldn't resist Jenkins' repeated requests, so he still revealed some key clues, but that was just a direction.

"The son of the evil god was born next door to your house. When it retreated, do you remember what the church found? Among those items that help with delivery, one of them may be helpful..."


Jenkins' eyes lit up, "A-12-4-6701 [Fragment of the cloak of the god of death]!"

The first time I heard about this item was last fall when Jenkins just became a gifter. He heard about this strange item from his father, which was collected by the [Death and Doom] Church. It was hijacked and taken to New Truman City. It was not until the winter came and the son of God was born that he knew that the cloth was used as a swaddling cloth after delivery.

It has been several months since the Son of God incident. This strange object has probably been returned to the Church of Death and Doom, but as long as it is still in Nolan, there is still hope. After all, Jenkins is now a respectable person.

The information provided by the professor is so valuable that Jenkins kept his head down thinking about it during the entire funeral. Fortunately, the funeral process did not require his participation. The church originally planned to let Jenkins bless the victims, but later, considering safety issues, the blessing process was changed to be carried out by Jenkins and those who knew his identity as the Son of God after most people left the funeral.

The entire funeral process was long and depressing. The scribes and ordinary clergy who died in the Skeleton Sword incident were eligible to be buried in this cemetery. The bishop personally introduced each of them and encouraged everyone to get out of sadness and grief as soon as possible.

The families of the victims also came, and the crying at that time made Jenkins unwilling to recall it.

The funeral lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon, and after Jenkins finished blessing the coffins, the sunset could be faintly seen in the western sky.

He and his father took the carriage back to the city, and Jenkins didn't say much along the way.

"Are you in a bad mood?"

The father asked.

"This is the first time I've seen so many victims. I thought I was a very strong person."

He was just thinking about the ancient death god. Although the funeral affected his mood, it was far less serious than he said.

"You will get used to it. As a scribe, we may encounter life and death at any time. You will gradually get used to it, Jenkins. After all, you are still young..."

The father sighed, not knowing what he thought of. Maybe he was also affected by the sad atmosphere of the funeral, or maybe the conversation with Jenkins reminded him of the past. Before returning to the antique shop, the father did not bring up any new topics.

It was time to get off work, but considering that he had not been in the store all day today, Jenkins decided to stay in the antique shop for a while before going home. His maid, Mrs. Mahat, would leave on her own if she saw that the door to the yard was not open, and Jenkins would not deduct her salary for this. This was agreed upon when the employment agreement was signed.

After changing out of his formal attire for the funeral, Jenkins simply tidied up the counter, flipped the "Closed" sign on the door to "Open" on the other side, and went out to buy dinner with the cat who had been bored all day.

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